The Sinister Design Forums

General => General Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: Zackirus on March 22, 2010, 05:02:08 PM

Title: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 22, 2010, 05:02:08 PM
This is the list of characters that are in the game so far. If you want out, or you don't respond within a week of this forum being posted your character will be saved but will not be part of the adventure. If any changes must be made EMAIL me, do not write in this forum the change. It will be made.



Psy Fighter


Psy Power:       9
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:    8    
Personality:      9
Aptitude:         10    

Mind Blast:       2
Mind Shield:      1
Light Blast:       1

S. Skill:
Clairvoyance, Provide Light   



Red Spriggat:
Psy Fighter (Fire)   

Psy Power:      15
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:    9    
Personality:      5
Aptitude:         7   

Mind Blast:       1    
Fire Breath:      2
Wall of Fire:      1

S. Skill:
Flying, Craft/Appraise   


Mikiea Uinop   

Gelf Fighter   

Psy Power:     n/a
Power:             7
Psy Defence:   10    
Personality:      0
Aptitude:         19

Dagger:             2
Claws:               2

S. Skill:
Climbing, Smithing   



Psy Fighter (Ice)   

Psy Power:      12
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:   12    
Personality:      7
Aptitude:          5   

Mind Blast:       2
CryoBlast:        2

S. Skill:
Drop Temperature   


C. Maome   

Untrained Psy   

Psy Power:     n/a
Power:              6
Psy Defence:   10    
Personality:     10
Aptitude:         10   

Sword:              2            
Backhander:     1
Sword Throw:  1

S. Skill:
Throwing Sword + Return   



Shadowling Assassin (Shadow)
Psy Power:      11
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:   10    
Personality:      4
Aptitude:         11   

Mind Blast:       2
Shadow Port:    1
Shadow Blast:   1

S. Skill:
Stun Enemies   


Othren Barak
A.K.A: The Wraith   

Psy Assassin (Shadow)   

Psy Power:      12
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:    9    
Personality:      7
Aptitude:          8   

Mind Blast:        2
Leap:               1
Shadow Blast:    1

S. Skill:
Lock Picking, Sneaking   



Dark Spriggat:
Psy Fighter (Shadow)

Psy Power:      6
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:    6
Personality:      12
Aptitude:          12

Mind Blast:       1
Dark Breath:    
Dark Shield:      1  

S. Skill:
Improved Dark Resistance


Human Performer (Light)

Psy Power:      0
Power:            n/a
Psy Defence:    12
Personality:      12
Aptitude:          12

Trick:                2
Illusion:             2  

S. Skill:
Performing (for money)

Ersatz Man
Title: Instructions
Post by: Zackirus on March 22, 2010, 08:11:36 PM
The First thing that must be addressed is the stats and starting gear. Each stat that you put down for your character will do something to affect your characters: actions/behaviour/skill in battle. If you have any questions, please again Email Myself and I will happy answer them. Your starting gear is 100 gold, and you start either in Psy Academy or Ravinville

Psy Power and Power (Pow/P. Pow): These are your power stats: Whenever you are involved in an action that requires you to attack, move, and run these affect you scores. Even though Psy characters don't use strength, they can still use this to move objects and climb. This also applies when you fight an enemy.  Just because your character might have a weak Psy Strength, doesn't mean that that character is weak, it just means that the physical restrictions on the character are quite high. For Example: A character with 13 Power might be able to climb a wall, while a character with 6 Power could not.  
1-3=         -2
4-6=         -1
7-9=          0
10-12=    +1
13-15=    +2
16-18=    +3
19-21=    +4
22+=       +5

Defence (Def): This is your Health/Energy Stat: Everything you do requires energy, whether it be from walking to Somnus, or carrying a 50 pound weight. The amount of energy required to do a certain task can be from 1-20, I will decide how much energy is put into each task. Health is how much H.P. You have left. Health and Energy are Different. Energy regains at the end of the day once you go to sleep, while health only regains %25 of your total health each day (when you go to sleep). Health Will be explained in battle. Your start with a base health/energy of 20 that can be deducted or increased based on your Defence. Another Fact you should Know is that your Defence + Attack= PsP
1-3=         -6
4-6=         -3
7-9=          0
10-12=    +3
13-15=    +6
16-18=    +9
19-21=    +12
22+=       +15

Personality (Per): This is how good you are at persuading people to do something. For example, you are trying to haggle the price of a horse and you have a Personality of 3, this would mean that you would not get your point across and maybe even pay more! Personality is also going to have an effect on how you can talk to people. Obviously a person with a high personality will be able to make new friends and convince people that something exists when it really doesn't. Personality can be helpful to convince enemies to not attack you or even each other.
1-3=         -2
4-6=         -1
7-9=          0
10-12=    +1
13-15=    +2
16-18=    +3
19-21=    +4
22+=       +5

Aptitude: This is how smart you are, when it comes to reading into somebody's mind or figuring out a problem. The more Aptitude you have the less training can cost, and it is at a fixed cost as well! The difference is that actions that require to use your brain use the regular aptitude while the training follows a different sort of pattern. Having a high Aptitude is good for character who can read people's mind because they read minds better and create illusions, while one who doesn't have a high aptitude might don't be able to read minds or read the wrong message!
Regular Aptitude:
1-3=         -2
4-6=         -1
7-9=          0
10-12=    +1
13-15=    +2
16-18=    +3
19-21=    +4
22+=       +5
Training Aptitude:
1-3=         +25
4-6=         +50
7-9=          0
10-12=    -25
13-15=    -50
16-18=    -75
19-21=    -100
22+=       -125

Results: The results are based off of two things. First the roll of a d20 (a die with 20 sides) which the results are determined by the roll which translates into this (Die # + Modifier):
1-4= Epic Fail
5-8= Miss
9-12= Nothing Happens
13-16= Success
17-20= Ultra Win!
For Example: A character with strength of 10 is trying to climb a tree. The roll they get is an 11. 11 + 1= 12. So nothing happens and the character gets to try again with no plenty (at least not in this case). The second factor is the realism factor. For example: A character wants to buy an Ultra Laser Doom Sword that costs 50,000 gold. Is it possible that a character with an 8 personality will get the price down to 20,000 gold, not very, very likely? Any actions that seem impossible to do will simply have negative effects on them, so do nothing your character can't handle.

Training: This is when you go to a personal trainer and you can train either one of your moves or your characters stats. To train your characters attacks to the higher level it will always cost N (the next level) X 25 +/- Aptitude Training Modifier + 50. For each Stat that you want to increase the following formula is used N (the next level) X 50 +/- Aptitude Training Modifier + 100. There are some key facts you need to know about training. Every 3 times you train stats, you get to raise one of your stats ( like the game). Once your Attack reaches level 2 you get the next attack available (see chart), your new attack however starts at level zero. If you're the level of your attack is already 2, it must be trained once before you unlock the next level. Once your character reaches 10+ Defence, He/she gains resistance to his/her affinity.  Remember this for training:
Training Aptitude:
1-3=         +25
4-6=         +50
7-9=          0
10-12=    -25
13-15=    -50
16-18=    -75
19-21=    -100
22+=       -125

Attacks: You should know what each attack does ( A the first attacks costs 2 PsP, the second attack 4 PsP, the third and final attack costs 8 PsP)
Mind Blast= Affinity First Attack (+2 = Extra Modifier) = Affinity Second Attack (+4)
Mind Shield= Mega Shield (+2) = Big Shield (+4)
Sword= Backhander (+2)= Double Strike (+4)
Arrow= Split Shot (+2)
Breath (Dark, Frost etc.)= Breath 2 (+2)
Dagger= Stab= Mega Stab (+2)
Claws=  Mega Claws (+2)
Affinity Shield=  Affinity Shield 2 (+2)
Feedback= Vengeance (+2)
Any other attacks can be compromised and addressed (EX: Wall of Fire)

Battling: Whenever you have to fight somebody, whether it is from a simple mob of bandits  to a terrifying Dark Spriggat, they all follow the same battle plan. Your Attack deals: Pow/P. Pow +/- Pow/P. Pow modifiers + Level of Attack + Weapon Modifiers +/- Extra modifiers and does it to the targets health, once one of the targets health is finished the battle is done. Shields heal yourself and affinity shields give you extra protection against one affinity. Also during you turn you may use an iteam but not attack. Here is an Example Battle:

Bandit vs. Aaron
Aaron uses light blast:
(Psy Power: 9 + Psy Power Modifiers: 0 +  Level of Attack: 1 + Weapon Modifiers: 0 + Extra Modifiers: 2= 12 Damage!)
Bandit uses Sword
9 Damage:  Aaron (20 H.P.) is down to 11!
Aaron uses light blast:
12 Damage
The Bandit has been defeated!

Item Prices: Its simple while your personality you can buy items. The amount of gold you spend on a item is determined by the items base price dived by your personality:
1-3=         +20%
4-6=          +10%
7-9=           + 0%
10-12=       -10%
13-15=       -20%
16-18=       -30%
19-21=       -40%
22+=          -50%

The List of Items Are:
Steel Sword: 500 G (+1 Weapon Bonus)
Great Sword: 1000G(+2)
Rien Sword: 2000G(+4)
Metal Bow: 500 G (+1)
Elf Bow: 1000G(+2)
Doom Bow: 2000G(+4)
Crome Dagger: 500 G (+1)
Curved Dagger: 1000G(+2)
Maint Dagger: 2000G(+4)
Health Herbs: 100G (Restore 10 H.P.)
Health Pills: 150G (Restore 20 H.P.)
Focus Pills: 150G (Restore 10 PsP)

This Instruction will be updated when new rules come into play or when ones don't make sense. Also when they introduce new items and attacks.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 06:10:09 AM
When do we start playing? It seems like a really good game. Mabye even better than the Telepath ones.

Ok then... I'll start, on his way to Somnus, he stays the night at a local tavern in Ravendale. The guards freak him out a little but he feels cormortable. He pays 10 gold for a cheap bed then goes to sleep. He wakes up feeling refreshed then continues on his way to Somnus. Just as he was about to leave, you see a mother yanking a teenage boy by the ear. Complaining about how he wasn't strong enough for Psy Academy and that she had seen him read people's minds before. Assuming the teenager is the woman's son, he decides to question the mother and ask about the teenager. Hoping he is like him.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 12:59:15 PM
You calmly walk up to the mother and ask her whether or not her son is not strong enough to enter Psy Academy. She explains that he is barely able to hurt or heal anyone; she however knows he can read people minds and do so quite well. You then say to the mother, that he can be a scanner using his abilities to read people's mind and he should continue with his abilities. The Woman is relieved he says that she wants her son to do something with her life and thanks you for your help. She kindly gives you 20 gold for your help in the problem, and after you say that you are travelling to Somnus, she tells you to follow the river. It takes you almost 3/4 the time to get there. For a place to stay, you pay 5 gold coins to say at a inn.

Roll: 13+ Per Mod= 14
Gold: 65
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 01:10:38 PM
Aloc, feeling glad that he has found someone like himself, arrives at Somnus. Looking back, he decides he should ask about that teen as soon as he founds his school. Having arrived at Somnus, he performes a few tricks for some money. While there, he meets a knife thrower named Niven. He's a shade of dark green and is probably in the winter of his years. He chats to Niven about being a performer and learns he was in the fight against the shadowling queen. They spend the rest of the day 'hanging out' and he asks Niven about any psy people like him.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 01:24:17 PM
Even though you are performing to the best of your ability the shadowling's don't seem to care about you simple tricks, however some feel generous and you find 5 gold in your 'hat' at the end of your performance

Roll: 6 + 2 (performance modifier) = 8
Gold: 70

When you talk with Niven he gives you some great news, their seems to be a school deadicated to Psy with non-defence/offence abilties he knows where it is and gives you some instructions how to get to there. I will take 2 days however to reach so you again pay 5 gold for your character to say in the inn.

Roll: 18 + 1 (Apt mod) = 19
Gold: 65

Your Turn 
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 01:29:02 PM
Feeling slightly downhearted that there is ALREADY a school for people like him, he sets off to find it. It's not that he's unhappy that he wasn't the first one to think of it. It's just he thought he had thought of something really special. Anyway, before he goes, he decides to see what Somnus has that he could be interested in. So he goes on a wander hoping for something to catch his eye.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 01:40:37 PM
You Look around town and find a huge building with a book in the front of it and a sign saying 'Somnus National Library'. You enter to find a green shadowling talking to a group of shadowlings, spriggats, and humans about the Shadow War. He explains that his name was Festus, and he helped the hero take on the shadow queen and deafeat her. You listen in and find that Helena a ex-Mechanic had created a group called the Helenaties which you find out is only 1 day walk from here. Found with your new knowledge, you go back to the inn to realising that you spent the day at the library and you have to spend another 5 gold at the inn.

Roll: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15
Gold: 60

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 01:44:02 PM
Choosing not to go the the Helenites, (he has no care for violence) he sets off towards the psy school that he heard about two days earlier while occasionaly doing a quick perform at villages that are on his way.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 02:22:49 PM
The performances in the town go well but you loss some time after the second. Since you are in a small town with no places to stay, you have to sleep in somebody's house for a few, but thankfuly due to the amount of money you gained performing you can an extra 5 gold. Whe you wake up the next day you are around 1.5 days away from the school and when you begin to leave you notice something out in the croud, two men armed with daggers are attacking a woman with a cloak on.

Roll: 11 (No Radom Meeting's on Journey)

Roll: 9 + 2 (peformance modifier) = 11
Gold: 65

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 02:27:36 PM
Acting on instinct, Aloc performes his most impressive feat yet. He summons up a creature two stories high. It looked like, well... imagine a red spriggat, Make it bigger, add lava cracks in the skin, cover the mouth with sharp teeth, make the eyes just white and,finally, make the wings black. It lets out a terrifying roar. He tells the armed men he summoned the creature and tell them to let that woman go and run while you still can. Hopefully, this will fool them.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 02:45:50 PM
It Works! Somewhat. One, of the men is so terrified that he run away screaming like a little girl, and Aloc hears a sound a a liquid hitting the ground. The other man, who was the smarter of the two realised that is was a trick. He Growls "Your peity tricks can't harm me!". He bush rushes towards you but is suddenly knocked aside by a fast object. You look over to his body and see that he has a arrow loged in his neck. The girl takes off her cloak and you see a gleaming bow and a girl with chocolate brown hair and green eyes. "Thanks" She whispers.

(Trick) Roll: 13 + 2 (Lvl) + 1 (Def Mod) = 16 (this was the role the men had to beat to not get fooled)

Man 1: Roll: 3 + 0 (Apt mod) = 3

Man 2: Roll: 17 + 0 (Apt Mod) = 18

Women Attack: Power: 8 + 0 (Pow Mod) + 2 (lvl) + 1 (Wea Mod) + 2 (Ext Mod) = 13 (bandit deafeated)

Your Turn

Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 02:49:04 PM
''You didn't have to kill him!'' He says. His heart beating very fast now. You could have just put the arrow in his leg or something! Then, with mixed emotions, Aloc turns and runs. Runs away from all this. He is a strong believer in peaceful solutions.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 03:01:11 PM
Aloc runs and runs and runs until he can't breathe any more, he noticed that he has just ran the entire day, and he collapses in the middle of the forest road. Aloc wakes up to find that all of his gold is gone and most of his supplies are gone. Unhappily he gets up and wakes towards the academy, which is only a 1 hour walk away. Once he arrives and the gates he is stopped by a guard that says "Halt, what business do thou have at Roteniars School of Scouting and Mental Tricks". He looks at Aloc sharply and puts a hand on his sword waiting for an answer.

Running: 3+ -2 (P. Pow Mod) = 1
Gold: 0
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 03:04:37 PM
Aloc, using his incredible wits, conjures up the words, I'm here to visit.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 03:13:45 PM
"All admission's to this school must have a note" The Guard Growls. Using, His incredible wits, Aloc says that he just came from the desert and was forced to eat it while he was travelling. The Guard steps aside and stays take the first staircase on the right and then the door at the end of the hallway, to get to the main office. He steps aside and allows you to cross the bridge into the school. Aloc sees a number of frighting different creatures in the school, Aloc realises that these images have been simply conjured up for class or something like that and he could do way better than them anyway. He steps into the building and ponders his next move

Guard: 15 + 1 (apt mod) = 16

Creatures: 17 + 1 (apt mod) = 18

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 03:15:38 PM
He didn't know that so many people had his unique gift. He decides to apply for a long-term job as a teacher. And, once and if he gets the job, apologise to the guard for lying.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 03:28:24 PM
Aloc goes down to the office and see a women with red hair sitting on a chair behind a desk. "What can I do for you Sir?" She asks quietly. "I would like to apply for a job". The woman stands up and looks at him, Aloc feels that she is scanning his brain and testing his abilities in her mind. He can sense that his woman is the dean of the school. "Sorry I do not believe you have mastered your abilities enough to teach them at this school, whoever, I do think that we could start you in a blue cape program right now for only 500 Gold per year".

Trick: Level 2 = is not high enough for job

Dean Recognizing: 12 + 1 = 13

Your Turn  

Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 03:38:47 PM
500! That's highway robbery! Make it 200 at most!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 23, 2010, 03:52:55 PM
She simply turns away "Then please leave, as you have no more business with us". Aloc walk out of office and up the stairs and walks out to the bridge. He thinks about his next move and where to go but with no money and no map to get anywhere he simply walks into the forest that he had slept the over night and falls into a sleep, remebering that he was robbed the last time he was in this forest, he sleeps up in a tree to avoid detection. After the sun rises, Aloc hops down and decides his next move.

Sleeping in Tree: 13 + 1 = 14

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 23, 2010, 03:59:29 PM
Thinking that he was probably too harsh, he set about to make 500 gold by settling in a nearby town and becoming a performer.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 24, 2010, 08:52:44 AM
Your a Huge Sucess, the town becomes know your performing, you spent at least 20 days in the town performing day after day and you collect in around 700 Gold. Minus around 300 for food/new supplies and a place to stay, Aloc has almost around 400 G. The 20th day he goes to the tavern to rent a room, but sadly he can only get a triple room. He walks up to his Room, and sees two people. One has Blonde Hair, a white thin jacket, a black shirt and pants, and a black scarf. He is wearing goggles to hide his eyes. Then their is a acher from before with the two bandits. They seem to be having a conversation and they look up when Aloc walks in.

Performing: 16 + 2 (Performing Mod) = 18

Encounter with Aaron and Christine: 3  

Gold: 400

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 24, 2010, 10:19:50 AM
Aloc, even though he has some history with the girl, approaches the group and asks if any of them would like private tutoring in the illusory arts. Hoping to scrape that 500 gold needed for the academy.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 24, 2010, 10:34:06 AM
Christine simply says:" I do not have the gift, therefore I am unable to do your tutoring." Aaron walks over and hand's him 20 gold, and laughs: "sure teach me what you know". After around 4 hours training the next day, Aaron looks as though he as got it. He walks over and grabs 10 gold out of his pocket and gives it to Aloc as well. He then yawns "Its getting late maybe we should go to bed". You guys head back to the hotel and have a good nights rest. When Aloc wakes up in the morning Alocs smells smoke and here cries, Aaron is yelling "Get Out of Here, the Cult is here!". Christine, Aaron, and Aloch heed downstairs and see there is a cult member blasting Pryo Hail everywhere around the room. Aloc hears a sharp crack and see that the roof of the tavern is about to collapse.

Aaron Learned: Trick (lvl 0)

Cult Invasion: 1

Gold: 430

Your Turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 24, 2010, 10:38:09 AM
Aloc runs for it. Jumping out of the window and retreating back to the forest. After checking that he had his gold on him. He decided he would go to the nearest civilisation and try to get some authorities over there.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 24, 2010, 11:09:22 AM
A sure enough, Aloc finds a town only after a few minutes of walking in the forest. He tells them of the his travels by saying " I am a travelling peformer and the Cult just attacked a town close by!". Immedatly, 3 arms grab him and bound and gag him, Aloc's try's as hrad as he wants but he isn't able to break free of the bond, they throw him in jail, he realises that his money has been taken put he find's them putting his money is some sort of black box. A cult member in a shawl walks over and says you are to be burned along with your money.

Finding Town: 4 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 6

Cult Attack: 4

Your Turn (Gulp!)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 24, 2010, 11:54:38 AM
Aloc says that he is ussually a contortionist but he has more dangerous abilities. Aloc attempts to reach into the cultists mind and show him his worst fear.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 24, 2010, 03:46:42 PM
Aloc looks the cult directly in the face and reads his mind, his worst fear is... peaunt butter?!? Aloc conquires up a trcik to shows that the world is made of peautn butter. The Cult screams "GETT IT OFF MEEE". He runs around and the key he was holding in his hand goes flying towards Aloc and he catches it. He unlocks the cell and takes the chest filled with his money and runs out the back door and into the forest, where he promelty trips and losses around 30 gold. He breathes a sign of relief and decicdes what to do.

Trick: 20 + 2 (trick lvl) = 20

Catching and Running: 16 - 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 14

Trip: 9 - 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 7

Gold: 400

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 24, 2010, 03:49:00 PM
Believing that he was too late, Aloc decides just to leave the cult behind him and go back to the psy school. Mabye work a part-time job as a cleaner or something on the side to get that extra 100 in a year.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 10:50:59 AM
Still going to the academy...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 12:37:36 PM
Aloc travel to the academy and looks around until a guard walks up to him. "Hey I know you" He growls. Aloc turns and sees the same guard he tricked before. "Are you looking to get in the school" The Guard asks. "Yes." Aloc replies. The guard then says "you don't need admission this time; You have already shown me it". Aloc breathes a sign of relief and walks into the school and down the same set of stairs he went down before. It enters in the office and the same red headed women is sitting behind the counter. "You again!" She screams. Aloc stutters "I am here to apply for a blue cape program". The women looks and counts his gold and simply sneers "Your 100 short". Aloc quickly replies 'I can clean dishes or something like that to get 100 gold. "Fine" She says. She hands him a set of robes, a blue cape, and a simple key. "I have put you down in a shared room which with cost you 50 Gold less" She stats as she sits down and picks up a book called "Tricking or the Tricky". Aloc walks to the other side of the school and finds his room. Once he enters, he closes the door, but suddenly the door bursts open and a terrifying black spriggat is standing in the doorway!

Entrance: 12 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 13

Dean Approval of Cut Costs: 14 + 1 (Per Mod) = 15

Spriggat Encounter: 5

Gold: -50 (in dept)

Your Turn!

Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 12:45:03 PM
Thinking it is an illusion, Aloc says I know i'm in no real danger and waits to see what happens.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 01:00:09 PM
The black spriggat flies over to him and sort of pushes him, not realising his own strength, Aloc goes flying into the walk. "Are you Okay!" The Spriggat whispers stunded. "I'm o- (*he pauses*) kay". "Sorry about that, I wasn't sure if you were a prank or not." He signs. Suddenly, thier is flash and he looks like a normal black spriggat. "How did you do that?" Questions Aloc. The spriggat turns into the frightening spriggat agian and changes back, its called a cover trick, its where you change the cover apperance of your body until something else, it helps when some people think that it is an illusion and you attack them afterword" smilies the Spriggat. "Could you teach me?" asks Aloc. " No sadly not but if you go to trick class tommorow, Dr. Eion will maybe teach you it, Delios" He holds out his hand for you to shake it.

Push: 1 - 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 1

Trick Cover: 18 (Delios roll) = 12 + 1 (Apt Mod) (Aloc Roll)

Dr. Eion: 14 + 1 (Per Mod) = 15

Health: 23 - 3 = 20

Gold: -50

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 01:03:30 PM
Well, Aloc spends the rest of the day chatting to the black Spriggat about his background. Then, long after the sun sets, Aloc drifts into a peaceful sleep, finally having found his place in the world, for now, at least.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 01:19:21 PM
You Leanr that he is here becaue of his father, his father had said to him when he was little that will be grow up to be a great scout and fighter. He doesn't believe it though as he only barely perform dark breath but he is a pretty slow flyer. You also learn that his father is in charge in the defence of Somnus and Aloc becomes sad as he has no one to make prud or follow. The next day Aloc goes down to Dr. Eion office and enters, strangely there is a purple portal in the middle of the room. The room almost seems bare, and Aloc slowly starts to forget why he was here or who was Dr. Eion. He sees that the portal is becoming smaller and lighter and appears to be dissapering, suddenly he heears a crash and he truns around to see the door black but still standing. What does Aloc Do!

Delios Info: 16 + 1 (Per Mod) = 17

Portal: 19

Health: 20 + 2 (Rest) = 22/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 01:22:00 PM
Well, nothing is ever what it seems in this academy. So, he says: ''I know it's a trick,' out loud.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 01:29:53 PM
Aloc stis and waits for the laugter but there is none, the room is dead quiet! Aloc uses his mind and their aren't any mind's within the raduis of the room. He sliently waits and for a brief shock second he thinks what if this is REAL!

Situation: 6

Mind Scan: 13 + 2 (Apt) = 15

Health: 22/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 01:31:54 PM
Aloc opens the black door. Hoping that what he finds will make sense of what is going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 01:47:49 PM
Aloc opens the balck door to see a shadowling waiting outside. He turns when Aloc opens the door and says "Are you the being called Aloc". "No" responsed Aloc scared of what he sees, instead of having two red eyes, he has one red eye and one green eye. "Your mind is a trueful source" The shadowling smilies. "Now if you won't mind you will be coming along me". He shots a purple shot out his hand and it created a protal in front of Aloc. "Of we go" Smilies the shadowling. He shadowports behind you and says "With you in the plan, the queen won't die". "Wait" says Aloc "The queen died around 50 years ago right" "Yep" laughs the shadowling. He shots a shadowblast at your back and Aloc can't keep his balance and falls into the Portal. Aloc opens his eyes and sees that he is a forest.

Shadowling Encounter: 20!

Balance: 8 - 2(Pow Mod) = 6

Health: 22 - 6(Shadowblast) = 16/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 25, 2010, 01:49:44 PM
With no idea what to do. Aloc just ends up wandering around the forest until something happens.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 25, 2010, 07:20:10 PM
Aloc looks around for almost an hour until he comes out to a clearing. In this clearing there is a shabby looking cave; Aloc hears voices and a pair of footsteps. Aloc jumps and just in time hides before he is seen. He looks over the bush and sees 2 Humans and 2 Shadowling walking towards the cave. One, human looks oddly familiar (the human has goggles over his eyes, and light blonde hair) but Aloc can't put his finger on who he is, along with that human is a girl is light brown hair with some streaks of blonde in it. The Shadowling floating beside the male has a bone mask over one of its eyes while the other eye is a dark blue coupled with little horns on his head. The other Shadowling how has red eyes and hands, is staying in the shade, and it is clearly in pain. Through mind reading Aloc picks up what they are saying. "Is this the cave" asks the human male. "It maybe but, Crillion's drawing aren't neat" replies the Shadowling beside the male. "This is the cave" chirps in the girl, taking the map from the Shadowling, and pointing to a small raven like stone near the entrance. "As long as I get out of this miserable sun and into the darkness, I don't care whether it's the cave or not" whines the red Shadowling. "Get over it Voidus" snarls the blue Shadowling, "The sun isn't so bad after awhile." "All I want to do is finish this mission and get back to Somnus where Tasitian can reward me, hopefully," Signs the male human, "I won't get compared to that other commander with red hair or something like that." Tasitian? Red haired Shadowling commander? That stuff happened over 50 years ago. Suddenly, a hand grabs Aloc from behind and pushes him into the ground and he feels a sword on his back and a quiet voice snarls "Stay down and be quiet!"

Jumping and Ducking: 16 - 2 (P.M.) = 14

Mind reading: 11 + 2 (A.D.) = 13

Human Male: 4 + 1 (At. P.) = 5

Attack: 2

Gold: 0

Health: 16/22

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 26, 2010, 02:56:34 AM
Aloc does what he says.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 26, 2010, 11:17:32 AM
The guard asks "who are those two humans and Shadowlings over there?" "I.... don't know." Whimpers Aloc still scared out his mind, "Then come with me" growls the guard and he drags him toward a small bush. The guard pushes away the push and there is a small hole. He then kicks Aloc in the hole and Aloc goes tumbling down and lands on a set of pillows. Aloc gets up to survey his surroundings. He is some sort of dark cave with water dripping can be heard in all directions, there s a small candle that lights up the room and it leads to a heavy cast iron door. The guard comes flying out the hole next and lands in the pillows, he moves over to the door and knocks in a weird beat. The door clanks open and you see a small man grumbling and talking to himself, "yesss moreee experimentsss." He laughs manically. "No, Dr. Eion, this man will help us defeat the incoming commander and his Shadowlings. "Fineee" Signs Dr. Eion. The guard pushes Aloc into some sort of main room where their are guards sitting around a table playing guards and an archer cleaning his bow. Out of the corner of Aloc's eye, he sees a Shadowling's blue eye up in the roof of the cave!
Hole Entrance: 4

Dr. Eion experiments: 14 + 1 (P.D.) = 15

Corner of Eye: 19 – 2 (S.D.) = 17

Gold: 0

Health: 16/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 26, 2010, 11:55:47 AM
What's with the shadowling eye in the roof? Aloc asks. Then, once they've answered, he asked them what the f**k is going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 26, 2010, 04:39:59 PM
"Everyone Get Read for the at.." screams the archer suddenly a cryo blast comes out of nowhere and hits him in the back, he falls over and Aloc's scan of his mind is shows nothing, suddelny a light and shadow blasts come flying from every direction. A healer heals Aloc and he runs to the other cave and hides inside Dr. Eion labs. Shots are still be fired but amazing, Aloc dives and everything misses him, the guards are running around trying to find the sources and they keep getting hit and some of them are falling down dead, Dr. Eion is at the back of the cave hooking up some sort of machiene to a power sorce. Aloc suddenly realises that is a bronze golem. It springs to life and slowly sumblies towards Aloc but it turns its head towards the four figures coming out of the shadows. Its the same four figues as before. The bronze golem stumbles towards them swinging its spin saw. Dr. Eion has 2 more guards with him and they appear to hooking him up to something!

Dodge: 15 - 2 (P.M.) = 13

Healer Healing: 20!

Fear of Golem: 13 + 2 (A. M.) = 15

Gold: 0

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 27, 2010, 04:49:37 AM
In the heat of battle, Aloc asks the healer what's going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 27, 2010, 01:32:25 PM
Aloc runs back to where the healer is hiding. His hears the golem taking blasts after blasts from the four people in the entrance. The healer is hiding behind what appears to be a solid state shield. The healer sees Aloc and looks hopeful. Aloc asks "what is going on!" The Healer whispers back "We're part of the Mechianics, and those guys are from Somnus probably sent to take our prized doctor Dr. Eion. We need your help to deafeat these guys!" Two stone golems appear of the sides of the back cave and slowy march over towards the entrance. A stray light blast collapses the exit behind you. Aloc hears a sharp crack, and suddenly bronze golem parts go flying everywhere. "Hurry we don't have much time!" Yells the healer. You guys run behind some sort of table. "By the way, the name is John". You look over rand you see Dr. Eion pulling out different chemicals from his white lab coat and tossing them all the four people. The girl screams "When will they stop coming!" John looks around to keep making barriers and healing the golem and the remaining three guards and archer.

Briefing: 13 + 2 (Per Mod) = 15

Golem Explodes: 0/33

Two Stone Golems: 3

Healers Name: 12 + 2 (Per Mod) = 14

Health: 23/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 27, 2010, 03:48:31 PM
Aloc explains to the healer that he would rather just remain neutral and that he should leave before he 'knows too much.' Aloc decides that at the nearest opputunity he will leave.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 27, 2010, 07:08:30 PM
John looks at him and says "I wish you luck in your adventures." Aloc feels a tingle in his body and he feels like he can take more hits and survive longer. Aloc looks around and the only way out is through the way that the attackers came. He sees starting to climb the wall beside them. "Where are you going?" asked Aloc "I'm getting out of here!" Aloc jumps up and starts to climb the wall but falls down because he can't hold his weight and hurts his back. Aloc looks around at the carnage, one bronze golem is destroyed along with one of the stone golems, 5 swordsmen, and 1 archers. It was now or never, Aloc jumps up and runs towards the exit but the male yelled "He is getting away!" Suddenly a shadowblasts were firing in his direction, Aloc dodged the first one but he jumped on the second one and is hit square in the chest. He spins down and his head smashed onto the ground. He felt 2 other shadowblasts hit him but he was only just hurt. Aloc got up but he felt a freezing cold blast him and he fell to the ground. He felt 2 more shadow blasts and was unable to move any parts of his body. He was painfully out his eyes as the rest of the guards fell and the stone golem shut down. Only, Dr. Eion was left and he was tossing out chemicals from tables now, Aloc also saw John watching the battle from the roof of the cave, and he suddenly vanished from view (probably running from the fight). Dr. Eion finally after using all of his chemicals gets out a scalpel and starts running towards them trying to dodge their attacks. He stabs the female in the side and is then hit by 3 blasts; he crumples to the floor and rasps, "I give up!" The female after being healed by the red Shadowling, inspects the bodies, to make sure they are dead. She comes to Aloc and turns around "This one is still alive, although he is not wearing anything like the guards." "Take him with us then as he might be useful." Responds the dark blue Shadowling. "We did it in Master Aaron" Cheers the red Shadowling. Aaron... slowly as Aloc is being dragged away, he remembers the person he taught trick. Sadly, Aloc is too weak to think though and blacks out


Aloc wakes up sore in some sort of cell. It is around 4 by 4 meters and around 4 meters tall. There are some scarps of food on the floor in front of Aloc. There is a purple Shadowling beside him who is looking extremely hurt. "You awake fleshing?" asks the Shadowling. Aloc can sense that the Shadowling is hurt mentally but not physically. "Barely" whispers Aloc, "Where are we?" "Somnus: Jail and Detainment Area." The Shadowling responds. 

Bonus Health: 15 + 1 (Per Mod) = 16

Climbing: 1 – 2 (P. Pow Mod) =  1

Running: 16 – 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 14

Dodge: 9 – 2(P. Pow Mod) = 7

Mercy: 20! (you're so lucky)

Jail Cell: 19 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 20

Health: 5/30 (For 3 more days)

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 28, 2010, 04:12:42 AM
Aloc asks the shadowling why he's here and tells him about the weird stuff that's happened to him. This is just too crazy. Aloc needs to make sense of what's going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 04:01:37 PM
The shadowling looks at Aloc in confusion, "This isn't good" signs the shadowling "I am about to tell you something that with shock your mind. By what you have been telling me, it seems that you have been transported to the past". Aloc looks in horror and confusion. "Where you cam from was the shadowling Queen still alive" continues the shadowling "No, responds Aloc" responds Aloc. "Then you are in the past and this is bad. By you coming to the past, you have warped the space time continuum, meaning that the future is now changed. This also means that you need to be careful, you mess something up and your parents do not meet and have you, you will be erased for history itself. Now for why I am here, I miss-informed Tastitan about the golem workshop location and he searched my mind for the real one. True fully, I am against the queen and I am sided with the Spriggats." The door suddenly Clanks open and a whitish blue shadowling is standing beside a red shadowling with a bone mask on him. "You, Fleshing, we need to do some Scanning of your mind" says the blue shadowling while the red shadowling beside him smilies cruelly. The purple shadowling whispers, "keep your mind closed!".

Information: 13 + 1 (I.M.) = 14

Scanning: 3

Mind Closing: 14 + 1 (P. M) = 15

Health: 5/30

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 28, 2010, 04:17:40 PM
Rainen wakes up in the middle of a crater right on the shore of Lake Alto. "well at least i'm here..." he feels weakened and upon a self examination he discovers most of his powers and strengths to be missing. "it had to of been that temporal anomaly..." Rainen feels the pull of a mysterious object far away.
after a moment of thought Rainen throws a piece of drift wood into the water and proceeds to paddle out to a distant island.

Rainen looks for the mysterious object.


Rainen meditates to improve his psy abilites

Rainen continues to meditate to imporve his psy abilites
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 04:35:44 PM
Rainen paddles and paddles with all this might, and he is succefully able to reach where the signal is coming from, it is a small island though, and after seraching through it, Rainen finds nothing, assuming that it was a simple miss-reading in his Psy abilities Rain sits down and begins to meditate to improve his Psy abilities. He is successfully able to improve his Defence, but he stand up realising that the effect will only be temporary. Rainen looks at the surface of Lake Alto and thinks about what to do next in this strange world.

Paddling: 13 + 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 15

Seraching and Scanning : 5 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 6

Meditating: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Defence: +1 (1 day Remaining)

Gold: 50

Your Turn!  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 28, 2010, 04:39:06 PM

Rainen continues to search for the object, determined that his skills have not become faulty.
after his search concludes, he decides to head back to the beach to relax a little and regain some of his abilities.
Rainen meditates
after meditating, Rainen walks away from the beach and finds an area of trees lined up as if they were planted that way.
Rainen attempts to pierce through a set of trees with his pyro blast
realizing that his control over fire isn't what it used to be, he walks back to the beach to meditate.
Rainen attempts to strengthen his control over fire
looking out over the ocean Rainen sees a blur
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 28, 2010, 04:43:30 PM
Aloc tries to explain that he's from the future but they think he's crazy. The shadowlings begin to reach into his mind...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 05:12:25 PM
E (Ersta Man) R (Rainen)

Aloc feels and crippling experience, they rush through his mind like they are a set of files, Aloc can't think clearly anymore, they begin to delve into more personal memories and delve deeper and deeper. Aloc feels his soul almost ripping out from his body. Suddenly, the shadowling stop but the pain is still burned into Aloc mind. He just wants to end the pain. The blue Shadowling looks at his crumpled composure and simply says to him "you want the pain to stop..."." Aloc tries to say no but the pain is to intense "Yes.." Aloc whispers. The shadowling holds up a black stone bracelet and shakes it. "Your Psy abilities look useful, become my slave for 4 years and the pain will stop, or, we will let Crillion search your mind again." The red shadowling smiles in the thought of the idea.

Seraching: 2 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 3

Hiding the pain: 5 – 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 3

Psy Abilities: 19

Gold: 0

Health: 3/30

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 28, 2010, 05:14:09 PM
I would rather die than become one of your slaves! Any change I make might destroy the universe (or something like that.)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 05:32:52 PM

Rainer still scowers the island. Suddenly, when he is digging up at the beach he finds someting . He finds some sort of black button that is in the ground. Rainen tries to move to but some more digging reveil that the button is connected to a a pipe that leads into the ground. Out of the corner of Rainen's eye, he can see some sort of creature moving across the water. Before deciding what to do He meditates get his Psy abilites Ready.

Serach: 13 (Base Roll) + 1 (Aptitude Modifier) = 14 (End Roll)

Black Button: 6 (Random Roll)

Pipe: 16 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 17

Creature: 18

Gold: 50

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 28, 2010, 05:48:41 PM
Rainen assumes the worst and decides to go inland to the grove of trees he discovered.  knowing he'll need to be in the best of shape in case of an attack he decides to try and reacquire his more exotic fire abilities (Pyro assault).  assuming that his enemies will be strong he also meditates to attempt to bolster his psy defense.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 06:00:07 PM

The blue shadowling looks at him and signs "oh well". His hand begins to glow a white and he unleashes it against Aloc, he goes flying back and hits his head against the wall. Aloc can feel himself blacking out and his blood is flowing out of his head! He looks up at Tasitian and yells, "never!" Aloc feels another blast and the world darkens. Suddenly, his vision changes. He is standing in a half burned barn. He looks around and he sees that there is not an animal in sight. There is a huge hole in the barn, Aloc look out it and is horrified. The trees are burning, there are people, dead, lying in odd positions, with blood flowing out of them. The Sky is a Black Red and it is silent with only the sound of fire buning. Aloc hears a noise from one of the bushes and is scared out his mind.

Shockwave: 2 – 2 (P. Pow Mod) = 1

Location: 1!

Noise From Bush: 10

Gold: 0

Health: 23/23

Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 06:20:07 PM


He tries and tries but he sadly, he can't seem to master the abilities he once had. "Ughhh" whines Rainen. Suddenly, he realises that he might need professional help to re-learn this abilites. He cruses for his stupidity and begins to meditiate and it works. He begins to feel stronger but as his defence is, but he again realises that these modifiers to his abilites won't last long. He walks out to the shore and still sees the creatures coming towards his island, they look like spriggats, two red and one white one. They don't seem to see him yt but they are aporchin fast. Rainen tenses up as the comes into range and the three creatures see him. The fly over to him and are around 20 meters now. What des Rainen do?

Pryo Assault: 5 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 6

Meditating: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Spriggats: 13

P. Power: +1 (1 day left) = 16

Defence: +1 (1 day let) = 6

Gold: 50

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 28, 2010, 06:28:40 PM
Rainen decides to try and make peace with the sprigats by impressing them with some pyrotechnics.  (story line branch) making friends: after making friends with the sprigats Rainen asks them if they could teach him some fire based abilities in exchange for him doing the same;
making enemies:Rainen pleads for forgiveness mentioning that he is from another dimension and if they want he could teach them a powerful fire ability
after his encounter with the sprigats Rainen once again works towards bolstering his psy abilities.  afterwards he takes his makeshift raft and swims back to shore to try and find somebody who can help him learn some abilities
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 28, 2010, 06:54:07 PM


The Spriggats are impressed at your Pyrotechnics. After teaching them some new Pryo attacks to them, ther ask you where you are from. You say that you are from a different dimension. They look at you and laugh. "Ohh man" the white spriggats laughs "That is one of the best jokes I have ever heard". Then they say goodbye after teaching him to harness his power from his joy, and start to fly off. Suddenly a shadow blast comes out of nowhere and hits on of the Spriggats in the back. The three turn around and see three red shadowling standing behind you. Suddenly it's a fire fight and you have to decide who to join or run!

Friend or Enemies: 16 - 1 (Per Mod) = 15

Fire Tip:  +1 Fire attacks (20 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 20

Different Dimension: 8 - 1 (Per Mod) = 7

Shadowling Attack: 1

Psy Power and Defence: +1

Gold: 50   

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 28, 2010, 07:33:26 PM
i use pyro crush to decimate the shadowlings around me(sneak attack bonus?).  afterwards i search their bodies for anything they might be holding(spoils of war!) and use pyroblasts to finish the shadowlings off as needed. when the fight is over i tell the spriggats "the truth" about how i have amnesia and can't remember the majority of who i am. i explain to them that i am extremely gifted in pyrotechnics and ask them if they could train me and join me on my quest in exchange for me helping them in their war (im assuming and hoping this is in the time of the shadowling queen.) {branch} spriggats accept my offers: i ask them to help me discover the secrets of this island, there must be a reason for the shadowlings being here.
spriggats deny my offer: i explore the island alone and discover what the switch i found earlier is for
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 29, 2010, 05:25:36 AM
Aloc curls up into a ball. He thinks he is dying...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 29, 2010, 09:49:18 AM

A human bursts out of the foliage. He looks like he is running from someone or something. He sees you and bush rushes towards you and throws himself into you. You guys going flying back into a pile of hay. John growls in whisper "keep quiet or they will hear you." Aloc using his mind reading skills to detect who is out there, he senses 2 Shadowlings and one human. "Where did that healer go!?" screams one of the Shadowlings. "Quiet Duskius, he still might be here." Replies the purple Shadowling. "Come, on lets go, " Spits the human in the dark cloak. They run and float off. "You look familiar..." questions John. "John, what are you doing here?" whispers Aloc." Running from the Shadowlings of course. Since they destroyed the Spriggats Rebellion, I have almost gone all the way across Cera Bella 2 times. The only place that hasn't fallen to the Shadowling Army is a simple town at the north side Lake Alto. There even then it might not be safe." John gets out of his hiding place and you peak out. He seems taller since you last and he seems to be a lot older. "John..." Aloc Begins "how long has it been since we last saw each other." "I think around 15 years." Replies John. Aloc stops dead, 15 years! What is happening here. You see John collect some supplies from the dead bodies and put into his backpack. Aloc, touches the back of his head where the blue Shadowling hit it. It feels fine, but Suddenly, 2 pressured points in mind. Like two memories, trying to get to him to tell him something but he couldn't access them, like they were distorted, and saw nothing but millisecond flashes. "Are you coming?" Asks John as he begins to walk out of the barn and into the forest.

Bush Rush: 16 – 1 (John's Power Mod) = 15

Scanning: 12 + 2 (Scan Ability) = 14

John's Change in Appearance: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Memories: 13 + 1 (Apt Mod) – 7 (Time Confusion) = 7

Gold: 0

Health: 30/30

Your Turn! (Man, you have screwed up reality)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 29, 2010, 10:50:40 AM
Uh yeah...Aloc says. This is the present? Mabye the academy (the illusion one) still stands. Aloc travells with John explaning what happened to him.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 29, 2010, 12:35:07 PM

Rainen and the Spriggats complete destroy the Shadowlings. Rainen's power overwhelms the three assassins and soon they are smokeless balls lying on the sand, but they had already hit Rainen with one Shadowblast, which hit him pretty good. The spoils of war that Rainen finds are around 50 gold coins. The Spriggats are heartbroken. The red one that was hit in back was two more times, and he didn't make it. The Spriggats burry their lost friend and in this time of silence Rainen brilliantly says "I will help you avenge your fallen comrade." The white Spriggat looks over and wipes his tears "You are one brave person, yes you can join us". They led Rainen across (using their Psy powers they lift Rainen) the lake and there is some sort of cave. Rainen enter the cave and it's gigantic and there is around 50 Spriggats lounging in the room. At the end of the room is a huge black Spriggat, who seems like he is arguing with a small white Spriggat. The Spriggats also seem coming to closer to Rainen. One came closer and Rainen feels a brief shot of pain in his head. The black Spriggat says to the others "He's not with them". Everybody goes back to lounging but the white Spriggat is inviting Rainen to come over where he is, but then again Rainen sees the black and white Spriggats fighting. 

Damage: 15 (Psy Power) + 2 (Psy Power Modifier) + 0 (Weapon Modifier) + 8 (Fire Attack Bonus + Move Bonus) = 25

White Spriggat Damage: 18 (Note: You don't see their stats unless they join you)

Red Spriggat Damage: 15

Shadowblast to Rainen: 8

Joining Them: 20 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 20

Mind Reading: 14

Gold: 50

Health: 17 - 8 = 9/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 29, 2010, 01:18:17 PM

"I understand" says John after listening to you talk about what happens. "What happen was that you transported into the past, somehow, you changed the way reality was supposed to work out, and thus, you keep your old memories, while you have changed the past. But you are in this warped present, and because you went into the past, the queen survived but your parents still meet with each other and had you. Judging by what happened, it seems that you were born before the Spriggats had a rebellion with the Shadowlings, meaning you were never affected. Therefore, I can predict, there are 2 of you existing right now, one who is the Aloc who is from this reality, be warned he might be different than you, and you, as you somehow exist in this reality. I am judging when you died, the person who sent you back in time, went back in time themselves and redid what happened. I think that by him going back in time he transported another Aloc in the same time you were but he didn't get killed. Somehow, he that Aloc entered this time and you ended up in that barn not being killed by the blue shadowling.

Wait a minute; I remember something: That Aloc was part of a team that did missions sort of like the cursed one. That means three Aloc exist in this reality; you, the evil Aloc, and one we don't know about!" You guys arrive at the shores at Lake Alto and see a bloody sight. Bodies, lying in the water The lake is so polluted with bodies and garbage it is a greenish- red. "Wow..." stutters Aloc. "Come on we have to get to this town. Oh, about your academy, it is rumoured that after the Shadowlings toke over, the casted a veil of trick magic across the campus and they are hiding and preparing to fight back against the Shadowlings. It comes to a cross road, one leads to the town, and John says the other leads to that academy.

Explaining: 20 + (John's Apt Mod) = 20

Academy: 14

Lake Alto: 4

Gold: 0

Health: 30/30

Your Turn! (If you didn't get his explanation email me and I'll explain it) 
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 29, 2010, 02:36:38 PM
Rainen looks around the cave and decides to go over to the white spriggat. assuming the black spriggat is the leader he decided it wouldn't be a good idea to approach him directly.  he goes over to the white spriggat and introduces himself to the other spriggats in the area and explains how he has amnesia.  he shows them a small display of his abilities and tells them that he wants to be apart of destroying the shadowling menace.  after awhile he asks the white spriggat some basic information on the black spriggat and spriggat customs so that he doesn't appear to be a complete idiot. after the whole ordeal is over and greeting have been exchanged, i ask around the red spriggats to see if any of them would like to practice some fire abilities. 
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 29, 2010, 02:45:04 PM
Well, the academy was where this all started. Mabye it's where he can end it. Aloc goes to the Academy.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 30, 2010, 07:50:51 AM

Rainen heads over to white Spriggat and he explains he has amnesia. They look at him, and they believe him now that he has joined their cause, they also send a healer to heal your wounds. The White Spriggat (Sarthe) introduces you to some red Spriggats how after working with you for 2 hours explain that the way you use fire is different from the way they use fire. They explain whoever, after seeing your careful mood, that you should be more joyous, and be more energetic. You walk back to Sarthe, but the huge Black Spriggat blocks your path. He looks down and you and says "Fleshing, since you have joined us, I have your first mission". He brings over a white Spriggats "My son, Grotius, has behaved in an irrational manor, I want to have you to escort him our deeper downs golem factory then, then want you to take out a Shadowling party that has been sighted in Union Cave."  The white Spriggats looks you up and down and simply signs "Let's gets this over with". "Wait you need to assemble a team before you got out" warns the black spriggat (2 Spriggats)

Aemnesia: 14 – 1 (Per Mod) = 13

Joy and Energetic: 11 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 12

Black Spriggat Mission: 10

Teammates: 8

Gold: 0

Health:  17/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on March 30, 2010, 02:42:52 PM
Rainen looks back at the black spriggat and asks him if he can have a healer who specializes in long term psy shields (static shield and solid state shield).  he also asks the clack spriggat if any of his red spriggats know how to manipulate fire into a blast that has the ability to pierce through enemies.  after sorting out his team, Rainen walks out of the cave and asks the spriggats to meditate with him so they can create a stronger psychic bond.  when that is over, he asks the spriggats if they can teach him  how to levitate using his psy abilities so that he can maneuver easier when in battle.  some time passes and Rainen tells the spriggats that he is trying to regain some lost abilities. the reason why he chose them is because he hopes that watching them fight will trigger something inside of him causing some of the effects of his amnesia to wear off.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 31, 2010, 10:19:08 AM

"Well, I have nothing else to do" says John "So I will join your quest to hunt for the academy you are looking for and I will help you on your way."

John Casses

Psy Power: 5
Power: 0
Defence: 10
Aptitude: 10
Personality: 11

Mind Blast: 1
Mind Shield: 2
Mega Shield: 1

S. Skill: Static Shield
*Congratulations, John joined your team for adventures; you can now ask decisions for john to make and will leave you only if he dies, or you upset him!*

You continue on your way the academy hiding in trees, along the way you mind many bodies, many of team look fine, but some of them have swords and arrows stuck in them. John keeps picking through bodies for gold coins. At the end, he gives you 50 gold coins plus 50 gold coins he already has. He stops in a clearing. "Get down!" He whispers. Suddenly 1 Shadowling and 1 human jump up and shoot a light and a shadow blast at you. You barely dodge it by rolling and stand up. John's right beside you and communicates telepathically "Which one do you want to take"

John's Joining: 12 + 1 (Per Mod) = 13

Pick pocketing: 14 + 1 (Johns (J.) Apt Mod) = 15

Shadowling Attack: 12

Gold: 100

Health: 30/30 (1 Day Left) 23/23 (J)

Yours and John's Turns
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on March 31, 2010, 12:32:23 PM
Alright! By the way, adress me as Mike.(instead of mikeia or whatyever)

You journey to a city. There you look to see if there is a place where you can set up a blacksmith shop. If so, start working on a pair of gauntlets so that he doesnt injure himself when he attacks.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on March 31, 2010, 12:57:39 PM
Aloc says., None of them. Let's try and lose them. I mean, come on, you're a healer and I'm a performer. They're two warriors.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Frosty on March 31, 2010, 06:06:55 PM
Garling is sitting in his cave as always. Then he hears spriggats outside. He listens intently to what they say. "You sure he's here?" "Yeah, I'm sure. Just wait by this cave, he'll go in and come out if he isn't there already." "Ok, give the word when you see him."
Garling decides to try to break into ones mind to see if he can that one to cause a distraction and get him time them to leave, then let him escape.

PS Sorry about the TRPG2 refrence, I'm not that creative.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on March 31, 2010, 06:30:50 PM

Garling, tries and tries, and he is successfully able to find the right neural pathway to control that Spriggat. He appears to be a black Spriggat with 2 red Spriggats standing in front of him with their back towards them.  "Cerian" One of the red Spriggats turn to you "Are you sure this guy is in this cave, I don't expect for a Shadowling to live in this sort place. "No!" you growl back in a deep voice "keep looking for him he must be somewhere". The red Spriggat hastily turns around and looks for you. You think you might have bought yourself some time, maybe a minute to devise your strategy, because your hold is weakening on this Black Spriggat.

Mind Control: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Spriggat Combinations: 18

Hold Weakening: 9 + 1 (Apt Mod) 

Gold: 50

Health: 17/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 01, 2010, 03:10:35 PM
Incidentally, my character has a powerful swordsman partner. The swordsman's name is Lorn, and his stats are:

Psy Power:0
Power: 11
Defence: 10
Aptitude: 10
Personality: 5

Slice (Generic attack, medium strength): 1
Whirl (360 degree attack, strong damage): 2
Slash: 1

He and my character work together as assassins.

Action: Pick up assignment from my contractor and learn the identity of my target from the contact in the ravinale library.

If I successfully learn that, embark upon the assassination contract, if not, return home and train shadowblast.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 01, 2010, 03:28:25 PM
here's a repost of my last turn (which was never responded to)

Rainen looks back at the black spriggat and asks him if he can have a healer who specializes in long term psy shields (static shield and solid state shield).  he also asks the black spriggat if any of his red spriggats know how to manipulate fire into a blast that has the ability to pierce through enemies.  After sorting out his team, Rainen walks out of the cave and asks the spriggats to meditate with him so they can create a stronger psychic bond.  When that is over, he asks the spriggats if they can teach him  how to levitate using his psy abilities so that he can maneuver easier when in battle.  Some time passes and Rainen tells the spriggats that he is trying to regain some lost abilities. The reason why he chose them is because he hopes that watching them fight will trigger something inside of him causing some of the effects of his amnesia to wear off.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 01, 2010, 03:30:27 PM
Ya Guys I will get on anserwing, I just need time okay! I am doing a huge science project!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 01, 2010, 03:33:06 PM
I only reposted because it's been over 2 days since I posted the original and you responded to other later posts first ;)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 01, 2010, 03:57:37 PM

The Black Spriggat picks out 2 of his warriors to fight by your side "This is Cetan, a master healer and, Ert (Ertrxiem Reference) one of our finest fire warriors." You take them outside to mediatae with them and Ert is able to connect with you but Cetan sadly isn't able to. The Spriggats then tell you than unless you have some sort of wing system to hold up your body weight. You guys slowly travel across Lake Alto, during this time, Rainen explains that he has amnesia, and can't remember some of his attacks. Cetan tells him that there is some herb in the desert that can actually heal amnesia. Grotius remains silent through the trip across. When you guys get to the other side, you hear the sound of swords in the distance, the swords clank at furiously together. You don't know whether to check out the noise or not. The other Spriggats remain silent and are thinking around the same thing.

Meditate: 10 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 11

Herb Plant: 18

Swords: 6

Gold: 100

Health: 17/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 01, 2010, 03:59:24 PM
Don't forget me!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 01, 2010, 04:06:15 PM
If we can, we try to go around the fight and continue on with the mission.  If that is unable to happen then the four of us use our telepathic abilities to reach out to the combatants and determine who is friend and who is foe.  After Cetan boosts our health to high levels as a precaution, we attack.  Using the advanced bond Ert and I share, we combine our strongest fire attacks to wipe out all enemies.  Afterwards we go down and loot the corpses and greet and attempt to make peace with the survivors, killing anybody who would want to harm us.  When we are out of danger I ask Cetan if the black spriggat would allow us to find the herb when this mission is finished.  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 03, 2010, 08:01:39 PM

You guys can easily sneak around the fight as the fighters seem to be more distracted in their fighting. Using your minds though, you determine that they are a bunch of bandits practice fighting with each other. The bandits seem to be slowing in their fighting and are calming down. Cetan explains after you say that you want to get that herb, you to do it alone, as the boss Spriggat would probably doesn't want to waste his men on something personal. You seem to be aware that the voices of the bandits are getting louder. You try with your mind again but you can't seem to get hold of their minds like you did before. Suddenly, the forest is a deadly quiet and guys look around, Cetan starts to improve your health but he is only able to improve Ert's and Himself. The forest remains still and you don't know what to do.

Mind Scan: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Boss Spriggat Answer: 8

Second Mind Scan: 7 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 8

Healing ability: 9 + 1 (Lvl Mod) = 10   

Gold: 100

Power Ability: Psy Power: 1+
       Defence: 1+

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 03, 2010, 08:31:16 PM

You walk into the library trying to get casual but it sort of fails. The guard in the side of the library looks at you in funny sort of way, and simply watches you as you turn into the left side of the library. There is a man you has his legs on the table and is reading some book. You over and whisper "Ricorn". He gives you a passing glance and turns back to his book. "Ricorn" you whisper slightly louder. "What?" he says, he puts down his book and turn to face you. "Your Mission eh?" He signs and hands you a picture of your target. "The Boss wants this Shadowling taken care of, he is right now is Somnus doing dishing info about our organization, Boss has handed a 700 gold bounty on his head." He hands you a picture, it appears to be a blue Shadowling with a scar over his left eye. You walk out of the library and you see a guard walk silent up beside you. "You have some explaining to do" He growls.

Casualness: 2 + 0 (Per Mod) = 2

Mission: 16

Gold Bounty: 10

Gold: 50

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 03, 2010, 08:34:55 PM
Assuming the worst we split up and take positions in the trees.  Ert goes to a well hidden spot to the left Grotius and Cetan go to the right and I stay in the trees along the path.  I contact the spriggats and tell them that we need to make sure the bandits are not able to shoot at us with bows.  {branch} the bandits attack: Ert sneak attacks the bandits from behind while I intimidate them with a pyro crush.  Grotus freezes the area around the attacking bandits so they slip and fall on each other while Cetan attempts to make them fight amongst themselves. ; false alarm: we regroup and move around the area staying out of earshot from where the bandits are.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Ertxiem on April 04, 2010, 07:15:13 PM
Sorry for not participating. I'm out of time and in the end of the day I don't have much time to think things through. It was quite nice to involve my character in the story. And the story is developing quite nice (or should I say stories?).

I was thinking that in the future Ert would like to train wall of fire and fire breath 2.
It might be interesting to remember that Ert's hero is Grotius (
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 04, 2010, 09:24:37 PM
Well then we can train our advanced fire moves together :) also with wall of fire why not just set fire to a pile of sticks and do it that way XD
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 05, 2010, 04:53:02 AM
What about me?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 10:59:12 AM

John looks at you and then looks at the Shadowling who is about to shoot a shadow blast. "Wai... Wait" He stutters, "This isn't your sector, I thought you guys were Alpha B-7" "You can hear the Shadowling growl back "No were Alpha B-5, and since when has two finders be forced to creeping around the plane?" "I can answer that," Aloc smiles. "I had detected some life forms around the perimeter of this place and we wanted to catch them off guard, although, it seems you are the life forms we detected" The human looks at you, and simply says, "Come on Garling (Frosty Reference), these guys seem to know what is happening". The shadowling floats over to him, and suddenly they disappear in a flash. "That was close" John whispers. You guys walk for another 4 hours until you reach a wide expanse. In this place, the trees are burnt down to the ground, and their are bodies wearing armour scattered around what appears to be a destroyed structure. You look into the destroyed structure and see that it is a academy for Scanning and Tricks. Heart broken, you have to decide what to do next.

Sector Scan: 13 + 2 (J. Per/Apt) = 15

Brilliant Deduction: 20 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 20

Destroyed Academy: 13

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23 (A/J)

Your Turn

(Note: Just because I mention different characters from different people doesn't mean that they control those characters, even though they're the same characters.)   
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 05, 2010, 12:05:33 PM
Aloc tries to see if it is an illusion. It could be...

If so: he enteres it and tries to go back to his time.

If not: He visits the decrepid room where this all started.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 02:30:12 PM

You, Scan but you don't seem to catch anything. It seems as it is. You grudge your way to the room where it all began. The room is scattered in pieces. All, the chemical that were in the shelves have been destroyed or taken, some of them lay on the ground in pink and green puddles. The good thing about this room is the stone over on the roof stayed protecting it from the rain. You look around until you a flash of movement, and then you hear a smashing of glass on the ground. You turn around and see a hooded figure hanging on to a vent in the ceiling. The hooded figure drops down, and looks at you, you suddenly feel your worst nightmares coming true. You feel yourself in the middle of thousand bodies, weapons in your hands and blood covering your body, you can't control yourself. You laugh Manically and suddenly it stops and the hooded figure looks at you almost puzzled by what is going on. The figure touches its face under its hood. John turns to you and whispers "What do we do about that person?"

Illusion or Not: 3 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 4

Room Condition: 17

Figure Torture: 18

Realization: 14 (Hooded Figure)

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 05, 2010, 02:38:27 PM
It's evil! Aloc says, it made me see, terrible things, unspeakable things. Then ALoc cries in the corner. In response, John...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 02:56:24 PM

You guys hide in the trees at the locations. The forest is still silent until you hear a flash of movement. You turn you head but a sword goes ripping through your back. You fall onto the ground almost paralyzed, trying to make sense of what just happened. Your body feels weak, even after the stab. The badnit jumps down from the tree and takes all your gold. Your friends jump out of their hiding places, but are surrounded by at least 10 badnits all together. You can't even walk or move. You try to crawl around but it's too late, you black out.


You wake up in some sort of tent. You see a figure standing over you, it holds down water and you are so thirsty you gulp it down in one gulp. You look up but your vision is hazy, all you see is an outline of some sort of human. "Are you okay?" a warm girl human voice says. "Ughhh" you can barely move and speak. She bends down and you can see some chocolate brown hair, with blonde streaks in it, you also can see these grassy green eyes. You don't know wither this girl is friend or foe, but what do you do.

Back Stab: 16 (Damage to You)

Black Out: 7

Tent and Girl: 16

Gold: 0

Health: 3/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 05, 2010, 03:02:22 PM
I use my connection with ert to make sure he is ok.  If he is I ask him if he can check on Grotius and Certan.  I try to talk to the girl telepathically and I tell her that I was stabbed in the back.  After awhile I meditate and attempt to call on the powers of healing I once had.  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 03:07:57 PM

John jumps up and kicks the hooded figure in the face, It stumbles back and trips over a table and smashes it face into the ground. When it gets up Aloc looks over and he stunned, it's another Aloc standing there. The other Aloc says "I don't want to harm you!". John hangs his mouth open and faints, leaving only Aloc with Aloc. He stares at you with wonder and says "Who are you?"

Jump Kick: 16 – 1 (J. Pow Mod) = 15

Type of Aloc: 16

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 03:27:20 PM

You can't get any connection from Ert. You don't know whether he made it or not. You look up at the girl and try to speak to her. You break through, but she suddenly puts her finger on your lip. "Save your energy for when you are feeling better, but as in response to your question, did I see 3 other Spriggats, I afraid I didn't, although, I did see a lot of bandit bodies, around 9 of them. I am sorry I don't know where the people you are looking for are." Several days pass and you feel better but you still feel as though, something is you down. You can move and talk but you think there was poison on that dagger and you feel light headed. You start to mediate to heal yourself but the poison seems to be only affected your physical side. The girl helps you up and she says "You know, I don't know where your friends are, but I do think that you will be easily killed if I don't help you through your journey, what do you say?"

Connection: 7 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 8

Caring of Your Health: +12 Health

Mediating: 6 + 1 (pt Mod) = 7

Accompany: 15 + 1 (Per Mod) = 16

Gold: 0

Health: 15/17   

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 05, 2010, 03:29:20 PM
Aloc (the one i've been controlling) explains the situation and Aloc (the other one) explains that...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 05, 2010, 03:36:14 PM
Rainen sits up and says "Ok a friend would be nice. By the way I'm Rainen.  I'm a Psy fighter that specializes in fire and healing but I can't seem to use any of my healing abilities."  Rainen creates a small ball of blue fire in his hand and lets it dissipate seconds later.  "What's your name?"
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Frosty on April 06, 2010, 04:49:33 PM
Garling trys to control the black spriggats mind long enough for his escape to work.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 07, 2010, 08:35:21 PM

You explain to the other Aloc (let's call him Al) about the situation. He looks at you, and simply says the major the major events in your (the Aloc your controlling) "I was had thought this was  not true, like, there was another time other than this. We have to get going though, I think I may know how change all of this." "What?" You respond. " I think we may have to go back in time and stop that Shadowling from transported you to the past. What, I am thinking though, is we go back in time to before the Shadowling was born and mess up his future. We world get rid of him and we won't kill him." "Nuhhh" mutters John as we wakes back up. "So what do you guys think, we should go back in the past and remove him from the timeline?" "The only questions is what do we do about going back in time itself" "I think I know how to do that" smiles John. He begins to walk out of the room and gestures you to follow him.

Group Decision: 13 + 1 (Per Mod) = 14

John's Answer: 16

Al's Response Back: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 08, 2010, 07:10:39 AM
Aloc and Al followes him while Aloc asks Al if he has learnt any illusion tricks in this universe that he doesn't know of or he has improved his knowledge of trick or illusion. If so, Aloc asks Al to teach him his skills.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 08, 2010, 12:48:56 PM

"My name is Annabeth" The girl smiles. She helps you up and puts your arm around her shoulder. I will help you until you get to your friends or whoever you are looking for. You walk out of the hut, and you see the endless forest in front of you. You walk for another hour until you reach a familiar scène. There are bodies lying everywhere, and you notice that they are all the bandits that who had almost tried to kill you earlier. Annabeth shrieks as one of the bodies seems to be moving towards her, moaning, the bandit clearly is in pain. Do you kill him or leave him alone.

Bandits Bodies: 12

Helping Hand: 13 + 1 (A. Pow) = 14

Bandit Body: 14 – 1(Apt Mod) = 15

Gold: 0

Health: 15/17

Your Turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 08, 2010, 01:12:23 PM

Al explains that he doesn't anymore tricks than you do. He also explains that he probably go to more violent efforts when dealt with that situation, than you would because he grew up in a shadowing world. While you guys are talking you hear Jon talking to himself. Jon walks ahead of you muttering, " He better in the mood to bend the universe a bit..." You are confused and Al is in the same state of confusion as you are (Sorry about the mistakes, I have had a long day...).

Different Moves: 5 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 6

Universe: 17

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Health: 23/23

Your Turn!  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 08, 2010, 01:45:01 PM
(What's with all the grammar mistakes. I can barely understand a word!)

Aloc asks John what's going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 08, 2010, 02:43:13 PM
I scan the surroundings to see if there is an ambush then I scan the bandit to see what intentions he has.  I try to get answers from the bandit by forcefully scanning his mind.  After i'm done i end his suffering by attempting to take the pain I'm feeling and transfer it to him(learning feedback).  I tell Annabeth that I only have two goals right now, finding my spriggat friends and finding a herb that could cure my amnesia.  After awhile I scan the area again to make sure there is nothing about to jump out at me and then i check the bandits to see if they have anything on them as well as taking two of their swords.  After the looting is done with i check the area a final time and ask Annabeth if she has any idea of where to go.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 09, 2010, 12:31:18 PM

John turns around and simply says "We have to go visit a person who might be able to send us back in time". "Whom?" Al asks. "A person by the name of Lord Zackirus. I have to tell you a story about him though. See, I was first a mountain explorer, before I went into the mechanics. I climbed all mountains across Cera Bella. There was this one mountain, it is on the tip of Somnus. It was cold, wet, and challenging. I was almost at the peak when I noticed this cave. I went into the cave and saw these two giant steel doors. I pushed them open and I saw a human like figure sitting on a rug with some sort of machine. I said hello and he looked up. He put down his machine, and walked over to me. He said, John you have arrived, I was just creating your travel here. I asked what was going on and he simply said, I am a god. He showed me his strange machine. Whatever he typed into it came true, but every while, he would roll a die and write something. I think he may be able to help us." "Wow...." Al says. Who guys walk another hour and see that you are on the borders some sort of Shadowling camp. Shadowling float around with slaves wailing as they get dragged into tents.  Do you try to sneak around or confuse them all.        

Zackirus: 20! + 1 (J. Apt Mod) = 20

Overall Memory: 18 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 19

Shadowling Camp: 13  

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!        
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 09, 2010, 01:52:36 PM
Aloc tries to sneak around. If everything goes according to plan, this camp will never exist.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on April 09, 2010, 03:39:27 PM
what, you ever going to do mine?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 09, 2010, 04:52:19 PM
You walk into the town and look for the smithy. As you walk through town people give you funny looks and stare at you. A little girl comes up to you and says "Mister what's wrong with your face?". You feel insulted by the people who live in this town. You walk a bit faster but still people's eyes follow you. You turn down an alleyway to get away from it all until you realise what is happening. You see 3 gruff men with daggers in their hands waiting in the back and you turn around only to see an another man holding a dagger smiling. "Hehehe," one of the men laughs, "Don't worry little buddy we won't hurt you.....

Looks of People: 8 – 3 (Per Mod) = 15

Back Alley: 12

Situation: 5

Gold: 50

Health: 23

Your Turn! (Sorry about that)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 11, 2010, 02:12:06 PM
Lord zackirus! A god! How egotistical.

Funny, though.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 11, 2010, 02:13:58 PM
Quote from: Steelfist on April 11, 2010, 02:12:06 PM
Lord zackirus! A god! How egotistical.

Funny, though.

Techinally I am a God. God of the RTD story...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 11, 2010, 02:22:38 PM
Hardly the place for a theological discussion, but hey...

Can you stop the thread now, then.

A god could...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on April 11, 2010, 04:14:57 PM
try to reason with them, if not, kill them. And I think I know what would happen if he stopped the forums- in the words of the grinch, if you stop this forum for 1 second, we will hunt you down and gut you like a fish.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 11, 2010, 05:04:56 PM
I will commit acts involving flame throwers and the glaciers of Canada.  And then gut you like a fish.[spoiler]sarcasm ftw! too bad you can't really have a text modifier that means sarcasm though... while I'm in this spoiler, have any of you seen the music video for imma be rockin that body by the black eye peas? It's awesome![/spoiler]  oh btw my recent post has no response ;)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 12, 2010, 06:42:12 AM
My post is on page 6.

Nothing's happened, yet, though.

Maybe we should organize this a bit better, you can't respond to everyone.

Maybe if we all do one another's story (For instance, I do Mopman's, Zackirus does Ersatz Man's, Ersatz Man does mine... And so on).

Tell me what you think, Zackirus. You can't juggle this many character's stories on your own.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 12, 2010, 07:42:09 AM
Due to the amount of players on this forum: Steelfist and I have purposed to split the amount of work this means that some people might not have their RTD done by me. These are the players and corresponding leaders:


Ersatz Man



Thank you everyone for your corporation
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 12, 2010, 07:47:24 AM
I still wouldn't mind having a character myself, however, it would hardly be fair to do my own story.

Zackirus, you could either create a character for yourself (Possibly not Lord Zackirus the god, but an unrelated character), which I could do the story for, and you could then do the story for my character.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 12, 2010, 07:53:10 AM

You quietly sneak around the camp, trying to avoid detection. Out of the corner of your eye you see the shadowling reporting back into one main tent. You look carefully into the tent from the point you stand and see some sort of figure behind a chair. You see the chair stop suddenly and you wonder what's going on. The figure gets up and walks out of the tent and away. You guys successfully make it around the camp without be spotted and continue off towards the mountain. Two days later and saving reached almost the border of Somnus itself you arrive at the mountain and it looks grim. It front of it you see a figure standing in front of the mountain. I have been waiting for you, Aloc.

Sneaking: 14 + 1 (Def Mod) = 15

Silent Figure: 20!

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on April 12, 2010, 08:11:15 AM
Zackirus, do you mind doing my story as well, or finding another forum goer to do it.

In any case, I would like my character to attempt to use his psy powers to convince the guard to go away.

If this fails, he should mind blast him and run to his nearby bolt-hole.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 12, 2010, 09:07:10 AM
Zackirus, Aloc asks, is that you?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 12, 2010, 03:54:32 PM
repost for easy access:
I scan the surroundings to see if there is an ambush then I scan the bandit to see what intentions he has.  I try to get answers from the bandit by forcefully scanning his mind.  After i'm done i end his suffering by attempting to take the pain I'm feeling and transfer it to him(learning feedback).  I tell Annabeth that I only have two goals right now, finding my spriggat friends and finding a herb that could cure my amnesia.  After awhile I scan the area again to make sure there is nothing about to jump out at me and then i check the bandits to see if they have anything on them as well as taking two of their swords.  After the looting is done with i check the area a final time and ask Annabeth if she has any idea of where to go.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 12, 2010, 05:13:24 PM

You scan the surrounding and see that there is nobody within the area. The man screams "Please, don't hurt me I don't wish to harm you". You scan his mind and to your relief he doesn't want to fight you. He coughs up some blood and stumbles to the ground. Annabeth looks at you and says, "we can't just leave him to die..." You look down at the man and notice that he body has frost bites and burn marks all over it, and at some of the worst cases there is blood flowing from wound. Do you save him, leave him, kill him (once you made your decision) Your party heads off to the north, and you have collected two swords and you have found an extra 25 gold, because Annabeth thinks that she saw some sort of town to the north of here.

Scan: 6 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 7 (Hehehehe)

Man's Intentions: 14 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 15

Looting: 14

North: 13 + 1 (A Apt Mod) = 14

Gold: 125

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 12, 2010, 06:15:24 PM
I attempt to heal his mind enough so he can survive and bandage himself.  Once again i attempt to scan the area because something seemed a little off.  After we leave I try and focus my fire abilities into the two swords so that they can improve my abilities as well as be more useful in combat.  When I'm done with that i swing them in the air and practice with them on trees so I know how to use them more efficiently.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 13, 2010, 07:26:07 AM

"Don't you know who I am?" says the Figure. "No-no" Whispers Aloc. The figure advances forward at a leisurely pace "Stayy..... back you person," Yells Aloc. He continues to advance as he begins to talk, his voice is like a madman's lullaby. "Come, the damage is already done". The figure is almost 20 meters away from you and its feels as though you can't move. "What do we do Aloc" whispers Al. "Attack him!" yells John. "Ohh, don't attack me...." Laughs the Madman. He spins his arm in a ark and John's body goes collapsing to the ground. He is around 10 meters away from you but he does not move any father what you do.

Damage: ?? + (? Pow Mod) = ??

Madman: 12

Intentions: 3

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 13, 2010, 09:15:32 AM
Fine, we'll play along, Aloc says, what do you want us to do?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 13, 2010, 11:20:44 AM

"Play Along, PLAY ALONG" the madman hollers. "Oh, I used to be so stupid. No Aloc, You don't have to play along because no matter what you do you will always be in my control. Like right now!" Suddenly, the trees behind you dissolve into a gray mist and the mountain as well. Al clutches his face as he dissolves into the grey smoke. Everything but the ground you standing on disappears leaving you to face this madman. "Now, Aloc you can't win, you're in my world!" He smiles and the world reappears. To Your horror, you're not in the forest but a small dank cell. You are lying in your own blood and their is a figure standing up at the door. "Now, Aloc, you have seen the real world, do you want to go another trip." He looks you down and up laughing at your pitiful figure and he waits for your answer.

Bloody Posture: 8 – 3 (Pow Mod) = 5

Location: 14

World Around: 19

Gold: 0

Health: 3/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 13, 2010, 11:30:40 AM
Where am I? Aloc asks. What's going on?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 13, 2010, 11:58:09 AM

"You are in Somnus. You are here because after I read your mind I found out that you were looking for whoever this Zackirus person is to destroy the empire. I figured out after searching through your friends brains and yours, that meeting this person would restore the timeline and the queen would die. I cannot allow that to happen. Though, I am impressed by the amount of change that has happened to you. It pains me so, but soon you will no-longer be useful to the empire and we will simply toss you and your friends into our arena where you shall perish. No personal feelings, oh wait, there are." "Where are John and Al!?" You yell as you feel your strength is slipping away from you. "They are in different cells, I must say though,  you are looking better than them right now." He laughs and turns to go out the door

Length of Stay: 13 + 1 (Per mod) = 14

John and Al: 7

Personal Connection: 13 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 14

Gold: 0

Health: 3/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on April 13, 2010, 01:29:52 PM
Knowing that the end is nigh, Aloc waits for death...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 13, 2010, 02:28:40 PM
Don't forget about me again ;)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on April 13, 2010, 03:43:06 PM

You try to heal him, but you don't seem to have that power (Yet), Annabeth picks him up and sort of takes out of herbs, she feeds it to him and he feels better. "He will get better, but he sadly won't be able survive unless we help him." You scan the area again to check to see if you missed anything but it still is empty. You channel your fire energy into the swords but as soon as you get up to a quarter of your max temperature the swords melt. You try to channel them differently but it still doesn't work. Annabeth drags they guy, and a an hour you guys are at some sort of town The locals move around all silently and none of them look up at your approach. "Weird.." says Annabeth.

Swords: 15 + 1 (Apt Mod) – 20 (Your haven't learned skill/ not the right material)

Annabeth's Kindness: 14 – 1( Your Per Mod) = 13

Locals: 7

Gold: 125

Health: 17/17

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on April 13, 2010, 04:01:10 PM
I look around the town and scan it to see what's going on and attempt to assimilate the town's customs from the nearby people.  After awhile we head to an area that is out of the way and i attempt to channel my fire abilities into some rocks and branches in order to relearn the ability again.  I ask Annabeth if she can use any psy abilities and after awhile I meditate in order to improve my own abilities.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on May 07, 2010, 02:29:45 PM
anybody gonna post? ???
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on May 07, 2010, 06:25:52 PM
Apparently not.

Everyone is waiting for zackirus, who seems to have forgotten the thread.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on May 08, 2010, 11:12:44 PM

Zackirus wakes up from his bed and yawns deeply. He gets up and has a quick burning hot shower and sits down and watches T.V. well he eats his breakfast. He takes out his laptop and checks his email. "Holy.....". He notices he has 5 messages for him to restart something. Then it click at the back of his memory. Oh ya, Time has stopped. Timeresume......

Tiredness: 9

Breaskfast: 14

Memory and Time Stoppage: 13 + 20 (Apt Mod)

Gold: Unknown

Health: 10,000,000,000/10,000,000,000

Everybody Else's Turn


Mike (for a better name) trys to talk himself out of being mugged by the guards. With his low personality, it somehow fails, and he manages to call their mother a farm animal. Mike wakes up and realises that he is in a garbage can, naked, with no money, and no weapons. He gets up and notices his clothes are torn up around the garbage can and they are unwearable. It is night time and there is nobody on the street and it is really quiet.

Stopping of Mugging: 1 – 3 (Per Mod) = 0

Stuff Stolen: 6 + 1 (Pow Mod) = 7

Nobody There: 13

Health: 6/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn!


Convincing him works. He slowly starts to wander off but he looks drunk and stumbles into some women holding pots above her head. You slowly back off and find yourself at the edges of a battle zone, there is a teenager, fighting 3 spear guards, 1 is one the ground, and the other two are advancing fearfully. A closer look shows that his kid has black hair, whitish skin, but his eyes are blue green. One of the guards is hit by a light blast coming from his hands and the other runs away. He is quickly shot down by another light blast and a kid slowly moves towards a small looking beggar. "Where's Yawah Now...." he says. The beggar scrambles away, and you can almost feel the kid is now staring at you.

Convincing: 14 + 0 (Per Mod) = 14

Power of Kid: 16

Guard Fight: 11

Staring: 15 – 0 (Your Per Mod) = 15

Gold: 50

Health: 23/23

Your Turn


You go up to one of the people and step in their way. The person bumps into you but shows no reaction, he spills come sort of clear liquid from a barrel he is holding. He continues to walk forward without saying anything. At a glance you see that he eyes are glazed over and look like they have been open for weeks. All the other people in the town act like this, they have no brain activity and they just walk around the town. You scan around and see that their is a strong psy feeling coming from the middle of the town. Anabeth bends down and touched the clear liquid. "It feels like spit" she sheirks. He walk over to her and help her up, she looks at you but falls limp in your hands. Her eyes glaze over and he begins walking in the same way the people of the town are.

Interfering: 13 – 0 (Apt Mod)

Slime: 4 + 0 (A's Pow Mod) = 4

Center of Town: 14

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!


(Three Days Later) The guard comes to pick you up, you see the figure waiting behind them. He Laughs "Take him and his friends to the resting area. Shadowling guards pick you pick and drag you body into some sort of room. You see Al and John lying next to you. You bend up to say something but a foot kicks you in the face. "No talking to them right now, you will get your turn". They leave the room and you stand up. There is food all around you, a blue shadowling hovers over to you and you feel your body becoming stronger, he does the same thing to Al and John and he says, "Your Master has entered you into the coliseum, you must eat now and get ready for fighting, which will begin in 20 minutes." He floats off and you are standing in a room without any clue what to do.

Coliseum: 16

Healer: 14  

Fighting: 13

Gold: 0

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on May 09, 2010, 07:53:21 AM
uh, which one happened ??? If it is the first, track the thugs while remaining hidden(no need for everybody to see him without clothes)

If its the second, slowly backoff from the kid.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on May 09, 2010, 01:18:57 PM
I'm back, I couldn't stay away! :)

Anyway, 'FIGHTING!' Aloc thinks to himself. 'Mabye I can conjure up something really distracting, then I can escape,' Aloc decides.

'Oy You!' A a shadowling voice echoes in Aloc's mind, 'time to die!'

And, like that, he is forced into a giant arena with a sand floor where thousands of shadowling are waiting intently. Aloc could feel the general mood of the crowd was one of excitement and suspense. A large, dark man with a scar along his left cheek wielding a heavy two-handed mace and wearing leather armour enters the opposite side of the arena. A horn is blown, and the man comes charging at Aloc screaming a battle cry. The man came closed his distance to 50 metres... 40.... 30... Aloc prepares his next move...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on May 09, 2010, 01:34:22 PM
Approach the kid slowly and try to contact him mentally.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on May 09, 2010, 03:48:12 PM

Aloc jumps out of the way and the mace just barely misses him. He rolls onto the ground and look up the man seems to be twisting his mace. Aloc hears a snap and it becomes two maces, one in each hand. He looks at Aloc and charges again, this time however, he gets Aloc in the chest, Aloc goes flying backward into the wall and crumbles to the ground. The man runs then picks you up throwing you against the wall. He grabs you with one hand and hits you with the other mace. He then after mercilessly beating you smashes your head into a wall and throws you onto the ground. He can almost feel like your life source is dying away. Aloc suddenly gets a brust of energy, he feels like he could destroy Sinus itself. Out of the corner of Aloc eye, he sees John winking at him. The dark haired man rushes you but it seems like he is tiptoeing. He trys to hit you with his (double mace now) mace but you grab it out of is hands and he goes flying backwards. You are astonished by what you have done. The man stumbles to the ground, and you here the crowd yell "KILL HIM, KILL HIM".

Roll: 20 – 3 (P. Pow Mod) = 17

Second Hit: 14 (Damage)

Wall Smashing and Throw: 10 (Damage)

Energy: 16 + 1 (Per Mod)

Axe Grab: 12 + 5 (Specail Mod) = 17

Gold: 0

Health: 40/40

Your Turn! 
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Ertxiem on May 09, 2010, 07:30:51 PM
Wow. It's been a long time since the last update.
I would like to be kept on the story.
Just to help you locate me, I appear in in pages 6&7.

Quote from: Zackirus on April 01, 2010, 03:57:37 PM

The Black Spriggat picks out 2 of his warriors to fight by your side "This is Cetan, a master healer and, Ert (Ertrxiem Reference) one of our finest fire warriors." You take them outside to mediatae with them and Ert is able to connect with you but Cetan sadly isn't able to. The Spriggats then tell you than unless you have some sort of wing system to hold up your body weight. You guys slowly travel across Lake Alto, during this time, Rainen explains that he has amnesia, and can't remember some of his attacks. Cetan tells him that there is some herb in the desert that can actually heal amnesia. Grotius remains silent through the trip across. When you guys get to the other side, you hear the sound of swords in the distance, the swords clank at furiously together. You don't know whether to check out the noise or not. The other Spriggats remain silent and are thinking around the same thing.


Quote from: Zackirus on April 05, 2010, 02:56:24 PM

You guys hide in the trees at the locations. The forest is still silent until you hear a flash of movement. You turn you head but a sword goes ripping through your back. You fall onto the ground almost paralyzed, trying to make sense of what just happened. Your body feels weak, even after the stab. The badnit jumps down from the tree and takes all your gold. Your friends jump out of their hiding places, but are surrounded by at least 10 badnits all together. You can't even walk or move. You try to crawl around but it's too late, you black out.


You wake up in some sort of tent. You see a figure standing over you, it holds down water and you are so thirsty you gulp it down in one gulp. You look up but your vision is hazy, all you see is an outline of some sort of human. "Are you okay?" a warm girl human voice says. "Ughhh" you can barely move and speak. She bends down and you can see some chocolate brown hair, with blonde streaks in it, you also can see these grassy green eyes. You don't know wither this girl is friend or foe, but what do you do.


I never knew what happened to me, but I sure lost contact with Rainen. Did Cetan survived? If he did, he will probably come with me.

My actions:
- Try to locate Rainen.
- If I have some free time, I'll try to train my fire breath and my wall of fire. I feel bad about being unable to protect Rainen (and loosing track of him).
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on May 10, 2010, 07:21:41 AM
Aloc contacts the man with his psy abilities trying to explain that he will perform an illusion to make it LOOK like he kills him then they will attempt to escape.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steelfist on May 10, 2010, 12:44:39 PM
Zackirus, if you post an action, I would be happy to write yours; you are writing mine, after all.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on May 10, 2010, 01:00:18 PM
Glady, but well will use Aaron as Zackirus is tooo powerful, also, Steelfist your in charge Mopman story remeber and Ertxiem's (I have Rainen and Ersatz Man)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on May 10, 2010, 01:11:23 PM
Quote from: Zackirus on May 10, 2010, 01:00:18 PM
Glady, but well will use Aaron as Zackirus is tooo powerful, also, Steelfist your in charge Mopman story remeber and Ertxiem's (I have Rainen and Ersatz Man)
Yeah, speaking of me, can you reply to my last post? Thanks.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on May 10, 2010, 01:19:45 PM

The audience looks and sees you standing over the man and the see you bebhead in front of them, you prepare to run, but suddenly you are grabbed by a shadowling who drags you back into the room where you were eating. A shadowling healer floats over and heals you, and says "your next match will be in a few hours, please feel free to watch the matches or go to the training area to train. There is one problem though, You need a fighter bracelet. Hold out your hand" He shadowling brings this blue bracelet from the front it looks like it is nothing.

Isllusion: 13 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 14

Healing: 12 + 1 (Per Mod) = 13

Fighter Braclet: 4 + 1 (Per Mod) = 3 

Gold: 0

Health: 40/40

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on May 10, 2010, 01:24:32 PM
Aloc secretly congratulates himself on the sucessful illusion and holds him arm out to reluctantely accept the bracelet. Aloc must see what the bracelet does first before he can plan what to do next.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on May 10, 2010, 01:57:27 PM

The blue shadowling put the band on your hand. You feel no different. The shadowling directs you to these two pillars in one corner on the room. "Walk through them". Aloc walks toward them but as he draws near his movement slows, and soon he is moving his legs but is not going anywhere. Aloc backs up and he can move freely again. "Now, about your living quarters, you will be roomed in slave room 42 arb, you will have a roommate, his name I believe is a human named Matham, a Psy Fighter by the looks of it. We will come get you when it is time for your match." He looks down and notices you tugging at the bracelet, "the only way you can get it off is if you won the championship." He smilies. He hands you a small bag of 50 gold. "This should supply you with training and better food but it will cost money." He leaves the room and your all alone and you have no idea where John and Al are.

Bracelt Effects: 14

Freedom of Movement: 10 – 3 (P. Pow Mod) = 7

Matham the Psy Fighter: 3

Tip of advice: 13 + 1 (Per Mod) = 14

Gold: 50

Health: 40/40

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on May 10, 2010, 02:19:48 PM
Not caring to meet with a psy fighter, Aloc decides to look around for John.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on May 10, 2010, 05:48:01 PM
realizing that he won't be able to fight whatever it is that is plaguing this town, rainen finds  a quiet place to train on his abilities of healing, fire channeling and projectile redirection.  He also attempts to create a shield out of the particles in the air so that he can block projectiles from hitting him from other directions.  after some time passes he meditates to improve his abilities and then later begins to search for anything of value around the town.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 11, 2010, 05:06:24 AM
Um, hello?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Bromtaghon on June 11, 2010, 12:27:53 PM
You realize this thread is over a month old, and that Zackirus hasn't been on these forums for just as long?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 12, 2010, 07:22:13 AM
Yeah, but I was really getting into it. I wish Zackirus would come back. :'(
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on June 12, 2010, 09:18:08 AM
well at least we still have hell quest.  Not exactly the same but its still similar :)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 12, 2010, 10:22:04 AM
Yeah, I guess so, i'll start playing hell quest.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 15, 2010, 11:39:15 AM

Aloc walks to the nearest exit and he finds himself in a crowd. The crowd appears to be watching some fight that is going on. Aloc looks down and notices two spriggats fighting each other Aloc walks over to where John was and surprisingly he is still there. Aloc sits down beside him and he looks across at you. "Not a Bad Job" he smiles. He gets up and brushes of his pants. Aloc glances over and notices, that him too, where's the blue bracelet. "So, Aloc says" they got you as well. "Yes, but I don't have to fight since I am a healer. I am allowed to join up with any competitor I choose." He walks off and Aloc quickly follows him. "By, the way, Do you know where Al is?" asks Aloc. "The last I saw of him he was going to training because his fight was the fight before yours." Replies John. You two walk until you reach the end of the row and walk down into the stadium. John points to a map that says: You are here. It points to serval different locations.

Fighters Living Area:

Training Area:

Common Area:

Champion Dorm Area:

Underground Lake Area:

Eating Area:

Finding John: 14 + 1(Apt Mod) = 15

Al Location: 12 + 1 (John's Apt Mod) = 13

Competitors Joining Up: 17

Locations: 12

Gold: 50

Health: 40/40

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 15, 2010, 11:53:07 AM

You meditate, only improving abilities slightly (2 more HP). You walk around town and notice all the eyes hat have glazed over and started almost to look red. Well you are noticing this you bump into one of the people in town. It drops a sack of flour and begins to scream. All of a sudden all the monsters are screaming and the noise is unbearable. You dashe into a house and covers your ears with some pillows but the noise keeps getting louder and louder. The beings surround the house and start to file into the house one by one. Suddenly you see one of their forms flicker. It shows the same human but it looks scared and it has its mouth is CLOSED. The scream is still getting louder though and Rainen feels as though he might pass out at any moment.

Flower Bump: 6 + 1 (P. Pow Mod) = 7

House Nearby: 13

Screaming: 14 + 1 (Mystery Mod) = 15

Form Flicker: 16 + 0 (Apt Mod) = 16

Gold: 100

Health: 25/25

Your Turn!

Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 15, 2010, 02:11:45 PM
Yay! You're back!

Aloc decides to go to the fighters living area to see if he can find Al (if he's still alive) and to see if he can plan an escape.

Hint: I wanna go back to the future! (heheheh. Back To The Future)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 15, 2010, 02:32:47 PM

Aloc goes to the fighters living area. He looks around and notices a lot of the fighters have swords or daggers in their hand. He walks around for a bit but he can't seem to find Al. In the middle of the fighters area then have this huge fire. Over the fire they have all these bags bundled up and some slaves are throwing them into the fire. He walks over and notices that these are the bodies of past competitors that have died. He walks over to a slave and asks "Do you have any records of who these dead bodies are?" The slave gruffly points to a shabby wooden sign that hangs on just barely to its one string. He searches throughout the names but doesn't find any Aloc's in there. Confused where to go and where Al is, Aloc ponders his next move. John suddenly taps him on the shoulder and whispers, I can feel Al presence but I can't locate it.

Living or Dead: 16

Location: 5 + 1 (Per Mod) = 6

Sign Board: 12 + 1 (Per Mod) = 6

Presence: 16 – 1 (Pow Mod) = 15

Gold: 50

Health: 40/40

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 15, 2010, 03:58:09 PM
'Huh?' Aloc thinks. He sends out telecommunication with his mind but there are too many people. He cannot think of where he might be. Suddenly, Aloc thinks of something, 'I think I just overheard (through my thoughts) some info on where he might be' Not knowing whether it was just him hoping or whether someone really did think about Al. Aloc decides to scan the room again, trying to pick up any information that might be useful...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 16, 2010, 01:18:36 PM

You scan the room in front of you. It appears to be some sort of storage area. You feel a faint telepathic mind in the distance of the room. You and John run towards the sound and come to a halt. You see Al of his back with around 5 bottles of beer in the floor around him and another in his hand. You looks knocked-out but pretty much okay. He hiccups and opens his eyes. " *hic* aren't you.... *hic*.a pretty lady..." he stutters looking at John. "Oh God!" John frowns. "I just *hic* want to *hic* kiss you" he says. He unexpectedly falls to the floor. He falls back asleep and you guys have to do something about him.

Drunk Telepathic Mind: 14

Message: 5 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 6

Drunk Reasoning: 8 – 3(Pow Mod) = 5

Gold: 50

Health: 40/40

Your Turn!  
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 16, 2010, 03:10:42 PM

The kid looks at you and says simply "Do you work for the cult?" "No" you reply. Then kid suddenly jumps back and runs towards the west part of town. Looking confused you don't know whether to follow the kid or not. You also remember that your transportation will be hear soon and you might not have a lot of time.

Kid's Response: 13 + 0 (Per Mod) = 13
Time Situation: 7

West Side!: 18

Gold: 100

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 16, 2010, 03:47:49 PM
Aloc decides that if Al has been in here long enough to drink five bottles of beer undedected, he should be fine for the night. Also, he hasn't got any valuable possesions on him and competitors probably wouldn't kill him because he's an 'easy kill' in the arena. But, just to be sure, Aloc and John hide him in a corner behind a barrel. It isn't perfect, but he probably won't stand out if someone isn't specifically looking for something.

With Al moderately safe, Aloc and John decide to look around to see if anything or anyone interesting pops up.

1 hour later

Aloc and John are just mindlessy chatting with some drunk spearmen when, suddenly, Aloc realises that Al is in a STOREROOM! People will go in there to look for stuff. After explaining the situation to John, Aloc and him rush to the storeroom. Trying to retrace there steps. If they will be able to navigate around the endless corridors and if they find an unharmed Al, they will bring him somewhere safe hopefully... (That's a lot of if's!)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on June 17, 2010, 09:20:00 PM
after trying to bear the screaming i decide i need to get out and find help so i try to find an escape.  (successful escape) after escaping i run away from the town and try to find some other people who are not under some weird spell. (failed escape)  Realizing i can't get away i focus my energy into a massive attack(1) in order to try and create some sort of opening so that i can get out. (success in running)  after barely escaping whatever it was that plagued the town i decide i need to become stronger.  I decide that i need to find some sort of school that i can study at and learn how to better control my abilities (failed running)  knowing i'll have to fight my way out i draw my swords and prepare myself to fight

(1) even though my character doesn't know it the attack that would happen upon success would be the following- annihilation-range 5x5-  an area effect fire attack that grows stronger depending on how desperate of a situation you are in.
damage-psy power + (enemies/allies X 2)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 18, 2010, 02:26:14 PM

The creatures swarm you and your mental attacks do nothing against their mindless brains. You start to become angrier as time passes. "THIS IS IT!" you scream at the top of your lungs. A blazing inferno surrounds you and a firestorm is let loose. Fire falls to the ground like rain and suddenly meteors are falling with them. The earth around the town explodes and huge fire geysers shot out from the ground. All your energy gathers in the center point of your body wraps you in a cocoon. You unleash your "other form". Fire erupts from for hands like water from a fire hose and suddenly the entire town is red and black. It's not over yet though; the fire that you control suddenly turns blue and burns even greater. You can't stop the power though it flows out of you and suddenly a distortion in the worlds balance occurs. The last bit of power rushes out of you at that moment. With no more power, you turn back into your normal form and collapse. Your vision blacks out.....

You wake up and you are in a crater. It expands 2 kilometres in all directions. Everything is black except for you. You feel like you just had a hangover and you stumble when you try to get up. Strangely you can't remember anything that happened...

Ultimate Firestorm (Thing) = 20

Aftermath: 5 + 2 (Pow Mod) = 7

World Balance: 1

Memory: 7 – 1 (Int Mod) = 6

Gold: 50

Health: 23/23

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 18, 2010, 02:51:42 PM

You run along the corridors searching for Al. You remember something about some broken barrels with wine spilling out of them. You turn around a corner and hear a scream some sort of blackish-reddish mist is expanding through the room. You run but within nanoseconds you are in it. The world goes dark and suddenly and light blast comes towards your face and you dodge it. You are in the Arena, and both Al and John are beside you. You four figures on the other side each one of them is wearing a dark cloak. The one that fired the light blast whispers "We will win the championship not you!" Suddenly you realise that you are in the championship match against what appears to be four psy fighters. "Wait a minute...." a Cryo blast flies past your head before you finish the sentence. "Less Talk, More Allusions (hehehe)" John yells. The four figures begin charging up their attacks as you see element forming in their hands.

Black-ish Mist: 0 (meaning had to happen)

Location: 17

Four Figures: 13 + 1 (Apt Mod) = 14 

Gold: 150 (???)

Health: 30/30

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on June 18, 2010, 03:29:44 PM
I try to gather my  thoughts and look around for something still living.  After some wandering I sit down and meditate to see if I can draw out any memories of what just happened.  More time passes and I get back to training
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 21, 2010, 07:30:38 AM
Once again, Aloc has to hope that these psy fighters, known for their cunning, will fall for Aloc's illusion. Aloc will make an illusion, john will coat it in a massive shield so that when you touch it, you feel something. Also, Al will try to win the crowd with cool dodges and illusions. It could work...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on June 22, 2010, 02:11:28 PM

"Now, you have evoked my Wraith!" You scream. You call forth a huge black demon from your mind and the crows in the arena is stunned. The four figures fire all different elements from their hands but John's shield is strong enough to block the blast. Al uses this time to get behind them and takes them out with a small knife that disables them. He is successful in taking out both the  Cryo and Pryo but the Light and Shadow soon realise that it is a trick. "Hey You" the one with light powers screams "why don't you come down and fight us one on one instead of using a huge demon illusion." "Wait Peter" The figures with shadow powers replies "I have an idea."" He runs around the illusion and suddenly shots a shadow blast at John. John crumples to the floor and you are so shocked that the illusion disappears. You look over your shoulder and see Al locked in combat with Peter. Out of your other eye you see that the shadow figure is beginning to charge up energy for another shadow blast.

Illusion + Shield = 16 (14 + 18)

Al's Take-Out= 15 – 2 (Pow Mod) = 13

Shadow and Light Realization: 15

Gold: 150

Health: 30/30   
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on June 23, 2010, 05:06:17 AM
With no defense, Aloc must rely on his charisma and dodging ability to get out of this one. Aloc tries to talk his way out of this by talking to the psy fighter with his mind while trying to dodge his attacks until he listens to reason. Aloc wonders how he hets himself into these kind of situations.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 01, 2010, 11:03:29 AM
any chance of somebody taking over for Zack?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on August 18, 2010, 08:53:46 AM
maybe we should start this over? Or make a new one.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on August 22, 2010, 02:26:05 PM
I've come back after months to check in. I really liked this game. Never mind.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 23, 2010, 11:51:22 PM
it's a sad demise isn't it :\ 
also FYI this is post 650 for me.  that includes forum game posts.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 02, 2010, 07:32:45 AM
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 03, 2010, 04:01:37 PM
Well, hey, why can't we make a new one?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 03, 2010, 06:23:08 PM
Or make it an RP!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 03, 2010, 09:03:57 PM
Please no. I stink at RPs.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 04, 2010, 09:56:57 AM
I vote for just continuing on where we all were left off.  You can do that right zacl?  :-*
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 04, 2010, 12:21:25 PM

You keep dodging his attacks trying to reason with him but he keeps on attacking saying that he wants to be free. He is about to unleash another Shadow Blast when he suddenly crumples to the ground and you see that Al is standing behind him with a bloody dagger in his hand. "Let's not do this again" He smiles as you walk towards the center to help John. He gets up himself and unleashes a big shield healing myself all the way. You all walk toward to center when a blue-ish light appears in front of you. It sends out a ring that encompasses You, John, Al, and the Shadow Psy Fighter. The ring suddenly retracts and pulls you into the center. The last thing you see before you enter the blue light is a wall of fire coming from the light in every direction.


You  fall onto the ground of some forest. It is around midday and surprising you feel great. All of you (including the Psy Fighter) stand up and marvel at what is in front of you. It is a giant black crater. You also see one solitary figure talking towards you.

Al Stab: 15

Blue-ish Light: 13

Solitary Figure: 4

Gold: 150

Health: 24/24

Your Turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 04, 2010, 12:28:08 PM

You are walking toward one of the edges of the crater when you see a blue-light flash in the air and it drops four people onto the grass in front of you. You start walking over and you notice that they are staring at you. You don't know wether you want to talk with them or avoid them.

Four People: 19

Gold: 150

Health: 30/30

Your Turn....
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 05, 2010, 12:14:46 PM
Can I come back in?
I wake up in a forest, aware of having been unconcious for a long period of time. I decide to head to the nearest gelf village for supplies, as well as to find out whats going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 05, 2010, 01:28:15 PM
Rainen scans the four individuals to see if they are a threat.{threat} Rainen attempts to kill them from a distance.
{Friendly} Rainen introduces himself.
Afterwards Rainen looks around for valuables before meditating once more.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 06, 2010, 07:15:11 AM
Yay, you're back!  :)

I just wait to see what happens.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 06, 2010, 01:08:40 PM

The you feel a powerful mind scan your head very quickly. The figure then calls out, "Hello". He looks friendly but he has a lot of power flowing through him. You turn around and still notice the Shadow Psy Fighter. What do we do with him asks Al in your mind.

Power Scan: 14 + 2 (Apt Mod) = 16

Health: 24/24

Gold: 150

Your Turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 07, 2010, 07:42:02 AM
Well, explain the situation, I guess...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 20, 2010, 04:48:19 PM

You start from the beginning nd explin it all, from teh time travel, to death, to being captured again. The Psy fighters looks at you and simpy says "That story is so crazy I would have to be crazy to not belive it...". "You know what," he laughs, "I have nothing else to do so I'll join you and your friends. While you were talking the figure appoarches and you get a glimise at him. He appears to have normal human characteristics but he has blue hair. The only question is do you start the conversation or will he.

The Shadow Psy Fighter (Name: Jacob) has joined your team!

Psy Fighter Undertsanding:16 + 2 (Per Mod) = 18

Gold: 150

I'll let you and Rainen decide the next course of action..........

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 21, 2010, 11:28:56 AM
scan the individuals to see if they would rather fight then talk, if they want to fight, bluff and try to over power them, if they want to talk, talk and reach an understanding
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 21, 2010, 01:55:24 PM
Well, I'll take a back seat and see where it goes...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 21, 2010, 02:19:35 PM
So, can I come back in or not?
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 21, 2010, 03:21:45 PM
Yes, Mopman you can, can you tell me where you left off though

Rainen and Ersatz you guys can work out the diolauge between yourselves (I think!)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 21, 2010, 09:35:54 PM
well thats not really rtd... but i guess if it means keeping the story moving.

Hello.  My name is Rainen and you four are in a dangerous place.  Rainen walks up towards the four and speaks aloud "I don't remember much any more but theres this weird creature here thats taking over people's minds"

your move
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 22, 2010, 09:50:27 AM

Your turn...
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 22, 2010, 02:28:42 PM
Rainen stared at the four, thinking about what the one said the damage to the timeline is more then i thought, "Well I'm not even from this universe so I don't doubt you at all.  And you are in Cerra Bella.  Just not your Cerra Bella"

your turn
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 22, 2010, 03:14:15 PM

Anyway, I don't care what you have to do. JUST TAKE ME BACK HOME!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 22, 2010, 06:49:53 PM
I told you. I wake up in the forest and head off to a gelf village to find out whats going on.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 22, 2010, 10:51:52 PM
"sorry I can't do that.  I'm stuck here till i finish my mission.  although you might be connected to my mission some how..."

alright this is to rpg for me.  hurry up and get back here zack.  i liked this because it was an rtd >.>
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 23, 2010, 05:03:20 AM
Fine, I'll do what you want me to do but then I wanna go home (I kinda like this)
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 23, 2010, 09:01:07 AM
E and R

"What is your mission anyway?" Al asked Rainen. "I have to escort a spriggat to the deeper downs." Rainen replied, "The problem is I have lost my party." "I have a powerful scanning ability maybe I can hlep". Jacob said prepping his mind. He strains and stays slient for a few seconds. "I am picking up a couple signautres South-West of here..." He whispers after finishing his scan, "Wait, Wait! I am picking up another couple of people Norht of here. I am also picking up somone a bit east of here". "Hmmmm which way do we go..." John wonders out loud. "Well, Since it is your quest Rainen I'll let you decide" Al says to Rainen.

Scanning: 13

Number of People: 7

Gold: E: 50, Rainen: 150

Health: E: 24/24, R: 30/30

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 29, 2010, 09:10:29 AM
Rainen thinks for a minute and then tries to extend the bond that he created with ert into Jacob's scanning abilities "If my plan works then one of the people should seem to jump out at you.  If not then head to the group of 3"
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on September 29, 2010, 09:48:34 AM

You wake up in the forest and find that you don't know where you are. You get up and think that you might be able to find a Gelf village is you walk towards the north. After walking for around 2 hours, You come up to a huge building that looks almost out of place. You see that some person is talking to one of the guards stationed outside the building. You are amazed by this building and you wonder whether you should check it out, for some supplies and to see if they have a map of the surrounding area. 

Large Building: 13

Guard and Person Talking: 17

Health: 10/23

Gold: 0

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on September 29, 2010, 10:50:19 AM
Ok, will do, says Aloc.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Mopman on September 29, 2010, 02:04:09 PM
attempt to sneak in. If failed at that, use superior wit to outwit opposition.
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Zackirus on December 04, 2010, 11:59:40 AM
R and E

You walk towards the south for around 2 hours and realize that you are not getting any closer to the targets. However, they appear to be Spriggats. You continue walking and until you are around 1 kilometer from them. Al pipes up and says, "I think one of us, should try and catch up with them". Everyone looks at each other but someone has to step up and find them.

1 kilometer: 13 + 1(P. Str) = 14

Right Path: 17

Gold: E: 50, Rainen: 150

Health: E: 24/24, R: 30/30

Your Turn!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Steel Ersatz Man on December 05, 2010, 07:36:32 AM
Well I ain't doin' it, I'm a pacifist!
Title: Re: RTD Story
Post by: Xemadus Echina on December 18, 2010, 05:29:20 PM
Rainen sighs and says "I'll go.  I know the leader of the Spriggats by name as well as some of his higher ups.  If they aren't my party then I should be able to convince them that I'm a friend."