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Messages - CraigStern

Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 22, 2013, 09:35:38 AM
A couple of changes to exploration mode:

  • attacking no longer grays out a character in exploration mode
  • only non-damaging attacks now remain available to use in exploration mode (Shove, Pull, Levitate, etc.), mostly for the sake of puzzle-solving
Thanks for the heads up. I'll fix that in a moment.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 21, 2013, 02:34:00 AM
Stayed up late fixing bugs. Bugs fixed:

  • game camera now centers on characters correctly in fullscreen mode
  • stats no longer get screwed up in the battles after a character levels up and learns new attacks
  • the game once again forgives attacks accidentally launched on spaces where there is no valid target

The installers have been updated online.
The AI accounts for tile bonuses and penalties when it checks the damage a character would do with various attacks.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 20, 2013, 11:39:24 PM
New condition, Space Bonus, lets you pick a particular space on the battlefield and give it bonuses and/or penalties without having to muck around in TileData.

There are at least 2 parameters: specifically, Y and X coordinates for the space involved. If you leave it at that, the game will simply erase any bonuses or penalties from that space. Every 2 parameters you add on after that will specify an additional bonus or penalty. The third / fifth / seventh etc. parameter will be the name of the stat, and the fourth / sixth / eighth etc. will be the amount of the bonus / penalty.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 20, 2013, 11:14:51 PM
There is now a terrain effect for Perception as well (for maps with fog of war).
The thought haaaaaas crossed my mind a few times. However, I have new games I want to make, and making those is a higher priority for me than remaking things I've already made.

But hey: with that said, Telepath Tactics features mod support. If you wanted to remake them yourself, there's nothing stopping you. :)
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 20, 2013, 05:59:23 PM
Telepath Tactics now supports terrain effects! You can dynamically modify any of the following based on what space a character is standing on: Strength, Psy Power, Psy Defense, Dodge, Accuracy, and any of the various resistances. (For the resistances, you can lay them each out individually--Pierce Res., Slash Res., Crush Res. Mental Res. etc.--or else affect them all at once just using the catch-all word Resistance.)

To set up a space to alter a character's stats while they stand on it, go into TileData and add a special attribute right after element for the tile you want to do this. For each stat to effect, use two values delimited by a comma: the stat name and the amount that gets added to the stat (this can be a negative value if you want it to be a penalty instead of a bonus). To affect multiple stats, delimit each with a forward slash. For example:

<Tile fileName="tile0001.png" passability="all" dmg="0" element="" special="Strength,-1/Dodge,10/Resistance,10"></Tile>

This will cause the space to give whatever character stands on it a 1 point Strength penalty, but +10 to Dodge and Resistance percentages across the board.

Also, unrelated: swimming characters now always have their Dodge reduced to 0 until they emerge onto land.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into that stuff for sure. ;)
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 19, 2013, 05:07:59 PM
When you click to leave the battlefield in loot grabbing mode, the game now prompts you with a confirmation window there as well.

I've fixed a bug in the enemy AI loop which was sometimes causing it to skip right to a second character before the first had finished its turn.

I've updated the installer online.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 19, 2013, 03:03:02 PM
Telepath Tactics now has an end turn confirmation window which pops up when you press the End Turn button in the Actions menu. (This should help prevent folks from clicking it by accident and ending their turns when they're still moving their characters.)
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 19, 2013, 01:37:18 PM
The game now dynamically reads its version number out of the app data XML file and displays it on the title screen.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 19, 2013, 12:27:59 PM
I've finally replaced that ugly beige placeholder background on the "So-and-so's Turn" splash.
Bridge construction routines for the AI are not currently on the list of things I have planned; these would be very, very difficult to code, and the time I spent on them would inevitably cut into the list of other features I have planned that will (in my opinion) have a greater impact on the game experience.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Developer's Log
July 18, 2013, 05:26:34 PM
I've updated the online installers with the last three days' worth of improvements.

Early access backers: download and update at will! ;)