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General => General Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 12:02:13 PM

Title: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 12:02:13 PM
just saw War Story and was inspired. The rules are similar but there are some changes. Along with any options provided you always have the choice to Run,wait,observe,useorinvestigate.

Death is a possibility. In the case of death the dying person cannot be revived, and the story will immediately resume with a different person.

CHECKPOINTS will always appear Glowing in red. ACTIONS wil always appear in bold. INSTRUCTIONS will always appear in italics. OBJECTS will always appear in blue.


In the unlikely but possible event of all playable characters dying the game is lost.

Now, without further ado the beginning of the story

You are practicing for a half-marathon, as you run down the sidewalk past the park you notice a pillar of light shoot into the sky from one of the buildings not too far in the distance, only about a half mile off you stop and use your cell phone to take a photo of the pillar of light. suddenly you realize that after running six miles you are quite thirsty and may want to go to a restaurant for a drink.


If you die before reaching the next checkpoint the character is resurrected at this point in time
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on July 30, 2012, 02:01:33 PM
Go to the restaraunt and ask if they have any bottled water, so you could take it with you. After that, investigate the light's source.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 02:37:01 PM
When you enter the restaurant you notice on the television a live broadcast of the site where the pillar of light came from. It looks like there has been a lot of damage done tho the surrounding area. You purchase a bottle of water for $1 bringing the amount of money in your wallet to $39. In the background of the broadcast on the television you see an ambulance and paramedics presumably looking for survivors in the collapsed buildings.

It takes you only about three minutes to run to the wreckage, you notice a Large Crack in the street that you might be able to Climb through to enter the sewer. It takes you only a few seconds to see which building was the source of the now vanished light. The central building seems to have been an office before it caught ablaze. There are several firefighters from the local volunteer fire dept as well as an unusually scruffy looking homeless man seeming strangely unfazed. You consider asking somebody if they saw what happened. before you can do that you hear a voice from a burning apartment building crying for help. but you also notice that the firefighters are having great trouble controlling the blaze and the building that the voice came from is not getting much attention. This makes you even more worried than the call for help.

you may use previously mentioned objects if it is logical that you still have them
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 04:34:05 PM
Walk up to one of the firefighters, preferably one that's not actively holding one of the hoses, and point out that there's someone in the burning apartment.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 04:35:50 PM
that is not one of the options, let's assume the player is not that smart. good thinking though :3
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 04:40:26 PM
Oh. Okay, let's act the hero, then! [I was mostly worried about preserving the life of the character; wouldn't want him to be doing anything too completely reckless and dangerous like battling armed skeletons with just a baseball bat, now would we?]

Help the unknown individual within the apartment, rushing into the burning building and making your [my? our? his?] way towards the sound of the pleas for assistance.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 04:53:25 PM
You crash into the burning apartment building but just as you clear the door it collapses leaving only a pile of rubble, you use the water bottle to wet your clothes to prevent them burning, leaving half just in case, even though you really want to drinkit. You run up the stairs dodging fallen debris until you reach the third floor from which the plea is coming. By now your sweat and the heat makes it difficult to see clearly and the smoke is clogging your lungs. you drop to the floor and crawl until you see a door blocked by a large ceiling beam it looks you might be able to lift it but unless you douse the flames you could get badly burned. Either way there is a possibility that you might get hurt and as this occurs to you you feel scared and want to escape and eye longingly an unblocked fire escape.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 04:57:13 PM
Well, then. It seems there's really no good option but to douse the flames with the rest of your water and rescue the poor chap.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 05:05:25 PM
you manage to extinguish the flames but your water is all used up. it turns out that although it is hot it is not as heavy as it looks. you quietly bless modern building materials. Your head begins to hurt as you open the door. Inside the room you see an unconscious mother and her newborn son. it looks like smoke inhalation is the cause and you got there just in time. by now you have just one choice to lift both people out but who do you bring out first?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on July 30, 2012, 05:26:42 PM
You take the newborn son outside of the room first and then her mother, and after getting them both out, proceed on getting the newborn out of the building. Get him to someone able to look after him and then come back for the mother.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 06:04:17 PM
I'm going to say lift the mother on your back in a fireman's carry and carry the baby in one arm. There's no way, with the way this building's coming down, that the one you leave behind is going to make it. That leaves one of your hands free, and you had damned well better hope it's enough.

Oh. Well, Kaseke's works, too.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 07:05:59 PM
which one? they both have their pros and cons, if someone yields to the other I can make this easy, otherwise I will make an executive decision, both lead to a checkpoint.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 07:08:09 PM
I see only one Kaseke.

Did you write this ahead of time?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 07:13:58 PM
I meant yours and his, if you yield then I'll do his, otherwise I'll use
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 07:24:09 PM
I yield. Pax.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 07:35:05 PM

You lift the boy out of the room and return for his mother. but once you are inside the room the hallway caves in, luckily there are only three stories in the hotel. but alas the baby is crushed unter the roof. You bring the mother out through the Fire escape but not without suffering burning to both of your legs. one near the bottom of the fire escape you see that the final ladder is broken off, you realize that you can either wait on the burning building's fire escape, or jump down the final six feet onto the sidewalk.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 07:39:42 PM
To heck with waiting, jump! Well, do your best not to let the woman in your arms hit the ground, especially not her head. I figure, try for landing on your bum; that way, your behind will cusion your fall, and your body will cushion hers when she goes with you. The firefighters seem like they're totally unhelpful and can't be relied upon to take a kitten out of a tree, much less a pair of burned smoke-inhalation victims off of a fire escape.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 07:49:46 PM
yeah, all the firefighters seem to be dipwads.

As you jump you aim to land in the safest way possible. your rear hits the ground first, and miraculously, other than your persistant headache and some superficial burns you seem to be in good health. The firemen immediately bring out an oxygen tank and assist the mother. The EMS crew assures you that she will live. the fire in the central building seems to have been extinguished. The fire hoses now seem to be trained on the building you were just in, fat load of good that does! Aside from the crack in the street widening to a pit nearly six feet in diameter with a blinding light pulsating in the bottom not much has changed. Not even the Homeless guy who you are sure is watching you very intently.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 07:51:55 PM
Go to the hospital yourself to seek treatment for the large burns on your legs. No sense in going onwards if you're barely able to stand the pain.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 07:56:39 PM
that'n not an option, and your legs aren't that bad. Anything that doesn't advance the story is not allowed. sorry, but I want to keep the story fast paced.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 08:01:59 PM
If you always make the character flail head-first into death, with no survival instinct telling him to get the heck out of somewhere in a way that's not plot-advancing but life-preserving, he's going to die. We can either switch to another one of those other primary characters you've got cooked up somewhere, or you could just hit the big fast-forward button known as "X amount of time later...."

It would advance the plot in the sense that the character would be able to advance in the plot at a later time, rather than flat-out die. I mean, burn wounds are pretty serious and can get infected if not treated, and even if they are treated, and stay around for weeks at a time if you don't use the right medicine, as far as I'm aware.

Sorry. Could you explain what you want out of this story a bit more?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 08:09:48 PM
I havent planned out much, but there is a plot, one of the more important parts is that the character is burned. don't worry soon there'll be more room for logical choices. don't worry, depending on what you choose that'll happen in 2-4 screens. we're close to the part that requires a burn. and that heals the player's burns. sorry about not telling you much, but I want the plot to be a surprize.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 08:11:27 PM
Then, shall we talk to the homeless creepy dude staring at us the entire time with his magic x-ray vision that allows him to have stared as us even when we were inside the building saving a woman but not her child? Minus the x-ray vision bit?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 08:30:16 PM
Thank You for choosing correctly!!!!

"Hello Valentine," says the man "we've been waiting for you."
surprised that he knew your name you are about to ask what happened when he answers.
"The Gate has been opened. and you are late" with a speed you could not imagine that he possessed he grabs your shoulder and instantly you see nothing but a blinding white light and suddenly you are in a plaza made entirely out of white stone with ornate buildings on every side built in different styles one is art deco and almost as tall as the empire state building another looks like it may have been built by mud layered on a wooden frame with a flat, a third is built sort of like a greek temple and the last seems to be a plain block like edifice with no decoration whatsoever. all of them are as white as the stone you stand on. the man who was once a hobo is now dressed royally sporting the only color visible for miles. Although lavish, his clothes are very gaudy with incredibly bright hues of red, yellow, green, and blue.
"the choice is yours," he says "but once you enter you cannot second guess."
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 08:35:46 PM
Can we ask this snazzily-dressed homeless guy what we're to do in any one of these buildings? Slay monsters? Paint the walls? Climb them? All of the above?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 09:39:44 PM
You ask the snazzy guy, but his reply is cryptic "there are many things you can do, but you will decide which is right on your own, but no matter the choice, life will go on." You wish that you could riddle it out but the constant headache you have is making it hard to concentrate on anything.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 09:46:28 PM
All right, then. VĂ¡monos al Greco, eh?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 30, 2012, 10:06:20 PM
You approach the greek temple. as you move towards it you start to smell something, at first you can't make it out, but you soon realize that the comforting scent is that of cherry flowers, something that you remember from your childhood. as the scent washes over you you forget where you are for a second, but then you remember your purpose and make o=your way to the entrance. inside is a sloping hill filled with cherry trees all abloom and a happily bubbling stream but as you are about to enter you hear a voice so loud you can feel it in your feet.
"Prove you have been purified or face the consequences of befouling this sacred place. You are unsure what to do, in your confusion you apparently linger too long as a bright green flash illuminates your entire field of vision and then a vicious wind that feels strong enough to rip the flesh from your bones hits you but your feet are stuck in place. Luckily your already very burnt sweats disintegrate before you do as as your raw flesh is exposed the wind stops as abruptly as it began. and the voice returns "our apologies, the water should help" You call into the distance "who are you?" but it seems that the presence is gone and all that is there are the cherry trees.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 30, 2012, 10:09:43 PM
Walk into the stream and sit down, letting the water flow over the burns. That should probably help, methinks. Enjoy the scent of the cherry trees, while you're at it.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 31, 2012, 12:39:43 PM
You stroll down towards the stream. As you sit in the water all of your troubles seem to be gone, your legs instantly feel better as the water washes over them. You shut your eyes for only a second, but when you open them a girl is standing over you. although she couldn't be older than fourteen her features are striking. You become painfully aware that you are pantsless and your cheeks flush a bright red. Upon seeing this she laughs  in a high but not unpleasant tone. She hands you a large wooden bowl and commands you to drink it. You feel as if you have no choice, and down greedily the full contents. almost instantly after you drink the clear liquid your persistant headache vanishes.
"what was that?" you ask
"Water. You were nearly delirious with thirst."
Immediately you remember running for six miles and curse yourself for not thinking of that sooner.
"Follow me." she bids and you unquestioningly comply.
As the two of you walk you are plagued with questions, who are you, where is this, why am I here, and most disturbingly, who am I  comes to mind.

this is a conversation to orient you, what you ask willl lead to what info you get, death is not possible during conversations (BOCTAOE)
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 31, 2012, 06:49:51 PM
Wait, if you had run six miles, would you have been wearing shorts? In which case you would not be pantsless if you just went into the river to help your legs... ?

Follow her, I guess. These people don't seem to be too big on answers.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 31, 2012, 07:13:47 PM
1. You were wearing sweatpants, but good thinking. remember, they were disintigrated.

2. really? ask her nothing because you didn't get an answer before? (please let me explain what is happening)
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 31, 2012, 09:47:36 PM
Yeah, I forgot about the pants.

Also, I don't know which game archetypes you're employing yet, so I never know whether to act rationally [ask lots of questions and not act particularly brave] or whether to be a bog-standard game character [always brave, always asking questions and getting no answers] or whether my character should try to be a bit Genre Savvy ( in order to avoid embarassment and death.

I can have the character act in any of these ways, but I need to know which one you want, because the game's no fun if the player and the writer are always bickering over the writer not giving the player choices and the player not giving the writer much material to work with by just acting like a normal person and running away from giant temples of doom instead of diving in.

So, what kind of person is this character? It seems you have a certain curious, heroic way you want him to act that I don't fully understand.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 31, 2012, 10:08:29 PM
from now on rationality is best, it's just in the beginning that I needed you to jump into the doom temple.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on July 31, 2012, 10:38:38 PM
Okay, then. Ask the lady where you are at the moment, and who she thinks you are.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: bugfartboy on August 01, 2012, 10:58:38 AM
Afterwards, ask about the "Gate" and it's purpose.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 01, 2012, 05:07:50 PM
Her answer starts out weird and just keeps going from there.
she explains that there is more than one version of reality and this is simply another. she goes on to explain that this particular version although technically known as myriad has gained itself the nickname "loophole" because it seems to be the passage through which magic comes into being. she explains that nearly two dozen others have entered much similarly to how you have.she was the most recent to arrive. She explains that once anyone has entered the loophole they gain the ability to preform magic. she says that everyone seems to pe particularly well suited for a certain sort of magic. Hers, she claims is controlling others. you find all of this unusually easy to swallow.

you ask her about the gate but she says that that is something that only the most senior among the group of magicians discuss and only in urgent hushed tones.
she leads you up the stream where a waterfall rises higher than you've ever seen it before. with a movement of her hand too quick to follow she parts the water and passes into a cave in the cliff. and gestures for you to follow. inside you see nearly twenty faces staring at you, none of which seem to be older than thirty.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 01, 2012, 07:10:29 PM

So, she arrived after you? Or before you? And I told you that if I asked things I'd get cryptic responses.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 01, 2012, 08:08:22 PM
she isn't counting you
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 01, 2012, 08:29:08 PM
Follow behavioral cues for what you're supposed to do -- if she sits down, sit down next to her or near her, or if she starts to introduce you as someone or something you don't know you are, just listen, I guess.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 02:42:35 PM
(good job not breaking societal rules)

the girl sits but gestures for you to of the older men in the group nods towards you and says come with me.

he brings you to a room that is nearly empty. although there are no visible sources of light you have no difficulty seeing. on a table there is a metronome ticking slowly, four crystals green, yellow, red and blue, a small bar of what appears to be vlack metal a silver box and a living chrysalis from a butterfly.
"inspect these items, this is a test." he says.
"of what?" you ask.
"not the pass/fail sort he says, more like a dna test." go ahead, you may use them however you feel, but do not take them."
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 02, 2012, 02:48:42 PM
Try various things with the items.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 02:52:10 PM
specifics? that isn't all that helpful, I could just make some stuff up but that isn't as fun as having actual gameplay
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 02, 2012, 02:59:52 PM
Try assmebling the crystals in the box? Also maybe look a little closer at the chrysalis. It'd be fun if you got a pet butterfly xD
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 03:07:49 PM
Open the box to check its contents, and touch all of the items to see if you feel anything from them. I'm not sure how magic works in your game universe quite yet, but I guess I'll find out.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 03:25:05 PM
You place all of the crystals in the box, they all fit but there is barely any room left. you shut the box. nothing much seems to be happening.
however when you touch the chrysalis it begins to expand until it is the size of your thigh. but before you can inspect it any further the silver box catches fire with an audible *foom*

"you fail." he said.

that was it. you just killed a baby, were kidnapped, had your pants destroyed and was kidnapped a second time, and now you just failed a DNA test. That was It. You tun around enraged and confused and yell, "what do you mean I failed?" you pick up the the burning box and throw it against the table, it strikes the enormous chrysalis and causes it to catch it on fire. You immediately are mortified at what you have done. but instead of it dying like it should the butterfly begins to hatch, a bright red hue is crawls onto your shoulder.

"you pass. magic is stronger in this room than anywhere else in all realities. nothing can die in here of even in the loophole at all. don't expect anything like that in the near future." he said. " I needed to see if you would be useful in shutting the gate. the gate is our pet name for how the real gods act on the real worlds. they use magic of a calibre that we can only dream of. They have noticed our use of magic, we need someone to shut it. five have already died trying, but if we do not shut the gate, and cut off the gods' influence this world and all of us with it will be destroyed. You can keep the butterfly, by the way. You seem to have a double speciality, fire and fauna. that will be useful."

he places his hand on the wall and a portal appears. we can travet through the gate if we use this room, you must shut the gate from the outside, the magic there is much more powerful, anywhere inside, even here, the direct source does not have enough background magic.

sorry duck, I just finished kaseke's. but yours would have worked too
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 02, 2012, 04:03:35 PM
Ask the man more about your magic and how to use it. Then ask where the gate leads to.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 04:26:10 PM
It works differently for all people, but try letting the wish for something to happen envelop you and the releasing it, that is usually all there is to it. you aren't creating magic, you use the background existence of it, so magic is much stronger in some places than others. as for the gate, on the other side it looks a lot like this world, but the magic is stronger, and you will encounter creatures that survive because of that, and of course there will be gods, not like the weak, local sort that you encountered when entering this world. but much stronger, there are no firsthand accounts, but it is rumored that they are in many cases not as intelligent is it may seem and are brutish to no end.

I suppose you'll be needing these, he says, handing you a pair of jeans. they are much too big and you are about to ask for new ones when the thought occurs to you, you try to gather magic, and touch your pants, they immediately shrink to fit you perfectly.

he hands you a sandwich and says, off you go. that's lunch, but try to be back for dinner., you should be able to make a portal fairly easily.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 04:54:36 PM
Wait, what was the deal with the art deco building, and the mud building, and the blocky building, and what's with the light from the sky, and the glowing crack in the ground, and gods, and did you meet one earlier? I'm so confused by this, and I keep waiting for answers, but they don't seem to be coming. Is this what you're trying to do to the reader? I mean, that would be cool if you're trying to make the reader feel the same confusion and hopelessness that the character is feeling at first, but I don't understand and I feel like you've explained something but I don't know what you explained. Sorry, I know you just want to tell the story, but I just don't get what's going on here.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 05:01:54 PM
all of those were entirely different story possibilities. it branched with each choice. you'll see them again. and no that was not a god. As of yet I don't know who the hobo is.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Okay, then. I guess my game must have been like that at first, since I didn't know any of the details of the storyline yet for the first few pages.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 05:05:13 PM
I had a couple of stories developing in mind, they all revolved around the gods and the gate though
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 05:06:29 PM
Well, then. Eat your lunch, and try to find a portal to your own world... ? Or ask about how to make one?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 05:15:12 PM
"go ahead and try", he says

you try to gather as much magic as possible, you assume that squinting and grimacing helps the process. he laughs but you are about as concentrated as you can be.

you touch the wall, thinking, portal home, portal home PORTAL HOME!

a portal pops up, it is clouded with purple you exuberantly step through. but you emerge on the other side of the cave. they've sealed this reality off. they don't want any more magicians. it's been like that for ages. We don't know how you came in, but it wasn't normal. It's said that there are some who have even stronger magical abilities and control than the gods but until now there is no evidence that they exist.

Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 06:32:53 PM

Which pantheon of gods are we talking about, now? Greek? Roman? Norse? Probably Greek, right?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 06:36:39 PM
read above.

they are not ant specific gods. they are called that because they can manipulate things in god-like ways but are neither wise nor kind nor probably intelligent. essentially they are not the sort of people anyone in their right ming would worship.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 06:38:02 PM
Ah, like Bel-Shammaroth!
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 06:38:46 PM
what is that?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 06:42:36 PM
You don't remember? From The Colour of Magic, where Twoflower visits the friendly and inviting temple of Bel-Shammaroth, the Soul-Eater?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 06:44:55 PM
oh... now i remember

back on topic plz now
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
Okay, back on topic.

Did you forget the importance of lunch? It doesn't really seem that we have much of a goal any more, other than maybe to escape. And do we know how to even really approach that problem?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 08:27:02 PM
your goal is to stop the world that you are in being destroyed by the gods
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 08:34:21 PM
Ah. So, the gods want to destroy this world because they don't want human magic-users, and they sealed you off in this world because they don't want any human magic-users. Huh. So, that's your long-term goal, but it's still not clear to me what your short-term goal is.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 08:54:54 PM
pretty much figure out how because there is no easy way to defeat a god.

you walk out into the main gathering area with your magic butterfly on your shoulder. you notice a tavern where people seem to be exchanging news. you also see many shops selling all sorts of things. food, clothing, weapons, and what appears to be magical stuff of all different sorts. There are also a couple of maps that you can inspect to get a better layout of the underground city.

OOC (I will start work on those now, may take a few hours)
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 09:12:02 PM
(Wait, did we get into this underground city by means of the waterfall? And how many people are here? Does this realm have native inhabitants? Does everyone here have the ability to use magic?)
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 09:53:03 PM
all of that has been explained. but in short yes, about 40 total only a few families though, none mentioned yet (might exist but that's for me to know and you to find out), yes because magic has to do with the environment and the user
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 10:31:12 PM
That helps. And yes, I sort of thought that you might have explained it, but it's really confusing when you don't use punctuation or grammar or capitalization. A few details tend to get lost here and there, ya know? So I humbly beg your pardon if I have to ask you things twice, and that you be patient with the slow folk.

Okay, we know next to nothing about these gods, and you aren't telling us much except that they're really, really powerful beings with a penchant for cruelty. I don't know where to find them, and I don't know who I can go to in order to get non-cryptic answers, because every single person I've met so far has given me shady half-answers that just give me more questions. I don't know anything about the limits of the magic my character suddenly has, either. It obviously violates the laws of conservation of energy, so I now know that I can't assume anything about the physics of this universe. Is conjuration possible?

The society around here certainly seems post-feudal, but also doesn't seem to be industrial quite yet. How about we go into metalworking and try to start building modern weaponry with which we are familiar, from our own realm? Or is everyone from our world? Let's look about us and try to get a feel for the technology of this universe, and then maybe we can try and reinvent certain things for the betterment of all, eh?

Precisely speaking, I want the character to figure out exactly what kind of economy, governmental system, agriculture, and military this small community has.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 10:37:55 PM
talking to people in places listed on the map may lead you to some more of an idea of what is going on here.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 10:44:21 PM
There's a school and a library and a town hall and a marketplace, all from forty people? Assuming a fourth of them are children of a schooling age, that's at least one teacher, at least four scientists [one for each laboratory], at least three merchants and two government officials. That's half the population right there, okay....

I can't really think that I have much business being in any of those places -- I'm not enrolled in the school, my business isn't urgent so I don't need to see a mayor or anything, I don't want to bother any scientists who are busy working, and I don't need to sleep. Maybe the market place. How about we walk on over there and ask why all the roads are curved like this -- it's pretty inefficient.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 10:53:36 PM
actually only like 8 are children, it's not a large school.

Don't worry it works out.

1 mayor
1 assistant
1 librarian
4 physicians
2 teachers
the rest are "researchers" you may want to look into their research
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 10:55:22 PM
Four physicians? That seems unbalanced. Lots of injuries? Must investigate. Two teachers? Hm. What's bought and sold at the marketplace, then? I'm there, right? What does my character see when he looks around?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 11:02:26 PM
you notice a tavern where people seem to be exchanging news. you also see many shops selling all sorts of things. food, clothing, weapons, and what appears to be magical stuff of all different sorts. There are also a couple of maps that you can inspect to get a better idea of the layout of the underground city.

here are sparks flying everywhere from some of the children practicing magic and knocking each other back. You notice that you are the only person with a fire butterfly on your shoulder. You decide that since it has adopted you, you really ought to name it.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 11:10:23 PM
Well, we could name it Krynbrand, which is Nordic-speak for "crystalline fire", or we could give it a name with Greek meaning, like Pyritka. Or just George. Unless people have serious objections to the first, I vote Krynbrand.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 11:12:09 PM
until such an objection is raised Krynbrand it is, now don't just stand there like an idiot, make some friends, get a job etc.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 02, 2012, 11:16:30 PM
Walk into the tavern and ask the barkeep what the currency around here is. I'm kind of curious.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2012, 11:23:56 PM
"Ah!" he says gruffly. "you must be the new guy."
"'s called cash. I'm told it's from some old Chinese money, but that doesn't make any sense. That probably just a rumor anyways." "You can exchange american money for cash at the town hall. I'd rather be using good ol' green backs, I can't think of a one of us who wasn't american before we ended up here. But I guess that's politics fer ya."
"have a drink on me, to welcome you in." he hands you a pint of faintly greenish  liquid.
You thank him for it but claim you don't drink and silently add to yourself "anything that looks like it came from a caterpillar's ass."

he seemed nice enough in a gruff sorta way.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 03, 2012, 04:39:31 AM
I don't quite like the sound of that name..:D It's not very butterflyish. Maybe... Ardere (Latin for blaze).

And maybe you should ask the tavern keeper about the town and how things are done in it. After that, you should go change your money to the right currency and take a look at the different maps.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 03, 2012, 12:30:49 PM
Actually I like that name. Sorry duckie, but Ardere wins.

"Well, I's sorta like any American city, but smaller." he says. "Now magic, that's a different story. You can change whatever you want, but you can't never make something from nothin'" He points vaguely in the direction of the cave. "you've only done magic in there so you wouldn't know this, but the bigger the change the more channeled magic it takes, and the less magic in the atmosphere, the more energy you have to expand to gather enough." "In other words, any big stuff like portals. that could kill you outside the cave. so be real careful what you do."

With that in mind you walk over to the town hall, expecting to see a treasurer or secretary to exchange your money, but when you get there you are made to wait  for ten minutes while the attendant talks on her phone. when she finally hangs up she says to you "life of a mayor is always busy, even with only a few to govern. She gives you ⊄78 for your $39.

you look for any maps that are not the one you have already seen but they all seem to be the same.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 03, 2012, 02:44:07 PM
Go see some of the laboratories to see what kind of things these people are researching.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 03, 2012, 04:17:15 PM
you walk up to one of the so called "roads" there they seem to be just cylinders of metal painted different colors. you look at them befuddled. Someone walks up behind you and grabs onto the road and they ar whisked off. you do the same and you are suddenly hurtling very fast down the length of main street. when you reach one of the laboratories you let go and surprisingly ar unhurt from your journey. you knock on the door and when nobody answers you walk in and see not a traditional laboratory scene but what appears to be a seance.

one bystander walks up to you and asks what they could help you with.

You ask what is going on.

he looks at you quizzically then says "oh, you're the new guy. we research magic. only a few of us are "actual" researchers but we're all working to find out exactly how magic works, we don't understand it well ourselves. The farthest we've gone is that it exists in the environment and you just channel it. Anyways it's a pleasure to meet you. The boss has big hopes for you y'know. He's gonna intro duce you te everyone at dinner. You probably want to get some impressive wizardly colthes, the way he's gonna talk about you you'll feel underdressed otherwise. Says you're some sort of prodigy or something."
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 04, 2012, 12:15:20 AM
Ask him if there's a place you could go for some privacy, so you can change your clothes. Literally.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 04, 2012, 12:22:09 AM
he points you to a men's restroon and says "it's pretty clean and the stalls are nice and big.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 04, 2012, 12:24:34 AM
Walk into the restroom, go into one of the stalls, and try to change your outfit into something a bit nicer and wizardly-looking, preferably with a bit of lapis lazuli. Mostly because lapis lazuli is fun to say.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 04, 2012, 12:32:17 AM
once in the stall you gather energy which takes considerably less time than before, perhaps grimacing doesn't help at all. your shirt turns into an emerald colored robe with blue embroidery and lapis-lazuli sewn into intricate flame like patterns and a cape matching ardere. You think for a second and then turn your pants into sweatpants (which you think are unendingly comfortable) and make the entire outfit flame proof. you like the combination of colors and strut out very pleased with yourself.

ooc: anything else of just wait around till what happens at dinner takes place?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 04, 2012, 12:33:49 AM
Well, why not talk around at the tavern and see if anyone has any needs requiring magical assistance?

Oh, and can we buy a hat at some point between now and dinner?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 04, 2012, 12:46:22 AM
you listen around but nobody seems to be in desperate need. You finally ask the tavernkeep.

He chuckles and says, "can you give me a light?" holding out a gigantic cigar. "the main work that has to be done is investigate the other world. I've been there s'real nice. I dunno what you've been told,"he says seeing your shocked expression "but it ain't like there's gods all over. I've been there for months and never seen a one. but if you want to stay away I hear ya. The labs might have some stuff for you to do." of course you could also see what you think about this place, you've barely seen the outside world, fresh air's good for you."

with all of those in mind you walk over to a nearby store and buy for 6 cash a blue pointy hat. You like the looks of it. In homage to one of the greatest wizards of all time you print the word "wizzard" on it.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: bugfartboy on August 04, 2012, 01:34:44 AM
Don the hat, and prepare for dinner.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 11, 2012, 06:50:09 PM
As dinnertime approaches you notice that people are heading to the market square. You ask a passerby why everyone is congregating, and whether this happens at every dinnertime.

"Oh! you must be the one that boss keeps talking about! No we're all having a feast, well more along the lines of a potluck in your honor. I must say it's a pleasure to meet you in person"

you are confused but you sense that all will be resolved at dinner.

When you reach the center of the market you notice that there is a large area cleared and that there are many tables set up and surrounded by people, almost all of which ar looking at you, many of them are wearing a sort of eyeglasses made of stone, you think back to the man who you stopped and remember that he was wearing them as well. Everyone wearing them seems more excited by your appearance than those who are not.

the same man who led you to the cave motions for you to stand by him at what appears to be a stage. As you approach him the room grows silent.

"As many of you are, I'm sure, aware," he begins, "we have a true sorcerer in our midst!" everyone without the odd stone eyeglasses seems very taken aback. "We have had our city devastated by the gods in the past, but with a sorcerer fighting beside us we stand a chance. Our wishes have been answered, and our salvation is at hand. Treat him well, teach him well, and perhaps we can truly fight alongside the red star castle, the cloud city, and mighty Uthuk." you are confused by his statements.

"What are those? " you ask but your voice is lost among the uproarious cheer.

His voice turns sober and solemn "but do not cross him, he is our only hope, should he fight against the free lands all will be lost."

After you hear his speech which continues on for some ten more minutes, you take part in the feasting. The food is delicious, almost so good that you forget the other places that he mentioned, almost.

After dinner the assumable leader approaches you and pulls you aside. "You've only been here a day so you probably haven't figured this out, but we're at war. there are other cities, all of them have legions of magical fighters compared to our ragtag forty, the only reason that we are even defended is that we have the only labs in all magical lands. the other three have been fighting the gods for almost a decade, but the war is going nowhere. You are a sorcerer a real and true source of magic. I never thought that they even existed but it seems that you are real enough. Tomorrow you should learn some about the other free lands, more about magic, or at least stock up on some useful items, the time may come soon enough that you will be leading thousands into battle, for all of our sakes you'd better be prepared." al of this seems overwhelming to you but he presses on. "I suggest going to the school, there's part that's just regular old stuff, but you'll learn more about how to cast more advanced spells. or perhaps go to the library, there are lots of books on the free lands that you should read up on. battle tactics you'll only learn from the other cities, Uthuk and Red Star would be the best place to learn about combat with the gods, they have been fighting them for the longest and they have the strongest fighting force."

"Oh, by the way he adds, I've bought you a room at the tavern, you can sleep there or do whatever else you want to."

and after that you go to bed your options weighing heavily on your mind.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: bugfartboy on August 11, 2012, 09:43:42 PM
(I'm having a difficult time making sense of anything that's going on.)

Attempt to throw a fireball.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 11, 2012, 10:31:49 PM
you gather magic and attempt to throw a fireball, however all you manage to do is make a flash burn on the palm of your hand. clearly this is the more advanced sort of magic he was talking about.

OOC: what is confusing you?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: bugfartboy on August 12, 2012, 01:55:19 AM
Practice throwing fireballs until you succeed.

OOC: Everything in general
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on August 12, 2012, 02:23:28 AM
Rather than practising it by yourself you should maybe read a book about it. Just saying.
If you want answers buggy, just ask. I'm sure our kitty can explain them. Maybe go ask the tavern keeper?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 13, 2012, 08:33:58 PM
You simply can't seem to get the fireball, and end up with badly burnt hands.

OOC: everything in general is hard, try asking for answers from the tavernkeep (he's my link to the character in terms of explaining things)
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 13, 2012, 09:28:29 PM
Ask the tavernkeep if you can borrow a candle, to see if you can manage to light it without burning yourself.

EDIT: Cat? You there?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: Kaseke on October 22, 2012, 03:04:46 AM
Nothing's been happening here lately, huh?
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on October 24, 2012, 05:53:50 PM
Nope. Contrary to appearances, the cat is not back.
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on February 22, 2013, 01:00:56 PM
the cat will be back in the summer, just you wait. :3
Title: Re: The Gate
Post by: ArtDrake on August 03, 2015, 04:17:04 PM
The question is, which summer? O_O