The Sinister Design Forums

Games => Telepath Tactics (2015) => Telepath Tactics Bugs => Topic started by: Chocobo_Fan on August 17, 2015, 09:58:25 AM

Title: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: Chocobo_Fan on August 17, 2015, 09:58:25 AM
In the battle with Ebon Raban, Emma and Sabrina's sprites have become black silhouettes. This was also the case in the shop screen immediately before the battle.

I am using the "no NPCs" mod; I have attached the map file in case that broke something.
Title: Re: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: Banjax on August 17, 2015, 03:20:59 PM
It isn't related to the mod. I reported the same issue a few days ago and I don't use any mods.
Title: Re: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: CraigStern on August 17, 2015, 04:32:44 PM
I have a pretty good guess what's causing this--can you attach your saved game file for me to look at?
Title: Re: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: Chocobo_Fan on August 17, 2015, 07:14:02 PM
Here you go.
Title: Re: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: CraigStern on August 19, 2015, 02:47:02 PM
Okay! As expected, the issue is in these characters' Stats tags; there is a custom lighting attribute that should be blank, but the game seems to be interpreting it as a number somewhere and setting it to 0. Until I figure out the cause, you can fix this manually by deleting the 0 after Sparks||Small||32||16|| in each character's data:

From this...

<Stats>Emma/Strider||Fencer_F||Emma Strider||Human||Female||Champion||land||Sparks||Small||32||16||0||Sword||None||Motivate||Sprint||Shove||Pull||Motivate||Feint||Double Strike||||||97||46||5||4||51||27||5||1||0||20||65||50||0||0||0||0||0||0||100||39||90||false||Promoted,19</Stats> this.

<Stats>Emma/Strider||Fencer_F||Emma Strider||Human||Female||Champion||land||Sparks||Small||32||16||||Sword||None||Motivate||Sprint||Shove||Pull||Motivate||Feint||Double Strike||||||97||46||5||4||51||27||5||1||0||20||65||50||0||0||0||0||0||0||100||39||90||false||Promoted,19</Stats>
Title: Re: Silhouetted sprites
Post by: CraigStern on August 19, 2015, 03:39:47 PM
Annnnd now it's fixed in the game! :)