As most people know, there is a chest in somnus that will not open until you have (I think it's level 30) a high Psy power level.
When you DO manage to open this, you will find something. I won't tell you what is in there. Find out for yourself.
This something will allow you to relive any battle in the game. Repeatedly relive the ambush battle (The one where you have to kill the three spriggat assassins in the great forest).
This is a very easy battle, and you get a large amount of gold (It depends how many times you have been through the game, but it's always a good amount). This battle takes about a minute to complete, and you can do it repeatedly.
Easy money. Simple. Just get level 30 psy power.
Heh, that's a neat little way to earn quite a bit of cash. I completely agree on the choice of battle. When you're up to it, however, I do recommend fighting the Tastidian battle- that will give the player on normal 3000 gold. ;)
i got that money after i beat the mission to save general darkeye
Which of the three battles do you mean? The one with Cerzak? And on which difficulty?
'Cause I recollect that defeating any of the mission 6 battles won't bring you anywhere near as much gold as defeating Tastidian (and we're talking about using Malignus, the Dark Spriggat here, not playing the main-game battles).
i meant they let me open the chest
I don't think we're talking about the same chest (seems like you mean the one right next to Hellion, in a new game+ or simply new game), and can you kindly use punctuation, please?
i am talking about the one next to helion there is 5000 gold in that chest
I think everyone else is talking of the chest inside the last shadowling house on the right of the main street in Somnus. That house is a bit to the south (down) of Hellion and the chest inside requires you to have level 30 of Psy Power. The chest you, torugo, talked about (with 5000 gold) is to the east (right) of Hellion.
oh that chest that has a spigurat inside and it lets you replay battles
Correct. The dark spriggat is Malignus. [spoiler]An alias of CraigStern.[/spoiler]
If you want to get some gold, you can choose to fight the battles that give a better payment.
I just simply beat the queen over and over agian. I don't do the other battles because once you kill the queen or the dean you start again ad you get 5000 coins (from the chest) all over again, and comapred to the Tastitan fight, the queen's is simpler and easier
I guess it all depends on how you train your teammates and what strategem you use. I, for one, found a sound strategy that makes the Nelis battle a piece of cake. But I don't want to start a new game, so I keep battling Tastidian (plus, I find harder to fight Nelis, not Tastidian).
If you're farming for gold, it's faster to beat any of the non final battles and battle again than to beat Nelis or the Dean and start a New Game +.
I've always found the spriggat assassins to be quickest and easiest to relive, and it gives you almost as much money as beating tastidian.
Actually, the Tastidian battle gives quite a bit more gold than the spriggat assassins. However, they both have their pros and cons. The spriggat battle is much faster, so if you only need a few thousand really quickly, go with that one. However, I think the Tastidian battle, while longer, earns you more gold.
On a gold-time ratio, I've found Spriggat assassins to be the best.
If I may suggest, my favorite way to get a lot of money is by getting a spin saw (just battle patrols in the deeper downs) and then sell them to flavin, if you dont know who he is i would guess the bottom right tent (my memory is a little hazy of which tent).
that does work, but it takes a little longer, and only has a 1000 gold reward. i think spriggat assasin is best
But say you don't have 30 psy yet, that would be a good way to get the money to train up until you have power to open the chest. And besides, i only get 657 gold from the spriggat assasin battle, when you get a thousand gold from battleing to bronze golems for the saw blades, which you almost always get one after each battle.
Quote from: lentro on June 19, 2010, 02:07:08 PM
But say you don't have 30 psy yet, that would be a good way to get the money to train up until you have power to open the chest.
Thats correct. But if you leave an energy golem alive, you get a lot more money.
lentro, you don't 'almost always get one' the chances are 1/6 for 3 golems and 1/8 for 2 golems- which accounts for NOT getting a saw 83-87% of the time.
Well I've heard Craigstern say that but I'm not going by the percentages, I'm going by my experiances, and every time I battle a patrol (when i dont have a spin saw with me), I have always gotten one. they are fairly easy to get so long as you head to the first golem patrol that you see. or thats how i do it.
Well, that's called being lucky.
I don't believe in luck, I'm more of a karma kind of person.
Quote from: lentro on June 20, 2010, 11:23:51 AM
I don't believe in luck, I'm more of a karma kind of person.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive...
Quote from: lentro on June 20, 2010, 11:23:51 AM
I don't believe in luck, I'm more of a karma kind of person.
Karma, luck or whatever thing you believe in doesn't change the fact that something happened and you need to deal with it
The point is CraigStern did not intend for us to always get one. If lentro doesn't believe he got lucky, then the only way to prove it is for CraigStern to show us the code. And quite frankly, he's too busy programming TSoG to do that.
As for the completely off-topic karma vs. luck argument, I believe in both. Ish.
Before getting 30 Psy Power, I usually train on the Mechanic battles, seeing as I rarely get a Spin Saw.
Sorry I went off topic, I just get annoyed about people who call probability and stuff like that luck. Luck is a non-scientific factor that people made up to solve things they don't understand, if you can't prove it, I don't believe it. Anyways, in my opinion the mechanics battling doesn't give that much money.
How is computer programming non-scientific? You think it's programmed so it gives out a saw if it likes you? No. There's obviously some math to it. And it can be proved, it just won't unless CraigStern decides to prove it for us. He said so himself, that's good enough for me.
Aside from the Bronze Golem battle, which doesn't pay much, with the somewhat debatable Spin Saw chances, the Mechanics are the ONLY repeatable battle until you get 30 Psy Power, aren't they?
Also, with the Spin Saw, you have to return to Somnus every time to sell them, since you can't have more than one. With the Mechanic Battling you can just grind away.
I wasn't saying math was non scientific, I was saying luck was. Last I checked, it was impossible to prove that luck had anything to with my life or anyone elses, I lived without it and I can still do so. I'll edit the post to make it more clarifing.
And this is a topic for easy ways to make money isn't it? I'm just posting what I did, theres no need to argue about everything is there?
You're posting something that's inaccurate: saying that you will nearly always get one. If you don't believe in luck then you must believe that there is some way that the code decides whether or not you get one. If you disagree with my 1/6 and 1/8 numbers, consult with CraigStern. I'm only arguing because I disagree with your theory, because I find it an inefficient source of money.
Ok, I know it's a 1/6 1/8 thing, but I don't know if it is an error or something else, every time i fight a patrol in the Deeper Downs, I get a spin saw. I also find that an easier way to get money if you aren't playing on brutal difficulty. Sure it requires you to do a little more effort but it's not as time consuming (in my opinion) as fighting the mechanics base constantly. because i can get 30 psy power on maybe 14 trips (guesswork) which isn't that many, so all i have to do is kill 28 golems and then I'm ready to open the chest.
If you get one every time it's a glitch, in which case it IS a convenient and constant source of money. If it actually worked so that you rarely got it, then I'd find the Mechanic battles easier.
I'm happy now! The argument ended without KZ intervening and/or CraigStern having to ban one of us for flaming.
Like you said earlier, we weren't argueing, we just had different opinions on which way to get money faster before using the chest.
Hah, had I but returned a day earlier, Bromtaghon...
But seriously: lentro, I had a similar experience with the mission 6 part 2 where I whizzed through the lake after an update and never encountered a patrol, whilst before I was running into them all the time, so I suggested to Craig to increase back the chance of finiding a patrol (as I thought he changed the probabilities), and he said that the % stayed as usual. As for spin saw battles, I vividly remember checking that bit of programming working by having 100+ battles several times without a spin saw. On average, I get one after about 5-10 fights, but that's not always so. In any way, Spin Saw collecting is a plasuble method, but may take some time to get effective returns. By analyzing the average length of battle duration times one over chance of getting a spin saw you'll find the average duration for the average player before they can get the spin saw and cash that in (although the strenbth of the main is a big variable, I'd assume that this variable is comaparble across the Assassins, patrol and Tastidian battles). Then we can roughly compare which is the fastest method of acquiring gold and recommend it.
Personally, I've done all of the above-mentioned many times myself, and I usually go for spin saw as a variation to the routine, keep to the assassins early on and go to Tastidian later (as the Main becomes more powerful, it takes only a little longer to kill off Tastidian with thrice as much gold to gain).