The Sinister Design Forums

Games => Telepath Tactics Liberated (2022) => Topic started by: CraigStern on December 15, 2021, 10:08:42 AM

Title: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 15, 2021, 10:08:42 AM
I've finally created a dedicated forum for Telepath Tactics Liberated--and with that, I'm splitting off the dev log from Together in Battle's ( The games still share an engine, but it makes more sense to continue posting about Telepath Tactics Liberated progress here, I think. More to come soon!
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 15, 2021, 02:57:28 PM
Created a Steam page for Telepath Tactics Liberated, did a bit of marketing work!

-- got some animations going on the title screen to make things feel more lively. :)

-- fixed: the new title screen wasn't displaying properly in 16:10 resolutions.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 15, 2021, 06:15:59 PM
-- added Ryan Richko's awesome new promotion music to the game.

-- promotion music and sound effects now play if a promotion is triggered in a cut scene.

-- the game now supports cross-fading between two musical tracks.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 15, 2021, 07:35:13 PM
-- new tag: Immobile. Causes the AI to treat the unit as having 0 Speed.

-- Pursue and AggroGroup tags now work on units tagged with Immobile the same as they do on units tagged with Passive.

-- fixed: Tarion could easily be lured off of his island without ever engaging the bridge. He and his cohort are now Immobile until attacked.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 16, 2021, 11:36:21 AM
-- spruced up the title screen animations a bit more.

-- dropped the energy cost of Guard Stance to 0 so that it isn't strictly an inferior version of Awareness.

-- improved the scripting in Tragic Reunion.

-- updated campaign-specific class info so psy users all share the same base weaknesses to Slash and/or Pierce.

-- updated campaign-specific class info so spriggats all share the same base weaknesses to Slash and/or Pierce.

-- fixed: proc gen units would be created with an Appetite stat above 0.

-- fixed some incorrect values on the title screen news ticker that left certain news items lopped off.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, the game's built-in victory check logic would inappropriately override a victory that had been set via the WinBattle or LoseBattle script actions.

-- fixed: Malcolm's portrait mask was unformatted, preventing army-color palette swapping.

-- fixed: the algorithm for counting how many turns away an enemy is in the AI was counting max attack range more than once.

-- fixed: the game was double-announcing new status effects in certain circumstances.

-- fixed: Goniff Bastid's first shop never stocked spears despite the fact that you can potentially recruit a proc gen spearman right beforehand.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 17, 2021, 03:45:48 PM
-- fixed: the game was using the now-deprecated RemoveItemByName script action to remove the Map to the Mines from inventory in Coria.

-- fixed: the "does this character want this item" algorithm was inappropriately counting new equipment as offering a distinct skill advantage where the existing equipment offered no skills even if the new equipment offered no skills either. (For instance: a character would always want Leather Armor even if equipped with Leather Armor because their existing armor offered no skills.)

-- fixed: the "does this character want this item" algorithm was not updating after going into the Reserve Supplies screen and equipping new equipment to characters.

-- fixed: the auto-equip function within the Reserve Supplies screen wasn't always selecting the correct character to auto-equip.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 18, 2021, 12:06:40 PM
Captured video footage for the first Telepath Tactics Liberated trailer! :)

-- toned down the power on Static Shield so it's not quite so strong.

-- toned down the Strength bonus on Marauders to balance them against Berserkers.

-- fixed: the Kinetic Pull animation was missing for Mentalists and Mindjackers.

-- fixed: pop-ups for skills affecting Max Health and Max Energy still weren't displaying the correct sprite.

-- fixed: the Marauder class description mistakenly called them Berserkers.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 19, 2021, 03:31:54 PM
Finished cutting together a trailer for Telepath Tactics Liberated! It's up on the Steam page, and will be dropping on Youtube ( tomorrow morning. :)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 22, 2021, 05:31:40 PM
-- created a unique item graphic for Lead Ointment (distinct from Thermal Paste).

-- new dialogue trigger: OnDrop. Functions as the inverse of OnGrab, with the same parameters, but it sets _NumDropped instead of _NumGrabbed and it does so upon a specified item dropping (whether through use of the Drop command or the character holding the item being defeated).

-- fixed: you could effectively skip the Out of Food Battle by dropping and grabbing an apple over and over.

-- fixed: equippable claws did not degrade with the use of claw attacks.

-- fixed: Vitalia Spring's allies had misnamed portrait data, causing blank portraits to appear.

-- fixed: the Stone Golem Fist, Shove, Smash, and Throw animations inappropriately retained positioning data, causing the character to clip through level geometry at times.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 23, 2021, 05:33:03 PM
-- new dialogue trigger: OnCharScreen. Triggers dialogue when you open up the character screen. Two parameters, both optional, that will limit which character's character screen triggers the dialogue: (1) Army Number and (2) Character Name.

-- made it so the text overlay in Adelbrae Battle directing you to right-click a character to see their character screen goes away after you do the thing.

-- added new emoji: Save.

-- added a mid-battle save tutorial to Adelbrae Battle.

-- added an Undo tutorial to Caravan Battle.

-- fixed MoveCamera targets in a few early maps.

-- fixed: very large character portraits would spill over and cover adjacent portraits in various portions of the interface (most notably deployment and the reserve supplies).
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 25, 2021, 05:00:33 PM
-- fixed some inconsistent logic within the game engine concerning range bonuses from tags.

-- fixed: the RangeBonus tag on Lyrio was misformatted, causing it to not add to the user's skill range.

-- fixed: the ModSkillRange tag on proc gen javelins was misformatted, causing them to not add to the user's skill range.

-- fixed: the range on skill tooltips wasn't taking the RangeBonus and ModSkillRange tags for base skills into account. (E.g. javelins give RangeBonus +2 to Spear, and the game would show a range of 1-4 for Spear but not for skills depending upon Spear, such as Pinning Thrust.)

-- fixed: RangeBonus and ModSkillRange tags were applying to skills without a dependsUpon attribute even when limited to a named skill (and those which depend upon the named skill).
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 28, 2021, 05:11:33 PM
-- fixed: Shield skills would give the user experience even when they conferred no status effects and were used on characters who were totally unhurt.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 29, 2021, 02:51:26 PM
-- you can now hold down the Escape key to auto-advance dialogue (or auto-cancel out of things); the auto-press function kicks in after half a second and registers a press for every 0.15 seconds it remains held down thereafter.

-- fixed: the formula used to adjust drag pan speed for slower machines caused the drag pan speed to become unacceptably low on faster computers.

-- fixed: the fix from 12/23 had caused large portraits to change dimensions upon being affected by the ChangeExpression script action.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 30, 2021, 03:04:07 PM
-- new script action: ExpScaling. This affects the amount of experience characters receive in the game. One parameter: amount (an integer value where 100 means "100% of normal experience").

-- renamed Tactician difficulty to Veteran difficulty and created a new Tactician difficulty level with permadeath, 33% less experience awarded, and 33% higher prices in shops.

-- cut scene menus now support special characters (both in the button names and their mouseover tooltip text).

-- added icons to the various difficulty levels.

-- fixed: if a character talked in battle and the dialogue then advanced to a branch where MoveUnit was called on multiple characters (including the former speaker) and the former speaker was the first to reach its destination, the game would pop up the talk icon on the former speaker, overriden only once the other character reached their own destinations.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 31, 2021, 07:10:05 PM
More marketing work today; went through my huge press mailing list and checked each entry to ensure that (a) the place still exists and (b) the contact still works there. (I also added in some entries from my older mailing list that hadn't been transferred over.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 04, 2022, 09:38:27 AM
More boring (but essential!) marketing work; individually emailed dozens of press outlets, Youtubers, and streamers about Telepath Tactics Liberated and lined up coverage.

-- received the final mix of the music track Conspiracy from Ryan, added it into the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 06, 2022, 09:58:01 PM
Spent more time on marketing work; got a number of Youtubers and streamers interested in covering the game! Now, it's back to finishing up the game itself. :)

-- got gamepad controls working on the title screen and its various menus.

-- improved gamepad behaviors for navigating 2D menus non-linearly.

-- added the actions bar and save menu to the 2D menus controllable with the gamepad in battle.

-- got the right joystick on a Logitech Dual Action controller working for freely panning the camera around in battle.

-- fixed: the game wasn't applying the correct palette when palette-swapping destructible objects with army colors.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 07, 2022, 01:40:47 PM
-- when using a gamepad in battle, you can now move the selector around with the left joystick and "click" the space the selector is over.

-- fixed: the formula to determine coordinates based on the current camera position hadn't been updated to account for the 10-degree camera tilt from a few months back, and contained an algebraic error besides.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 10, 2022, 04:54:25 PM
-- the "everyone must survive" objective in Adelbrae Battle is now only present when the game is played with Permadeath rules on.

-- when using a gamepad in battle, you can now select tiles by pressing "A" on the space the selector is on.

-- added in inputs for the remaining two non-directional gamepad face buttons as well as the two shoulder buttons.

-- you can now access and navigate the Actions Bar in battle using a gamepad and "exit" back to the battlefield.

-- you can now open the character screen using a gamepad and "exit" back to the battlefield.

-- you can now auto-cycle to the next character on the battlefield using a gamepad.

-- you can now change the camera zoom level using a gamepad.

-- moving the selector over movement tiles, attack tiles, and other tiles with a gamepad now causes the tiles to react as if they had been moused over.

-- moving the selector offscreen with a gamepad now causes the camera to auto-pan over to the selector.

-- fixed: you could build up so much speed panning with the joystick that the camera would take seconds to actually slow down and respond to alternate inputs.

-- fixed: pressing the left joystick softly did not result in the selector moving.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 12, 2022, 09:20:28 PM
-- the game camera now auto-pans to keep up when you're moving the selector around with the gamepad.

-- when you select a skill, the game now auto-positions the selector over an attack tile. (For Shield skills, an attack tile containing an ally; for non-Shield, non-Move, non-Create skills, an attack tile containing an enemy; and for Move or Create skills, an attack tile where no characters are present.)

-- added gamepad support for the various yes/no pop-up confirmations in battle.

-- began adding in different button layout profiles for different controllers.

-- began adding gamepad support for the reserve supplies screen.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 13, 2022, 05:59:47 PM
Sent out more marketing emails.

-- created 11 Steam achievements with custom graphics for each.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 14, 2022, 05:44:16 PM
Corresponded with Steam support about how to provide a free copy of TTL to owners of the original Telepath Tactics.

-- created an image for the executable file.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 16, 2022, 03:57:35 PM
-- fixed alignment on Swordman's, Fencer's, Emma's and Sabrina's Double Strike animations.

-- fixed alignment on Shadowheart rest and cast animations.

-- fixed alignment on Gasul's up-facing rest pose.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 17, 2022, 01:35:15 PM
More marketing work. Also:

-- fixed a typo in one of the Sarn Kamina recruitment dialogues that caused Sarn Kamina's portrait to not display.

-- fixed alignment on Mentalist cast animations.

-- fixed alignment on Photokineticist rest and cast animations.

-- fixed alignment on Spriggat rest animations.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 18, 2022, 06:49:35 PM
-- began adding gamepad support for the shop interface.

-- fixed fake cursor placement for various menus in gamepad mode.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 21, 2022, 07:47:35 PM
More marketing stuff.

-- expanded the vocabulary for lissit a bit more. :)

-- returned to putting a very, very basic (but functioning!) local multiplayer into the game. There are four maps; all are free-for-all with random item drops once a round. Each player uses the same randomized lineup of units. You can play against humans or AI.

-- fixed: Elongated weapons did not extend attack range for 1-range skills.

-- fixed: stat changes from an ongoing status effect would be erased upon promoting or class-changing a unit despite the status effect effect remaining active.

-- fixed: status effects were not getting removed from characters after falling in battle; kinda noticeable when not playing with permadeath on!

-- fixed: certain skills incorrectly described the effect of Move Bonus as +50% movement rather than +40%.

--fixed: NewBranch and LastBranch could each produce game-breaking errors if called without an integer number parameter.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 22, 2022, 12:50:19 PM
-- the AI, army name, color, and AI profile attributes for map-specific army info now support special characters, allowing you to set these things via reference to a string variable or list entry.

-- fixed: the Run reply type was not playing nice with script parameters.

-- finished recreating all of the generic unit types for local multiplayer.

-- fixed a handful of scripting errors in the "main menu" scene for multiplayer.

-- fixed: Recruit could produce a game-breaking error if called without a valid integer number parameter.

-- fixed: if a character used Juxtapose and a second character somewhere on the battlefield had the same name as the character using Juxtapose, that second character could be swapped onto the target space instead of the Juxtapose user.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 25, 2022, 06:52:43 PM
-- fixed: the camera would move up and down almost imperceptibly when panning forward and backward, resulting in the camera height getting out of whack when panning against the pan boundaries.

-- fixed: the character screen at the end of creation in the Character Creator was positioned in such a way as to make the Back button almost totally invisible.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 28, 2022, 08:31:07 AM
-- fixed: Lakshmi Bana was giving Scarlet Etoile's death line if she fell during the Caravan Battle.

-- fixed: Leon Hart dialogue warning of reinforcements during Clash at the Mines Entrance would still show up if he had died.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 31, 2022, 10:37:53 AM
Playtested over the weekend, made note of some further things to fix.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 01, 2022, 08:37:13 PM
-- balance tweak: moved the pyrokineticist in Rescuing Meridian back one space on the non-hard difficulties, reduced their level by 2 to help counterbalance how much more damage Burning does now.

-- replaced the hacky camera height fix from last week with a more robust fix. Turns out, the camera height was shifting while panning forwards and backwards because the angle of the camera pointer object had not been adjusted to counteract the new angle of the main camera back when it was rotated from 60 degrees to 70 degrees!

-- fixed: a mistake in item drop logic was causing non-permadead, player-controlled characters to drop a copy of their inventory whenever they fell in battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 05, 2022, 08:17:16 AM
More marketing.

-- new dialogue trigger added: OnUse. Triggers dialogue when a character uses an item. Same parameters as OnDrop and OnGrab.

-- in Training, the game now removes the text overlay telling you how to use Bandages when Emma uses bandages.

-- fixed: the game would inappropriately cause text overlays to reappear after ending dialogue in which RemoveTextOverlay was called.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 05, 2022, 10:10:31 AM
-- fixed some null errors that crept into the Reserve Supplies screen while I was making changes to render it usable with the gamepad.

-- fixed a graphical glitch that appeared with certain text tooltips in the Reserve Supplies screen while I was making changes to render it usable with the gamepad.

-- fixed: some MoveCam targets in a handful of scenes were no longer accurate after fixing the camera y-movement bug.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 06, 2022, 01:27:48 PM
-- added a tutorial to Caravan Battle explaining to new players that a character turning blue means they can now be controlled directly.

-- improved the elevation tutorial in Rescuing Meridian.

-- fixed: the dialogue when picking up Meridian in Rescuing Meridian was lacking an associated facial expression.

-- fixed: some of Gulch's dialogue in Rescuing Meridian could be triggered twice: once by picking up Meridian, and again by virtue of the turn count.

-- fixed: the text overlay instructing the player to get to the escape point in Rescuing Meridian would appear over the dialogue.

-- fixed: more MoveCam targets were off by one on the y axis.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 07, 2022, 03:38:10 PM
-- got the unique character sprites for Teresa Dayo into the game! (This involved editing the new Ability animation, which didn't exist in the original game, to sport Teresa's head.)

-- fixed some graphical mistakes on the Wrench animation spritesheets.

-- nerfed the Burning status effect a little bit, reducing damage per turn from 25% of max health to 20%. (It was just a little too lethal at 25%.)

-- hitting the cancel button (Esc on the keyboard) when the options menu is open now closes it.

-- hitting the cancel button when it would otherwise do nothing at all during a human player turn now opens the options menu (but only as part of a separate press; if the cancel button is actively being held down, it won't auto-toggle the Options Screen on and off over and over).

-- fixed: a TargetPreference tag that caused enemies to preferentially target Lakshmi Bana was not getting removed upon recruiting her in Caravan Battle.

-- fixed: there was a missing Recover condition in the Bandit Fortress Outer Wall scene, resulting in Emma carrying over any wounds and lost energy from Defending the Camp into the bandit fortress area.

-- fixed: activating a Use Once trigger by clicking on an object instead of clicking the Use button would result in the trigger remaining active on that object in perpetuity, allowing it to be used without limit.

-- fixed: Fera and the Coria Dogs Dastard were each still using "Fencer" as their class despite the fact that this class was since renamed to "Blade Dancer." This caused an incorrect class description to show up when mousing over it in their character screens.

-- fixed: more MoveCam targets were off by one on the y axis.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 09, 2022, 08:07:53 AM
-- got the unique character sprites for Harriet Glaive into the game! (This involved editing the new Ability animation, which didn't exist in the original game, to sport Harriet's head.)

-- got the unique character sprites for Lakshmi Bana into the game! (This involved editing the new Ability animation, which didn't exist in the original game, to sport Lakshmi's head.)

-- fixed some graphical mistakes on the crossbowman and spearman walk animations.

-- added the Ability animation for Crossbowmen into the game, which I had neglected to do before for some reason.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 09, 2022, 03:51:19 PM
-- removed the animated victory banner, as I could not seem to get Unity to display it in a consistent spot on different monitors for some reason. Replaced it with a banner that unfurls and then remains static.

-- shops now stock proc gen swords instead of talwars.

-- fixed: proc gen weapon prices were not proportionate to ordinary weapon prices in the main campaign.

-- fixed: AI enemy turns could overlap one another on certain occasions.

-- fixed: sometimes, the game would resume the AI's thinking and executing routines before the concludeAttack() coroutine had triggered, resulting in the AI incorrectly treating units (especially Bowmen) as having not yet moved and/or attacked when they had.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 10, 2022, 04:34:28 PM
-- wrote alternate "death monologues" for all of the characters for when they fall under non-permadeath rules, all of which involve them retreating. Added it to the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 11, 2022, 04:50:47 PM
-- new script action: LevelUp. This is the script action equivalent to the LevelUp and LevelTo unit tags; it will caused the specified character to quietly gain the specified number of levels. Three parameters: Character Name, Levels To Gain (integer), and Level To (integer -- optional). If you supply a Level To value greater than the character's level, the character will gain the difference in levels.

-- further reduced the difficulty of Rescuing Meridian for players on lower difficulties.

-- further pulled back the default zoom level for the battle camera.

-- increased item quality for proc gen weapons in the merchant scenes.

-- boosted the Psy stat for proc gen psy healer characters to better match premade units in the Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign.

-- boosted the Health stat for proc gen axefighters, swordsmen, barudit, spearman, and crossbowman characters to better match premade units in the Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign.

-- updated awkward wording in the battle primer item descriptions.

-- fixed: the AI was not accounting for self-targeting when evaluating skill effects for moves in which the current character moved to a new space; this caused healers to not heal themselves after running away from the enemy.

-- fixed: custom campaigns were using outdated portrait data for unique characters.

-- fixed: when purchasing unlimited-stock items, the shop interface wasn't updating to red-out items that became too expensive for the player to afford.

-- fixed: OnCharDeath dialogue wasn't triggering when characters died of damage from non-character sources (e.g. traps, status effects, or environmental hazard damage).

-- fixed: some of the tutorial text in Rescuing Meridian was inappropriately appearing during enemy turns instead of player turns.

-- fixed: when the game asked the player to confirm if they wanted to end their turn despite there still being a character who hadn't moved or acted, the game would not necessarily select that particular character if the player hit "no"; instead, it would select a more-or-less random character who could still move, rotate, or take actions.

-- fixed: the game was treating objects with Flying passability as though they were flying characters for purposes of enforcing elevation changes when they were moved between spaces of differing elevation by a skill with knockback, resulting in weird glitches like a chest being pulled from water to land simply embedding itself in the land.

-- fixed: characters could say a Heal bark when solely healing non-allied characters.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 12, 2022, 05:43:15 PM
-- new script actions: IfPresentGoTo and IfPresentRun. These are the inverse of IfGoneGoTo and IfGoneRun, with the exact same parameters: they go to a specified branch or run a specified script if the named character is present on the battlefield.

-- the camera now auto-pans to follow unit movement in exploration mode.

-- fixed loads of little alignment issues remaining in some of the unit sprite animations, most noticeably the walk animations for spirits and stone golems.

-- edited, imported, and formatted dozens of Hurt sprite sheets created by Sean Hayden for use in the game.

-- created working animations for 15 of these sprite sheet sets.

-- coded Hurt animation triggers into the game for when characters are struck by an attack.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 13, 2022, 10:22:04 PM
-- created working Hurt animations for a bunch more classes.

-- added a global "AI handicap" value to the game. Level 1: AI does not consider the effects of knockback. Level 2: AI does not consider the relative danger of various destination spaces in short-term movement. Level 3: AI does not give an extra score bonus to backstab attacks. Level 4: AI does not weight lethal attacks much more heavily than non-lethal attacks. Level 5: the AI doesn't distinguish between attack targets in terms of who will take a larger proportion of their health in damage (meaning that it will no longer deliberately pile up attacks on already-wounded characters).

-- new script action: AIHandicap. Sets the AI handicap level globally throughout the game.

-- the Observer and Recruit difficulty settings now set an AI handicap of 5, making the AI decidedly stupid; the Soldier, Veteran, and Tactician difficulty settings leave the AI fully un-handicapped.

-- added a "bravery in numbers" factor to the game's danger evaluation algorithm; the more allies they have nearby their move destination, the more that AI characters will now disregard the danger posed by enemies near that destination.

-- increased the Dodge boost from the Shining status effect to 30 to make it more useful.

-- made Observer difficulty even easier, adding 1.5x experience scaling and further stat buffs from Plot Armor (4 counterattacks, a bunch of reflexes, and increased strength) that render Emma and Sabrina enemy phase powerhouses.

-- fixed Meridian's facial expressions in the Camp scene.

-- the spearman in the Bandit Fortress Entrance battle now drops an Iron Spear when killed, just in case you forgot to give Harriet the spear from the scene before.

-- fixed: the game was unable to evaluate knockback into a Blank tile, resulting in it freezing when this happened. (It now treats this eventuality like getting knocked into a wall.)

-- fixed the timing of the movement speed setting tutorial in Rescuing Meridian.

-- fixed: you could not inspect the table with the map more than once in Fera's room in the bandit fortress.

-- fixed some incorrect MoveCam values in Bandit Fortress Outer Wall.

-- fixed: references to the Rest sprites for villagers and the senator got deleted from their animations somehow.

-- fixed: characters killed by script actions while selected (e.g. by walking into a campfire) would remain displayed in the actions bar.

-- fixed: a null error could occur when characters were killed by script actions while selected.

-- fixed: characters killed by DamageChar and DamageCharAt would not say death monologues.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 14, 2022, 03:46:10 PM
-- finished created working Hurt animations for all playable classes, unique characters, and NPCs.

-- fixed some alignment discrepancies in some of the Bowman sprite sheets.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 15, 2022, 10:47:27 PM
-- fixed some incorrect reply parameters in the updated character death monologues.

-- fixed a visual glitch in which the reticles camera would create a duplicate "after image" of unit/object graphics poking up above the top of the level.

-- fixed: the final fix from Feb. 13th introduced a new bug in which characters receiving damage (or self-healing!) from any source other than another character would have their OnCharDeath dialogues triggered.

-- fixed: a null error would occur when opening the console in battle due to the canvas being turned off and TextMeshPro trying to reference the canvas scale.

-- fixed: typing in the console could trigger hotkey shortcuts and cause the battle camera to pan around.

-- fixed: units controlled by a greedy AI profile would never make short-range moves solely to grab item sacks.

-- fixed: units controlled by a greedy AI profile would value enemy characters as attack targets *way* too highly based on the items they were carrying.

-- fixed: the AI was using the wrong function to identify item sacks on destination spaces.

-- fixed: the AI was including the character itself as a nearby ally for purposes of the "bravery in numbers" factor.

-- fixed: the way that the AI scored backstab attacks resulted in low-aggression AI profiles actively avoiding backstabbing.

-- fixed: the OnReachingArea, OnGrab, OnDrop, and OnUse triggers would not function correctly without the (optional) army value supplied.

-- fixed: the "escaping with loot" dialogue triggered by thieves grabbing item sacks in Battle with Gunther, Hills of Coria, and Clash at the Mines Entrance were still using a deprecated version of the EndTurn script action.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 16, 2022, 06:09:28 PM
-- increased Aravel's power (it now offers +1 reflexes) and increased its buy/sell value to better reflect how good it is.

-- added some extra enemies to the Bandit Fortress Outer Wall Battle on Tactician difficulty.

-- adjusted the angle of fog of war tiles to better align with the current in-battle camera angle.

-- the game now marks Unlimited skills used by an AI character so they don't just spam them over and over in the same turn.

-- fixed a typo in Rescuing Sarn Kamina.

-- fixed some more camera pan targets.

-- fixed: if RemoveItem was used on reserve supplies for a roster without established reserve supplies, it would produce an error.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 18, 2022, 02:36:53 PM
More marketing work. (Not the least of which was sending out the first wave of review copies!)

-- new unit tag supported: ModSkillAccuracy. Behaves the same as the other ModSkill tags, but affects the accuracy of the named skill for the tagged character.

-- fixed: the game was not allowing Parabolic or Teleport move abilities to let non-flying characters land on top of destructible objects ordinarily passable only to flying characters (e.g. boulders and trees).

-- fixed: during an attack sequence, a character dodging and counterattacking would result in the Dodge animation being cut off midway through by the counterattack.

-- fixed a bit of logic in the damage calculations code that would cause ModSkillPower, ModSkillRange, and ModSkillCost tags to inappropriately apply to other skills if the intended target of the ModSkillPower tag did not have a dependsUpon skill. (For instance, the Thoughteater's ModSkillPower tag for Mind Shock would end up also inappropriately boosting the power of Mind Blast, Mind Shield, etc.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 19, 2022, 04:14:46 PM
More marketing work.

-- created five new achievements.

-- integrated the Steam API into the game!

-- added in calls from the game to Steam to grant players Steam achievements via a new script action call. (I'm not making this script action public, since it won't do anything if I haven't manually added an achievement on the Steam backend.)

-- all 17 achievements are now hooked into Steam's system via the above methods, letting players officially earn them all as long as they trigger the necessary in-game conditions. :)

-- updated the description for Blinding Cloak to state the duration of the effect.

--  fixed: the campaign would sometimes refuse to proceed past the Emma and Sabrina 1 cut scene.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 20, 2022, 02:19:06 PM
-- upped the maximum AI handicap to 6, which now causes the AI to forgo defensive rotation at the end of moves (ordinarily undertaken to avoid getting backstabbed).

-- the AI handicap for Observer and Recruit difficulties is now 6.

-- added in a tutorial about busting open chests and grabbing sacks to Rescuing Meridian.

-- added in a reticle around the switch during the tutorial about unlocking doors with switches in Rescuing Meridian.

-- created a new achievement for taking down Gulch during Rescuing Meridian; one for slaying Gulch before the moon appears in Moonless Hunt; one for forcing Ebon Raban to withdraw while crossing Coria Bridge; and one for Meridian and Harynx both being there to have their heart-to-heart chat in Coria. This brings the total achievements in the game to 21.

-- fixed: the achievement graphics for Unnecessary Roughness and Buying Peace did not display the correct army colors.

-- fixed: the game was skipping over the first villager when getting proc gen recruits.

-- fixed: the game wasn't counting Louise as gone for purposes of villagers showing up if she left voluntarily due to Madeleine dying.

-- fixed: there was a 1 in 6 chance of bandits saying "Placeholder" instead of their attack dialogue during Moonless Hunt.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 21, 2022, 02:06:01 PM
-- save slots now reflect the difficulty level of the saved game.

-- added a tutorial on energy recovery to the Battle with Gunther.

-- the enemy layout in Out of Food Battle now responds to the chosen difficulty level somewhat; easier on Observer and Recruit, tougher on Tactician.

-- fixed: the stat impacts of certain status effects--Clouded, Clarity, and Frozen--were not getting reversed upon the status effect ending.

-- fixed: Lakshmi's TargetValue tag from Caravan Battle wasn't getting removed upon recruitment.

-- fixed: unit tags with a skill-specific property (e.g. the ModSkill and RangeBonus tags) that left the skill property blank would not get applied to any skill rather than being applied to every skill. This caused items like Binoculars (which applies a RangeBonus tag to all skills) to not function.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 22, 2022, 03:01:48 PM
-- set up automatic cloud saving through Steam, making your saved games accessible regardless of which device you play on.

-- blocked off the west passage in the upper mezzanine in the bandit fortress to make it clear you can't go that way.

-- fixed: in the bandit fortress, clicking to move-and-talk to someone and then using Escape to advance through the dialogue would result in the game behaving as if you were in the middle of drag-panning the camera around as soon as dialogue ended.

-- fixed: saying "No thanks" to Stranch Bellows would send the player to the wrong dialogue branch.

-- fixed: if you didn't have Scarlet recruited and alive during the Meeting Teresa and Phoebe cut scene, it would not display Sabrina's portrait.

-- fixed tooltip alignment in the promotion screen.

-- fixed: opening a cut scene in the cut scene editor without a valid maptype attribute would produce a null error.

-- fixed: the tooltips on number pickers for the left column of stats in the character creator were layered incorrectly, and the text within the number pickers was formatted incorrectly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 23, 2022, 04:30:02 PM
-- campaign descriptions now appear when mousing over campaigns in the New Game menu.

-- fixed: the campaign-specific version of Classes.xml used the outdated name "Melt" for the Defrost skill, resulting in Rebecca Flare gaining a blank skill upon promotion.

-- fixed: the game was not resetting portrait proportions within tiles and buttons after a large portrait was displayed there, resulting in the shrunken scale applying to whatever other portraits were created there. (Most noticeable in deployment tiles when deploying Harynx or Lord Dakarai and then placing someone else in the tile.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 24, 2022, 06:40:01 PM
-- there is now a unit attribute letting the game know whether an object is a trap.

-- the move path generator algorithm can now recognize when a path will send you over one of your own army's traps.

-- when you are about to walk into one of your own taps, the game now provides you with a pop-up warning.

-- refactored some of the game's (incredibly messy) movement code to make it less of a pain in the butt for me when I want to make changes to it.

-- fixed: Zash and Red would not reliably hack through the bush to reach the player if the player went for the chest in the east.

-- fixed: campaign descriptions were not loading correctly in the campaign editor.

-- fixed: the campaign editor was not saving changed campaign descriptions unless the campaign name also changed.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 26, 2022, 05:32:01 PM
Recorded a new, nearly-hour-long video intro to creating campaigns in the campaign creation suite!

-- updated the Generate Character screen in the character creator with an option to input a particular level or level range.

-- updated health values for more classes in the Classes file for the Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign to make proc gen characters' health totals more consistent with those of premade units.

-- created an alternate character attributes file for the Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign that removed a lot of the stat and growth effects of various personality traits and life skills to keep proc gen characters balanced in the context of that campaign.

-- updated the default campaign template files to reflect character attributes and class values more consistent with the Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign.

-- fixed: Burning characters would burn for 3 turns instead of 2 if Burning status was applied during an enemy turn.

-- fixed: changes to the movement code necessary to get the pop-up warning about walking into your own traps had broken the MoveUnit and MoveUnitBy script actions. Those are now back to working as intended!

-- fixed: margins for text boxes within the number picker UI object had gotten severely out of whack.

-- fixed: portrait data for human male head 5, hair 3 was incorrect.

-- fixed: the correct portrait data for various unique portraits was split between campaigns. It is now unified.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 27, 2022, 05:14:12 PM
More time spent on marketing stuff.

-- added a basic in-game scripting reference in with descriptions and parameters for more than a dozen different categories of game data (actions, replies, triggers, tags, etc.)!

-- fixed: the game wasn't saving the setting when a player left the game on windowed mode, resulting in it always launching fullscreen (and reverting to fullscreen on returning to the title screen).

-- fixed: text labels within the skill editor had become unaligned somehow.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 28, 2022, 10:50:45 AM
-- finished up the in-game reference! :D

-- the reference is now accessible from a 'Guide" button in every single editor of the campaign creation suite.

-- updated the scripting in Battle with Archos so that the flanks become aggressive if you move straight north across the water at the start of the battle.

-- fixed: it was possible for the shop interface to duplicate a key in the dictionary of sale prices in the Sell tab, causing an error that would prevent any items from populating the interface.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 01, 2022, 03:04:50 PM
More marketing work; lots of scheduling tweets and lots of emails sent! On the game front:

-- playing on Observer difficulty, all allies recruited up through the end of the bandit fortress sequence are now given a permanent +50% to Slash and Pierce resistance, helping ensure that extremely inexperienced players don't end up with just Emma and Sabrina cleaning up battles all the time.

-- fixed: when running SetStat on an undeployed character in battle, the game would not edit that character's stats.

-- fixed: mousing over the preview button in the skill editor before inputting a minimum or maximum range for the skill would produce a null error.

-- fixed: clicking New Scene in the Cut Scene editor did not fully clear previous dialogue and scripts due to a function that would pull them right back out of the dialogue editor afterwards.

-- fixed: the tooltips describing current selected AI profiles on mouseover within the armies editor had ceased working.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 02, 2022, 01:31:41 PM
Secured a voice actor and wrote a script for the Telepath Tactics Liberated launch trailer! Directed voice-over performances.

On the game front:

-- the guide now remembers the sequence of page numbers it was on for each topic, and returns to the correct page when hitting the back button.

-- the back button now hides when at the root level of the guide.

-- the page picker in the guide now hides when there is not more than a single page of entries.

-- the TextSprite entries in the guide now actually display each sprite to the user.

-- added a list of supported portrait facial expressions, with descriptions of each, to the guide under Expressions.

-- added an 'X' button to the guide that closes it without having to toggle it off in the menu bar.

-- fixed: the campaign description input box in the campaign editor was set to "single line."
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 03, 2022, 08:29:22 PM
Messaged Steam support re: issues with AutoCloud Saves.

-- finished getting gamepad support working with the shop interface!

-- fixed: using the mouse on the title screen even after selecting a gamepad for input could result in Unity's automated navigation overriding the game's intended gamepad navigation system.

-- fixed some cursor alignment issues in gamepad mode.

-- fixed: in gamepad mode, OnTurn dialogue would switch the gamepad cursor focus over to the dialogue interface before clicking the turn box switched it to the battlefield, effectively preventing the player from ever clearing or interacting with the dialogue.

-- fixed: in gamepad mode, ending OnTurn dialogue would not switch the gamepad cursor focus over to the battlefield in many circumstances.

-- fixed: in gamepad mode, the game would not clear dummy attack tiles from the battlefield when moving between multiple successive skill buttons.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 04, 2022, 04:07:51 PM
-- worked on gamepad controls support during character deployment.

-- you can now upload custom campaigns to Steam Workshop from directly within the campaign editor! The game will automatically check if you've previously uploaded the campaign to Steam. If you have, it'll update your campaign on Steam Workshop; and if not, it'll create it there as a new campaign. :)

-- uploaded basic multiplayer to Steam Workshop as a test (but also, I'm probably gonna just leave it up there for anyone who wants it).

-- items can now be given a loadID independent of their names to allow for easier localization.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 05, 2022, 01:03:24 PM
-- boosted camera-follow speed on gamepad selector movement to better keep up with the selector on bigger moves.

-- the game now correctly auto-places the selector when using push/pull skills on allies in gamepad mode.

-- the game now locks selector movement to the available attack tiles when a skill has been selected with the gamepad, a la Shining Force.

-- got it so that when the game uploads a campaign to Steam Workshop, it now includes as a preview file whatever Thumbnail.jpg happens to be within the campaign's root folder.

-- custom campaigns now create a default Thumbnail.jpg in their root folders upon creation.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 06, 2022, 04:46:44 PM
-- did more work on gamepad support for the reserve supplies screen.

-- added a button to the New Game menu that takes you to Steam Workshop and gives you instructions for installing a new campaign.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 07, 2022, 08:22:20 PM
Signed up some more Youtubers and Twitch streamers to cover the game. :)

-- made more progress on implementing gamepad controls in the Reserve Supplies screen.

-- began implementing gamepad controls for the character screen.

-- fixed: you could not switch from the name field to the description field using the Tab key when creating a new campaign in the campaign editor.

-- fixed: you could accidentally create log files by hitting the 'L' key while typing in an input field in the campaign editor or within the input fields of its global dialogue/script editor.

-- fixed: you could accidentally create log files by hitting the 'L' key while typing in an input field in the cut scene editor or within the input fields of its internal dialogue/script editor.

-- fixed: you could accidentally create log files by hitting the 'L' key while typing in an input field in the map editor or within the input fields of its internal dialogue/script editor.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 09, 2022, 05:53:44 PM
Did a bunch of work on the launch trailer.

-- rewrote part of the gamepad code to support gamepads that invert their y-axis values.

-- fixed: weather effects were no longer displaying correctly within the cut scene editor.

-- fixed: opening a different campaign in the campaign editor did not reset the page picker for each type of content to 0.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 11, 2022, 01:04:58 PM
-- there is a now a Restart Battle function in the main menu screen! The game creates a special, invisible "start of battle" save at the start of each fight, once which all subsequent mid-battle saves link to. If a player chooses "Restart Battle," the game simply reloads the fight using this "start of battle" save.

-- fixed some UI layering issues in the reserve supplies screen.

-- fixed: the sprite display on exploration-mode movement was not displaying correctly following changes to the movement code to allow warning players when they were about to walk into traps.

-- fixed: one of the newly reformatted inventory buttons in the character screen had become disconnected from the menu, and would display with a default "unknown item" graphic no matter what.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 12, 2022, 08:46:11 AM
-- fixed: the game was not warning users that unsaved changes would be lost upon initiating scene testing.

-- fixed: changes made within the dialogue sub-editor to the Map Editor or Cut Scene Editor would not trigger "unsaved changes" prompts within those larger editors when exiting or testing.

-- fixed: the Guide was inappropriately visible (but not interactable) upon loading the item and skill editors.

-- fixed: the Guide was inappropriately showing its display panel upon being opened within the character creator.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 13, 2022, 10:31:05 AM
-- upped the maximum AI handicap to 7, which now causes the AI to not treat healers and "Protect Char" units as having a higher target value than others.

-- the AI handicap for Observer and Recruit difficulties is now 7.

-- added a new, highest difficulty setting above Tactician: Iron Man. It's essentially Tactician difficulty, but the game now disables restarting battles and manual mid-battle saving. Instead, the game auto-saves over your existing save slot at the start of every single turn in battle. If you lose a battle, the game deletes your save file entirely.

-- fixed: the game was miscounting the number of villagers recruited for purposes of the "Recruited X villagers" dialogue.

-- fixed: the human male mouth 10 sad mask was designed for the wrong mouth variant.

-- fixed: the "End turn early?" pop-up warning was coded in such a way that it would cause the game to try selecting a character on the enemy team if the player chose to proceed in a PVP map.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 14, 2022, 11:14:18 PM
Released the dang game! :) In response to the first round of feedback:

-- added a toggle-able Screen Edge Panning option to the game.

-- increased maximum zoom-out by 2.

-- dramatically decreased the amplitude of the menuClick sound effect.

-- fixed: the in-game documentation was still falsely listing Burning as doing 25% of max health damage per turn instead of 20%.

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately overwriting colors specified as the parameter in the AddPortrait action.

-- fixed: changing character speed in the Character Creator would not change the character's derived Max Steps stat.

-- fixed: it was possible to accidentally switch on Iron Man mode for difficulties below Iron Man by selecting Iron man difficulty, returning to the main menu, then starting a new game.

-- fixed: the Surrender button was failing to set a bool that told the game the player lost, causing it to, in fact, serve as an "instant win" button that would immediately propel the player to the next scene.

-- implemented what will hopefully be a fix for users experiencing insane frame rates on the title screen.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 16, 2022, 10:25:41 AM
-- cut the panning speed for WASD/arrow keys dramatically.

-- further increased the speed of manual zoom-level adjustments via the mouse wheel or +/- keys.

-- added an AI handicap when starting a game on Soldier difficulty so the AI doesn't jump from "inept" straight to "merciless" with rising difficulty level.

-- updated the difficulty level descriptions to warn off players of grind-heavy SRPGs from jumping straight into Veteran.

-- the number of turns that have passed in battle is now displayed at the top of the battle menu.

-- fixed: the actions bar did not automatically return onscreen after closing the objectives window; you would have to select a character to make it reappear, and short of using the End Turn hotkey, simply couldn't get it back at all if all of your characters had ended their turns.

-- fixed: the Camp would disappear after being used twice in battle.

-- fixed: characters could not drop items into reserve supplies after using Camp in battle, as the game would end the character's turn upon using the Camp.

-- fixed: some of the characters in the entrance area of the bandit fortress would display the wrong dialogue if you convinced Fera that Gunther had left to round up more slaves.

-- fixed: upon turning off screen-edge panning and returning to battle from the battle menu, if the player then immediately tried to pan the camera using the WASD/arrow keys, the game would (for some reason) think that the player was actually trying to navigate the actions bar and would shift focus between actions bar buttons instead of panning.

-- fixed: the tooltips for the rightmost skills in the character screen could get cut off.

-- fixed a few display glitches for players running in 16:10 resolution.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 16, 2022, 12:27:13 PM
-- fixed: using Restart Battle would reflect the state of the battle based on whatever normal save file was present in the save slot, not the state of the battle based on the battle start save file.

-- fixed: choosing Restart Battle would not stop active sound loops for the battle, causing the battle's ambient sound loops to double up upon reloading the scene.

-- fixed: the Coria and Bandit Fortress Escaped scenes did not have a StopLoop action for the rain sound effects used in the preceding battles.

-- fixed: if a roster's reserve supplies had not already been created elsewhere, the game would not create it for the first time when auto-looting items, resulting in those items simply never appearing.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 18, 2022, 05:49:01 PM
-- changed defeat behavior: if you lose a battle and there is no defeat scene specified, instead of automatically kicking the player to the title screen, the game will automatically reload the fight from the last save.

-- increased the maximum zoom-out a little more.

-- the victory screen now specifies how many sacks were auto-looted if sacks were auto-looted.

-- added tutorial text to Crypt Diving to make it explicit that you must manually grab all loose item sacks to loot their contents.

-- fixed a continuity error in one of the lines of dialogue in Camp.

-- resized the dialogue box UI and calendar UI within the cut scene editor to keep everything visible despite the menu bar along the top of the screen.

-- fixed: clicking through dialogue with a Wait action and progressing to the next scene before the wait finished counting down could result in the next scene opening with a weird buggy dialogue box (as occasionally seen in the transition to Moonless Hunt).

-- fixed: Enthralled characters could be made to unequip, drop, or give away their items.

-- fixed: the X and Y coordinate parameters for AddSpeakerPortrait were not having any effect when the action was used within cut scenes.

-- fixed: due to an incorrect setting in one of the images, the campaign creator was failing to save blank placeholder pngs for use in custom skill, item, and object sprites when creating new campaigns.

-- fixed: the game was returning to the campaign editor after testing a map within the map editor instead of returning directly to the map editor.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 19, 2022, 03:41:58 PM
-- setting movement speed to 4 now results in units *instantaneously appearing* at their movement destinations.

-- when mousing over equipment in the reserve supplies screen, unit portraits are now grayed out for characters who do not want (or cannot use) the item.

-- the game now saves the last save slot you loaded. When opening the Load Game screen, the game goes to that save slot's page by default. (Previously, the game would choose the file that had been saved most recently, not the one you'd loaded most recently.)

-- new script action: GoToNextBranch. The same as GoTo, but it doesn't require a parameter specifying the branch number and it only goes to whatever branch comes after the current branch in the dialogue tree.

-- fixed: restarting a battle more than once in a row would cause the game to load data from the wrong battle start save slot. This caused all kinds of problems, but most noticeably, tended to alter the player's available roster of characters. (Note that any existing save files will continue to suffer from this issue until you advance to a new battle or cut scene in version 1.0.06, at which point they should work correctly.)

-- fixed: the Immobilized effect of a hold could last beyond 1 turn if the AI became held during a move on its own turn.

-- fixed: the AI would not be notified when a character under its control was subjected to a hold midway through its move and would proceed with an attack at the end of the move as though the character had reached its intended destination.

-- fixed: layering issues in army modules in the map editor led to the delete button becoming unclickable and tooltips for the army color selectors inappropriately appearing behind other buttons.

-- fixed: the game would inappropriately display dialogue for Naila Hashmal in Crypt Diving even if she wasn't present, so long as the player deployed Tremolo Phalanges onto the map.

-- fixed the formatting on Lyrio's RangeBonus tag (which had evidently been left untouched from the original Telepath Tactics).
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 19, 2022, 10:16:07 PM
-- fixed: the game was no longer displaying all of the pages of saved games in the load screen.

-- fixed: the game was not immediately updating the buttons to interact with doors or switches, nor to talk to adjacent characters, after moving a character with the speed setting at 4.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 20, 2022, 04:45:16 PM
-- added Cygnus the Prophet and Ravinale to the music tracks available in the campaign editor.

-- fixed: multiples of the same item purchased at the shop were not being assigned different item IDs, leading to dictionary errors in the reserve supplies screen (and to other potential issues with items being mixed up by the game's internal logic down the road).
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 22, 2022, 11:58:01 AM
-- fixed: the in-game description of Hidden status was out of date and inaccurate.

-- Hidden status now automatically ends if the affected character hits another character with a non-zero-damage skill.

-- characters with the Clarity status effect can now see Hidden characters.

-- rebalanced Throw Knife: it is once again locked to 2 range, but now does not end the turn after use.

-- fixed: AI-driven characters emerging from fog of war (or disappearing into it) would not actually appear or disappear upon completing their move if character movement speed was set to 4.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, pop-up spawners would fail to remove themselves from the battlefield, thereby causing the game to effectively freeze at the end of a zoomed-in combat exchange while waiting for pop-ups to be removed.

-- fixed: if the player disabled army 0 in the map editor's army subeditor, then opened up the New Character screen in the map editor, the army picker would still default to army 0 anyway.

-- if you place characters on a map in the map editor, remove the armies those characters belong to, and save the map, the map editor will now automatically detect orphaned armies in the character data and reset those characters' armies to the first army number actually represented in the map settings.

-- fixed: sound loops from tested scenes would continue playing upon returning to the campaign editor.

-- fixed: the game would throw a fatal error if a SetStat call setting the Coords stat had misformatted coordinates. Now, it aborts and sends an error message to the log instead.

-- new script action: RemoveTrigger. Removes a trigger from an object at specific coordinates without removing the object itself.

-- fixed: automatic removal of Use Once triggers upon use of the attached object wasn't "sticking."

-- fixed: the AIHandicap action was not working as intended.

-- fixed: the Escape key was not canceling give actions in combat.

-- fixed: canceling a give action by clicking the unit to move them would leave the "Give to whom?" text overlay onscreen.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 22, 2022, 08:07:40 PM
Gonna start working on patches in chunks until I'm ready to upload. Improvements for 1.0.08:

-- removed the preapplied Use triggers from the one-use switches in Rescuing Meridian, Coria Dogs - Ground Floor, and Clash at the Mines Entrance.

-- fixed: if an OnTurn dialogue with an EndConvImmediately action triggered, it would cause the game to initiate the turn twice, resulting in double application of damaging status effects like Burning and Poisoned. (If an enemy burned to death in this way, it could potentially cause the game to freeze by making Rebecca level up and then overriding that with further experience from the second application of Burning now telling the game that she isn't leveling up after all.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 23, 2022, 10:36:58 AM
-- custom difficulty is now supported in the main campaign! :)

-- the game now supports cut scene menus with more than 6 options! (Page picker buttons will appear to let you navigate between pages of menu options.)

-- added an eighth level of AI handicap: actively avoids backstabbing targets.

-- improved the Guide explanation for AddPortrait.

-- fixed: a nonexistent entry (Psy Res.) was included in the TextSprite section of the Guide.

-- fixed: the deployment screen's formula for determining the number of pages of characters used a ceiling function when it should use a floor function, resulting in it inappropriately displaying the option to flip to a second page when the player's roster was exactly 18 characters (one full page) in size.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 24, 2022, 09:18:56 AM
Improvements for 1.0.09:

-- fixed: items intended to remove status effects were not working correctly.

-- added a new negating status effect to the game: Neutralized (removes Poisoned).

-- added negating status effects (like Thawed and Extinguished) to the Guide.

-- fixed: the custom menu subeditor within the cut scene editor had ceased to function correctly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 24, 2022, 03:12:35 PM
-- uploaded "The Vengeance of Emma Strider," the game's primary campaign, to Steam Workshop for players to download and modify (or just study).

-- got browsing and downloading of custom campaigns from Steam Workshop working in-game!
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 24, 2022, 08:17:45 PM
-- fixed: status effects tacked onto a skill via the ModSkillSFX tag could end up "stuck" on the skill, resulting in every other unit who uses the skill also having a chance to impart that status effect. (E.g. if you used the Crossbow skill with someone carrying a Poisoned Crossbow, every other crossbowman would suddenly, inexplicably be able to poison with their own Crossbow attacks.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 25, 2022, 06:00:50 AM
-- changed Poisoned status so that it stacks only in terms of duration, not per-turn damage.

-- fixed: the High Roller achievement was being awarded for winning much lower bets than intended.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 25, 2022, 07:46:52 AM
-- fixed: getting a character crushed by the drawbridge in the bandit fortress outer wall battle would result in the drawbridge not spawning due to the script being interrupted by a death monologue.

-- fixed: the drawbridge-spawning script was still using script actions from the original game that have since been deprecated, and thus would not despawn other objects that had been created or moved into the drawbridge's path.

-- split DamageCharAt off into its own script action distinct from DamageUnitAt, for situations where you want to only damage characters and not destructible objects on the battlefield.

-- the info bar no longer shows Together in Battle-specific information (food, food consumption, and salaries).

-- fixed vertical alignment on the female promoted swordsman Double Strike animation.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 25, 2022, 03:28:16 PM
Improvements for 1.0.10:

-- altered Louise's dialogue in camp to reflect Madeleine's death if she falls.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 26, 2022, 02:01:08 PM
-- fixed: when a character leveled up during an enemy turn, the game would only pause the AI upon popping up the level-up screen. This meant that the AI would sometimes manage to initiate an attack during the window where the experience-bar-filling animation was still playing, before the level-up screen appeared, leading to a freeze.

-- fixed: one could select a new character even with the character screen or level-up screen open using the space bar.

-- fixed: one could click or hit Escape before the level-up screen finished spawning during a level-up sequence to interrupt the level-up process.

-- added in several additional failure states when downloading custom campaigns to avoid the game breaking when Steam doesn't cooperate with querying or downloading workshop items. (Among other things, the game now warns you if you're not connected to Steam instead of failing silently.)

-- fixed: the page picker remained visible while downloading a custom campaign.

-- increased the maximum time the game will spend trying to download a campaign from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

-- fixed: loading a cut scene, exiting, and then quick-loading another within the campaign editor would result in the cut scene editor loading the first cut scene in the preview pane instead of the second.

-- fixed: the internal Load Scene function within the cut scene editor had become broken.

-- you can now add a background of None (pure blackness) to a cut scene.

-- a CustomAssetInfo.xml file with instructions for creating the campaign thumbnail is now placed in the campaign's main folder when the game creates a new campaign.

-- fixed: certain weapons were being created with a "max uses" value of 0, causing their sale value to remain unaffected even as their uses left were worn down toward zero.

-- altered strength values for proc gen knives to better match the default values in The Vengeance of Emma Strider.

-- unit move speed setting 3 now behaves like the highest move speed setting from the original Telepath Tactics: characters jump from space to space on each frame of movement instead of overshooting the mark and juddering back to each space in their path.

-- fixed: unit move speed settings were affecting the speed at which movement and knockback effects from unit skills played, messing up the animation timings.

-- fixed: the game was clearing away move tiles after moving a character on unit move speed setting 4, resulting in the player needing to click the character again to move further.

-- fixed: click-to-move-and-use in exploration mode was broken when on unit move speed setting 4. The game checked for an auto-use target shortly after commencing movement, then proceeded to auto-use if there was such a target after finishing moving. However, because unit speed setting 4 is instantaneous, this would cause the game to finish movement before the game could actually set the auto-use target, resulting in auto-use never occurring.

-- the game now auto-fixes erroneous battle start save data.

-- fixed: opening up the game settings and changing only the display resolution would result in the game failing to recognize that changes had been made to the settings and that the new settings should be saved.

-- made the refresh rate visible in resolution display options.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 27, 2022, 09:53:06 AM
Improvements for 1.0.11:

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately applying ModSkill-type tags intended for specific skills to all skills in certain contexts.

-- fixed: returning to the title screen after promoting a character could result in the promotion music ("Awakening Power") playing on top of the title theme.

-- fixed: item data for The Vengeance of Emma Strider campaign had somehow been replaced with a version that did not have Fangiss Ka or Lyrio, producing errors when trying to loot the Lyrio chest in Crypt Diving.

-- fixed: DamageCharAt was damaging non-character units as well.

-- move tiles no longer appear on spaces covered by fog of war.

-- due to a subtle formatting mismatch, the game had ceased to correctly detect the current resolution when opening the settings screen with patch 1.0.10. This is now fixed.

-- fixed: the game was incorrectly parsing multiplayer battle maps as cut scenes.

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately displaying a defeat message for victory over another human player in multiplayer maps.

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately reloading the battle upon victory in multiplayer rather than moving to the next scene.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 30, 2022, 09:30:56 AM
Improvements for 1.0.12:

-- balance tweaks: made Gavrielle and Zimmer somewhat more likely to gain Strength with each level; increased Madeleine's base Heath slightly and base Energy substantially.

-- fixed: the cryokineticist had a Mind Blast counterattack in Multiplayer, alone among all psy users.

-- fixed: status effects for custom skills were not being saved within the skill editor.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 31, 2022, 11:01:18 AM
-- fixed: all-purpose RangeBonus tags (as on Binoculars and Lyrio) had ceased to function.

-- fixed: the game was not explicitly setting a custom integer value representing the state of the player's conversation with Fera to 0 at the start of the game. This meant that playing a save file where you had spoken to her and then loading a save file where you had not could result in the game inappropriately treating you has having spoken to Fera.

-- battle text overlay messages no longer remain visible onscreen during the appearance of the level-up screen, promotion screen, victory/defeat box, when opening the battle menu, while typing in the console, or when restarting a battle.

-- fixed the annoying tooltip "wiggle" when mousing over a throbbing "new skill" button on the level-up screen.

-- fixed: buttons for new skills were not being displayed in the Promotion screen.

-- cleaned up the promotion screen interface a bit in general.

-- fixed: using Escape to close the console in battle would simultaneously register as a cancel press for whatever else was open (and if nothing else was open, would open the battle menu).

-- added a "Not connected to Steam" warning when attempting to upload from the campaign editor and a Steam connection isn't successfully established.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 01, 2022, 03:32:44 PM
Improvements for 1.0.13:

-- the character creator now loads all available classes dynamically--including promoted and custom classes!

-- the character creator now handles promoted classes correctly, leveling stats and gaining abilities as though the character had reached the minimum required level for that class.

-- the character creator now displays a preview of the default rest sprite for each class while mousing over it.

-- apparently it is possible to defeat Fera in the bandit fortress entrance (! Added an achievement for that, plus some dialogue acknowledging that you did it (while also preventing Fera from dropping her inventory there, as she'll still show up in the next battle).

-- the layout for Coria Dogs - Basement now scales in difficulty above Soldier level.

-- the layout for Battle with Tarion now scales in difficulty with the chosen difficulty level.

-- you can now select battle layout difficulty as part of custom difficulty options.

-- fixed: walls were inappropriately spawning inside the treasure rooms in Battle with Tarion.

-- fixed: if a terrain tile modified resistances for an element and a destructible object on the same space also modified resistances for that element (e.g. Heat resistance with an ice bridge over water), the game would recursively add those resistance modifiers together without end.

-- fixed: the Disarmed status effect didn't do anything. It now causes the target's equipped weapon (if any) to become unequipped.

-- added Disarmed status to in-game documentation.

-- updated class descriptions for the prestige assassin classes, as well as the short description for the Drake.

-- fixed: for destructible objects and classes without a description, the character screen would display the description of whatever the last class with a valid description was instead of leaving the description blank.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 03, 2022, 05:25:47 PM
Improvements for 1.0.14:

-- there is now an option to turn on VSync in the game settings. Doing so will reduce the framerate noticeably, but will also resolve screen tearing. (Setting the screen resolution to something with a refresh rate of 60 Hz, if available for your monitor, should also fix any screen tearing.)

-- fixed: the reinforcements code in Battle with Tarion was using outdated coordinates, resulting in 3 of 4 tunnels not behaving as intended with respect to reinforcements.

-- reserve supplies collected while playing with alternate character rosters (e.g. in the bandit fortress or during Moonless Hunt) now transfer over to the main roster's reserve supplies when the player returns to the main roster.

-- new script action: TransferReserveSupplies. This lets you transfer one roster's reserve supplies over to a different roster, combining them.

-- fixed: Enthralled status could be applied to members of the player's own army (or to enemies who were already Enthralled) to effectively grant them a bonus turn.

-- fixed: Heavy status could be applied to destructible objects to change their passability to characters.

-- fixed: calling the WinBattle action would not trigger dialogue with an OnVictory trigger.

-- fixed: the dialogue editor was not showing dialogue not possessing a Conv ID. (Now, the editor displays such dialogue with its trigger and trigger parameters where the Conv ID would ordinarily be.)

-- failing to specify a facing direction when using SpawnUnit or GenerateUnit could produce a fatal range error; now, the game simply defaults to spawning the character facing downwards.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 04, 2022, 08:07:09 AM
Improvements for 1.0.15:

-- the AI now takes into account the presence of "on death" attacks when scoring attack targets, discouraging it from attacking explosive charges from within Explode range.

-- new AI handicap level 9: the AI does not account for damage it will take from counterattacks or from "on death" attacks.

-- fixed an error in the counterattack damage calculation used by the AI to score potential attacks against opponent who can counterattack.

-- updated the Guide descriptions of Accuracy and the Res. stats to mention that these affect the likelihood of status effects taking hold.

-- the AI now grants a target value bonus to its own units that will die without intervention due to poison or burning, prioritizing them for healing. (This is turned off on AI handicap level 4 or higher.)

-- scaled the difficulty up a bit for Five Guardians and the bandit fortress outer wall battle on Veteran and Tactician difficulties.

-- fixed: changes to the way the game values destructible objects as attack targets led to the AI never considering Camp a viable target. This has now been fixed by massively increasing the multiplier in Camp's TargetValue tag to counteract those changes.

-- fixed: if an AI-controlled character had a skill without a valid, recognized after-attack type, it would cause a fatal "key not found" exception in the AI's algorithms.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 05, 2022, 03:07:40 PM
-- halved the rate of enemy reinforcements in Battle with Tarion to make the fight less of a slog.

-- boosted Energy gain for promoted cavaliers.

-- fixed: in rare circumstances, the game could end up with multiple "wait and execute next move" coroutines running at once, producing weird and unexpected enemy behaviors.

-- fixed: the game's method for choosing skin, eye, and hair palettes for portraits of procedurally generated unique spriggats did not correctly account for promoted spriggat classes.

-- fixed: it was possible to use Books of Power in shop cut scenes, wasting the item.

-- new cut scene-only condition: Item Use. If set to false, items cannot be used in this cut scene.

-- fixed: the script action granting Meridian art supplies in Merchant 2 was using outdated syntax, causing the supplies not to be auto-equipped upon receipt.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 07, 2022, 03:46:42 PM
Improvements for 1.0.16:

-- fixed: on rare occasions, the game's internal AI timer could get ahead of the "end combat sequence" timer, resulting in the AI not being informed that a non-turn-ending attack had been completed, which would lead the AI to treat the attacker as not having used an attack yet, leading to one or more extra attacks. (The fix was pushed as a hotfix in version 1.0.15a.)

-- before the start of the player's turn, the game now performs a check to ensure that no essential characters are going to immediately die from burning, poison, drowning, etc.--if they are, the game will not let the player save the game.

-- the skill editor now changes the appearance of some of its input fields for Create skills to make it easier for users.

-- the skill editor now has a Units submenu you can browse for the creates attribute of your Create skills.

-- fixed: upon loading a generic character in the character creator, the game would try to procedurally generate a unique portrait for the character.

-- fixed: upon loading a character with an empty inventory in the character creator, the game would mistakenly detect the nothingness in the character's inventory as an item.

-- fixed: the game was treating items without a valid template as equippable.

-- fixed: the skill editor was not correctly saving sound and visual effects.

-- fixed: after creating a new campaign in the campaign editor, the description would not "stick" in the UI until the campaign was reloaded.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 08, 2022, 04:21:28 PM
Improvements for 1.0.17:

-- added documentation for 2D particle presets to the Guide.

-- fixed: the RemoveSpawn action could produce a null error when used in battle. (This fix pushed as a hotfix for version 1.0.16b.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 11, 2022, 12:15:05 PM
-- the game now displays a "Saving game..." notification when auto-saving during transitions between scenes.

-- fixed: in-game shops were still showing salaries and food in the info bar.

-- fixed: unit move speed level 2, specifically, had ceased to be applied to AI-controlled characters.

-- fixed: the animation type for point lights was not being saved properly by the map editor.

-- fixed: the page buttons in the shop stock item sub-window had lost their reference to the functions that actually flipped the pages.

-- fixed: you couldn't add stock to a shop without first creating the shop.

-- increased the chance of Feint causing Distracted from 75% to 100% and changed its after-attack behavior from Unlimited to Use Once, turning it from an annoying RNG gamble you had to "roll" over and over into a one-and-done tool.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 11, 2022, 04:39:50 PM
Improvements for 1.0.18:

-- the game AI now takes control of characters that it afflicts with Enthralled status.

-- added a field to the character creator allowing players to assign an on-death attack to characters (e.g. Explode, Big Shield, etc.)

-- added error-checking to counterattacks, masteries, and proficiencies within the skill progression field of the character creator.

-- fixed: the page buttons for picking test rosters within the cut scene and map editors had lost their reference to the functions that actually flipped the pages.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 12, 2022, 06:31:51 PM
-- the game no longer considers spaces with impassably large elevation differences as valid alternative spawn points for non-flying reinforcements when their original spawn point is blocked. (Among other things, Fera won't spawn on top of the fortress walls any longer.)

-- fixed: in some circumstances, the shop interface would fail to load the player's reserve supplies, which could result in the reserve supplies simply being wiped.

-- fixed: the cut scene editor was throwing a null error when previewing shops due to the shop script trying to reference gamepad navigation logic that doesn't exist within the campaign editor.

-- fixed: using ShakeScreen in cut scenes would cause the game to throw a null error.

-- fixed: when using Swim, the game would place skill target tiles onto any adjacent bridge or land tile even if the elevation difference was too great.

-- made the "redded out" coloration within the character screen consistent with the coloration used everywhere else in-engine.

-- optimization: removed an unnecessarily duplicative step in deserializing the reserve supplies when loading game data for a cut scene.

-- fixed: portraits had lost reference to their 2D particle spawners, causing the PortraitParticles action not to work.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 13, 2022, 09:22:33 AM
-- fixed: the RemoveSpawn action could produce a null error when reapplied in a mid-battle save. (This fix pushed as a hotfix for version 1.0.18a.)

-- fixed: the cut scene editor was throwing different null errors when previewing shops due to a separate fix in version 1.0.18. (This fix pushed as a hotfix for version 1.0.18a.)

-- optimized string concatenation operations by using StringBuilder; optimized checks for empty strings throughout the code by replacing string != "" with string.Length > 0.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 13, 2022, 07:30:01 PM
Improvements for 1.0.19:

-- the settings screen now offers an option to turn off post-processing effects for those who may be experiencing slowdown while playing the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 14, 2022, 05:28:57 PM
-- expanded the graphics settings to also encompass anti-aliasing and texture resolution.

There are five supported levels of graphical fidelity reflecting gradations of quality: High, Medium, Med-Low, Low, and Potato. (On High, post-processing is on, anti-aliasing is set to sub-pixel morphological, and textures are full-resolution; on Potato, post-processing effects are disabled, anti-aliasing is turned off completely, and textures are displayed at 1/4 their normal resolution.)

-- cleaned up the golden "gleam" texture used on the title screen logo animation.

-- fixed: the shop interface could bug out if asked to load reserve supplies for a roster without any reserve supplies saved.

-- fixed: it was possible for the game to throw a null error when generating hobbies for the proc gen characters who join you after the caravan battle.

-- fixed: game AI would treat enemy counterattacks as dangerous when weighing moves with skills that prevent enemies from counterattacking.

-- fixed: it was possible for a character's on-death skill to become null, leading to a null error when the AI tried to evaluate it.

-- updated gamepad support for cut scene menus to account for multiple pages of buttons.

-- updated gamepad support for new settings on the settings screen.

-- fixed: hitting the cancel button on a gamepad during dialogue or when interacting with the new turn box would lock up the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 17, 2022, 09:47:58 AM
Improvements for 1.0.20:

-- new Bowman skill added to the engine: Aim. Boosts user strength by 25% for the turn it's used.

-- created the Aim skill graphic, added it to usable assets.

-- fixed: game music would stop upon surrendering or being defeated in battle.

-- fixed: changes to the game's reinforcement spawn code in version 1.0.18 resulted in item sacks dropped into water no longer spawning on the nearest land or bridge tile if the elevation difference was greater than one--and with no valid space on which to spawn the sack, the game was throwing a null error. Both parts of this are now fixed.

-- the item editor now has a Copy Item function to match the skill editor's Copy Skill.

-- fixed: spawning a shop in the cut scene editor without specifying available materials would result in a null error due to the game searching for item materials and not finding them. (The game now just assumes that all materials are available within the cut scene editor.)

-- fixed: using EndConvImmediately in a cut scene with only one narration frame could result in a range error when viewing the scene within the cut scene editor.

-- fixed: the "Number to Spawn" field in the shop stock subwindow in the cut scene editor wasn't accepting ranges.

-- fixed: values passed to number pickers were not immediately being constrained to the allowed range upon passing.

-- fixed: altering available money using SetAura in a test script would not be reflected in the shop interface until changing categories or opening reserve supplies.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, forcing the end of dialogue after spawning the shop would result in the shop interface remaining onscreen instead of being dismissed alongside the dialogue interface.

-- fixed: editing an existing shop and validating its stock could result in the game inappropriately duplicating the shop.

-- created a "generated claw" graphic, which was missing from the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 21, 2022, 02:07:41 PM
Improvements for 1.0.21:

-- vastly improved the AI algorithm for planning long-range moves (i.e. those that would not result in a skill usage this turn, but which bring the character closer to a desired target).

-- the game no longer loads all saved game data for every slot in one go when opening the save or load menus; instead, it now loads just the data for the current page and loads more when the page is changed. This addresses the long load times players faced when going to save or load the game with dozens of save slots filled.

-- reduced the difficulty of Out of Food Battle by de-linking the aggro group for enemies in the bottom-right of the map from enemies elsewhere on the right side of the map, then reduced it further for Soldier difficulty (and massively so for Observer and Recruit) by reducing the number of enemies present and increasing the number of apples yielded by fruit trees.

-- added support for impassable, black "Blank" terrain tiles to the map editor.

-- fixed: the AI profile for Crypt Diving was not set properly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 22, 2022, 03:07:41 PM
-- swapped in the grass and dirt textures from the original game and found--to my delight--that they actually work really well on the new 3D terrain! I decided to run with it and swapped in old (and in some cases, modified new) terrain textures that better fit the pixel-art aesthetic of the character sprites and vegetation. I think the battles look much nicer this way.

-- tweaked post-processing settings to boost the vividness of color and bloom effects in battle while toning down the intensity of bloom effects on lava tiles for greater readability.

-- the game's trap warning will now trigger if the destination space you click on (not just the path leading up to it) is covered by an ally's trap.

-- did a bit of optimization in the AI code.

-- fixed: the DamageUnit and DamageUnitAtCoords script actions would not trigger on-death attacks if a unit died from them. (Since these are how traps deal damage, this meant that traps were not triggering on-death attacks either.)

-- when mousing over sheer cliff faces and clicking, the game's select-the-tile-below behavior now works with move tiles, attack tiles, and so on.

-- fixed: the behavior to select the space below a sheer cliff face was only working in battle; when clicking a sheer cliff face in the map editor, the game would throw a null error.

-- fixed: materials for certain cliff faces had somehow gotten specular highlights turned on somehow.

-- improved the 64 x 64 and smaller executable icons for the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 25, 2022, 05:17:34 PM
Improvements for 1.0.22:

-- worked on a New, Secret Campaign Mode. ;)

-- fixed the positioning and visibility of blob shadows under characters and destructible objects.

-- added a sort button for scenes in the campaign editor! This allows you to toggle between the default alphabetical sorting and a new "scene order" sort in which the game does its best to guess the intended order of scenes in the campaign based upon the "next scene" attribute contained in each scene. (Needless to say, this will work a whole lot better if you specify the next scene for each map and cut scene than if you don't.)

-- fixed a scripting error in Five Guardians.

-- new special character added: PICKFROMLIST{}. Allows you to specify a custom list variable by name; the game will automatically pick an entry from that list at random and display it.

-- fixed an off-by-1 error in the custom cut scene menu code that would cause page selectors to show up when there was a single full page of buttons.

-- fixed: the game was not saving proc gen characters added to the player's roster during battle.

-- changed the values for Defensive AI to make it care more about danger relative to the rewards of attack opportunities.

-- the AI now considers the presence of cover guarding its back when weighing different locations it can attack from. (The more defensive the AI, the more it will care about this.)

-- fixed: the game was not parsing tags using operations properly within the context of the GenerateUnit and GenerateUnique script actions.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 26, 2022, 09:50:36 AM
-- the map editor now supports placing multiple characters on the same space, offering a way to easily switch between them in the unit properties window.

-- buffed the base Psy of all proc gen psy users in the main campaign to bring their utility closer to that of premade characters.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 28, 2022, 02:11:01 PM
Improvements for 1.0.23:

-- Telepath Tactics Liberated now supports Remote Play Together! Play Multiplayer, the PVP of Emma Strider, and other multiplayer campaigns with Steam friends over the internet using Steam's built-in Remote Play Together functionality.

-- skills which depend upon a weapon but do no damage (such as Feint) no longer degrade the weapon when used.

-- fixed an issue that was causing the skills learned at each level to be learned in reverse order.

-- fixed a range error in the code caused by using a knockback skill on a unit subject to a Hold.

-- fixed a null error when player-controlled characters tried to move out of a Hold space created by a character of another army.

-- altered graphics for the Wildflower and WildflowerAlt objects to make them look better with the new, deeper drop shadows.

-- fixed: chests and other destructible objects shoved or pulled into water/lava would disappear below the waterline, then reappear inside the ground if pulled back out.

-- fixed: chests and other destructible objects shoved or pulled into water/lava were not spraying water or lava particles, as the game was detecting those objects already present on the space and incorrect assuming that they were landing on top of themselves.

-- fixed: the game was double-playing the "thud" sound upon units swimming onto land/being pulled out of water.

-- fixed: in some instances, it was possible for character portraits in the reserve supplies screen to remain shaded based on their desire for an item even after the item was no longer moused over.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 29, 2022, 12:35:09 PM
-- the Stunned status effect now drops a unit's Drowning Resistance by 100, doubling drowning damage for most characters.

-- tamped down the strength of the back cover modifier in the AI somewhat.

-- the back cover modifier is no longer applied for moves where the user can continue moving after using their skill.

-- incorporated back cover considerations into the AI's retreat routine.

-- updated the auto-loot wording on the victory screen to help distinguish it from sacks grabbed manually.

-- new script action: SaveChar. This tells the game to mark a particular character for saving even if that character is not recruited to the player's army. This allows you to have the game remember the condition of allied or enemy units between maps, and lets you create persistent proc gen characters who don't join the player's roster.

-- fixed: the materials and quality parameters for generated equipment in the GenerateUnit and GenerateUnique script actions weren't being passed through to the character generator, resulting in all generated equipment for proc gen units being of uniformly terrible quality.

-- created a new item: Protector's Manual. What does it do? It's a mystery! ;)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 01, 2022, 01:21:17 PM
-- you can now browse and edit an unlimited number of actions per branch in the dialogue editor's Edit Branch window (as opposed to being limited to only 6).

-- fixed: using the mouse wheel to zoom in or out in the dialogue editor while within the map editor would also zoom the camera within the map editor.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 05, 2022, 08:04:46 PM
Improvements for 1.0.24:

-- implemented a constellation of improvements to the game's pathfinding algorithm for calculating moves that won't pay off that same turn, especially when navigating circuitous paths.

-- when calculating the consequences of attacking a target with an OnDeath skill, the AI now accounts for damage not just to the attacker, but to the attacker's allies as well.

-- shifted reinforcement spawns forward one turn in Coria Bridge Battle so enemies appear on the player's turn.

-- fixed: Hide was in the skill progression for both Blackguards and Whispers, rendering the Whisper promotion choice redundant.

-- fixed: move skills like Leap were treating destructible objects with a passability of Shoot Through as though they had a passability of Flying.

-- fixed: if a flying character gained the Levitating status effect and it wore off when over water, the character would fall into the water despite the fact that their base movement type remained Flying. (Granted, there is zero reason for a flying character to receive Levitating status in the first place, but there you have it.)

-- fixed: the dialogue editor could throw range errors when editing scripts or dialogue after narrowing the visible selection of scripts or dialogue via the search bar.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 06, 2022, 12:59:39 PM
-- the game now lets you place traps and build on spaces containing item sacks! :)

-- fixed inaccurate item description for Partial Plate.

-- fixed: upon Frozen status ending, the stat effects from Frozen were being redoubled instead of reversed under some circumstances.

-- fixed: actions that trigger a script in exploration mode (like grabbing a loose item sack) could result in the game initiating a drag-pan without the player clicking.

-- fixed: the game was inappropriately playing the "thud" sound effect when defeating a character on the same space as a destructible object, as though the character had been dropped from a height.

-- fixed: non-flying characters were being placed too low when spawning atop boulders or other Flying-passability objects in water or lava (or ending up there via the use of Move skills).

-- fixed: characters submerged in water or lava were unable to swim onto boulders or other Flying-passability objects also present within the liquid.

-- fixed: the game would show skill targeting tiles on land spaces containing Flying-passability objects for characters using Swim even though these spaces could not be moved onto.

-- fixed: rotating a character at the tail end of a lengthy skill animation would sometimes cause the character to repeat that animation from the start.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 10, 2022, 11:37:57 AM
Improvements for 1.0.25:

-- updated the Guide with documentation on directly accessing and editing Special Stats for units: name, facing, coordinates, class name, and so on.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 11, 2022, 05:37:42 PM
-- the game now allows characters to stack multiple tags of the same type (e.g. Range Bonus or Bonus Damage).

-- defeating all enemies in Crypt Diving no longer ends the map early.

-- reduced the lighting intensity of self-lit objects to adjust to the overall increased bloom and color intensity of recent versions of the game.

-- spirits now cast a glow onto the battlefield. (Note that existing premade spirits will need to have their species reselected in the Character Creator in order to glow.)

-- the engine now supports spawning units on the battlefield using script ID in lieu of load ID.

-- fixed: using a Move skill to move directly onto a space containing an item sack would not cause the Grab button to cease being red.

-- fixed: attacks targeting Energy were also affecting maximum energy, including self-focus skills like Soul Suck.

-- fixed: damage dealt to characters through Energy underflow caused by Drain-style attacks did not cause the target to play a Hurt animation.

-- fixed: damage dealt to characters through Energy underflow caused by Drain-style attacks was not being counted towards the attacking player's score.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 12, 2022, 08:46:41 PM
-- fixed: when initiating a player's turn immediately following an AI player's turn, if the game had found no viable moves for the AI army, the game would not let characters regain energy from resting.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 14, 2022, 11:03:09 AM
Improvements for 1.0.26:

-- fixed: on the difficulty selection screen, selecting Observer, backing out, and then selecting a different difficulty would cause the actually chosen difficulty to retain Observer's experience scaling and access to Plot Armor.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 16, 2022, 04:02:36 PM
-- the game now automatically adds move spaces back onto the screen after using a skill that a character can move after using without you having to click that character.

-- added parabola animations out to 6 spaces.

-- fixed: suffering lethal damage from a trap would not immediately kill the afflicted unit unless there was an OnDeath skill triggered.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, move spaces could remain onscreen after a character died.

-- fixed: the step value of a move space would sometimes be displayed even when the mouse was not over any move spaces.

-- fixed: for multi-space knockback skills, the game would not recognize fall damage occurring before the final space of knockback.

-- fixed: non-flying characters on top of fly-only objects who moved onto a normal space would not have their elevation reset back to normal.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 17, 2022, 10:34:56 PM
-- when damaging multiple units on the same space using an explosive attack, the game now properly times all the pop-ups so there isn't any overlap.

-- turned down the brightness of the white palette in character portraits to account for increased bloom settings in post-processing.

-- an improvement for the campaign creation suite: you can now reference characters by name in cut scenes even if they've never been loaded in a battle or added to a roster before.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 19, 2022, 12:44:58 PM
-- fixed: loading a mid-battle save made before version 1.0.25 would result in all item sacks currently on the battlefield being impassable to characters, preventing them from being grabbed.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 21, 2022, 07:05:26 PM
Hot fixes for version 1.0.26a:

-- fixed: the lines adding Emma and Sabrina to the player's roster at the start of the game had been removed for some reason. They are now added after the Adelbrae battle.

-- fixed: the MoveUnitBy action could lock up the game if the named unit wasn't found.

-- fixed: the console could throw unassigned value errors if used in a cut scene.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 27, 2022, 03:21:40 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.27:

-- boosted the base experience given by attacking an enemy without killing them from 10 to 12.

-- fixed: skill cost was being double-counted when calculating experience gain, resulting in psy users gaining experience much faster than they should have relative to non-psy users.

-- fixed: the player wouldn't lose if their Camp was destroyed in battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 30, 2022, 02:23:14 PM
Made some progress tracking down the cause of the AI sometimes attacking scenery for no reason on larger maps. Also:

-- fixed: due to a missing check, destructible objects with passability of flying were sinking into the ground when subjected to knockback.

-- fixed some errors and inconsistencies in bonus damage calculation and previewing (e.g. with Poisoned or Burning weapons).

-- fixed: BonusDmg tags on weapons could duplicate with scene changes.

-- for 1.0.27a, fixed: the game was sometimes elevating bridges above barricades or other fly-only objects that were placed on top of them.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 31, 2022, 05:37:43 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.28:

-- the game will now apply wear and breakage on non-attack skills if they are granted directly by a piece of equipment. This allows the engine to support limited-use items granting a character non-attack skills.

-- added a new parameter to the AddToList script action allowing entries to added at specific list positions.

-- fixed a fatal error that could occur when the game attempted to adjust stats based on personality traits during the procedural character generation process.

-- fixed: the AI would dramatically undervalue moves in which healers healed themselves.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 03, 2022, 11:38:55 AM
-- fixed: it was possible to undo after using a skill if the skill user missed their target.

-- fixed: the level-up screen displayed skills granted to a character by their equipment.

-- fixed: if a character knows a skill and equips an item which grants that skill, the character screen will no longer display two instances of that skill.

-- fixed: if a character already knows a skill naturally, learning it upon level-up will no longer give them a duplicate of that skill.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 09, 2022, 03:28:07 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.29:

-- fixed: the game wasn't recognizing character portraits as belonging to the current speaker when using script ID references in lieu of written names in dialogue.

-- fixed: recruiting a character via script ID or name rather than load ID during a cut scene was not working.

-- fixed: the game was sometimes detecting infinite loops when in fact the scripts had all simply finished running normally.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 10, 2022, 10:05:57 AM
-- fixed: you could undo after using an item.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 16, 2022, 05:20:38 PM
Recorded a new player campaign showcase!

-- fixed: characters couldn't grab aura out of item sacks if their inventories were full.

-- fixed: the game would preserve save slot 100 as the last-used save slot when testing campaigns in the editor.

-- fixed: the AI would give a score bonus to useless moves (like shoving a target onto an ordinary space without any elevation change) for "backstabbing" and avoiding a counterattack so long as they hit the enemy from behind.

-- fixed: if a character burned/drowned to death at the start of the AI's turn and the first character chosen to move was a healer, the AI could proceed with a pre-calculated move to heal the character as though they had not already perished.

-- fixed in 1.0.29a: in some rare situations, the AI could get into an endless loop and never end its turn.

-- fixed in 1.0.29a: dialogue set to end immediately that triggered a Wait script action would inappropriately display the dialogue menu while the Wait action was pending. (This occurred most noticeably during the Coria Dogs Basement battle.)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 17, 2022, 06:52:36 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.30:

-- added a tutorial to Out of Food Battle explicitly directing the player to inspect the resistances of fruit trees in order to know what skills are best used against them.

-- added some camera movements to the conversation between Ebon Raban and his engineer in Coria Bridge Battle.

-- added Steel to the list of weapon materials used for creating proc gen weapons once the player reaches Coria.

-- created new item image: Satchel Charge.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 19, 2022, 12:53:43 PM
-- temporarily rolled back the pending-Wait-action dialogue menu bug fix from 1.0.29s, as this was causing the dialogue menu to lock up when dialogue with an EndConvImmediately action triggered simultaneously with a combat bark.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 20, 2022, 03:27:48 PM
-- got to version 1.0.30c fixing issues with the latest patch, but I thiiiiink (fingers crossed) that I've got the issues all ironed out now.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 23, 2022, 05:02:03 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.31:

-- fixed the pending-Wait-action dialogue menu bug again; this time, without causing huge issues elsewhere. (I'm 95% sure of that, at least.)

-- fixed the positioning of tooltips for item option buttons in the top row of items in the character inventory viewer window within the reserve supplies screen.

-- fixed: the documentation for the SpawnVisualEffects action had an error.

-- added documentation for the particle types supported for use with skills and the SpawnParticlesAt script action.

-- fixed: custom item graphics contained in custom campaigns weren't being loaded into the item editor.

-- fixed: custom skill graphics contained in custom campaigns weren't being loaded into the skill editor.

-- fixed: assets with the same name as an asset of a different type (e.g. Whet Stone, which is both the name of a sound effect and an item image) were being culled from available assets in the campaign editor.

And one cool new feature for custom campaigns: equipment can now be edited!

-- new script action supported: AlterEquipment. Allows editing of an item equipped to a character. Parameters: character name; equipment slot name; attribute name (Value, Uses Left, or a stat name); and an operation.

-- items can now have an altersEquipment attribute that effectively calls AlterEquipment when the item is used. The game now successfully saves and loads these.

-- the item editor now has input fields to add or change an altersEquipment attribute on items.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 24, 2022, 02:40:30 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.32:

-- patched up some holes in the in-game documentation for status effects; added instructions to the Guide for changing status effect chance, power, and/or duration from their default values.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 28, 2022, 06:36:59 PM
Struggled for a while trying to get custom object images to display correctly in Unity's SpriteRenderer component, then finally gave up and sent Unity a bug report as I'm pretty sure there's something broken in that component at this point.

-- added in an Example Object into PremadeUnits.xml in newly created custom campaigns.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 06, 2022, 02:04:08 PM
-- adjusted the placement of portraits within deployment tiles slightly.

-- fixed: clicking a deployment tile multiple times with a shadowling or golem portrait inside would cause the portrait to continually shift to the left.

-- fixed: the AI did not recognize bridge tiles as dry land for purposes of plotting routes to escape water or lava with drowning characters.

-- fixed: turns out, the game was still preserving save slot 100 as the last-used save slot when testing campaigns in the editor. I really did stop that behavior this time!
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 11, 2022, 01:55:14 PM
-- fixed: the AI's self-move obstacle detection algorithm wasn't accounting for skills that move the attacker along with the target (e.g. Stick-and-Drag).

-- fixed: if the AI accidentally chose an invalid self-move skill, the game would throw a range error and freeze.

-- if the AI accidentally chooses an invalid self-move skill, the game now immediately discards the move and proceeds with the next-best move in the hopper.

-- fixed: the game was improperly saving and loading the "removes status effects" property of consumable items, leading to certain consumables losing their ability to remove status effects.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 13, 2022, 02:44:31 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.33:

-- fixed: unequipping equipment that grants Speed (such as Runner's Cleats) did not decrement the character's max movement. This allowed the player to unequip and re-equip the item over and over again to increase maximum movement without limit.

-- fixed: when multiple instances of the status effect Alert were applied to the same target, their stat buffs were cumulative, but the game would only remove one of those buffs upon the status effect's conclusion, effectively rendering the others permanent.

-- fixed: it was possible for custom skills used on oneself to elicit a "Backstabbed!" pop-up if the skill's backstab multiplier was set to greater than 1.

-- fixed: it was possible for custom Shield skills with a positive power value to elicit a "Backstabbed!" pop-up on the target if the skill's backstab multiplier was set to greater than 1.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 14, 2022, 12:28:04 PM
-- the engine now supports forcing proc gen characters of a certain class to learn certain skills within a specified level range.

-- proc gen assassins now always learn Leap somewhere between levels 2 and 6.

-- spaced out the introduction of enemy mentalists in Coria Bridge Battle a bit more to account for how much more dangerous they are in TTL.

-- fixed: in some rare situations, AI analysis of self-move attacks could cause the game to throw a null error.

-- fixed: in some instances, the new AI algorithm for assessing self-move skills would incorrectly identify movement paths as blocked.

-- fixed: the cut scene editor was failing to save custom menus created in the editor.

-- added a black background to the title screen art to account for players who somehow manage to force the game to run in unsupported, non-widescreen aspect ratios.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 21, 2022, 08:24:36 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.34:

-- reduced the sample rate on unit idle animations to 15 FPS to accord with the other character animations.

-- made Longbow Mastery a much earlier get in the proc gen bowman skill progression.

-- tweaked the AI so that it will always disregard scenery-clearing moves which do less than 1/5th the object's total health in damage.

-- for performance reasons, the game now automatically turns off the path-clearing algorithm for the AI if a map's combined width and height are greater than 48.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 22, 2022, 04:55:04 PM
-- fixed: the AddPortrait action was only looking for characters actively on the battlefield when used in battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 24, 2022, 03:21:33 PM
--extended the click-and-draggable area for the dialogue editor downward to accommodate mouse navigation of much larger dialogue trees.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 24, 2022, 09:11:33 PM
-- fixed: the game would ignore script IDs used as reference name parameters in the ChangeExpression and PortraitParticles script actions.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 26, 2022, 10:47:02 AM
-- added documentation for SaveChar to the Guide.

-- fixed a small typo in Crypt Diving.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, the AI would move a unit after the unit's turn had ended.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 01, 2022, 11:23:23 AM
-- fixed: title screen music would begin playing at full volume regardless of music volume settings.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 03, 2022, 08:52:19 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.35:

-- fixed: the "Ability" animation for cavaliers was improperly compressed, preventing palette swapping of the sprite.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 04, 2022, 04:06:40 PM
-- added the ability to lock bundled campaigns and track unlocked content locally.

-- added the ability to trigger unlocks based on achievements attained in-game.

-- when a character levels up and gains a skill with an energy cost exceeding their maximum energy, the game now automatically awards that character energy proficiency sufficient to bring the character's maximum energy up to the exact cost of that skill.

-- created a high-res repaint of the old Telepath RPG: Servants of God dice icon.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 05, 2022, 01:58:58 PM
-- when a proc gen character is first generated, the game now checks to see if they start with any skills with an energy cost exceeding their maximum energy. If so, the game now automatically awards that character energy sufficient to bring their maximum energy up to the exact cost of that skill.

-- created two new achievements: Roller of Dice and Master of Randomness. Created new achievement art for each.

-- fixed: the game checking for duplicate first names in characters generated through the recruitment interface, but not with one-off proc gen characters produced through GenerateUnique.

-- created art for the forthcoming update.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 06, 2022, 11:24:16 AM
-- adjusted the proc gen cavalier skill progression: Charge is now guaranteed to be learned much earlier, and cavaliers learn either Hold or Sprint instead of always learning Hold and learning either Sprint or Great Shield Mastery.

-- boosted base Dodge by 5 for proc gen assassins.

-- fixed: multiple timed charges simultaneously detonating from burning damage within Explode range of one another would produce a null error.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 07, 2022, 09:54:09 PM
-- the New Turn box no longer disappears upon clicking just anywhere onscreen; instead, there is now a dedicated Start Turn button that must be clicked to dismiss the box and commence the turn. This should help avoid players accidentally clicking past the opportunity to save at the start of their turn.

-- the battle menu is now accessible during deployment.

-- when the character screen is open in battle, scrolling the mouse wheel now cycles through other characters in the same army.

-- you can now Store items from within the character screen while in the reserve supplies interface.

-- when either the unit inventory browser or the character screen is open within the reserve supplies screen, scrolling the mouse wheel now cycles through other characters who have access to the reserve supplies.

-- the game now automatically sorts character inventory when opening the character screen, or when opening the unit inventory browser in the reserve supplies screen.

-- the character screen now displays "(X/12)" above the inventory, where X is how many of the character's inventory slots are being used.

-- tooltips for equipment now display the slot they equip to whether the item is currently equipped or not.

-- enemy units can no longer spawn on top of spaces containing player-created objects.

-- fixed: the reserve supplies screen's auto-equip feature would stop after auto-equipping one item given to the character.

-- fixed: if apples were dropped onto a space already containing an item sack with apples in it during Out of Food Battle, the game would count the number of apples dropped incorrectly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 10, 2022, 03:50:39 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.35a:

-- characters chosen for deployment are now automatically shuffled to the front of the army roster for easier access going forward.

-- removed the "Start Turn" button from the turn box at the start of AI turns.

-- fixed: Unity was offsetting the raycast boundaries of the buttons on the new turn box for reasons I have yet to understand.

-- fixed: after panning the camera with the WASD/arrow keys, the camera would slow to a stop approximately 3 times slower in the vertical axis than in the horizontal axis.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 12, 2022, 09:40:37 AM
Improvements for version 1.0.35b:

-- removed physical traits for proc gen characters that had no impact on the systems used in TTL.

-- fixed: when testing multiple consecutive scenes of a player-created campaign, the game would start to save over ordinary player save files.

-- fixed: the game's internal list of sound loops contained misnamed versions of the two "crickets" loops.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 13, 2022, 12:53:58 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.35c:

-- fixed: numerous procedurally generated characters partway through the randomizer campaign were being prematurely auto-recruited to roster 0.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 14, 2022, 02:29:37 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.35d:

-- fixed in version 1.0.35d: in randomizer mode, Silithis Predat was still having her skills wiped in the Training scene, but they weren't returning afterwards.

-- fixed in version 1.0.35d: in randomizer mode, Silithis Predat could be generated without Grandmace Mastery (necessary to use her personal weapon, Fangiss Ka).

-- fixed in version 1.0.35d: draining a character's Energy below 0 had ceased to roll over into health damage.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 16, 2022, 10:35:50 AM
Improvements for version 1.0.35e:

-- fixed in 1.0.35e: the game would not spawn characters referenced by script ID who were marked for saving, but who were neither currently present on the battlefield nor actually saved yet. This caused Annel's proc gen replacement not to spawn in Battle with Ebon Raban.

-- fixed in 1.0.35e: the game would lock up upon trying to move a character not found on the map via the MoveUnit or MoveUnitBy script actions.

-- fixed in 1.0.35e: proc gen cavaliers could be generated with a blank entry in their skill progression.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 17, 2022, 03:59:48 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.36:

-- custom object images for custom campaigns are now fully working!

-- added gamepad support for the Download Campaigns menu and its Search Options submenu.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 18, 2022, 05:13:12 PM
More work on getting gamepad support finished:

-- added gamepad support for the battle main menu.

-- added gamepad support for the objectives window.

-- added gamepad support for the victory window.

-- finished adding gamepad support for the deployment interface.

-- updated gamepad menu navigator for the new turn box to support the start-turn button.

-- the game now displays character tooltips when moving the selector over units using the gamepad.

-- hitting the "select" button on an empty battlefield space when using gamepad controls now immediately switches over the actions bar.

-- hitting the "actions" button when navigating the actions bar with gamepad controls now toggles focus back onto the battlefield.

-- when selecting a skill that cannot be used (because it's been used already, the character lacks the energy, etc.) with gamepad controls, the game now automatically kicks focus back to the actions bar instead of the battlefield.

-- fixed: the game was canceling focus on the new turn box for the gamepad navigator upon concluding BeforeTurn dialogue, preventing the player from saving or starting the turn.

-- fixed cursor spacing when navigating the actions bar in gamepad mode.

-- fixed cursor positioning on the new turn box in gamepad mode.

-- fixed: upon selecting a button that changes the active buttons within an interface element (e.g. a page button) using gamepad controls, the cursor would remain over the same spot until moved...even if the button it had just selected since disappeared.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 19, 2022, 06:06:44 PM
-- added a sound effect for when attacks are blocked by a great shield.

-- tweaked the AI code to halve the effect of space danger calculations, making the AI much less likely to take no action with characters on the brink of death.

-- fixed: a quirk in the AI code made enemies ignore the danger of a space when evaluating whether to attack destructible objects, but not when evaluating whether to attack enemy characters, meaning that enemies in a dangerous position would sometimes inexplicably attack the scenery instead of enemies.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 21, 2022, 03:38:47 PM
-- added D-pad support to the gamepad control scheme.

-- hitting the "start" button when using gamepad controls now immediately brings up the main menu.

-- using gamepad controls, you can now click the left joystick inward to immediately undo the last move.

-- using gamepad controls, you can now click the right joystick inward to immediately rotate the current selected character.

-- using gamepad controls, you can now press the right shoulder button on a target with a character selected to initiate auto-move-and-attack with the selected character.

-- you can now use the right shoulder button on a target with a character selected to initiate auto-move-and-attack with the selected character.

-- you can now clear saved game slots from the New Game and Load Game menus in the title screen. The game will prompt you if you're certain with a confirmation pop-up when you click the delete button before proceeding.

-- you can now clear saved game slots from the Save Game menu in battle. The game will prompt you if you're certain with a confirmation pop-up when you click the delete button before proceeding.

-- updated gamepad support for all of these menus to support the extended UI.

-- gamepad controls are now auto-enabled on the title screen if the game detects any connected gamepads, even if the Controls are set to mouse and keyboard in the settings. This means that you can now use a gamepad to select gamepad controls rather than having to enable it with the mouse. Moreover, if the game detects that you hit a button on a gamepad while on the title screen, the game will now automatically leave gamepad input on going forward even if you didn't manually change the Controls setting to a gamepad.

-- added gamepad support for the Reports screen.

-- added basic gamepad support for the Level-up screen.

-- fixed: the right joystick did not function correctly on Xbox One controllers, as it is assigned to axes different from most other gamepads.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 22, 2022, 03:55:33 PM
-- when using gamepad controls, moving a character within skill range of valid targets will now cause the game to auto-shift focus to the skill buttons on the actions bar in order to allow quick and easy selection of attacks. This makes the moment-to-moment experience of moving-and-attacking much, much smoother.

-- when using gamepad controls in the character screen in battle, the shoulder buttons now cycle through characters.

-- added support for a second custom string value to be displayed in save files for a campaign using ChangeSaveString.

-- fixed: custom save strings could carry over from one campaign to a different campaign during the same play session.

-- fixed: due to changes in the way the game processed status effects and damage, Gravity Spike and Gravity Well had ceased to insta-drop flyers into chasms or liquids.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 25, 2022, 08:43:56 PM
-- added full gamepad-controls support for the character details screen, including full ability to use, give, and drop items in character inventory.

-- fixed: it was possible to cause errors by trying to move the selector off the edge of the map in gamepad mode.

-- fixed: the skill editor was not loading and saving custom power, length, or chance modifications to skill status effects correctly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 26, 2022, 04:31:02 PM
-- added gamepad support for the promotion window.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 29, 2022, 08:47:13 PM
-- added gamepad support for the reserve supplies screen.

-- fixed: it was possible for the game to freeze when trying to advance dialogue after the game attempted to move a character not found on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 31, 2022, 04:35:09 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.36a:

-- fixed in version 1.0.36a: gamepad mode would not get switched off when loading an old game from the title screen with a gamepad that was plugged in but neither used nor selected as the preferred control method.

-- fixed in version 1.0.36a: beating the game in randomizer mode did not award achievements.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 01, 2022, 02:18:59 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.37:

-- added a gamepad buttons guide to the settings screen.

-- knocking units into damaging objects (liked Spiked Barricades) now deals the knocked-back unit extra damage as though they'd attacked the object. (Shove them into the spikes backwards for even more bonus damage!)

-- knocking a unit into one of their enemies will now draw a counterattack from the character they were knocked into. If you have allies with melee-range counterattacks, you can shove enemies into them to effectively draw out a bonus attack in this way, albeit at the cost of damaging your ally somewhat.

-- fixed: objects that deal damage when attacked (such as Spiked Barricades) were failing to damage their attackers when destroyed by the inciting attack.

-- fixed: in Crypt Diving, if turn 21 dialogue ending the battle failed to trigger due to the player already clearing all of the map's enemies, the player would simply remain stuck on the map.

-- fixed: the game would prevent characters from counterattacking AOE attacks if the attacker was facing the same direction as the would-be counterattacker, even if the attacker was not actually located behind them.

-- new script actions: IfGamepadGoTo and IfGamepadRun. These go to a specified dialogue branch number or run (a) specified script(s) if the player is using a gamepad to play the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 14, 2022, 07:08:18 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.38:

-- fixed: the game would throw a range error during the promotion screen if you managed to promote Gunther Lathe.

-- fixed: in some situations, a bad move-and-hit AI move could freeze the game.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 15, 2022, 11:08:06 AM
-- fixed a typo that left path-clearing AI behaviors turned on in very large maps, leading to performance issues.

-- the game now keeps track on how long the AI is taking, and will cut calculations short if it's taking more than a couple of seconds to calculate the next move and it's calculated at least one possible move.

-- halved the delay after an AI character grabs an item sack before proceeding with the rest of the turn.

-- fixed: upon promoting or changing classes for proc gen golems, spriggats, and spirits, the game would overwrite the correct name of their portrait bodies, resulting in the game detecting a null portrait body and entirely replacing the portraits with a "human silhouette" placeholder.

-- fixed: an earlier fix that kept the game from spawning the dialogue menu when a conversation was being used purely to run a script and then EndConvImmediately with a Wait action included had caused the dialogue menu to simply not spawn at all in dialogue that included EndConvImmediately in the initial branch after an "if" action, resulting in situations where such dialogue would essentially freeze the game. The game now only suppresses the dialogue menu based on detection of an untriggered EndConvImmediately in the first branch if it determines that there is no speaker, dialogue, or reply options in that branch.

-- fixed: the game would fail to display the dialogue menu in instances where it detected an EndConvImmediately action in the first branch of the dialogue tree, even if the action was not ultimately triggered.

-- fixed: in some circumstances, the AddPortrait action could produce a null error.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 18, 2022, 03:05:43 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.39:

-- status effect icons in the character screen now display a number representing each effect's remaining duration.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 21, 2022, 01:49:16 PM
-- the "shift-click to auto-move and attack" behavior can now be accomplished by simply double-clicking an enemy while you have a character selected.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on October 07, 2022, 07:01:49 PM
-- fixed: the Coria cut scene (which plays immediately after the Coria Bridge battle) was missing a Recover condition, causing Emma and friends to arrive in Coria without their wounds healed or energy restored.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 11, 2022, 10:52:34 PM
I did not want to order a first-gen Steam Deck, but apparently people are now going to leave negative reviews if there are any issues on Steam Deck and I can't very well fix them without the hardware to test it, sooooo there goes several hundred dollars. :S

-- added in some code so the game can now detect if it's being run on Steam Deck.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 13, 2022, 02:26:22 PM
-- the mouse cursor is now fully locked, disabled, and rendered invisible when loading or starting a new game with gamepad controls enabled.

-- fixed: when in gamepad mode, the game was displaying a selection arrow over the new turn box, and even leaving it onscreen after the new turn box faded from view.

-- a recent change in the code preventing Together in Battle from connecting to Steam as Telepath Tactics Liberated simultaneously broke achievements for Telepath Tactics Liberated. This is now fixed.

-- fixed an exploit in which one could use a skill with an after-attack effect of Can Move (e.g. Lance or Bow) granted by a weapon with a remaining durability of 1. This would break the weapon granting the character that skill, after which the character could equip another weapon granting that skill to use the skill a second time in the same turn.

-- fixed: the character creator was auto-marking weapons equipped even if a different weapon was manually marked as equipped via "[E]" notation in the inventory field.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 19, 2022, 03:05:54 PM
My Steam Deck has arrived! After testing, I've discovered some things that do, in fact, need fixing. Improvements for version 1.0.42:

-- the game now auto-switches to gamepad controls upon starting up if it detects that it's running on a Steam Deck.

-- fixed: the gamepad cursor was appearing in the wrong spots on certain menus (primarily on the title screen) when the game was running in resolutions other than 1920 x 1080, rendering these menus all but unnavigable at the Steam Deck's native 16:10 resolution of 1280 x 800.

-- fixed: the right joystick was mapped to the wrong axes for Steam Deck and XBox 360 gamepad controls.

-- fixed: the text overlay box had incorrect scaling settings for Steam Deck and other 16:10 resolutions.

-- save slots once again highlight when they're moused over, and now engage in this same behavior when the gamepad cursor is moved over them.

-- extended the "default to attack tile containing target" gamepad behavior so that if no characters are in skill range, the game will default to placing the selector on a space containing a destructible object instead.

-- when using a gamepad and ending a character's move, if there are no attack targets in range and the character is on top of an item sack, the game will auto-focus the cursor on the Grab button in the Actions Bar for convenient sack-grabbing.

-- fixed: the game had started to override give tiles with move tiles in battle after selecting the Give option on an item using the gamepad.

-- fixed: when ending a battle scene in gamepad mode, the selector would pop back up on the battlefield as the scene faded out.

-- when in gamepad mode, mouse wheel input will now auto-select the actions bar and scroll through buttons on the bar. (You can map a Steam Deck track pad to register as mouse wheel input for this purpose.)

And a regular bug fix:

-- when attacking an object with fly-only passability sitting on stairs suspended over a hazard tile, if the object was destroyed, the game would drop the stairs into the hazard as though they had been resting atop the object.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 20, 2022, 08:21:53 AM
-- fixed: the gamepad controls screen showed incorrect info for the shoulder buttons. The left shoulder button produces Next Unit behavior, while the right shoulder button is bound to Auto-Skill On Target.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 20, 2022, 03:34:48 PM
Improvements for version 1.0.42a:

-- when using a gamepad and ending a character's move, if there is an adjacent unit the character can talk to, the game will auto-focus the cursor on the Talk button in the Actions Bar.

-- fixed: the shop tutorial text overlay didn't fully fit onscreen in 16:10 display resolutions.

-- refactored the menu-switching code in the gamepad navigator class to fix issues with tooltips not appearing on the element selected when first opening a menu. (I am pleased to report that this worked.)

-- fixed: when using a gamepad, the cursor arrow would continue to be visible in the bottom-right of the screen after ending the player's turn.

-- fixed: when using gamepad controls, the auto-equip confirmation window in the reserve supplies screen wasn't gaining focus upon spawning.

-- fixed: when using gamepad controls, exiting the shop was still shunting focus to the dialogue window rather than the exit confirmation window.

-- fixed: when navigating a dialogue tree, the gamepad logic would not consider replies above the last-chosen reply to gain focus when the number of available replies shrank upon reaching a new dialogue branch, making it so that you could inappropriately invoke the last-chosen reply from the previous branch by simply hitting "A."

Improvements for version 1.0.42b:

-- fixed: using the gamepad "character screen" button (Y) in the reserve supplies screen only showed the character screen for whomever was first in the character roster.

-- fixed: gamepad L3 and R3 inputs did not undo or rotate, respectively, if focus was in the actions bar.

-- fixed: when in gamepad mode, menus in cut scenes were double-counting presses of the cancel button (B).
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 28, 2022, 08:10:03 PM
Pushed version 1.0.43 incorporating the past month's worth of engine improvements on behalf of Together in Battle yesterday.

New for 1.0.43a:

-- the game now displays new masteries upon level-up in the same progressive fashion.

-- fixed a dumb typo in some of Umber Gnawbone's dialogue in the Coria Dogs Basement fight.

-- fixed: the game was displaying new stat values and masteries in the level-up screen prior to the animation, undermining the effect of the change.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 01, 2023, 04:02:55 PM
Pushed version 1.044 yesterday (consisting entirely of changes I made to the engine as part of Together in Battle development, but still very worthwhile IMO!)

New for 1.045:

-- updated scripting in the Training scene to teach gamepad controls instead of mouse and keyboard if the game detects that the player is playing with a gamepad.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 03, 2023, 05:07:24 PM
-- updated scripting in the remaining tutorials through Caravan Battle to teach gamepad controls if the game detects the player is playing with a gamepad.

-- updated scripting in the free-roam tutorial in Bandit Fortress Entrance to teach gamepad controls if the game detects the player is playing with a gamepad.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 08, 2023, 10:10:25 AM
For 1.0.45a:

-- fixed a bug caused by the background asset bundle not unloading after exiting the cut scene editor.

For 1.0.45b:

-- increased the font size for descriptions of difficulty settings in the introduction.

-- removed the keyboard hotkeys from action bar button tooltips when playing with a gamepad.

-- fixed a scripting error that was causing the game to still display mouse-and-keyboard instructions instead of gamepad instructions at one point in the Training map when playing with a gamepad.

-- fixed a scripting error in the Zash and Red fight that could occur when selecting Emma first on the first turn when playing with a gamepad.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 14, 2023, 05:35:40 PM
For 1.0.46:

- fixed: Spike Traps in Coria Dogs - Ground Level were damaging characters twice upon being triggered.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on April 18, 2023, 05:42:27 PM
- fixed: Spike Traps in Battle with Tarion were damaging characters twice upon being triggered.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on May 14, 2023, 11:13:01 AM
For 1.0.47:

- rather than duplicating the left trigger's zoom function, the right trigger is now an automatic "End Turn" button.

- the game now automatically repositions the gamepad cursor when auto-panning the camera during in-battle dialogue.

- fixed: gamepad controls were no longer functioning properly in the shop tutorial.

- fixed: the gamepad would sometimes be locked out of movement during deployment due to an internal failure to clear dialogue triggered at the start of turn 0.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 11, 2023, 02:15:11 PM
For 1.0.49:

- the game can now support non-Steam builds for other storefronts.

- fixed: triggers for certain unique dialogue in the final battle were not scripted correctly.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 21, 2023, 09:14:52 AM
- fixed for 1.0.49a: the file with crucial scripts for in-game traps and space-swapping skills had accidentally been overwritten, causing the above-mentioned skills to no longer work correctly.

- fixed for 1.0.49b: auto-promotion via LevelUp was causing *every* character to auto-promote in Telepath Tactics Liberated because this campaign's Classes.xml file doesn't use the reqLvl attribute.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 24, 2023, 02:03:21 PM
Put the finishing touches on a TTL build for GOG! :)
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 27, 2023, 06:35:28 PM
- fixed for 1.0.49c: sprite race overrides had stopped working in the main campaign, causing shadowlings to switch to a human sprite upon promoting.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on October 02, 2023, 04:49:36 PM
Pushed version 1.0.50 a couple of weeks ago, intended to be the last regular patch ( for TTL.

- for the benefit of modders, I updated the moddable version of the main campaign with updated maps today.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on October 06, 2023, 06:48:48 PM
- fixed a few scripting errors in randomizer versions of campaign maps.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 11, 2023, 11:15:29 AM
- added a new, super-secret recruitable character to the game. :)

- added MoveCam scripting to the door and switch tutorial in Rescuing Meridian.

- fixed: Emma and Sabrina were not appearing on the map in the cut scene after the Adelbrae fight.

- fixed: regular enemies were attacking the treasure chest in Battle with Gunther. Moved up the appearance of the thief by 2 rounds to compensate for removing this bit of pressure; added a second chest to serve as an optional objective that makes the fight harder.

- fixed: materials for proc gen weapons and armor were broken by changes necessary for localization support.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 28, 2023, 04:14:57 PM
- objective reticles are now placed around all of the fruit trees on the first turn of Out of Food Battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on December 31, 2023, 11:20:21 AM
- fixed: the flashback cut scenes had ceased to advance to the next frame upon ending cut scene dialogue due to changes made to fix unintended behaviors in Together in Battle.

- updated randomizer versions of maps with the fixes above.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 16, 2024, 09:08:49 AM
- added an "Unlocked!" pop-up message to the steel door when pulling the lever in the Coria Dogs Ground Floor battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 05, 2024, 08:59:27 AM
- removed the turn 24 and 28 reinforcements from the Battle with Ebon Raban when playing on difficulties below Veteran.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 03, 2024, 10:16:20 AM
- boosted Umber Gnawbone's Psy by 6 and Energy by 36 when playing on Veteran difficulty or above.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on March 18, 2024, 12:58:07 PM
- fixed: the Randomizer campaign would not progress after Adelbrae battle.

- fixed: the Protector's Manual was no longer functioning properly in the Randomizer campaign.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 10, 2024, 12:16:45 PM
- fixed: Lakshmi's sprites were using the wrong color for the brightest secondary highlights, resulting in the top of her shoulder on their non-crossbow-holding arm appearing red even when though her secondary army colors did not include red.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on June 28, 2024, 10:26:19 PM
- fixed: the Coria Bridge Battle objectives mention keeping the camp from being destroyed even though it does not appear in that battle.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 01, 2024, 09:48:02 AM
- fixed: the Coria Bridge Battle had text stating the victory condition which is now duplicative due to auto-displaying of battle objectives.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 09, 2024, 10:48:15 PM
- fixed: if randomizer mode unlocked while controlling the game in gamepad mode, the unlock message wouldn't gain focus.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 23, 2024, 03:03:09 PM
- fixed: the player could get assigned the wrong roster during a randomizer playthrough, resulting in them having no characters on the battlefield during the caravan battle prelude scene and getting stuck in a "defeat" loop.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 26, 2024, 11:58:34 AM
- for randomizer playthroughs, replaced the convex shield in Fera's room with a more universally applicable set of leather armor--and replaced the knife in the basement rubble with a convex shield.

- for randomizer playthroughs, reduced the mental resistance of the bandit fortress basement guard by 20 to help ensure that no softlock situations can occur if Emma is a psy user.

- fixed: during randomizer playthroughs, Silithis's companions were appearing as part of the wrong army during the cutscene where she reaches Adelbrae.

- fixed: the bridge-building kit item was missing from the randomizer campaign.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on July 30, 2024, 11:57:03 AM
- updated the "enemy range" tutorial in the caravan battle with instructions for how to check all enemy ranges at once.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on August 06, 2024, 11:26:08 AM
- fixed: proc gen characters with dialogue referencing their god were saying "ERROR" instead of the name of their chosen deity.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on September 22, 2024, 08:21:39 PM
For hotfix 1.0.60b:

- fixed: in rare circumstances, the game could still fail to display the counterattack sprite when displaying reasons why a character wants a piece of equipment.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 05, 2024, 04:07:24 PM
For hotfix 1.0.60c:

- fixed: attacking a target tagged with Pursue would cause the game to remove Passive tags from the target as intended, but not Immobile or Inactive tags; the game would remove Immobile and Inactive tags from the attacker instead.

- fixed: when engaging the game's auto-move-and-attack behaviors, if the target wasn't in move-and-attack range of the top-scoring skill, the game simply wouldn't move the character or select a skill. Now, post-fix, if this happens the game goes through the selected character's other skills in descending order of effectiveness until it finds one that can reach the target, then auto-move-and-attacks with that skill.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on November 12, 2024, 03:58:59 PM
- fixed: due to my failure to call the Close() method on the XMLTextReader object used to download news updates on the title screen, the game would hang when returning to the title screen from a loaded game--and, upon returning a second time, appear to freeze entirely.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on January 09, 2025, 04:16:47 PM
For hotfix 1.0.60e:

- added a tag to Sarn Kamina causing her to prefer staying in the middle island during the Rescuing Sarn Kamina battle.

- when playing with gamepad, if you select a healing skill, the game now goes out of its way to position the selector on a tile containing an ally who's actually been damaged.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 24, 2025, 09:45:10 AM
For hotfix 1.0.60f:

- fixed in version 1.0.60f: the settings menu was cut off by the top and bottom of the screen for players with super-widescreen monitors, preventing them from switching to a properly supported 16:9 resolution in-game.

- fixed in version 1.0.60f: the fourth row of items in the reserve supplies screen was being covered by the character inventory sub-window.
Title: Re: Dev Log
Post by: CraigStern on February 26, 2025, 09:02:38 AM
For hotfix 1.0.60g:

- fixed in version 1.0.60g: the game was only loading class or species data when entering a cutscene or generating a proc gen unit, not when instantiating a battle, leading to situations where characters couldn't promote despite meeting the requirements.