what is it, who uses it, and what stats do you need? ???
Remember how the Indigo Orb used to give your hero Big Shield in TRPG2? Now it gives him Titan Shield. :)
Where is it
its in the tent in the great forest after the deeper downs mission you have to by both machinery from gelf then buy the orb from him
You're talking about TRPG2. I believe he's asking where the indigo orb appears in TSoG. My answer is, I'm not telling. :P You can find it in the browser demo, though, if you look hard enough.
Is it supposed to be in
[spoiler=wild guess]the cellar past the room with Fizooz? If so, I can't find it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Titan Shield]yeah, it is. there is a secret switch in the top right room. Titan shield looks like this:
and kicks ass, even though it costs 15 psp[/spoiler]
You should probably put that in spoilers for people who want to find it by themselves.
I can't seem to figure out how to get past the second blocked room. Any hints?
[spoiler=Secret!]Try looking in the barrels :P[/spoiler]
Quote from: Bromtaghon on June 13, 2010, 06:38:29 PM
You should probably put that in spoilers for people who want to find it by themselves.
True, I edited the Spoilers in
Doesn't really narrow the search much...
[spoiler]Guess you're right, but your mouse changes when it gets over the right barrel> Its on the left side of the huge clump of barrels[/spoiler]
[spoiler]What about the tapestry?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Thats the first switch, we were talking about the second one[/spoiler]
Quote from: CraigStern on June 06, 2010, 02:27:58 PM
Remember how the Indigo Orb used to give your hero Big Shield in TRPG2? Now it gives him Titan Shield. :)
So Indigo Orb turns TRPG2 Hero's Mind Shield into Big Shield, while Indigo Orb turns TSoG Hero's Big Shield into Titan Shield (http://telepath.wikia.com/wiki/Titan_Shield)?
It doesn't replace it, it just adds Titan shield as a new attack
Quote from: mikew781 on June 15, 2010, 03:55:10 PMIt doesn't replace it, it just adds Titan shield as a new attack
You are being overly literal. I wondering if the Indigo Orb boosts the potential size of a psy's shield.
Sorry, i just wanted to clarify. And yes
[spoiler]If you want to deal with the ghosts in the cellar with the orb, you should have Aptitude/Personality/Both 13 or up, that's the stats I had and it worked.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I did it with both 12 in those stats and still made it so you can techinally get that orb from the beginning og the game[/spoiler]
What kind of ghosts are they? I'd like to know, as they looked like greater Ghosts, but I couldn't be certain.
They were all cryo ghosts I think.
[spoiler]They were Greater Ghosts, by name they were, anyway, the third, however, is a more powerful Greater Ghost, the powerhouse of the Ghosts so far.[/spoiler]
Man this thing is larger that I thought even with the map.
[spoiler][spoiler]If your wondering I figure the thing out without cheating[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I don't cheat[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I kind of thought to move the mouse everywhere since that was the case in some of the other crypts but this isn't a cry[/spoiler][/spoiler]
How are you supposed to cheat to find the secret barrel?
Stop with the Spoilers. When people read walkthroughs, they are looking for helpful spoilers.
Yes, but some people only want helpful hints. Not for us to say "look here, right here, now click, good job you got it."
well I for one only want to put effort into my gaming experience when i know that i'll still have my saved file by the end of the week :P though granted it's possible to find the saved files.
How do you get through the sixth room, is it a maze, or is there a secret button as well?
Does anyone want to put a walkthrough on the wiki (http://telepath.wikia.com/wiki/TSoG_Side_Quests#Baz.27s_Cellar)?
No. It adds Titan Sheild to your attack menu. You can still use big shield. It works about the same as Vengence and Feedback. You can have them both equipped.
Is it neccessary to fight the greater ghosts?
Nope. You can run. Or do you mean get the Indigo orb without fighting the ghosts? That I do not know at the moment.
Quote from: The Grotesquery on January 04, 2011, 05:20:27 AM
Is it neccessary to fight the greater ghosts?
No, if your aptitude is high enough, then you can make the ghosts flee from you.
I searched for a while, and I cannot get past room 5!
Which room is room 5?
I'm guessing he means Floor 5 of the basement, which would be the hallway that cuts off abruptly halfway through.
[spoiler]You need to find a switch hidden on the previous floor.[/spoiler]
Found It. Speaking of that, I got Titan Shield! (Didn't Fight The Ghosts)
Just a quick question. Is Set capable of learning Titan shield? Festus was capable of learning Big shield so that's why I'm asking.
No, which sucks. Titan Shield is cool. I bet Craig can awnser why Set won't learn Titan Shield. It would be awesome if he did, though.