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General => General Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: Steelfist on July 22, 2010, 01:09:47 PM

Title: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 22, 2010, 01:09:47 PM
New RP!

For those who don't know what to do, basically, I create a character, and then write a bio and a post, detailing my character's actions.

[spoiler]Back-story: 6000 years after the events of TSOG Cera Bella has moved on; they now live in an enlightened age of science and peace. The human race prospers, the shadowlings and spriggats, now the minority, nonetheless flourish. It seems as though the future is bright for the world...

. . . Until a Psy-Disaster of epic proportions devastates the planet, plunging the world, once more, into the dark ages. The friendship between races evaporates in the desperate struggle to survive. Cults spring up, bloody and nihilistic, offering sacrifices to mysterious dark gods. Some even preach forgiveness and understanding. A few groups spring up that wish to protect the technology of the past, others dedicate themselves to destroying it and starting afresh. Some form groups of particular races, out to establish their superiority. Psy's band together, forming groups of powerful individuals that either choose to help others with their powers... Or simply help themselves. These groups slowly integrate and ally with other groups with similar beliefs, forming factions. It is into this situation you are thrust.[/spoiler]

NOTE: Every place on the map of Cera Bella in TSOG still exists, but there a few people, and most building in a state of disrepair.


[spoiler]As Zackirus requested; Traten, a nearby continent with which Cera Bella had had a turbulent past, had an alliance with Cera Bella, until the Disaster. The country has degenerated into feuding warlords who use precious resources in wars with rival warlords, starvation is rampant, and very few psy's survive. Those that do are hunted by the warlords, who see them as a threat to their power, better removed from the equation. Those who have the means flee to Cera Bella.

[spoiler]Devourers - Bloody cult that sacrifices humans to its dark and evil god. They use any type of weapon, they also accept Psy's into their ranks, as they see it as being blessed by their god. Enemies- All other factions, particularly The Chosen and the Alliance. Accepts only humans, believing themselves superior.

The Chosen - Religion preaching forgiveness and kindness, prefers not to fight, but when they are forced to they use any type of weapon, and refuse none into their ranks, including psy's, though they frown on combat use of Psy powers. Enemies- Devourers and Night Brothers. Frowns on prejudiced factions, but will not resort to violence unless attacked first. Accepts all races.

The 'True Humans'- A large cult dedicated to wiping out Psy's, which they believe to be unnatural and the cause of the disaster. They will use any weapon in order to achieve this. Enemies- All Psy, particularly The 'Evolved'. Only accept non-psy humans.

The 'Evolved'- A cult of Psy's believing themselves to be a 'better version' of humanity. Their goal is to wipe out every single non-psy, in order to 'speed and further the process of humanity's evolution. Will use any type of weapon, although they rarely need weapons. Enemies- All non-Psy's, notably The 'True Humans'. Only accept humans with Psy abilities.

The Alliance- A non prejudiced mix of all races; Psy's and non psys; they work together to help others. Enemies- Devourers and the Night brothers.

Night Brothers- A equal mix of Psy's and non psy's working with a common goal; Power. Accepts all races. Enemies- The Chosen and the Alliance.

The Shadows- A Powerful psy group dedicated only to themselves. Accepts all races. Enemies- All other than the Evolved, The Night Brothers, and the Devourers.

The Psy Knights- A fairly powerful Psy group dedicated to restoring order and peace to Cera Bella. Only accept humans. Enemies- the Shadows,
Night Brothers the devourers and the 'True Humans'.

The Republic- A very powerful equal mix of all races, Psy and non-Psy. They will use any weapons. Claim to only want to restore peace, but may have a darker agenda. They are enemies with everyone, as they claim that the other factions are rebels who oppose peace and order. Others believe they just don't want to share power.

The Warriors: This combat obsessed group is dedicated to wiping out modern weapons. Accepts only non-psy humans. Enemies: All, but mostly the Modernists.

The Modernists: Dedicated to protecting the past's technology, they have no qualms about using it. Accept only non-psy humans. Enemies: The Warriors.

The Soul Eaters - An all Shadowling group dedicated to establishing their race's superiority, and attaining a place at the top in the new world order.

The Demons- Adopting the name to scare others, this is an all spriggat group, with the same goal as The Shadows. Their name, combined with their appearance, often causes an enemy to break and run, without even fighting.
Mercenary factions will work for money. I have not named all groups, as there are hundreds. Feel free to create your own. The only major group, however, is-

The Mechanics- Yes, they still exist. They have no relation to the Mechanics of Telepath series, but share many of their ideals; they focus mainly of inventing new weaponry, but will use old tech. They also use more primitive weapons. They will work for anyone, and with anyone.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]There is your standard melee weapon; spear, sword that are very common. Ranged weapons, such as the bow and arrow, are also very commo. There are also futuristic weapons; I will leave it to you to invent them, after all, the mysteries of the technology of the past are not even known to me. But don't be too ridiculous, and it might be a good idea to PM me to be sure it isn't OP.[/spoiler]

Character creation.

[spoiler]Simply fill out this-

Gender: (Male/Female)
Race : (Shadowling/Spriggat/Human)
Class : (Psy fighter, spearman, swordsman, ECT)
Affinity (if psy):
Faction : (Choose one of the above, or simply don't join a faction. You don't have to)

Special skill:

My character!

[spoiler]Name: Otharn
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Psy Assassin
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: The Elementals. Currently employed by The Shadows.

S. Skill:
Lock Picking, Sneaking, Invisibility (A psy technique that fools somebody's senses into not seeing the person), and The Sight.  

Equipment: A steel long-sword, well crafted. He keeps it in good condition. Also, he has a laser pistol, but it has to be recharged after twelve uses. It automatically recharges, but it takes two hours for it to charge one use; it takes twenty-four hours to recharge fully.

Bio: Extremely strong, both mentally and physically, and agile. A successful assassin at the time of the disaster, he moved quickly and decisively, forming the elite mercenary group, The Elementals.

Team includes- Himself- The leader. An extremely powerful Psy assassin, he wreaks terror on the battlefield. Excellent strategist. Carries a sword.

Lelek - A female pyrokinetics expert. Acts as a support unit for Ramun, the 'tank', can nonetheless hold her own with the best. Carries a bow.

Ramun - A male Light expert. The tank unit; while not as strong as Otharn, he can deal out and receive vast amounts of damage. Carries a spear.

Serus - the Cyro expert. Smart and ruthless, he is the second in command. Despite his ambition, he is fiercely loyal to Otharn. Skilled in obfuscation. While not as strong as the other members of the team, he is more skilled than all except Otharn. Goes unarmed, but can use long shards of ice as weapons.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]1) No character control, unless it is pre-agreed, or an obvious and minor choice. Dialogue is fine, but it's normally better to pre-agree on it.
2) No being the LEADER of any of the above factions, unless it's a very small one, such as a mercenary group.
3) You can control no more than four characters. Obviously, if you kill one off, you can bring another one in.
4) No OP weapons; for instance, laser pistol is fine, as it has it's drawbacks (so is the sniper, as it isn't as powerful as an energy weapon, and has limited ammo).
5) No killing off characters that you don't control (this could come under the heading of character control, but I thought I'd add it for emphasis.[/spoiler]

So, there it is. Feel free to join at any point, but the sooner the better.

Oh, one last thing! Rainen; if you join, don't use Rainen.

Now, the in-game information.

User: Steelfist
Name: Otharn
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Psy Assassin
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: The Elementals. Currently employed by The Shadows.

S. Skill:
Lock Picking, Sneaking, Invisibility (A psy technique that fools somebody's senses into not seeing the person), and The Sight.  

Equipment: A steel long-sword, well crafted. He keeps it in good condition. Also, he has a laser pistol, but it has to be recharged after twelve uses. It automatically recharges, but it takes two hours for it to charge one use; it takes twenty-four hours to recharge fully.

Bio: Extremely strong, both mentally and physically, and agile. A successful assassin at the time of the disaster, he moved quickly and decisively, forming the elite mercenary group, The Elementals.

Team includes- Himself- The leader. An extremely powerful Psy assassin, he wreaks terror on the battlefield. Excellent strategist. Carries a sword.

Lelek - A female pyrokinetics expert. Acts as a support unit for Ramun, the 'tank', can nonetheless hold her own with the best. Carries a bow.

Ramun - A male Light expert. The tank unit; while not as strong as Otharn, he can deal out and receive vast amounts of damage. Carries a spear.

Serus - the Cyro expert. Smart and ruthless, he is the second in command. Despite his ambition, he is fiercely loyal to Otharn. Skilled in obfuscation. While not as strong as the other members of the team, he is more skilled than all except Otharn. Goes unarmed, but can use long shards of ice as weapons.][/spoiler]
User: Namelesskitty.
Name: Cassiopia
Gender: Female.
Race : Human
Class : Psy Assassin
Affinity : Fire
Faction : 'Thieves Guild, a ring of thieves, smugglers and spies. Not, in fact, a guild.
Special skills:Hiding, Agility(ie. running, jumping climbing etc.), can use any sort of ranged weapon well. Poisons expert(both curing and creating), and of course the sight.

Equipment : A multitude of concealed daggers, and vials of various toxins. A high quality longbow, and a large quiver of arrows) and a length of rope for good measure.

Bio: Powerful mentally and a force to be reckoned with, especially form a distance. Her (metaphorical) silver tongue formed her a powerful 'clan', a ring of influential smugglers, thieves and spies, with her at the head of things.

Immediate Team: Herself, the leader and mastermind.
Loki: (male) the muscle in the group and unendingly loyal to Cassiopia.
Shane: (male) Powerful cyro expert, but less than skilled physically, but always has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Lily: (female) Supposedly raised by shadowlings, and possibly one of the greatest shadow Psys on Cerra Bella. and Cassiopia's second in command.
Tomoe: (female) Quick and limber thief, and expert in espionage, especially skilled in staying alive.

I hope you don't mind the alterations I made.[/spoiler]

User: MikeW781
Name: Jyada
Gender: Male
Race: Shadowling
Class: Shadowling Guardian (like shadowboxer)
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: Night Brothers

Skills: Shadowport 1, Shadow Blast, Shadow Vortex, Mind Blast, Feedback

Equipment: None

Jyada- Powerful, agile shadowling guardian. (Not an actual shadowling guardian, he holds the position of Chief, not the leader; merely a high rank, of the Night Brothers) He deals heavy damage, supported by his group of ruthless yet loyal killers.

Hycea- Human Psy Fighter with Cyro affinity. He has a high amount of health and psy power, and usually charges into battle with his Cyro abilities. He uses Cyro Blast, Cyro Cross, Mind Blast, and Feedback. He is backed up by his twin brother, Denzan.

Denzan- Hycea's twin brother. He is a human psy fighter, who uses Mind Shield, Long Shield, Big Shield, and Mind blast. He has been working tirelessly on his Cyro Blast, because he looks up to his slightly older brother. Their relationship tends to appear as big brother/little brother to most outsiders.

Khernon- A Spriggat Swordsman. He is a red spriggat with the attacks Whirwind, Slash, Stab, Melee, Recover, and Fury. He is the loner of the group, but Jyada saved him from the Devourers when he was a baby, and he is fiercely loyal to him as a result. He is dependable and independant on the field of battle.

User: Duskling
Name: Misad Taq
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Bowman
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: Assassin

Skills: Invisibility, Telekenisis (to guide arrows, bullets,  and the like), Moderate-damage Shadow Blast (for when the enemy get too close), and enhanced vision.

Equipment: A projectile (in case you're wondering, that means it uses bullets) sniper rifle (Steelfist has a laser pistol, so go figure), longbow, crossbow, daggers, and an assortment of poisons; all custom-made.

Bio: An old-fashioned assassin, Misad likes to use weapons that use projectiles, for they may be silenced without lowering their power as much as energy weapons. He respects his weapons like he respects himself, he makes sure that they are all without a scratch after a mission. Taq isn't in this for the money, sure it pays well, but the thrill of the hunt, the look on the face of his target when... if... they see him is worth more than any amount of gold.[/spoiler]

User: Kindle
Name: Sigrun
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Psy Healer
Affinity: Light
Faction: Psy Knights
Special Skill: Sigrun focuses on healing, and her only combat skill is Light Blast.

Bio: Sigrun has always wanted to be a member of the Psy Knights, like her parents before her. She knows of the dangers, but she wishes to protect the innocent. Though young, Sigrun is respected among her peers as a powerful healer and capable leader.

Equipment: None, aside from her clothes.

Team- Sigrun leads an all-female group of Psy Fighters. She focuses on defensive warfare, and is cautious when fighting. None of the women carry conventional weapons, and instead focus on using their prodigious psy skills instead. All of the women have the ability to use Point Telepathy, and a variety of other psy skills.

Florine: She focuses on area attacks, and tends to get right in the fray because of this. Of the group, she is the most durable. She knows Vengeance, and is very good at using it.

Katenka: She focuses on blasts, typically from far away. Katenka usually sticks with Sigrun when the fighting starts.

Marjory: She does a little bit of everything. She can heal and fight, neither was well as the group's specialists. Marjory is there when someone can't do their job.

Slate: A partially upgraded golem. It was purchased from the Mechanics. Although golems have no gender, Slate is referred to as 'she'. [/spoiler]

Modern Weapons.
[spoiler]Laser Pistol (Steelfist)
Sniper Rifle (Duskling)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 22, 2010, 02:27:12 PM
Name: Cassiopia
Gender: Fem. (because my nation of hubras character is male.)
Race : Human
Class : Psy Assassin
Affinity :Fire (duh)
Faction : Can we PLEASE add the thieves guild? If not none of the above if so that's it.

Special skills:Hiding, Agility(ie. running, jumping climbing etc.), can use any sort of ranged weapon well. Poisons expert(both curing and creating), and of course the sight.

Equipment : A multitude of concealed daggers, and vials of various toxins. A high quality longbow, and a large quiver of arrows) and a length of rope for good measure.

Bio: Powerful mentally and a force to be reckoned with, especially form a distance. Her silvery tongue (a metaphor mind you) formed her a powerful clan so to speak, with her at the head of things. this same group got her the title of guild-master of the thieves guild.

Immediate Team: herself, The leader and mastermind.
Loki: (male) the muscle in the group and unendingly loyal to Cassiopia.
Shane: (male) Powerful cyro expert, but less than skilled physically, but always has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Lily: (female) Supposedly raised by shadowlings, and possibly one of the greatest shadow Psys on Cerra Bella. and Cassiopia's second in command.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 22, 2010, 08:58:25 PM
Name: Jyada
Gender: Male
Race: Shadowling
Class: Shadowling Guardian (like shadowboxer)
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: Night Brothers

Skills: Shadowport 1, Shadow Blast, Shadow Vortex, Mind Blast, Feedback

Equipment: None

Jyada- Powerful, agile shadowling guardian. (Not an actual shadowling guardian, he holds the position of Chief of the Night Brothers) He deals heavy damage, supported by his group of ruthless yet loyal killers. The postion of chief is right below the leader, and there are 7 chiefs.

Hycea- Human Psy Fighter with Cyro affinity. He has a high amount of health and psy power, and usually charges into battle with his Cyro abilities. He uses Cyro Blast, Cyro Cross, Mind Blast, and Feedback. He is backed up by his twin brother, Denzan.

Denzan- Hycea's twin brother. He is a human psy fighter, who uses Mind Shield, Long Shield, Big Shield, and Mind blast. He has been working tirelessly on his Cyro Blast, because he looks up to his slightly older brother. Their relationship tends to appear as big brother/little brother to most outsiders.

Khernon- A Spriggat Swordsman. He is a red spriggat with the attacks Whirwind, Slash, Stab, Melee, Recover, and Fury. He is the loner of the group, but Jyada saved him from the Devourers when he was a baby, and he is fiercely loyal to him as a result. He is dependable and independant on the field of battle. He uses a longsword in each hand due to his immense size, but carries a variety of weapons including shortswords, claymores, and a giant battle axe. He is heavily armored, and has very high health, but has a very low speed as a result.

This is gonna be a kick-ass RP! Nice idea Steelfist.
Two things- add bsic rules (no character control and such) for those who don't know, and a limit for the number of characters one player controls. I'd love to make bios for a team of a hundred Psy Fighters, but I'd have carpal tunnel and it would be cheap. If you want to make the limit 4, I'll cut Aneed.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 22, 2010, 09:32:37 PM
Name: Misad Taq
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Bowman
Affinity: Shadow
Faction: Assassin

Skills: Invisibility, Telekenisis (to guide arrows, bullets,  and the like), Moderate-damage Shadow Blast (for when the enemy get too close), and enhanced vision.

Equipment: A projectile (in case you're wondering, that means it uses bullets) sniper rifle (Steelfist has a laser pistol, so go figure), longbow, crossbow, daggers, and an assortment of poisons; all custom-made.

Bio: An old-fashioned assassin, Misad likes to use weapons that use projectiles, for they may be silenced without lowering their power as much as energy weapons. He respects his weapons like he respects himself, he makes sure that they are all without a scratch after a mission. Taq isn't in this for the money, sure it pays well, but the thrill of the hunt, the look on the face of his target when... if... they see him is worth more than any amount of gold.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 22, 2010, 10:30:31 PM
AAHHH How can you expect me to join if I can't use Rainen?!  Can I at least use the name but have a different back story?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 22, 2010, 11:54:18 PM
I think he just means not to OD on the power juice, but I need confirmation, so, it's up to Steelfist.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Kindle on July 23, 2010, 06:52:54 AM
Name: Sigrun
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Psy Healer
Affinity: Light
Faction: Psy Knights
Special Skill: Sigrun focuses on healing, and her only combat skill is Light Blast.

Bio: Sigrun has always wanted to be a member of the Psy Knights, like her parents before her. She knows of the dangers, but she wishes to protect the innocent. Though young, Sigrun is respected among her peers as a powerful healer and capable leader.

Equipment: None, aside from her clothes.

Team- Sigrun leads an all-female group of Psy Fighters. She focuses on defensive warfare, and is cautious when fighting. None of the women carry conventional weapons, and instead focus on using their prodigious psy skills instead. All of the women have the ability to use Point Telepathy, and a variety of other psy skills.

Florine: She focuses on area attacks, and tends to get right in the fray because of this. Of the group, she is the most durable. She knows Vengeance, and is very good at using it.

Katenka: She focuses on blasts, typically from far away. Katenka usually sticks with Sigrun when the fighting starts.

Marjory: She does a little bit of everything. She can heal and fight, neither was well as the group's specialists. Marjory is there when someone can't do their job.

Slate: A partially upgraded golem. It was purchased from the Mechanics. Although golems have no gender, Slate is referred to as 'she'.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 23, 2010, 08:58:32 AM
Very good profiles! Oh, and Rainen; you can use the name Rainen, but that's all. You can't have Rainen, as in the Rainen that is OP, comes from another dimension, and is on a mission to stop some other creature from another dimension. But the name is fine.

Oh, I'll edit this in, but ground rules;

1) No character control, unless it is pre-agreed, or an obvious and minor choice. Dialogue is fine, but it's normally better to pre-agree on it.
2) No being the LEADER of any of the above factions, unless it's a very small one, such as a mercenary group.
3) You can control no more than four characters. Obviously, if you kill one off, you can bring another one in.
4) No OP weapons; for instance, laser pistol is fine, as it has it's drawbacks (so is the sniper, as it isn't as powerful as an energy weapon, and has limited ammo).
5) No killing off characters that you don't control (this could come under the heading of character control, but I thought I'd add it for emphasis.

Edit: Neatened it up. You might want to check your character's profile. If you want it changed, just say.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 23, 2010, 11:07:04 AM
all right i can live with that.  to bad though i like being an OP god in these things XD (sarcasm)

code name: Rainen
Gender: Male
Race :Human
Class : Psy assassin
Affinity (if psy):fire/light
Faction :free lancer
Main Weapon: channel sword(specialized sword that can be used to channel the four elements)  dual daggers
Special skill: dual affinity and the ability to meld the elements into various forms including shields and various abilities for his sword.

Bio:  Jace is a free lancer of a strange origin.  His parents were each very powerful psys.  One with a fire affinity and the other with a light affinity.  When he was born his father was on the run from the true humans.  His mom was able to hide the fact that she was a psy.  What ended up happening is that his father returned to them both his mom and his dad died fighting.  At the time he was seven years old and when his parents were struck down he cried out and unleashed an immense blast of light that set fire to everything in the area.  (flair blast)  Since then he has been training his affinities separately and in the past year he finally regained the ability to meld them.  Now, he is seventeen and he works as a free lancer.  Currently, he is taking a sabbatical and looking for a place that he might be able to settle down.  He is on his way to the new psy academy in hopes that they will take him in.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 23, 2010, 11:29:03 AM
Hmm, well; it's OK. I'm a little worried about the dual affinity, but otherwise, fine.

You realise, of course, that any decent psy can make a shield and channel their power through a weapon. I think that we might be heading a little to close to OP with tye flair blast thing, but if he was so tired he could barely move afterward, that should be fine. I might start on my chapter.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 23, 2010, 11:29:52 AM
^^ I'm not sure if being a talented warrior, psy with two elements, and able to mold stuff out of those elements is a bit strong. Thats definately outside the range of every other character we've seen in the TRPG games, and other than the original ranien seems to be the strongest character in the RPs. If steelfist okays it, then thats that, but it seems a bit much.^^

On a happy note, i've updated my characters, cut Aneed, made myself a leader no more, but still a high-up in the Brotherhood, and updated the characters in general.
We have a four person party limit, but we can still have NPCs, right? Also, i think that giving the leader of each faction a name and a quick bio would make it more likely that the warring factions storyline would get moving. I'd write the one of the Dark Brotherhood if you want. Last but not least, can we eventually come to lead our factions?
I posted that as steelfist posted his, sorry for confusion
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 23, 2010, 11:50:09 AM
Whoa! It's Oblivion!

You might come to lead your factions, if you have one, but not to soon. PM me first.

Oh, and I don't mind you making a bio.

I don't think Rainen means actual objects; more like psy shields and channelling his power through the sword. I don't think that he said he was very talented and strong, however; maybe a weaker character would be appropriate, though.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Kindle on July 23, 2010, 12:03:00 PM
So we're only allowed to have four characters on our team? I guess I'll shave the golem off.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 23, 2010, 12:36:44 PM
Well, you can see why, surely?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 23, 2010, 12:54:56 PM
Quote from: MikeW781 on July 23, 2010, 12:00:17 PM
Quote from: MikeW781 on July 23, 2010, 11:29:52 AM
We have a four person party limit, but we can still have NPCs, right? Also, i think that giving the leader of each faction a name and a quick bio would make it more likely that the warring factions storyline would get moving. I'd write the one of the Night Brothers if you want.
What about these questions?
And can i please start now
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 23, 2010, 01:09:37 PM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 23, 2010, 01:29:11 PM
OOC: What about the guild leaders bit? I'll probably start my story at HQ, so its seems important
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Mad on July 24, 2010, 03:48:05 PM
Gender: Male
Race :Human
Class : Psy Fighter
Affinity: Pyro
Faction: The Republic
Bio: Ferrex was born in The Great Forest where he learned how to burn things later on he singed up for The Republic where he became part of a attack group. He spends his free time gambling and burning things.

Weapons: Halberd and Bow-Gun.
S. Skill: Ferrex can heat up his arrow so it could not only kill you but burn you. He can also make small infernos rise below people's feet.

Team: Ferrex's team is one of the Alpha attack groups of the Republic.

Matrik: The group leader focuses mostly on keeping the team's spirit up and close range combat. He carries a shotgun and a combat knife.

Nigel: The Long-ranged specialist in the group. He's usually quiet and very serious. He carries a pistol and sniper rifle.

Bert: He is the team's solitary machine expert, he's pretty friendly, though. He carries a pistol and a tool kit.

Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 24, 2010, 04:36:22 PM
Mike: Fine; do whatever!

Mad: Nice profile, but I'm not sure about the lava waves. You can't manipulate rock, after all. but you could heat rock under an opponent; you probably couldn't make lava, but it would burn their feet.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 24, 2010, 08:00:25 PM
OOC: So... I guess I'll be the first official story-starter?

IC: He looked to his left, nothing. His right, still nothing. Good, he thought, I thin- he couldn't even finish his thought before his head exploded. The (Great) Forest was quiet after that, nearly silent with the stench of death in the air. As Misad took a look at his target, he could tell that this was another job well done.


The man was a double agent working for the Alliance against the Republic, and was to deliver information critical to the Republic's downfall. He never made it, as the Republic had caught whiff of this treachery and sent Misad after him, sealing his fate. As Misad was burying the spy's body, he heard birds chirp in a stranger way than usual. Taq could see that they were awair that someone died in their habitat, and that they were worried; he couldn't care less. Nobody would find the double agent's body, the assassin hid it pretty well, and masked the body's odor with dead squirrels.

"It's paycheck time," Misad said to himself.


A Republic official had covertly transferred a payment to Misad, so as to conceal any evidence of the assassination from the public eye. The Republic had enough problems already, what with the public statements of evil-doings coming from civillians, and incidents similar to the one only a few hours ago with the double agent, they were worried, and needed proffesionals to get their jobs done. Misad Taq happened to be on their list of proffesionals, fate had it, and Misad was stuck with most of his contracts coming from the Republic. Those contracts included: loud-mouthed civillians, spies, and anyone in the Republic capital that didn't support the Republic; easy, boring jobs, but whatever helped him gain a living and spared him from the life of sitting around and waiting for contracts, he'd have to do, even if they weren't the most exciting of jobs, or jobs that required skill, he didn't have anything else at the moment. Until one day...

OOC: That is set up for whoever wants to hire Misad; kind of like "calling dibs."
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 24, 2010, 08:49:26 PM
Guild leader of the Night Brothers is known only as The Dread Father. Nobody knows his true name, he is adressed as "lord" or "father". It is believed he is human, but nobody can be certain due to his powerful mental shielding, black cloak, and the fact that he rarely ever seen by anybody other than his guards. His bodyguard is comprised of a twenty assassins of prodigious skill. Only five of them are on duty at any time, as they usually act as team leaders in the Dark Brotherhood. All of the Chiefs act as bodyguards, and the guards who are not Chiefs are next in line for the ranking. On serious occasions, usually when the Brotherhood has to eliminate a serious threat, the Chief departs headquarters with his guards, all of whom take their respective teams. It is known as the Hunt, a team of 81 fighters that few who see it survive.

The headquarters of the Brothers is located in the deepest recess of the Deeper Downs. Those who somehow find their way in, despite the thousands of spiders and mechanical creatures left over from past conflicts and the vast size of the maze-like section of caves will find a heavily defended fortress of assassins determined that none who find the Sanctuary will live to tell the tale.

Jyada was on guard duty at the time. He was talking to his friend and fellow Chief, Buven. They were both watchful, despite the conversation and lack of need for security- they were at the Sanctuary, after all.
Jyada asked his friend: "What do you think of the new Guard, Gundur?"
Buven responded: "He seems to jumpy for the job, but when it comes right down to it, he is the strongest fighter and assassin by a good margin."
Jyada said: "Agreed. His nerves will fade, far faster than the other canidates could reach his fighting skill. I have never a fighter able to use the sword and dagger at such skill."
Buven replied: "Yes, one who can win fights face to face and assassinate targets will go far. He will reach the rank of Chief within two years."
A messanger came to the two Chiefs, eager to complete his year as an Apprentice of the Brothers, but nervous about needing to talk to the Chiefs.
"Your honors... the Great Father has requested your presence at the assignment room, with the other current Guards," the messenger said in a shaky voice.
"I will leave immeadiately. You have delivered your message well, Apprentice. Dismissed," Buven said.

The five guards sat in a semicircle. Jyada sat on the far left, the postion of highest seniority. Buven was to his right, followed by Pryx, Mekus, and Gunder. Only Gunder amoung them was not a Chief. As usual, the Father sat at the head, on his throne. The throne was a fearsome sight; it was made of the bones of the Father's victims, molded together by heat. In his deep, raspy voice the Father said: "My Guardians, we are about to recive the honor of visitors from the Alliance. These pitiful fools are claiming to help others, when in reality desire power above all else. Like us, they believe they should have acknowledged control over their territory, but unlike us they want more. They wish to rule the whole of Cera Bella. I know this from established sources: Boreta here acted as my spy in the Alliance for three years" . He gestured to a human female, who looked to be an assassin due to the collection of knives on her belt. Father continued, saying "They have said that they will wipe out the threat we pose, once and for all. They have sent a force of one hundred soldiers to the Deeper Downs. Our goal is to ensure that none of them survive the attack. Here is our plan: At the conclusion of this meeting, Pryx, you will take your team to the outskirts of the Downs, and eliminate all who aim to retreat. Buven will partol the area leading up to our entrance and attempt to get behind the enemy, Mekus will take the left flank, and Gunder will take the right. Jyada- you will take your regular team and all of those who are on duty to attack the center of the attacking force. They will be here in three hours. Does anybody object?"

As usual, nobody had any objections. The Father had chosen their roles according to their skill, experience, team memebers, and common tactics, and done so accurately. Even if anybody had an objection, it was highly unlikely that they would voice it anyways.

The Guards left to take their postitions, and Mike gave the order for all of the Sanctuary to prepare for battle and be at the main hall immeadiately. This was going to be a quick battle, but they would have to do something about the Alliance soon. They could not take an attack like this without getting revenge........

Quote from: Duskling on July 24, 2010, 08:00:25 PM
OOC: So... I guess I'll be the first official story-starter?

IC: He looked to his left, nothing. His right, still nothing. Good, he thought, I thin- he couldn't even finish his thought before his head exploded.

OOC: I'll come back and add more in like an hour, have to go somewhere.
I think I started first. Just a guess based of post length  :P
Sorry about the double post, I didn't think it mattered because of my first post's length and the fact that forum game posts don't coun't
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 25, 2010, 02:43:51 AM
That was a lot of Oblivion references! Oh, and you double posted.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Kindle on July 25, 2010, 09:25:47 AM
One hundred soldiers. One hundred lives in danger.

Move now.

This army had no subtlety. Their thoughts screamed out, a hundred voices filled with worry. Anyone with the Gift could hear them from miles away- a Psy Knight had an even easier time.

Stay concealed.

The last column of soldiers, about twenty in number, were close enough for the Knight to see.

Use caution.

Behind the large gray rocks that littered the area around the Deeper Downs, the Psy Knight Sigrun hid. They had been following this army ever since they had picked up their whispers. The army's mission intrigued them. For a long time, the Psy Knights had wished to infiltrate the Deeper Downs. Now, Sigrun had the chance.

Time to come out.

Sigrun moved from behind her rock and cleared her throat. "I mean no harm!" she shouted. The twenty soldiers all turned around, their weapons drawn and ready. "I mean no harm!" Sigrun repeated. She raised her hands, showing that she herself was unarmed(not that it meant anything). "I am a member of the Psy Knights! I wish to join you in this attack!" Sigrun looked at the men, hoping they believed her. "How do you know about our assault?" one of them, a bowman, demanded. "I have the Sight." Sigrun replied. All of the men looked at each other, unsure. "An army like this has a purpose. Tell me what it is, I can help you." Sigrun said. "We're attacking the Night Brothers. Our army is going to enter the Downs and purge the organization for good." the bowman said.

One of the men seperated from the group and approached Sigrun. "I am Commander Kheil, leader of this platoon. Why are you following us?" he demanded. Sigrun cleared her throat again. "A few days ago, my team and I were ambushed by a group of Shadowlings while scouting this area. There were too many, so we fled. Fortunately, I Scanned one of the Shadowlings while I was fleeing. He was thinking about taking slaves, and he mentioned that a group of Spriggats from the Night Brothers were building an army in the Deeper Downs. If that's true, I have to stop them." she explained. "And how did this lead you to us?" Kheil asked, growing impatient. "One of my teammates, Katenka, picked up on a large concentration of minds, a lot more than are normal for the region. We were curious, so we followed the thoughts into this area." Sigrun said. "You mentioned your team. Where are they?" Kheil asked. Sigrun's face fell. "We got separated. I'm the only one left." she said. Kheil looked back at his soldiers, then at Sigrun. "This mission is extremely dangerous. We know almost nothing about the area, the number of battle-ready soldiers on the enemy side, or how prepared they are for us." he said. "I am ready." Sigrun replied. Kheil shook his head. "We intend to wipe the Night Brothers out. For good. Perhaps you should know that." Sigrun frowned. "I can't think of many organizations more deserving of a purge."


As Sigrun joined the formation, her mind drifted to the coming battle. Her odds of survival were, realistically, low. But she had to keep her head up straight. Sigrun took a piece of black cloth from her pocket and used it to tie her straw-colored hair back into a bun. The formation marched faster, trying to catch up with the other four. Sigrun felt somewhat embarrassed for slowing them down with her introduction, but that was necessary.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 10:12:00 AM
OOC: First, the Night Brothers are multi-racial, not all Spriggats. Second, please edit your post so that you need ask them to find out why they are attacking the Deeper Downs. People have the idea that we live in the Deeper Downs, but nothing more specific. Also, we will win this battle. The Alliance are attacking a stronghold that they do not know the specific location of, and will be swarmed by all of the creatures, especially bugs, who inhabit the Deeper Downs. Finally, we outnumber you, and have the advantage of knowing where everything is, so we will surround you. Added to the fact that we have guards partoling outside the Deeper Downs, intending to block retreat, your character will die. I meant to use this battle as an intro, and chose the Alliance because they had no members, and believed the attack would involve no characters. You can still join the fight if you want, but you will die. I'll give you some time to edit the post, PM me or write here if you want to attack anyways.

IC: Jyada adressed the crowd below him: "Fellow brothers!"
He waited for silence, which quikly ensued.
"We about to be attacked by the Alliance! They have sent one hundred soldiers, in a pathetic attempt to destroy us! We will, under my command, take the front of the assualt. We have little time, and must organize quickly. Remember- kill all our enemies. Take no prisoners! Let none who have seen us survive! Now then, all amoung you who use bows and crossbows, find your way to the front of the crowd. You will man the towers spread out through the cave system. Now, we will have a single fighter to protect each bowman. Chose quickly." After a mere few minutes, those arrangments had been made. Jyada continued. "The rest of us have a simpler, but no less difficult task. We will bear the brunt of the assualt, so that our Brotherhood may continue to exist! To arms, my brothers! Assemble at the head of our cave! We will destroy our foes!" After a short cheer, the brothers moved out, and Jyada's team assembled around him.
"Do you have specific plans for us?" Khernon asked.
"Yes," said Jyada, "We will take point."

One hour later, the arrangments were in place. The majority of the bowman we scattered around the upper reaches of the cave, with a cluster directly behind the main force. The forces that would flank their opponents were hidden, but Jyada had faith in his fellow guards. They also had a secret weapon, known only to the Chiefs. A team of thrity incredibly skilled Psys coordinated obfuscation and Scanning, Contacting the current head Chief when needed. Jyada would, in turn, contact his troops.

Forty minutes after the troops were mobilized, the enemy army appeared. They must have had a scanner with them, for they seemed to have suffered very little from creature attacks. Nonetheless, they were outnumbered and surrounded. As they came into sight, Khernon handed Jyada a horn. He took it, and blew a small series of ascending notes. In responses, arrows rained down on their foes. With the next blast, they charged, and the troops aiming to flank the enemy began to approach, still staying out of sight. Jyada, Hycea, and Khernon sprinted towards the fight, avoiding full speed so Khernon could keep up. Denzan followed close behind. Jyada opened up with a shadow vortex, felling many who were already weakened by arrows, and weakening others. Hycea lept and landed in the middle of many foes, and used a Cyro Cross. Using Mind Blasts, Shadow Blasts and Sword attacks respectively, Jyada, Denzan, and Khernon charged to catch up with him. Denzan healed them quickly, and they began to hold an arrow shaped postion. Jyada recived a Contact from their obfuscation team Jyada! A lava burst is coming! It will smite or foes, but you aswell. Fallback! Jyada contacted his troops with the information. He shouted to his team "We will cover the retreat. Hold untill I say!" His team fought valiantely, hurling blast after blast at their foes. The lava erupted, far faster and stronger than they expected. As Jyada was drawing the breath to shout "retreat!" Denzan stepped forward, and created a shield in front of them, but this shield looked different. It had a red tinge, and the lava seemed to crash against it.

Thirty minutes later, the battle was over. The Scanners had worked with Pryx and ensured than all were dead. Wait! There is one left alive, to your left! One of the scanners shouted in Jyada's head. He leaned down, and saw a Knight unconcious nearby. She must have been shielded by Denzan from the lava, tought Jyada. He grabbed the Knight, and had Denzan heal her. He dragged the Knight to their prison. He recognized a Psy Knight when he saw one, and wanted to know what this one was doing.

OOC: The Knight is Sigrun. She better tell us everything he knows :P
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 03:44:07 PM
Whoops. Btw, dibs on hiring Misad. He'll be a well paid spy.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 25, 2010, 03:49:16 PM
To "call dibs" you have to write a part in the story.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 03:50:56 PM
I know, but I can't move on with my story untill Kindle posts!
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 25, 2010, 03:51:31 PM
Ah, I see. A message is in order, methinks.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Kindle on July 25, 2010, 04:13:26 PM
OOC: Sorry for holding y'all up.

IC: It had all been such a blur. One second they were marching, and the next...just chaos. Sigrun had barely done anything before the whole army was blown apart. She had been preparing a mind shield, but then everything went black. She must have been one of the first ones out.

Sigrun's eyes forced themselves open. Her head felt horrible, and something just felt wrong. As her eyes adjusted, Sigrun realized that something was, indeed, very wrong. She was in a prison cell, and she could feel the presence of another. She looked up and recoiled slightly. A Shadowling.

"Whatever you want with me, you should know now that you will not get it." Sigrun spat. "I am sure you have other prisoners to interrogate, Shadowling. Occupy yourself with them, I am sure they will be easier to draw information from." Sigrun's eyes were sharper than daggers, and now more than ever, she wished for destructive powers. She stood up, fortunately the cell was large enough to accommodate that, and stared at the Shadowling. "I have nothing more to say." she snapped.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 07:11:49 PM
Jyada walked away, and whispered to the guard a single word. Uncoorporative. It was a code for their most basic procedure. They would give the Knight a drug that sapped her Psy power, and prevented her from regaining it. It would take one dose to last for five weeks. Then, they would pull a lever that put a stone wall down, isolating her from the world. She would be without food, light, or human contact. Her only sustanance would be a cup of water every four hours. She would break down. They always did. And when that time came, they would leave her for a single day more. Then, she would be greeted by a cheerful, kind looking human with plenty of food. And they would talk over the meal. Faced with being put back in her cell, for an even longer period of time, she would tell them everything. She might even come to work for them, but he doubted it. The chance was high that she would refuse, and be killed.

Now that the prisoner had been delt with, Jyada returned to the assignment room. They sat in the same positions as last time, and the Father began to adress them. "Well done. None of the Alliance survived, except for a prisoner that Jyada captured. He was away, dealing with this. Now then, Jyada, would you care to explain? I had given orders for all to be killed"

Jyada responded calmly, despite the fear he was fighting: "The captured is a Psy Knight. She was fighting with the Alliance, and it is vital to know why. If the Alliance joins with the Psy Knights, they will outnumber and outpower us. We cannot let this happen. She has been given the solitary treament, and will tell us all she knows soon. I apoligize for disobeying you, but I felt that this was an exception. Our contact within the Knights went silent last year, and I know she could prove invaluable. If she refuses, she can simply be killed."

The Father replied, "Excellent thinking. I will personally oversee this end, and inform you of its results. Now then, on to the important matter at hand. We must exteminate the Alliance. All of you will be given early leave from your shift as Guardians, and assigned missions vital to the elimination of the Alliance. Pryx, you will go to remove several of the Alliance leaders and negotiators. Buven, you will destroy a band of Alliance soldiers traveling to the dead lake. Gunder, you will go to the outskirts of the Downs, and attempt to find and elimenate scouts looking for news to the soldiers. Mekus, you will join him, as the area you need to cover will be immense. Jyada, you will travel to the Great Forest and see if you can negotiate with the Shadows for an alliance to wipe out the Alliance. Also, be noted that if any time you encounter mercenaries, both for spying and fighting, they should be sent to the Deeper Downs, and told to wave a red flag in order to be let in.

OOC: The Shadows are on the faction list twice. The Shadowlings one could be renames to the Dark Ones or something. When I said Shadows, I meant the "powerful Psy group dedicated only to themselves"

IC: Jyada wandered to the Great Forest, half listening to Dezan talk with his brother about how he was developing a Pyro affinity. He had worked on his Pyro Blast in the off-time they had gotten after the battle, and planned on seeing a trainer the next time he was at headquarters. As they neared the Forest, he told them to be silent. Following established procedure, he began to scout ahead while the others moved carefully forward, with Khernon bringing up the rear. He spotted a lone human, with a slightly used shovel on his back. Jyada contacted his team, and they spread out in order to avoid an ambush. Jyada was hiding still, and noticed a blast of shadow flying at him just in time to counter with one of his own. The blasts met in the middle of the ground between them, collided, and canceled each other out. His team lept from cover, brandishing their weapons. Denzan thew up a shield around them, Jyada prepared another Shadow Blast, Khernon drew his sword, and Hycea's hand sparkled a whitish blue as he prepared to blast the stranger with Cold. "You are outnumbered human! Fight, and you will perish!" Khernon shouted.
The man stood down, looking as though he were ready to flee at any moment.
"What is your buisness here?" Jyada inquired.
"I am a mercenary," replied the stranger.
"Mercenary, would you like to work for the Brotherhood? You would be sheltered, fed, and well paid."
"That sounds... intriging. What would I be doing for the Night Brothers?"
"Eliminating our foes, both in and off the field of battle."
"I accept. What must I do in order to become emplyed?"
"Travel to the Deeper Downs, bearing a red flag. You have my sacred word that no harm will come to you."
"I shall be on my way," the mercenary said.
"Wait. I will send my loyal fighter, Khernon with you. He will ensure that you do what you promised."
"Uneeded, but understandable," the mercenary replied in an even tone.
"I shall see you later....." Jyada paused upon realizing that he did not know the name of the new recruit.
"Taq. Misad Taq." Misad turned, and left with Khernon following close behind.

OOC: There you go Dusk, you can use Khernon for a while. Don't mess with him, and keep in mind his description. Have some quality chats with him about that stuff. Go the the Sanctuary. Talk to people. Make up assignments, etc etc.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 25, 2010, 07:35:10 PM
OOC: Alright, that was good, but one thing was wrong: it's Misad Taq, not Tiq, otherwise, it was good.

Misad was being escorted by a Red Spriggat to the Deeper Downs, Khernon, his name was. Holding the red flag, Misad was thinking of what to ask of the Spriggat, to start with small talk, or something different? So many options.

"So, why me?" Misad asked Khernon.

"Simple: we need more men to combat the Alliance, or else we'll be outnumbered," replied Khernon.

"There are at least a dozen eyes watching us, aren't there?" Misad asked, feeling very faint emnations of sentries assigned to watch the entrance of the Brotherhood's base.

"So you've noticed them," said Khernon, "Impressive, but just barely."

"I suppose so," Misad agreed, "That's the entrance, correct?"

"Yes, it is" replied Khernon, "One of the Chiefs will give you an assignment, no mear mercenary is allowed to see the Father."

"I know that much," replied Taq, "So, what'll it be?"

"Interesting question, human," Khernon answered, "That is for the Chief you will be seeing to decide."


The Chief that Khernon led Misad to was sitting in an odd-looking chair, one made entirely out of rock.

"So," the Chief said, uopn inspecting Misad, "You have been chosen for a mission by Chief Jyada, eh?" he asked upon seeing Khernon.

"Yes I was," replied Taq, "What would you have me do?"

"We need you to ambush and obliterate an Alliance patrol," explained the Chief, "They want to find out what happened to the battalion they sent over here, don't let them."

"Oh, I assure you," said Misad, "I won't," now with an anticipating smirk on his face.

With that, the conversation was over, and Misad walked out of the room, and toward the Great Forest... his favorite hunting grounds.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 07:45:43 PM
OOC: Come on Dusk! I made some much of the story you could use, and you go with an unamed chief giving you a vague assignment, with no details, to complete an objective that two chiefs have already been assigned to? Where's the love? :'(

IC: Jyada approached the House of Shadows, the lair of the Shadows. It was, as always, difficult to find, as the procedure involved no less than ten hidden switches, and multiple deadly traps. Upon entering, he was surrounded by warriors, brandishing their weapons. He had been allowed to pass due to the sign he wore on his shirt, a whisp of black smoke over a map of Cera Bella. However, he still needed to prove that he was an ally of the Shadows.
"I have come to aid in the rise of Shadow, the fall of Lights and the twilight of a new era," Jyada said softly.
Recognizing the challenge had been met, they lowered their weapons, and Jyada was escourted into the House. He was met by a man he recognized, a psy named Hunin. They had met when the Shadows and Night Brothers had teamed up to repel a large group of Republic soldiers attempting to destroy the House of Shadows. Jyada had been sent to ask that this debt be paid, that the Shadows would help them to destroy the Alliance.
Jyada told Hunin, "I have been sent to seek your aid in destroying the Alliance, so that we may live with one less threat to our saftey and your debt to us will be paid."
After the ensuing conversation, Jyada returned to headquarters with the knowledge that the alliance had been forged, and the Shadows and Night Brothers would crush their opponents. Traveling with him, in addition to Hycea and Denzan, was a human who would share the information the Shadows had on the Alliance with the Night Brothers Chief Pyrx. Pyrx was acting head of intelligence, and his team was comprised solely of assassins, one of whom could heal.

At headquarters, Denzan and Hycea quickly left to see the trainer, and Jyada went to find Khernon. He found Khernon waiting for him, and they exchanged stories of events since their parting.
"I hope Misad proves useful. to us," said Jyada.
"You always look after the assets you bring to the Brothers," Khernon replied. He was correct. Unlike others who would capture a prisoner, recruit a mercenary, or whatever, then forget it, Jyada always kept track of them.
"Yes. Speaking of which, any news on the prisoner?"

OOC: Kndle, your turn!
Also, Duskling, I was mostly kidding about a lack of detail.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Kindle on July 26, 2010, 03:37:17 AM
OOC: That's me!

IC: Sigrun was relieved when the Shadowling left. She wasn't scared of him, not exactly, but his presence had made her very uneasy. She laid down on the hard stone and closed her eyes. It was time to gather her thoughts and concentrate. The guard that had been watching her had left for a moment, but Sigrun decided not to do anything disruptive. It wouldn't help her, it would only anger her captors. Sigrun blocked out the world around her and tried to use her Sight. Unfortunately, as she had assumed, the entire area was heavily Obfuscated. It was a waste of time to try, but Sigrun had nothing else to do, so she focused on it. Either they had a very skilled team, or a very, very, very skilled individual handling the Obfuscation. But Sigrun had time to wait for a tiny slip-up.

As her mind probed at the invisible 'barrier', Sigrun heard the guard reentering. He knocked something on the bars. Sigrun opened her eyes and looked up at him. He had a glass of water in his hand, which he was offering to her. Sigrun stood up, walked over, and took it. No need to be obstinate. Might as well drink it up. Sigrun put the glass to her lips and took two gulps. She really was extremely thirsty. She set the glass down and suddenly felt very odd. Sigrun put her back to the wall and slid down. Her head felt tight, and she was so tired.

A few hours later, Sigrun awoke. She rubbed her eyes and let out a sigh. Except...she couldn't see. Anything. Her hand reached out, and she felt the wall. It was much colder than the one in her cell. Wherever she was, it was very small. Sigrun stood up and touched both walls at the same time. She tried to think, but her mind felt feeble. Sigrun sat back down and rubbed her eyes. She couldn't see a guard, but she knew one must have been there, somewhere. "Hello! I'm ready to talk now!" Sigrun shouted. Whatever this room was, she wanted out of it, now. Hopefully she could get out on good behavior, but Sigrun doubted that.

OOC: I feel like I should've put more, but I couldn't think of anything else. Edit: Added it in.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 26, 2010, 06:30:21 AM
Remeber the treatment I told the guard to give you? They were supposed to give you Psy-sapping drug and then put you in solitary confinement.....
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 26, 2010, 10:32:56 AM
OOC sorry for not posting, turns out that there was no internet where I was vacationing.

IC: Cassiopia was in the capital, and to be even more specific within a broken vault with her team treading a wide circle around her. suddenly a voice came from behind her, "Stop!"

She brushed it off as nothing, she got this whenever she stole something of this value.

"Stop immediately!" the undefined voice shouted, this time noticeably closer.

Cassiopia became more worried, she began to work frantically, had her guard been broken that quickly, and silently too? "Who are you," She shouted into the blackness ahead, "show yourself!"

"I'm not hiding." the voice calmly replied, "But as for my name that is of no substance" A heavy hand grabbed her shoulder.

Cassiopia gave a start and then spun around dagger in hand, and then was pinned to the ground by a heavy blow to the side.

"I'll be asking the questions here" the large figure said, with almost musical calmness.

"That doesn't even make sense in the current context." Cassiopia pointed out, glad to have scored a small victory.

"I couldn't think of anything else." the male voice replied defensively, "I also happen to be a psy of the evolved, so don't try anything. You are now officially taken prisoner. he quickly slapped handcuffs on Cassiopia and began to lead her out./

"Now that I'm your prisoner you can at least tell me your name and how you reached me." Cassiopia said in her diplomatic voice.

"Alright then, you can call me Les," the figure replied " as for how I reached you, I killed one of your minions."
OOC: hooray for references to other RPs

IC: "which one, could you describe him of her." Cassiopia replied in the most calm voice she could muster. dead she thought oh please don't let it be Tomoe, she was my friend since childhood.

"She was Tall and lanky She had black hair, she was not a psy"

it was Tomoe Cassiopia thought. "I see" Cassiopia, said just barely keeping he voice from faltering.

"It was quick and less painful than you wish for my death to be." Les continued in the most infuriatingly calm voice.

that last remark had taken the lid off of Cassiopia's rage and she led it out. "I hope you burn in hell!" she shouted withoud restraint. and those were the last words that Les ever heard.

All that was left was ashes some of them still burning, and then as her emotional cap had been lifted she cried. Tomoe had been her Closest and truest friend and now she was gone. Cassiopia from that moment on decided that The Evolved were going to be destroyed and she would be the one to do it. and now she had the means as well, a red orb and white orb pulsed in her hands she then ran off into the night towards Lake alto, Loki, Lily and Shane folliwing.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 26, 2010, 02:16:56 PM
You didn't mention how you obtained the orbs, nor that you had them; and anyway, objects like the orbs are too important simply to 'have'.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 26, 2010, 02:25:42 PM
Khernon replied: "No news yet. Only a few days have passed, she will break soon."
Jyada said: "Fair enough. And the assassin?"
"He was sent to kill an Alliance partol an hour ago. He will return shortly."
A messanger arrived, bearing a summons for Jyada to visit the Father. He went to the assignment room. As always, the Father was their.
"Sit, Jyada. We have much to discuss. Firstly, I would like to thank you, both for the new assassin and the prisoner. I am certain both will be valuable assets. Now, on to buisness. We have confirmed with our friend from the Shadows that the Alliance is harbored at Lake Alto. However, we learned that they are specifically located at an abandon cave at the center of the Lake. It is unacessable, except by boats and flying. We have no ships, and neither do the Shadows. We will be hard pressed to gain enough boats, and flying will exclude our human soldiers, which will severly reduce the effectiveness of our army. Do you have any ideas?"
"Well, sir, we could take advantage of our Psys with Cyro affinities. They could freeze bridges across the lake......"
"No, no, they will just melt the bridges and have their bowmen aim at the bridge."
"Sir...... how do their human members get acess to their hideout?"
"Intelligence points towards rowboats in the dead of night. Why?"
Jyada grinned, and said cruelly, "I believe we could arrange to.... borrow their boats"
"My intelligence said that this would be a difficult route, as we would only have one venue of attack."
"True. How about this. We have one team at a time take the boats across, a few teams try to cross with my freezing idea, and the majority of our forces will lead a suprise attack through the caves. We will need to scout it out, but I am confident that we will find a way."
"That seems a good plan, but we lack both a route through the caves, and teams foolish enough to make frozen bridges."
"I will provide both."
"How will you lead teams through the caves and assualt via frozen bridges?"
"I will take the assassin i recruited, Misad, with me when I go to the caves. He will show the route on the day of the attack."
"Excellent plan Jyada! Gather you team, rest, train, then head to Lake Alto with all speed!"
"Will do." Jyada left the assignment room, told his team of the news, and went to the assassin trainer. An old shadowling, who claimed to be descendant of Darkling himself. While he doubted the claim, he could not argue that the trainer was excellent, and he spent the next few hours working on silent, unseen movement. He then rested, waiting for his assassin to return.

OOC: Steelfist, check the faction list, you have the Shadows on twice. I recommended renaming the shadowling group, as I am using the other one already.
Quote from: MikeW781 on July 25, 2010, 07:11:49 PM
OOC: The Shadows are on the faction list twice. The Shadowlings one could be renames to the Dark Ones or something. When I said Shadows, I meant the "powerful Psy group dedicated only to themselves"
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 26, 2010, 02:59:32 PM
I've already changed it; maybe you should check before posting.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 26, 2010, 03:02:51 PM
Sorry, I should have checked
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 26, 2010, 06:58:59 PM
QuoteYou didn't mention how you obtained the orbs, nor that you had them; and anyway, objects like the orbs are too important simply to 'have'.

It was implied that I was stealing them from the vault, sorry if that was confusing.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 27, 2010, 01:33:22 AM
So you broke in to a vault that just 'had' two orbs? It would be fair enough with one, I suppose, but two?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 27, 2010, 01:04:58 PM
fine, just the red one I thought it might have been overdone.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 03:14:41 PM
It wasn't hard finding the patrol, if anyone could call it that. One bronze golem, two archers, and three swordsmen, but it was better than silencing civillians, for sure. It was just before 7:00 p.m., just getting dark. One of the memebrs of the patrol, an archer, tripped on a tree root, and Misad saw his chance. The others didn't notice their comrade's disappearance, so, with a silenced *bang,* Misad took him out. Shortly thereafter, another archer was lagging behind, giving Misad an ample opportunity to blow his head off as well. Now, with all the swordsmen were gathered around the bronze golem, Misad unholstered one of his grenades (is that ok?) and threw it at the golem. The grenade had been set to explode on impact, so when it hit the golem, the rest of the patrol was shredded along with it.


The assassin returned to the Deeper Downs, where he was greeted by Khernon.

"Assassin," Khernon said, "You must meet with Chief Jyada."

"Great," replied Misad, "Another assignment?"

"That is for you to discuss inside," answered Khernon.


"Hello again, Misad," greeted Jyada.

"Always a pleasure," replied Misad.

"Now, let's get down to business," began the Shadowling...

OOC: Mike, since I don't know how you'd say it, I'd like you to post with the rest of the conversation.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 27, 2010, 03:17:54 PM
OOC: The Demons- Adopting the name to scare others, this is an all spriggat group, with the same goal as The Shadows. Their name, combined with their appearance, often causes an enemy to break and run, without even fighting. just thought i should point that continuity mistake out.  you meant the shadowling group right?

Jace was shooting off light blasts and pyro blasts at a large rock formation.  Occasionally he shot them off at an angle so they would collide but he just couldn't seem to get them to match up and fuse I wish I could make it work again...  Why is it I haven't been able to fuse them since that time...  Rainen closed his eyes and thought back to when his parents were murdered.  If only I could have helped them before...  Rainen closed his eyes and began to cry.  A second later his rage consumed him and he let loose a torrent of flame that exploded in a flash of light (blinding flames)  wow that was amazing  a second later Jace fell to the ground asleep.  The rock was left with burn marks and marks that looked like a lightning bolt shattered it.  In the distance two mysterious figures with a small army came into the area.  
OOC:  mike or dusk that's your cue to bring me into this.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 03:20:38 PM
I think Mike'll do that along with the conversation, as I don't know what he'll say and don't want to control his character.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 27, 2010, 03:43:41 PM
so you're not gonna just try to get something close using the 2000+ words he's already posted? XD
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 27, 2010, 07:27:44 PM
I posted hours of writing, and you have permission to use my team. Just explore the caves, find ranien, then return to base. Then we split up, and take our different attack venues. Ranien can use the boats, Im getting the ice bridges, and Misad is taking the caves.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 07:51:59 PM
OOC: Alright, sounds easy enough.

IC: Jyada told Misad to explore some caves by Lake Alto.

Simple enough, though Misad, But not too thrilling.

When he came close to the caves, though, he noticed an individual staring at him and Jyada, and pointed him out.

"Could be a patrol," Misad offered, hoping to get some action sooner than expected, "Should I take him out?"

"No," replied Jyada, "He isn't wearing Alliance uniform."

"Should I take him out anyway?" Misad asked.

"No," repeated Jyada, "I'll take a look at him myself after we annihilate that base."

"As you wish," said Misad, holstering his sniper rifle.


On Jyada's orders, Misad combed the area looking for a secret entrance to the base, for there was no front door, the Alliance was very cautious. When Misad finally found the entrance, a hatch hidden by grass on top of the caves, he snuck inside, using invisibility to trick anything inside to believing that he wasn't there. He snuck around where he entered, and gave the all-clear signal, indicating to Jyada and his troops to covertly enter. So they did, while Misad scouted a natural corridor that he would've guessed would be busy with Alliance members giving and taking information that was, or is to be, delivered. No one, he gave the all-clear signal telling Jyada to proceed. They were in the caves, but maybe there was something inside that may lead to the real base.


After about an hour of searching the caves, Khernon stumbled upon a secret entrance to something that looked very likely to be the Alliance base (at Lake Alto?).

"Jyada," began Misad.

"Yes," replied Jyada, knowing what he was going to ask, "Scout it, kill any guards."

"With pleasure," said Misad.

Misad used invisibility to catch the guards by surprise, he stabbed a guard from behind with a dagger tipped with poison, the guard immediately collapsed, dead. The other ran to help, but got a bullet in the head for his trouble. With the guards nutralized, Misad scouted the corridor behind the door they were guarding, another pair of guards was on duty, with their backs to the door. Misad used invisibility and slit both of their throats, not allowing them to alert anyone. He dragged the bodies into the room where he entered, and gave the all-clear signal one more time, indicating that he found the base; they would soon lose all need for stealth.

OOC: It's edited, did I get it right this time?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 27, 2010, 09:46:42 PM
Please change it back so that we find an entrance that may lead to the base, and Misad uses invisibility to scout it?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 10:03:35 PM
Is there anything else? Because I'd like to change all the wrongs at once.

Update to the storyline: now we get to kill! Kill! KILL!!! >:D
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 27, 2010, 10:51:39 PM
Hey, Mike, Duskling, and ranien, tell me if you would like any assistance or antagonism from me, after all I am heading in your direction after all.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 11:04:14 PM
The decision on whether to help us or antagonize us is completely up to you, namelesskitty.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 27, 2010, 11:07:08 PM
Thanks, just wondering if you had a preference.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 27, 2010, 11:08:25 PM
Well, help is always welcome, but antagonism would definitely prove interesting.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 27, 2010, 11:11:18 PM
I think that I'll go with help just because you outnumber me. I'll post more when I'm not so tried
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 28, 2010, 06:37:36 AM
Jyada, his team, and Misad headed out of the caves, and headed in the direction of the Forest. They were all in a good mood, happy because they would bring news that would soon ensue the fall of the Alliance. For Jyada and his team, that meant glory for their clan. For Misad, it meant gold. And lots of it. On the path, about halfway to the Sanctuary, they came across a barely visible campfire in an abandond cave near the entrance to the Deeper Downs. They halted, and began to discuss their options through Contact.
They clearly have skill at concealment. We only spotted them due to Misads good eyes, and even then only because they clearly don't know that they are near the Sanctuary entrance. Jyada though out loud.
They are either freelancers or an Alliance patrol. I say we jump out at them, and tell them to declare themselves. We either kill them, or hire them. Misad replied
True. Go invisible, and get behind them. We'll spring out front, if it comes to a fight you'll be behind them

They did so, and sprang out at the strangers.
"You are in the territory of the Night Brothers. Tell us your buisness here, then surrender or die!" Jyada shouted in his most indimidating voice.

OOC: Thanks for the edits Dusk- I guess I'm a little into this story.  :P
Also, Namelesskitty, the strangers are your team. You're more than welcome to join us. We promise food, money, and shelter. Also, you can eventually influence us to attack the Evolved. Or spy for us, join the Evolved, then tell us they are gonna attack, and we'll kill them for ya. Whatever, you got that silver tongue of yours, so we'll soon work for your goals.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 28, 2010, 03:33:41 PM
OOC: alright here goes.

IC: Cassiopia was running for shelter from the pouring rain, Loki and Shane were taking shelter underneath a rocky outcrop while Lily sought refuge underneath a bush, Cassiopia however, was left in the terrible weather.

Suddenly, the orb hidden deep within a hidden pocket, started to glow. Then came the excruciating heat, Cassiopia was a pyro psy, and suffered more than her share of terrible burns, but nothing could have ever compared to this heat. When the heat surge was gone She lay on the ground not far from where she had started.

"Scout it, Kill any guards" she heard a voice from inside a cave.

"With pleasure" said another voice.

Cassiopia looked into the cave's mouth and yet saw only one figure how strange she thought.

"I've found a cave." Cassiopia shouted.

"We're coming" replied Loki, Loki was always the one to reply, it was as if he could even have heard her from the capital. he was much farther away than she had expected. And then the more pressing problem occurred to her, the figure must have heard her too, and the figure's hidden companion was obviously armed and dangerous and even more so because she couldn't see him. The most important thing to know as a thief is to always be able to see your opposition. Cassiopia tensed herself and drew her bow, ready to incinerate any attackers.

OOC: you can include me now.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 28, 2010, 03:38:46 PM
I think you submitted that before seeing my post, dunno. We had four people visible, plus Misad in back, at the cave.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 28, 2010, 03:41:58 PM
yeah I must've, just pretend that I only saw one person because of the rain, I'll clear that up next post, we must've posted at the same time or some thing.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 28, 2010, 03:44:23 PM
Okay, but I think you should do the part where you respond to my "Surrender or Die" challenge.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 28, 2010, 04:02:57 PM
OOC: very well that sound reasonable, besides your last post makes it easier for us to meat

IC:"Very well then, you can die any time that you're ready!" This had been a very bad week for Cassiopia, and she was not about to be told to surrender.

Just as she loosed her first arrow, towards the challenger, the orb began to glow and this time fire erupted from her in all directions and he arrow began to blaze, as it sailed towards the offender.

suddenly a gasp and curses started erupting from behind her.

"Who's there?!" Cassiopia shouted as she whirled around, arrow strung and drawn, to see nobody. Cautiously she turned back to face her challenger all of whom were miraculously unscathed, an even more miraculously not charging.

"She could be useful." she heard from behind. Then she was injected with a powerful knockout drug, and fell over unconscious.

OOC:Duskling, I apologize for the character control, but I needed to advance the story, Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?

I just noticed that at the top I said meat instead of meet :P
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 28, 2010, 04:13:48 PM
OOC: It's totally fine.

IC: Misad had been very surprised when this mystery woman lit on fire and started spurting fire in all directions possible, and even some essentially impossible. He found cover behind a rock, only getting a mild scorch in the process.

"She could be useful," he thought aloud, and injected her with a powerful knockout drug; her fight was over.

"Oh good," said Jyada, "You got one, are there any more?"

"She doesn't look like a member of the Alliance to me," said Khernon.

"Because she isn't," said Jyada, "Do you think we could have a use for her?"

"Probably," answered Misad, "She's part of the Thieve's Guild."

OOC: You don't get to become an assassin if you don't have good knowledge of where you live. ;D Ok, Mike, your turn.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 28, 2010, 04:45:09 PM
Jyada, his team, Misad, and the stranger traveled back to base, and rested up. The stranger awoke after a few hours, and found all of them standing around her.

"You work for the thieves guild, correct?" Jyada asked.
"No. My name is Cassopia, and I lead the thieves guild."
"Well then. Tell me, will you forge an alliance with the Dark Brotherhood? We could kill you know, but I believe we both desire power, and would find one less foe, and one more ally, a convenient settlement."
"What exactly do you have in mind?"
"You can aid us in attacking the Alliance, and we will return the favor."
This was exactly what Cassopia was hoping would happen. Now, for the price of participating in a battle against potential enemies, she would have powerful allies in destroying the Evolved. "That sounds most excellent. When will we attack, and what is the plan?"
After discussing the battle plan, Jyada visited the Father and informed him of recent developments. The Father was most pleased, and promised to reward all involved. Afterwards, Jyada met with all of the Chiefs and the Father, and final battleplans were prepared. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Father summarized.
"Gentlemen, this is to be a monumental event. The Hunt will once again go forth, and destroy all in their path," the Father said solemnly Gasps went around the room. he Chiefs had assumed that this operation would be lead by the Chiefs, and that the Father was too old for battle.
"Yes, I am old. However, my Psy skill have not dulled with time, and I can and will fight. This may be the last fight I have, but it will be a battle to destroy one of our biggest foes. In addition to the Hunt, we have the Shadows, the Thieves Guild, and a powerful assassin aiding our forces. We will crush the Alliance, and become one step closer to our ultimate victory!"
After all of the Chiefs had left, Jyada and the Father were once again alone. "Jyada, my loyal Chief, in the event that I die, you are my sucessor."
Jyada was shocked. The Father had been his guide for his entire life, and had just suddenly deemed Jyada his sucessor.
"It is an honor, Father."
"I know. Now go, and prepare for war!"

Jyada left, told the news to his team, and discovered that Denzan had developed Pyro Blast, and Heat Shield. According the the trainer, he was a natural with Pryo abilities! Denzan was thrilled, and Hycea was equally pleased. Content in their joy, Jyada went to rest- the battle was tommorow!

OOC: Here we go! Everybody gets a different part from here, based of their method of attack. Namelesskitty doesn't have one specified yet, so take your pick with Caves, Bridges, or Boats. Also, try to add ranien to our side during the fight
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 28, 2010, 06:40:19 PM
How about I just start the battle off with the caves? 

Jace woke up in the middle of the same clearing as before.  He rubbed the back of his head and yawned.  Behind him he heard a crack and some muffled yelling so he quickly ran for some cover.  Out of the forest he saw two figures (Misad and Jyada) emerge and seconds later a large troop of what appeared to be assassins from the shadows followed them.  He looked around and saw an individual that seemed to be hiding in a tree.  He pulled a walkie talkie out of his pocket and thinking quickly, Jace sent both a lightblast and a pyroblast, scorching and blinding the individual.  He fell from the tree and cursed his bad luck.  One of the lead assassins (Jyada) told his company to wait as he went to check it out himself and he discovered the smoldering individual in the bushes. After awhile he started scouting around and when he was out of view of his company Jace stood up and said "My name is Rainen, and I think I just saved your position."  The assassin looked over at Jace and said "My name is Jyada, and yes you did."
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 28, 2010, 08:06:25 PM
I'll take bridges

Cassiopia quickly told Loki, Lily and Shane to each guard a bridge with ten or twelve units plus themselves cassiopia herself took thirty men and women and guarded two bridges. in the grand tradition of thieves, each of them stayed carefully out of sight.

"What's the plan again?" asked Lily.

"It's simple," Loki replied for Cassiopia "storm the bridges, with the alliance on them. Then kill those who don't fall off and die."

"Exactly." Cassiopia couldn't help but crack a smile, Her revende was very soon at hand, she just needed to win this battle.

OOC: let's kick some alliance >:)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on July 28, 2010, 08:27:04 PM
Ranien, my group just scouted the caves, in the real war we are taking the frozen bridges. Just use one of the Chiefs I made, or the Father, to be the person you hire. Also, we are trained killers with people using the sight. We'd noticed a lone, random guard.

Namelesskitty, the bridges are frozen bridges that we are using to invade their base. I guess I wrote to much, nobody seems to have read all of it. Honestly, Im not mad or offended though. My fault.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on July 28, 2010, 09:31:44 PM
if the alliance knows that somebody is coming for them don't you think they would send somebody who's a complete expert at hiding from scanning?  Also the story is sort of left open to interpretation.  There's also a few plot holes like why didn't you guys notice me before?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on July 28, 2010, 09:35:39 PM
Alright: a) If that guard was an expert at hiding, how could someone farther than us and less trained than us have spotted him? b) We did, read my post on page four. c) The Alliance doesn't know that someone is coming for them, I silenced the guards, they have no idea what's about to hit them.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 28, 2010, 09:37:06 PM
Very well we'll assume that they are trying to flee from the other attacks, if that's a problem just tell me.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on July 29, 2010, 06:16:29 AM
I'd prefer it if you didn't destroy them, though.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on July 29, 2010, 08:02:45 AM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 01, 2010, 10:58:27 AM
these rp threads aren't doing to good are they? we should have an RP appreciation week some time ^_^.

Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 01, 2010, 04:21:06 PM
Amen to that. :)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 01, 2010, 06:41:48 PM
yes we should. I would totally love that, how about next week?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 01, 2010, 06:47:31 PM
For Duskling, next week is tomorrow! :D
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 09:59:24 AM
yea lol this is next week for me too XD i'll make a thread.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2010, 10:56:58 AM
OOC: I'll revive this thread.

IC:It was early in the morning on the next day when the battle begun, Cassiopia heard the shouts of the battle far off, and then saw a few of the boats crossing the river, she signaled to her teammates to hide and she did the same, eventually a few started to retreat off of the bridges however each was neatly picked off by arrows from different directions. Soon more came, but a pyro blast was sufficient to destroy them all, or so Cassiopia thought, Caassiopia scanned the area, and surprisingly found one previously unseen survivor who was, surprisingly he ran directly toward her.

Suddenly Cassiopia was grabbed by the shoulders from behind. She brushed off the hands and turned to see a ruddy face, drenched with blood and sweat.

"You've got to help me!" the man cried


"Please, I'm begging you, you can't let me back out there, It's no battle, but a descent into hell! You can't let me go back!"

"I'll be happy to oblige" said Cassiopia darkly. she reached out and incinerated the man instantly.

And not a moment too soon, she turned around to see masses assembling and running towards the assumed safety across the bridge.

Cassiopia signaled her troops to charge the overfilled bridges and for others to do the same. Cassiopia stood behind the bridges shooting flaming arrow after flaming arrow into the masses of the alliance.

Due to the narrowness of the the bridges, it did not matter weather there were twenty men or twenty thousand men, therefore the prepared thieves were more than a match for the frenzied alliance. The battle fas ofer almost as soon as it had started, and not a single member of the opposing side stood, at least while alive.

soon the leaders of the attack met to discuss terms and such.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 02, 2010, 01:24:40 PM
Jyada wandered ahead of his team towards the base that they would assualt. As he drew near, he spotted a lone wanderer (Fallout refernce FTW). The man (ranien) walked towards the lake side, apparently without knowledge of the Alliance base. He appeared to be the man Jyada had seen in the area when he found the caves. After sitting for a minute, making odd lights with elemental bursts, he walked towards Jyadas position. Damn, Jyada swore silently. Damn. The man walked by him, followed by an Alliance soldier. Jyada lept from cover, and smote the soldier with a strong shadow blast. The stranger turned, and fired a Pyro blast at hum. Jyada's hand swirled with dak energy, but the blast had missed him. The stranger, seeing his saviors anger, pointed behind Jyada. He turned, and saw that the stranger had actually aimed at a second attacker. "We appear to be in each others debt, human," Jyada said.
Ranien replied "Indeed."
Jyada said "You seem to have no fondness for the alliance. Neither do I."
"And you are here to do something about this?"
"You are correct. I work for the Brotherhood, and we will destroy the alliance today. You may join us, or leave"
"I will fight."
"Good. Join Pyrx's team, he will be taking the boats to the Alliance fortress."

OOC: Okay, there you go ranien. You will assualt via the boats, but you can choose your route from there. Sorry I forgot to do this earlier.

IC: Jyada and his team sat, waiting in anticipation for the Contact from the force that was traveling through the caves. Upon the contact, the assembled forces would attack.
NOW! Jyada heard the shout in his mind, and spread the word to his troops (via Contact). Hycea formed an enormous ice bridge, along with the eight other assembled Cyro affinity-Psy fighters. They then charged, with the Thieves Guild staying behind to make sure none of the Alliance retreated with the bridges. About halfway down the bridge, the Alliance guards spotted the attackers. They rained down arrows and crossbow bolts, with the occasional bullet. Denzan and the other healers blocked the majority of the projectiles, with misfires and grazes against armor counting for the rest. After crossing the bridge, Jyada's forces took cover behind a rock. They began to form into a battle formation, but Jyada made a last minute change. He had the melee fighters, backed by several healers, fend of the attackers encircling the rock. Then, Jyada and the rest of the forces went over the rock, and dropped down on their unsuspecting foes. Their fighters met up with them, and then they battled their foes. Jyada thought nervously, Damn, the majority of our forces went through the caves! Where are they!? Their force held out, and, due largely to the brave healers, especially Denzan, suffered no losses untill help arrived. The forces who were using the boats were comprised of the recruited Shadows warriors lead by Pryx. In the nick of time, they arrived behind the forces pinning down Jyada, and destroyed them. Caught between two armies, their enemies were cut down with ease. Now, thought Jyada, for the assualt on the stronghold itself.
After sending Pryx to deal with the archers, Jyada and his team swarmed the Alliance base. They encountered few foes on the way. Fearing the worst, Jyada led their forces to the area where the cave lead, right next to the main courtyard. They found the Alliance soldiers had trapped their forces at the exit to the caves. Jyada's force charged, destroying the attackers from behind. The flash of steel and elemental blast lit up the room. Jyada and his team fought to reach their allies, and valiantely pushed through the attackers. They saw the Father and Buven, accompanied by a large force, encircled by Alliance fighters. Every so often, one of the Alliance soldiers would aquire a random knife wound to the back, or a sniper bullet to the head. Undoubtably the work of Misad, Jyada thought. Just as Jyada pushed through to the rest of his allies, a soldier cut down the Father. Consumed by rage, Jyada and his team sprinted towards him, killing foes left and right. They reached the soldier who killed their leader, and returned the favor. WIth a cut from Khernon's swords, a Cyro Blast from Hycea, a burst of Shadow from Jyada, and a small fireball from Denzan, the fighter was no more.
The battle was over, and the Alliance leader had been captured. It was time for the Night Brothers and their allies to meet.

OOC: Okay Dusk, your turn!
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 01:34:59 PM
OOC: Remember; factions have headquarters, but they have more than one stronghold.

Otharn watched from the gloom as the emissary of the Night Brothers spoke. There was no chance he could be detected; he was simultaneously running obfuscation and fooling the minds of those around him into not seeing him. Normally a difficult task, it was made easier as he was concealed by the gloom. Few could master the stealth and concentration necessary to keep up prolonged 'invisibility', let alone kill at the same time. Otharn never had any problems. Obviously, the Shadowling's incessant talk about debts and a 'darker future' was making it more difficult. He recognised that the shadowling was only saying it to sway the Shadows to their cause. It was still intensely irritating, and it wouldn't work. Hunin was their best diplomat; while the emissary was talking, Hunin was simply examining the benefits of helping, and the benefits of ignoring the emissary. The shadowling left with the promise of aid.

Later, he was informed that he was not to join the battle, as he had expected, but to head for an Alliance stronghold, where the Alliance leader may be hiding, leaving a decoy in the headquarters. He was to infiltrate, discover if the leader was there, and, if so, use all necessary force to retrieve him.

OOC: Might be a nice twist if the one you captured was a decoy. More to come.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 02, 2010, 06:21:02 PM
Created Faction: The Keepers
[spoiler]The Keepers are an exclusive group of very capable Psi's who have the strong ability to tear information from a mind. They are made of nothing but human and shadowling Psy's. They support all other Factions, though each faction thinks The Keepers work for them only. Their main goal is to collect information from all of the factions to sell to others. *hint hint*[/spoiler]

Character:Zaron (Pronounced: ZAY-ron)
Class:Psy Fighter
Faction:The Keepers

Special Skill: While all of The Keepers are extremely skilled, Zaron is very intelligent and competent with shadow. While he is capable of destroying most any who confront him, he perfers to use the shadow that lies in every beings heart and twist it, feed it and consume it's host with it; making them completely loyal to him.[/spoiler]

Class:Psy Fighter
Faction:The Keepers
Special Skill: Undoubtedly the most loyal of Zaron's two most trusted operatives. Jubalian was the first to be turned. He runs obfuscation for all of The Keepers. He also acts as head when Zaron is not present.[/spoiler]

Class:Psy Assasin
Faction:The Keepers
Special Skill: A shadowling who was hired by the Devourers to spy on Zaron, she was caught and turned by him. She now works as the head of the "Cleanup Crew" who takes care of any loose ends.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 06:42:19 PM
I like the Keepers idea, but I'd rather you PM'd me before announcing it as created.

Characters seem okay; Zaron is powerful, but not as powerful as the purely combat psys, and prefers to use deception and cunning.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 06:53:32 PM
Jace replied "Mhmm.."
Jyada said "You seem to have no fondness for the alliance. Neither do I."
"Yea.  They're trying to negotiate a peace treaty with the True Humans.  Lemme guess, you're trying to kill the Alliance?"
"You are correct. I work for the Brotherhood, and we will destroy the alliance today. You may join us, or leave"
"Count me in."
"Good. Join Pyrx's team, he will be taking the boats to the Alliance fortress."
"See you at the fight"
Jace sighed and looked back at the shore.  The boat he was on was filled with a less then nice crew.  There was a man who constantly stared at him and there was a woman on the other side of the boat who kept throwing and catching a knife while staring right at him.  He put his hands up and created a ball of fire in one and then in the other hand he created sparks of light which he tried to fuse with the fire.  After a few mishaps he finally figured out that the entire ship was staring at him "Who are you?"  A cloaked figure looked directly at him with a knife in hand.  "My name is Rainen, my parents were killed by the true humans.  Since then I have been a freelancer and I have worked hard to improve my skills as a psy as well as build up a circle of friends who can some day help me kill the True Humans."  After his speech the boat stayed silent and then in a fit of stored up rage Jace created a ball of light in his hands which spontaneously spit out flames.  He threw the ball over at the water and it created a small cloud as well as a blinding flash.  The rest of the boat looked at him, awe struck, as they moved into the newly created cloud.  
Jace looked back at the sight of the battle.  He watched as the men he fought with mourned the loss of their Leader.  He listened to the message that the man who recruited him made about how it was the Father's wish for him to be leader.  He watched the other chiefs read a message that said the exact same thing and he watched as The Night Brothers celebrated their new leader.  He smiled a little as he noticed that they all were still mourning over the loss of their old leader He must'a been a great guy for them to feel that way...
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 06:56:07 PM
Wrong faction; the Shadows leader yet lives.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 06:58:04 PM
my mistake.  I fixed it.  What part do you play in this steel?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 07:00:06 PM
I have a character, but mainly I just watch. I created it, after all.

Read my chapter if you want to know what my character is doing.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 02, 2010, 07:00:15 PM
Misad was leading the Father's team through the caves, since he's already scouted them for the batallion. Most of the journey was uneventful, except for maybe a few rats, or a bat or two, but then it happened. The Alliance gave a short war cry before attacking and downing a Brother.

Fools, Misad thought with a smirk, This is win-win for us, we slaughter them, we'll continue the attack, we get cut down, we create an ample distraction for the other forces to deal with the Allies.

He prepared his sniper rifle on C.R.A. mode, or Close Range Assault mode. That process involved shortening the barrel, so it wouldn't get in his way if the enemy got too close. Every once in a while, a Shadow Blast would come from a Brother, hitting an Ally, sometimes killing him or her. Misad went invisible every now and then, and stabbed an Ally in the back, or fired from behind cover with his sniper rifle until Jyada arrived with backup.

Yes! They haven't noticed them yet! Misad thought upon seeing Jyada's team sneak up on the Allies.

Now the battle has officially begun, everyone had guns and arrows firing at the same time, swords swinging in the direction of the opposition, and daggers stabbing through chests of their enemies. In all that comotion, the Father had been brought down by a sword through the chest. Things went out of control at that point, Jyada was enraged and cut down all Allies in his way, not leaving enough for any more Brothers to even get injured.

After all the forces were back together, the Brotherhood stormed the Alliance base, after a spy went and cut the Alliance's communications so that no help would arrive and overwhelm the Brotherhood's strike force. After a long and brutal slaughter of the Alliance security and military personnel stationed at that base, the Brotherhood had captured the Alliance leader, and Jyada, now being Father, was to decide what was to happen to him.

OOC: Ok Mike, do your thing!
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 07:03:11 PM
yay the story is dead till Mike gets on ^_^
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 07:05:27 PM
I am somewhat hinging my story around the leader being a decoy, so if you wouldn't mind, Mike . . .
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2010, 07:18:27 PM
my story is hung on the meeting at the end so include that too, thank you.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 07:19:53 PM
three cheers for waiting on mike ^_^
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2010, 07:20:36 PM
Hip-hip, Hooray

someone else post the second
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 07:24:24 PM
Hip-Hip, Hooray!

and now a third person!
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 07:30:59 PM
Three hundred and sixty-nine thousand, four hundred and eighty four cheers for waiting on Mike.

Hip-Hip-Hooray . . .
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 02, 2010, 07:31:33 PM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 02, 2010, 07:31:47 PM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 02, 2010, 07:32:37 PM
Aww . . .
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 03, 2010, 07:38:29 AM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 03, 2010, 11:14:04 AM
OOC: Sorry, I do this little sleeping thing. It keeps me from posting for a while. Now, then, Steelfist, I would prefer to make it so that the leader we captured was real, after all, it would kinda suck if multiple informants, including your guild (who owed us wrong) were incorrect, causing us to gather a huge force and loose our leader for nothing. Also, it would be dumb for the shadows to lie to us, and send their own men, to attack the wrong base. Also, that would screw parts of the story for me, ranien, nameless, and dusk. Finally, you are gonna attack the leader all by yourself, whereas we took three guilds and two freelancers to destroy the decoy? I am against the idea, and ask you to find out that it was the right base, have you bust some alliance heads, then find another way into our story? Next up, we know have to kill the Evolved, and the True Humans. Cassopia asked first, and brought us a whole guild, so she gets first dibs, sorry ranien. You each can lead the attacks on these guilds, create the plan, etc, etc. It would get old to have me direct attack after attack.
IC: Jyada sat in what had once been the head of the alliance stronghold. He looked around at the assembled crowd. Many had gathered, both for confirmation that he was the new father, and for news of their next plans.
"Greetings to all. For those of you who do not know, I am Jyada. Yesterday, I was a Chief, but our esteemed Father has passed, leaving me to be the new Father. I doubt that I will ever be as great as him, but believe that I am the most qualified to follow in his footsteps. We have sucessfully destroyed the Alliance base, and hold here the head of the Alliance." Jyada thrust the man forward, and pulled the sac off his head. "I give you Zoked, head of the Alliance." The crowd began to yell, and one could make out bloodthirsty cries of "Torture!" "Maim!" and other such cries for a painful death to come to the man. Jyada refused this, saying "This man is an enemy who has fought with honor. He has attacked us, yes, but he has been honorable in all his offenses. Therefore, I shall give him honor in death by slaying him with the sword of the Father!" Jyada drew the black longsword, still covered in blood from the fighting, from his scabbard and smote the man with a single stike. Cries of "Hail Father Jyada!" spread across the crowd, no doubt started by his fried Buven, or prehaps Khernon. Despite this, Jyada was pleased with the shouts. "My people! We have one a great victory today! This will be the first of many, as we strive to achive dominance! For now, we will return to our stronghold, rest, and make plans. I thank our brave fighters from the Shadows, announce their debt to be filled, and send them off with gold as a sign of our friendship. Now then, let us go home"

At the headquarters, Jyada sat with his Chiefs, Misad, Cassopia, and Ranien. Amoung his Chiefs was Gunder, who had been promoted to Chief due to his bravery in battle. "Men, we have triumphed today. We still have enemies, and most likely always will. But, one of the most agressive has been silenced with very little losses. This has earned us vast amounts of wealth and Mekus is looking for more Alliance strongholds to take more of their gold. Also, we have struck fear in the hearts of our enemies. Misad, you have joined us for gold and shelter, and will recive a good deal of both. Cassopia, you have joined us for allies against the Evolved, and we will honor that agreement. Under your temporary command, we will destroy them. You are free to command all of the Brothers through my authority, but my word will be final. Is this acceptable?"
"Very much so," Cassopia replied.
"Good. Now then, ranien, you have earned a boon to ask of me. What is it that you wish?"

OOC: Okay, on to killing the Evolved for namelesskitty. Ranien, you can begin your campaign after. Also, Steelfist, Mekus is going with a small team to other Alliance strongholds. You can have him find you if you want.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 03, 2010, 01:26:28 PM
Can Mr.bugfartman start his?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 03, 2010, 02:36:15 PM
only if you keep it intelligent and in the story guidelines.

"Good. Now then, ranien, you have earned a boon to ask of me. What is it that you wish?"
"For now my only requests are assistance in training my affinities as well as help killing the True Humans at a later date.  Until those requests are met I will be at your service."
"I will be able to provide you with the highest quality.  I myself have heard of your interesting capabilities and wish to see the depths of them.  One of my men will take you to the trainers for now."  A cloaked figure rose and beckoned at Jace to follow him.  A few minutes later they reached a large cavern where men and women were sparring.  After turning a corner Jace saw a man and a woman standing next to each other.  "Hello Rainen, I am a master of pyrokinetics.  My name is Renfiam."  In turn the woman spoke saying "I am Lucil, I am a master of energy manipulation."  Jace smiled and said "Well then I guess we should get to training."  After many long hours Jace sat down and said "So have either of you discovered anything interesting?"  Renfiam spoke and said "You have the natural ability to control light and fire but the melding of the two elements requires something more."
"It seems as if your anger triggers a change in the energy of your body that allows you to meld your affinities"  Rainen leaned back and responded in a calm voice saying "So the angrier I get the stronger the blast?" 
"That's correct."  Renfiam looked at Lucil and then Lucil spoke saying "We think that you might be able to use your natural psy powers to trigger your anger."  Rainen laughed and said "So I need to make myself go into a rage and then it's blasting time?" 
"precisely.  You will confuse your mind into causing an artificial fury and then we will teach you how to control that fury."
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 03, 2010, 08:09:30 PM
Quote from: Zaron on August 03, 2010, 01:26:28 PM
Can Mr.bugfartman start his?
Sure, just read the first post to get the rules, basics, and get started! :)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 03, 2010, 08:17:28 PM
I already have. I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 03, 2010, 08:21:30 PM
Duskling figured that you wouldn't have asked if you did. :)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 03, 2010, 08:28:11 PM
Zaron just likes to make sure.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 04, 2010, 10:36:30 AM
sure, in fact I'll wait to let you join before enacting my part of the plot.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 04, 2010, 03:38:41 PM
Thank you. I've been writing it in my spare time. I don't get much.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 04, 2010, 05:29:46 PM
you actually did that?? cool.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 05, 2010, 05:44:25 PM
Are we going to get on with the story? Just asking, as I don't have an assignment to continue with yet.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 05, 2010, 05:46:09 PM
Who knows. I have to keep stopping and rewriting mine.

(Fighting Nelis for the VERY first time.)

Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 07, 2010, 08:41:43 PM
lol i just love how rp's NEVER progress these days XD
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 07, 2010, 08:44:01 PM
We have to wait for bugfartboy, then namelesskitty. But bugfartboy hasn't done anything yet....
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 07, 2010, 08:46:39 PM
has he even brought himself into the story at all? if not then let him join in at a later date.  Right now I can join back in whenever I want since my character is training.  Until I or somebody else brings it out of training it's nearly pointless for anybody to control it.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 07, 2010, 09:58:18 PM
I'm still writing. I keep having to start over. I keep getting mental blocks. And it's "Zaron" thank you very much. And I need to run some ideas by Steelfist before I can include them in my part of the RP.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 07, 2010, 10:17:05 PM
Well alright but you're delaying my restitution so get onwith it.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 10, 2010, 12:55:44 PM
Hmm. It appears to be slowing down. I may post my chapter soon, however.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 13, 2010, 04:33:53 PM
OOC: Just to get this story going again, I'll pick it up in a way that it took me five minutes to think up, Mike allowed me to control his character a little, just to keep the story going.

IC: Misad watched Rainen leave to train and uncover his true potential, and felt that now was the time, for some reason, to ask Jyada to put him on a mission.

"Is there anything I can do in the meantime?" Misad asked, "While he's training, I mean."

"Of course," answered Jyada, "Right now, we're on neutral terms with the Shadows cult, and we need a diplomat to convince them to join us in this war."

"And you're expecting me to be that diplomat?" Misad asked, shocked.

"Of course not!" Jyada laughed, "We don't know if anyone else patrols the surrounding area of their bases, or if they care for us any longer, so we need you to escort one of our diplomats to their base so that they can negotiate. If the diplomat is attacked by Shadow forces, this could spark a war within a war."

"I suppose I can't allow this to happen?" Misad asked.

"You can't prevent it from happening," Jyada answered, "As, it may have already begun, we just don't know about it."

"Alright," Misad said, "I don't weant my clients to attacked yet, we just went through a battle for the Alliance H.Q. and captured their leader, who was then executed, your men should be tired by this point, Jyada."

"Quite the contrary," Jyada said, "My men are quite excited for another battle, eager to kill more Alliance scum, if we haven't ripped the spine out of the whole Alliance already, so we should be fine."

"Excellent," Misad said, excited, "I could use more combat."

"You'll set out tomorrow morning," Jyada told him, "We should all rest up a bit."

"Agreed," said Misad, heading to his pre-assigned dormitory to polish weapons, have some dinner, and take a load off, though constantly alert, even while sleeping...

OOC: There, that should put that cute little "New" icon next to the story!
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 13, 2010, 05:00:31 PM
Yup, Im mostly waiting for Zaron to continue. Also, as a general note, I really don't mind character control if its me giving you sddigments or talking. As long as its not making me look bad, its not an issue
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 14, 2010, 10:47:27 AM
so here's the decision point. do we: A) ignore the people who haven't been posting and put them in side locations and or make the decision that is holding us up for them, or B) everybody split their stories and go into personal growth stories that are basically filler.  I for one would rather leave the third option of keep on refusing to write in the past.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 14, 2010, 02:18:42 PM
or C) PM Zaron to write
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 14, 2010, 03:07:40 PM
Personally, I'm in favour of writing a more detailed backstory, but PM Zaron first.

Edit: Due to a PM from Zackirus, I will post (On the first post) about Traten. It might be worth checking.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: bugfartboy on August 15, 2010, 09:57:14 AM
Sorry. Take my name off till I write. On vacation. Will write when I can.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 16, 2010, 10:31:41 AM
Okay. Then its namelesskitty's turn, as he/she's controlling the Brotherhoods attack on the Evolved. Steelfist can introduce himself through Mekus (who is searching old allliance bases), and Zack can come in from Canada. I mean Tranten  :)
Sound good to everybody?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Zackirus on August 16, 2010, 01:04:36 PM
Quote from: MikeW781 on August 16, 2010, 10:31:41 AM
and Zack can come in from Canada. I mean Tranten  :)

Traten is not based off of Canada! Traten is an island of the north-west coast of Cera Bella. If anything the land would look like Northern Ontario (Coniferous Trees, Podzols, and Sedimentary rock coming from the ground)in the winter time.  :P
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 16, 2010, 04:14:19 PM
I was just poking fun at where the Zacks came from (NoHR Zack and Zackirus Zack)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 16, 2010, 07:30:01 PM
well looks like theres more stalling for now then. (puts all will power into not hijacking the story line to continue the story)
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 17, 2010, 08:35:41 AM
Thanks for the effort. Namelesskitty did want to lead the attack on the Evolved, but if I remember you had beef with the True Humans, right? We could just have you attack your target, and then when she/he/it gets to posting she/he/it can lead her part of the story.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 17, 2010, 09:01:11 AM
That could work.  All in favor?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 17, 2010, 08:42:05 PM
Quote from: rainen on August 17, 2010, 09:01:11 AM
That could work.  All in favor?
Sounds good to me, after that I'll make my post, as I won't participate in that battle.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 18, 2010, 12:32:02 AM
Excellent, I have just come back from vacation and am going through the ritual of losing my computor.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Zackirus on August 20, 2010, 01:30:07 PM
Name: Zack Arcon
Gender: Male
Race : Human
Class : Psy fighter
Affinity: Light
Faction : Tratenite
Equipment: A Traten Crossbow, the best crossbow on the market. A map of Cera Bella, with he got before he came to Cera Bella. He also has his own sail-boat which comes with a lock so it can't be stolen. It is called Nautilis.

Bio: A descendant from the original Arcon family. His family be known for the Psy and Wine is being hunted down by the local warlord, Derek Sesth. He has little knowledge of Cera Bella and hopes to get away from it all. He has platium-blonde hair and grey eyes.


Zack hasitly packed his bag with supplies. Derek's men could be here any minute Thought Zack as he finally packed away the map of cera bella. He quickly checked his room. He looked under the bed and found something he lost quite a long time ago, His crossbow. It was dusty but it still worked and Zack had around 12 bolts for the thing. He quickly ran downstairs but stopped at the front door. He heard a hush of voices outside his door. He quickly backed up into the kitchin until he heard a large smash. he turned around and saw a huge flaming canon ball flying towards his house from the front window. He dived to the right as the ball crashed throught the window and set the place a-blaze. He quickly made his way around to the back of the house and grabbed his coat and boots, hasitly putting on. He rushed out of the house and stared as his parents house lit up in flames. "Where's the Kid!" One harsh voiced asked. "We don't know sir." somone replied. Zack ran as fast as he could towards the beach. Sure he would be spotted as the moon was full but he had a chance to survive. He quickled dashed over some rocks and felt a arrowwiz by his head, only centimeters away from killing him. "GET HIM!" The Harsh voice yelled as more arrows and gun shots flew in his direction. He dived under a log and made way to the hidden grove beside the beach. Their his Sail Boat was rigged and waiting to be sailed. He untied the rope and grabbed the main sheet. He grabbed onto the tiller exention and used his Psy powers to push the boats forward. He sailed out onto the ocean and adusted his jib sail. He turned around and noticed a platoon of guards firing shots at him. He ducked an went into a Runs, speeding away from that place as fast as he could. Once he got of the men's range he relaxed and started to sail in the south-eastern direction.


Zack could see the shoreline of Cera Bella. He had camped on many small islands on his way and he still had enough supplies for another week. He brought his boat to a small cave that was off the north-west coast and tied his boat to a rock, also putting a lock on it. He might have survived but he needed a quick rest.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 20, 2010, 02:20:47 PM
what if we make the true humans and the evolved fight each other, wouldn't that be effective and efficient, not to mention really fun.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 20, 2010, 02:23:44 PM
We're attacking the Evolved under your command, so could we attack the Evolved under your command already?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 20, 2010, 03:18:07 PM
OOC: very well then, I've just been thinking of how to do this.

IC: Cassiopia gritted her teeth in frustration, the evolved seemed to have every path of a stealthy and quick small group sneak in, ruin their operation and get out, leaving the bastards (pardon my French) or what was left of them scratching their heads and muttering 'How in the world did that happen'. Then she had an Idea that was often considered folly within the tightly knot group of assassins, smugglers, burglars, and murderers, who called themselves the thieves guild; a large frontal assault on the evolved, not on her own or even with all those who shared a common purpose with her, that just couldn't be done after all losing lives was not her thing, and after losing Tomoe, she swore to never be so careless and self centered again, she just couldn't bear to lose another friend. still she did not abandon the idea although they were arrogant and pompous, they could boast some intelligence and anyone with any brain at all would spend every resource at their disposal on preventing a silent stealth attack if Cassiopia was on the giving side of the punishment. For hours Cassiopia sat in her crude room hewn out of the side of a cavern, when suddenly while her thoughts of rivalries drifted to those of the evolved. That's when it hit her, the evolved positively hated the true humans, and the true humans felt the same way about the evolved, so it would follow that if they fought each other, both of the sides would be weakened and possibly one obliterated altogether. and it only follows that if two of those which we are against fight, the only one to stand to gain is us, and after that we would swoop down like a falcon on a wounded mouse and have our share of revenge. when Cassiopia thought this plan over, she began to like it more and more, it was devious, cruel, and merciless towards her enemies while easily adaptable and forgiving of small errors on her side of the deal.

"everyone knows that there is no fury in hell which can equal a woman scorned, but women can't lay a finger on the thieves guild." she said inadvertently, she thought about the line and decided that that was how she'd end her proposition, she quickly wrote down a speech and a reminder to herself to call a meeting as early as possible and finally let herself drift blissfully into sleep.

The next morning a meeting was called right on schedule and a buzz drifted throughout everyone in attendance "she better have a darn good plan," she heard a man utter "she's been holding off the attack for two damn weeks"

"Ye'll keep yer mouth shut if yer Knows what's good for yeh," said a low-ranking thieves guild operative "there are plenny o' men worse'n me 'round here'll tear yer arms off fer that sort'er comment."

As Cassiopia passed the two arguers she prayed that she wouldn't need to break up a fight this close to her victory, if a fight broke out now she'd never reconcile the two factions enough to pull off her scheme, in the thieves guild alone it would come off without a hitch, but she feared that the thieves guild was too few, even though they were definitely elite for this sort of conspiracy.

As she took the rough hewn stage, the room grew silent she first addressed the need for absolute cooperation, "If you don't act like you are holding your mother's life when treating others this plan will fail and we will be consumed by a separate attack from the true humans and the evolved." she was obviously one exaggeration short of a fairy tale, but everybody seemed scared by that comment excluding the thieves guild. she then went on to explain that our temporary union would be as suspicious as possible, bu only of the party which we are not preforming for, she said said that she expected people to "lose" important notes and "accidentally" drop hints about the other army preparing for an assault, and that after they both were weakened we could leap from the bushes so to speak and destroy the remainder. she gave all of the leaders control of their own forces but stressed the to not be seen for who you are.

That night against all odds regardless of her anticipation Cassiopia slept soundly all through the night and up until the time when she would turn everyone loose with much vigor. and as soon as the did, all of the leaders were barking commands loudly, however she simply said "You know what to do," and dismissed the guild with a wave or her hand.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 20, 2010, 09:45:52 PM
OOC: I believe that's my cue to continue the story with a little filler-while-things-get-accomplished.

IC: Jace stood defiantly as he watched his newest creation ravage the training ground before ceasing to exist no more then half a minute later, his best by far.  He managed to create a golem of pure flames come to life by combining it with an advanced shield he learned over the past two weeks and a special shield created from his light affinity.  Refiam Beamed with pride as he saw the apex of his element wreck havoc.  "You have done well Rainen.  I find it personally amazing that the creation of a fire golem through purely psy means is even possible, no matter how short of a life span it may have."  Just then a messenger ran up to Refiam, breathless, saying quickly "Sir, the brotherhood has begun it's plans.  We have taken the advice of Cassiopia and decided to use trickery to bring both the true humans and the evolved into battle with one another."  Jace looked at the messenger with bright eyes and said "So your leader has already aloud my revenge to happen?  Do you know if and when I will be able to personally join the battle against the true humans?"  The messenger shook his head and said "We will be pitting the two groups against each other and then we will attack the evolved personally once the war between the two is over.  If the father allows it, he may allow you to join with the evolved so that you may take part in the battle with the true humans.  If he's in a good mood he may even allow some of our elite to pose as initiates to the evolved.  Of that though, I can only guess."  Jace smiled and said with a warmth in his voice "Any strike against the True Humans is enough to satisfy me as long as they are never allowed to harm another psy unjustly."  Jace looked at the ceiling of the cavern and for just a moment it seemed to twinkle.  Seconds later he collapsed onto the floor holding his head.  Soon after that his eyes burned and light seemed to pour out of his mouth and his body became cocooned in pure white light which quickly became a blazing inferno.  Lucil jumped from her resting place and together with Refiam they managed to control both the light and flames that Jace emitted.  When the event was over Jace was left huddled on the floor in a smoldering heap.  Lucil bent down and threw some shields up onto Jace in order to revive him and a second healer quickly joined in.  Refiam frowned and spoke softly saying "So any memory of his parents must trigger the event.  Now that he has had training the problems that stem from these events are far worse."  He spoke a little louder for Lucil to hear him and he said "We must return to his rage training so that he may put a block on the portion of his being that responds to rage.  He must not be allowed to use his powers until that goal is reached."  Lucil spoke in a voice that conveyed caring for Jace and said "We should have spend far more time on that portion of his training.  Our mistake and lack in judgement may very well cost Rainen his life some day."

OOC: In case you're wondering where the idea of the fire golem came from, here it is:  It uses the solid state shield to bring flammable and magnetic derbies into the shape of a golem which is then kept lit with Jace's fire affinity.  Then using electromagnetic waves to manipulate the magnetic portion of the golem he is able to control it's every movement. 
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 23, 2010, 07:09:31 PM
I take it he is exhausted if he holds it as long as he can?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 23, 2010, 09:13:18 PM
that's correct.  Then when he gets enraged he looses control over his powers so instead is stopping his powers when he gets tired he keeps on letting them loose in a variety of forms.  For the sake of authenticity I've been creating actual attacks for his abilities.  Don't ask why.
Fire golem- a golem of fire built around a solid state shield.
Rage- increases psy power
enraged status- slowly turns hp into psp while choosing a random attack to fight with
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 23, 2010, 09:26:32 PM
How about;

Rage: Increases Psy power for a period of twenty seconds.

And then you lose more power than you gained.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 23, 2010, 09:29:34 PM
that would leave more room for an rpg based improvement. I.E. longer increase of power, more increase of power, less power lost afterward.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 23, 2010, 09:42:55 PM
What says everyone that we get this going? I want this RP to remain alive, even if I didn't start it. >:|
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 23, 2010, 09:51:37 PM
We're waiting on I think mike to post...  Him or namelesskitty.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 23, 2010, 09:55:14 PM
Quote from: rainen on August 23, 2010, 09:51:37 PM
We're waiting on I think mike to post...  Him or namelesskitty.
I think namelesskitty, he's been holding off the attack for more than three days after he said he was holding off the attack in his story. >:|
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 24, 2010, 09:15:07 AM
I wrote the last war scene, this one's namelesskitty. Maybe when she/he's done we'll attack the Republic, and I'll lead, or at least post often, for that one. In the meantime, we need her/he to post.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 09:43:18 AM
OOC: sorry I'm preoccupied I have a book report and that gets first priority, not because I hate you, because I usually get terrible grades in the fall and winter so I am trying to work extra hard.

IC:Cassiopia, for the first time in three days or even more possibly, cracked a smile victory was so close, some of the true humans for which she was working in disguise, had begun to suspect Cassiopia, but all of them had met an untimely demise, killed by "the enlightened". Cassiopia realized that the process could be sped up tenfold if she stopped dropping hints and used the hints to "logically" inform their leader  that the evolved had been planning a full out attack and that a preemptive strike was the true humans only hope of survival. As soon as night fell, Cassiopia dashed to the caves at lake alto, their primary meeting spot and found a thieves guild messenger, she handed her a message and said "Misad Taq is our man in the enlightened give this to him and absolutely nobody else."

"yes ma'am." said the messenger.

as soon as this exchange had happened Cassiopa dashed  back to the true humans encampment, only just as the sun was rising, Cassiopia's prayers were answered however and it seemed as if nobody was awake. So she ran as apparently determinedly as possible to the head's chambers and woke the leader of the true humans vigorously as if very flustered.

"The alliance is planning a surprise attack on our main camp!" Cassiopia shouted.

"And how exactly do you know this?" the groggy leader replied.

"I have noticed all of the killings, they were obviously murdered as a warning, and look at their corpses, they were obviously not cut by steel or bludgeoned by wood or fists, they have no open wounds or large bruises nor is there any evidence of a spinal cord injury, and the bodies have not gone gangrene as they would if the weapon was disease, the only remaining weapon was a psy. But what confirmed my suspicion was a note being carried carried to the camp of the evolved in the capital, but even more so the enlightened pig scum have amassed many a troop in our direction, the only way to save what is truly right is to attack now!"

The leader swayed by this evidence agreed that war was the only option.

When the true humans were being assembled they all would stop at nothing to kill when the chance arrived, so they were more than eager when they saw the opposing troops for as soon as the word charge was uttered a mad dash to attack their opponents arose, at the sound of the first clash of swords, which was the signal Cassiopia and Misad Taq who were both second in command after informing their respective leaders of the assault leveled their hands to their leaders heads.

"How easily you have been deceived, my master." said Cassiopia and with that she burned him to death.

OOC: is that good enough?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 24, 2010, 10:00:19 AM
It went a little too perfectly in my opinion.  Also you have the alliance and the enlightened named.  The alliance is out of the picture and it's the true humans Vs. the evolved.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 10:29:33 AM
sorry, where I say alliance I mean enlightened my apologies.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 24, 2010, 10:58:19 AM
the enlightened aren't in this section it's the true humans and the evolved >.>
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 11:00:01 AM
I'm sorry I'm really tired, I mean the evolved on all counts.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 24, 2010, 11:05:20 AM
Its k.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 11:06:58 AM
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 24, 2010, 11:14:45 AM
I think it's rather too . . . Easy. You couldn't have approached the leader so easily; we can move on with the story, but when you have time, correct it, so actually getting an audience with the leader is more difficult; you have to gain more trust, make yourself useful, and pre-plan an argument.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: MikeW781 on August 24, 2010, 11:17:47 AM
I agree. I had a few pages of buildup for a one-on-one war. You and Misad joined a faction, and got into second-in-command, and set them to war with eachother in about an a half a page
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 11:19:07 AM
sorry, I'm not quite experienced with RPs.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 24, 2010, 11:20:34 AM
Don't worry about it. When you have time, change it. At least you freed up the story.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 24, 2010, 12:45:57 PM
and at this point that's really all that matters now isn't it ^_^.  Ok so who's next then.  Also something I just noticed.  Why would Cass want to kill the leader of the true humans?  Isn't she against the evolved?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 01:12:30 PM
because, he was the most likely to notice the treachery, and without a commander on either side they will flail loosely and both sides will be desecrated by the other making our part of finishing them off easier.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on August 24, 2010, 01:41:37 PM
Hmm. I'm against killing the leaders just yet. I'm in the middle of constructing a command system (That I will PM to members of that group. The only part of the command structure other factions will know is the leader, and maybe the second in command), and I'd prefer to have to edit it as little as possible.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 24, 2010, 03:58:04 PM
When did I become second in command of whichever faction I was stationed in? :D I actually have quite a bit of trouble following the story now. Could anyone give me a quick summary of how I became second in command and what transpired before that? ???
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 06:54:47 PM
my apologies, you claimed that you had intercepted a letter (which was written by yours truly) which was vital to the true humans and that you explained how they were to attack, along with previous power grabbing in the evolved, that was really unclear, but adding it would make the post too long, but it was really unclear.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on August 24, 2010, 06:57:13 PM
Quote from: The Holy namelesskitty on August 24, 2010, 06:54:47 PM
my apologies, you claimed that you had intercepted a letter (which was written by yours truly) which was vital to the true humans and that you explained how they were to attack, along with previous power grabbing in the evolved, that was really unclear, but adding it would make the post too long, but it was really unclear.
Were you short on time when you posted? Because if not, it would make that big a difference in length, but a huge one in clarity.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: The Holy namelesskitty on August 25, 2010, 04:23:36 PM
I was writing a book report so yes, but it was negligent of me anyways.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on August 31, 2010, 01:36:32 PM
so who's next for continuing the story?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on September 04, 2010, 09:31:07 PM
OOC: I got tired of waiting for the attack, as did my character, so we're crossing the swamp leading to a Shadows base. To get maximum effect out of reading this scene, listen to this ( soundtrack while reading.

IC: "Something just doesn't seem right," muttered the Brotherhood's diplomat into his ear-piece to Misad.

"I know," replied Misad, "But as long as we're only being watched, at least, that's what I believe is happening, the rats have strong obsfunction skills, but it's fine, their trying to be cautious, I think."

"I guess you're right," agreed the diplomat, "But I still find it a bit disturbing, within a dark swamp and all."

Diplomats rarely go in the field, Misad thought, probably why this one wasn't used to places like these. Still, he had to hand it to the diplomat, the place was at least a little creepy.

After a few hours of careful walking through the swamp, the two reached the Shadows base in the very center or it. They were very glad they did, too, because 20 minutes into the journey, a swamp creature caught the diplomat by the leg. Probably their security system, Misad thought. The beast pulled the diplomat under for a brief time before Misad also went under and blew two holes in its head. Ten minutes later, after the first attack, a swarm of over-sized bugs flew in from the fog and attacked Misad, three bugs had to be cut in half before they got the message and got away from them. The rest of the trip went more or less smoothly, they didn't encounter any more creatures, and finally reached the Shadows base, where they met a mercenary, polishing his blade (Steelfist).

"Is a diplomat present at the moment?" asked the Brotherhood's diplomat, while Misad pulled out a dagger just in case...

OOC: Take it from here, Steelfist.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 09:55:47 PM
"Put the blade away; if I meant you harm I wouldn't be hindered in the slightest by that tiny dagger. Fortunately, I don't. You can go on in." Otharn gestured for diplomat to go in. He laughed coarsely as the diplomat entered, making the livid scar on his face writhe. "As long as he's who he says he is he'll be fine. We received his fingerprints a few days ago; the scanner in there reads them."
"Who are you?"
"Just a merc – I lead the Elementals. Who are you?"

OOC: The Elementals are one of the most feared mercenary groups around, so he should know the name.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on September 04, 2010, 09:59:20 PM
"The Elementals?" Misad asked, impressed, "So, then you're Otharn? Misad Taq, loner assassin," Misad introduced himself.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 10:39:02 PM
Otharn proffered his hand, and Misad shook. "I've heard a little about you, too, Misad." This was not true. Otharn knew almost everything about him, as he did most up-and-coming mercenaries. "It's quite fortunate we met. I keep an eye out for talent, and I think you might be quite useful as a member of . . . my little group. Something to think on, certainly. I will be going on a rather specialised mission; if you decide to join us, I'd be more than happy to take you along. A trial run, so to speak."
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on September 04, 2010, 10:50:44 PM
"Of course, of course," Misad agreed, "Though I need to finish this mission first."

At that moment, the Brotherhood's diplomat exited the base.

OOC: Steelfist, since you are technically a member of the Shadows, you speak for them, so you take the roll of the diplomat of the Brotherhood, who states what the Shadows told him. Also, after this mission is accomplished, you give can Misad a meeting with the time and place, and tell him the mission there. I think that'll keep us busy, as long as we add some twists during the mission.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 10:55:24 PM
Huh? I was just guarding the base, and preparing for my mission. The diplomat is inside. I'll give Misad a place to meet Otharn, to travel with them to the location of the mission, though.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on September 04, 2010, 10:57:44 PM
Quote from: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 10:55:24 PM
Huh? I was just guarding the base, and preparing for my mission. The diplomat is inside. I'll give Misad a place to meet Otharn, to travel with them to the location of the mission, though.
You are our only member of the Shadows, therefore, I don't want to ally with you without your permission, so you can either give me permission, or do it yourself.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 11:02:43 PM
Oh; I see.

You can ally, but everyone knows the Shadows are only loyal to themselves. They might break the alliance, if it suited them.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Duskling on September 04, 2010, 11:21:09 PM
OOC: Alrighty then.

IC: "Good news," the diplomat said to Misad, "The Shadows have agreed to an alliance, but with a catch."

"They could break the pact whenever they want?" Misad asked.

"Yes," replied the diplomat, "I guess everyone knows what they're like now, let's get back to HQ and tell them."

Back at the Brotherhood's Headquarters

"So they agreed?" asked Jyada.

"Yes, Father," answered the diplomat, "But this alliance may be fragile, so I suggest caution with what we say or do when it comes to the Shadows."

"Thank you for the advice," said Jyada, "I'll be careful with them, especially since we're in a war here."
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on September 04, 2010, 11:34:48 PM
Excellent. Now all we have to do is meet up and head out on the mission.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Zackirus on September 05, 2010, 10:19:22 AM

Zack woke up in a slight daze. He turned his head and breathed a sigh of relief; his boat was still where he had left it. He got up and stretched. He quickly lingered over to his boat and unlocked the lock. He shuffled onto it and pushed off from the rock ledge. He had to use the oar to get out of the cave but once he got back into the ocean he started sailing down the coast. It was a great day, He was in a runs and the wind was trying to blow him over. He adjusted his main and jib so he was sailing by the lee and headed off, not knowing where he was going or who we would meet.
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Xemadus Echina on September 05, 2010, 01:26:27 PM
Jace walked aimlessly around the forest.  After the True Humans were annihilated he had nothing left to do so he just wandered.  Occasionally he called forth his rage and created a fire golem but after awhile he realized that it was a bad idea to create so much chaos unnecessarily. 
Jace awoke in a cell.  He had no idea how he got there but what he did know is that it smelled of death.  He tried to look out but all he could see was darkness.  "Welcome human.  Welcome to hell, the main base of the demons."  Jace looked out and then tried to scan the area with his mind.  He felt a small ripple about seven feet to his left.  A large flame appeared and he saw a wall about ten feet in front of him as well as several newly lit lanterns.  The spriggat to his left was an enormous Spriggat and by the wall he saw another spriggat only this one was red.  "I am Cerzak.  My name was chosen due to the spriggat hero in antiquities.  Who are you human, one so callus as to enter our lands."  Jace looked up and simply said "I am Rainen, I am able to use both fire and light based abilities.  I am able to create a golem of pure fire to do my bidding."  Cerzak smiled and motioned for the red spriggat to come to his side.  Out of the darkness a white spriggat also appeared.  "These are Fac and Grotus(spelling of Grotus?).  They are both my sons, both of their names also with meaning.  Fac is the name of a demon who defeated the devil and Grotus, one who defeated the queen of shadowlings.  Now, you must wonder why you are still alive.  I will answer that, we saw your golem and we wish for you to become a shadow and use that golem in order to increase the fear that we demons inspire." 
"So, you have become so unnoticed that you need to branch out?" 
"How wrong you are human.  The shadowling pests have been engaging us as of late.  We are resorting to the ancient pact made by my namesake with you humans once more to put them in their place.  They have once again targeted our females and our numbers are once again dwindling.  Fortunately my mate is still breathing." 
"Ok i'll help.  But I'm not a slave or anything, right?"
"My sons will accompany you in your quest.  We fear that a new queen of the shadowlings have risen and that is why their numbers have grown."

OOC: bonus points if you know where I got Fac from :P.  Also anybody know what kind of name I could use for Cerzak's wife that would fit into my name scheme?
Title: Re: Apocalyptic!
Post by: Steelfist on December 02, 2010, 04:23:27 AM
As the topic appears to have died, I am locking it. May be unlocked by popular PM appeal.