Hey guys, RPGWatch is conducting a poll right now asking about your most anticipated RPG of 2011. Now, I won't tell you to go there right now and vote for Telepath RPG: Servants of God (http://www.rpgwatch.com/show/contest?id=4), but, uh, you know, if you should just so happen to go there and do that, it would make me happy. ;)
Write in "Telepath RPG: Servants of God" under Other?
Ah, so it's 2011! ;)
For those that don't know, the question that you can vote for your favorite upcoming game is one the last page.
Should we write it in as "Telepath: Servants of God" or "Telepath RPG: Servants of God"?
Quote from: im2smart4u on January 11, 2011, 10:52:13 AM
Write in "Telepath RPG: Servants of God" under Other?
I don't understand. I can't find SoG on the list ???
There's no other... wait Craig can you list out the whole routine?
Read the questions.
First, answer the top three RPGs from 2010. THEN it asks you about the most anticipated RPG of 2011, and there is an obvious other button.
Personally, I was torn, because Elder Scrolls V was on the list, but on the other hand, I figure that game would have enough votes anyways, so it didn't make a huge difference if i voted for Craig.
I'm interested to see what they do with Elder Scrolls V. Exploration in that series has always been fun, but it would be nice to see Bethesda create interesting characters and storylines in an Elder Scrolls game for once.
I don't know what those are. :/
Yeah. Morrowind is just so grind-based. Sure, there's an endless stream of side-quests, but after it's all over, you just feel like you've wasted 50 hours or more on a shallow plotline.
Definitely true. I never even finished the Oblivion story line, and that was supposed to be the best done. It just wasn't as entertaining as the rest of the game. The characters were all really flat, and everything was rather predictable.