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Messages - Jito463

Oops, I hadn't proceeded far enough in to see that.  Meh bad. :)
One more question.  Is there a plan to implement AI battles outside of the campaign?  Like a multi-player game, but with AI opponents.
The middle-mouse I didn't try.  I knew ESC would work, but I was looking for a way to do it with just the mouse.  Thanks for the heads up.
Regarding the action bar.  I find it somewhat cumbersome to have to activate the action bar, and then to cancel it (or select move) to move a character.  It would be more convenient to always have "move" as an option when you select a character.  To deal with the "action" portion, make the action bar permanently attached to the bottom (possibly as a popup).  Or configurable as to where it's attached, for those who may prefer it on the side, or up top).  That way, every time you select a character, it shows their actions.

Also, it would be nice if we could still select a character who can no longer move.  I had one character level up after their turn finished, and I wanted to see the new options available, but I was unable to until their next turn.

Finally, it would be helpful - in cases where you just want to use a mouse - to be able to click off (either left or right) from a character, and stop controlling that specific character, without having to select a new one.  Preferably right-click, but possibly left clicking outside of their AoM (area of movement) would be practical, too.
I wasn't able to see what exactly preceded the event, but I just had the AI lock up on the Impaler mission.  The only option I had was to right-click and end-game.  If not for that, I would have assumed the whole game had frozen.  Latest build that I just downloaded.  Should we be completely uninstalling the old alphas before reinstalling?  I just replaced the install using the new download.

Also, just a heads up.  When I look under Program in the Control Panel (to uninstall the game), it lists the Publisher as unknown.

*EDIT 2*
I removed the game and did a clean install.  Was unable to replicate the bug.