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Telepath Tactics (2015) / Request thread
April 23, 2015, 03:57:35 AM
an option to see the main stats from all fighters via a specific key would be nice
ok things are more clear now :D ..that was also the reason for the indexed color palette in the whole game... was a bit surprised by editing the boxes, because some violet areas had another tone in the game. For the new portraits i didnt changed that much on the basic color so i guess it should work without a surprise.
omg 2688 single graphics just for the movements, awesome work :o
I tried to add a bit more depth, some shadows and more powerful colors to all portraits.
I used an automatic Photoshop action to create this effect, so maybe its not perfect for all portraits but for the moment i like it more than the original set.

Here is a before and after screen for one char:

Make a backup from your Portraits folder:
Telepath Tactics\Data\Characters\_Portraits

and replace the new files with the old files, here is the downloadlink:
Telepath Tactics Misc. Mods / [UI] - clean boxes
April 22, 2015, 10:49:37 AM
Its nearly same as the original but i added some antialiasing effects a bit shadow, made the background a bit cleaner and added a bit more contrast.

Here is a screenshot:


You can download the new files here:

Just copy the content (the new .png files) to the following directory and replace the old ones:
\Steam\SteamApps\common\Telepath Tactics\Data\UI\

You should make a backup of this UI folder before you replace it with the new files.
Didnt testet the new files a lot, so maybe you will get some small faults.
how do you make the animation graphic set, do you really have to make for each move an own graphic?