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Messages - 2headedfrog

Thanks, I will. Just as an FYI; I reloaded and then the merchant scene went fine, so I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, especially if that hasn't happened before.
Telepath Tactics Bugs / Fighting the merchant?
May 02, 2015, 03:27:41 PM
Right after the Apple mission, I got to get new weapons and supplies, and just as I'm finished it goes into combat mode. End turn doesn't work, and I tried Surrender, but that just froze the game on that screen and I had to forcequit.

Attached is a printscreen and most recent log.

Telepath Tactics Bugs / Continuous freezing
April 30, 2015, 07:15:52 PM
Hi. I get continuous freezing at random times, usually towards the end of a fight. This last one, I just finished the "build a bridge and escape" mission, and it is stuck right after Emma and Sabrina have their talk.

I also noticed that The level of the Engineer and Cryomancer were far advanced (like they were in a different save.)
Hadn't seen that before.

Usually it freezes on a battle scene and the mouse responds, but I get no response from clicking on characters.

Attached is a screencap and log.