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Messages - StrawmanMatt

Here's hoping then!

In the meantime, so how about that play-by-email option, for those of us who have no friends only know people with similar gaming tastes online or with badly differing schedules and/or time zones?
My apologies if this has already been addressed in detail, but: would it be possible to set up a custom campaign so you can move between campaign levels freely and nonlinearly, without getting stuck going down any branches, and your position being determined in part by what map you were in before?

(let's say you had four maps, A1, B1, A2 and B2. A player in both A1 and B2 can travel to B1 and A2 and back at any time, but you can't go directly to A1 from B2. There may be a dungeon under B2, and its only exit is out to and its only entrance is in from B2.)
That was a much better answer than I had been expecting. :D

As it stands it seems that Steam currently works with Ubuntu and very little else, but that you even thought about the long tail of other distros is certainly a relief from the "of course it works with Linux, there's the Ubuntu binary right there" I've seen from some other indie devs.

(Of course, even that is better than the answer I was fearing and might still actually turn out to be the case, "sorry, the entire engine is inextricably tied to use of Adobe AIR, it's just not feasible to revamp the whole thing for this project".)

If you were willing to distribute a compilable source code along with a binary it might (barring the above parenthetical) make cross-compatibility much simpler since the user can just work out their own libraries, compile for 32- versus 64-bit, etc. - especially in a game like this with little randomization and primarily singleplayer+hotseat multiplayer so cheating isn't an issue. It feels weird even suggesting that for a commercial work, but in theory I don't see how it would be any more piracy-friendly than, say, storing the game resources as independent PNG/OGG/XML files.
My wishlist:

- Get rid of this Adobe AIR nonsense so we can actually have a Linux version that is not a throwaway reliant on abandoned, unsupported software. (I still haven't played the demo yet and am relying entirely on videos to see what the gameplay is like)

- Play-by-email multiplayer.

- Hexes.
Hi, just discovered this game from the Delver's Drop update and pledged yesterday. Been wanting a tactical turn-based fantasy game like this for a while, good to know one's being made!

Sad to hear about the lack of exploration mode - this sort of highly involved tactical stuff I always find particularly fun with a small (3-6) party travelling over an extended, continuous world.

My picks:
randomized battlefield generation
a shadowling city tileset
extra NPCs with animated sprites (+other: of both genders and a few nonspecific ones you could use for either/neither/both)EDIT: the current sprites work just fine for that I'd say, so I'd assume future characters would be along similar lines. EDIT2: except I suppose that the swordsman and crossbowman both have visible boobs... anyway, extra NPCs with animated sprites remains my choice.

Honourable mention:
other: extra resources to create character classes and sprites (specifically in the style of Telepath Tactics)
professional, original sound effects
a dungeon tileset with traps, openable doors, scripted levers and buttons
mobile ports (iOS / Android)
extra character classes with animated sprites

I'd rather not if they took any resources whatsoever away from anything else:
a desert tileset - don't really see the point unless we're talking about new environmental features, status effects, effects on injury (humidity, infection, fatigue), etc., in which case this would be bumped up to honourable mention
an extra branch in the main campaign - I'm usually not too keen on the main campaign in any game, would rather play a short main campaign and a lot of mods
voice acting for the main campaign - too risky, also puts up too much contrast with any mods