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Messages - kk6clope

Hooo, and that's same bug for all lizard warriors. Invisible and promoted " Machinist"... Good luck  ;) !
Same for Mantis Knight and Great Black Sprigatt.
Hi ! A little bug...In campaign When lord marakai promote, the character is invisible..
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Re: Telepath Tactics - opinions
February 02, 2015, 01:53:16 AM
hi there ! I was asking..When i play, game become slower during the turns. Turn 1/8 it's ok but after it start to be laggy.
Maybe it's my computer, dunno...But whatever, it's a great game. Interesting background and normal mode is a good challenge.
Long time i've not played an exciting trpg. And it's only the begining of the game, mod probably coming !
Good job Craigstern !
Ho no, i tried something ! Crossbowman, Spear and Emma need to have Throwing Axes in Inventory for be able to use their weapon and mission can be launch without freeze
Weird, i can equip with Throwing axes, but not all characters appear.. Start to think i made too much " replace update" and have to restart campaign from beginnng..
Hi Craigstern !
Finally, since update, i could finish the " Collect Apples Mission". But after, i can't quipe Emma or Sabrina ( don't remember wich one) with sword and at the next mission, characters are invisible and so, can't play..
Good luck and have a good day
Ho and sorry to announce you an other one. But in multiplayer, when you start the game, it happen an auto-win..
Seem the same bug as campaign  :) good luck !
Oups, i didn't noticed it  was possible to send a file haha my apologizes for the iceberge of text haha
This is my last log, i hope he will help you.
Ho and an other bug. At the mission where you need to collect apples, the screen freeze and impossible to go to the next one
Hi there, i saw your post on Steam and report bug. So now, it's ok, characters don't "auto-die" but..
After the mission when you save the gargoyle, a new bug appear. The lancer and crossbowman have weapons changed and
replaced by iron axed. Once more, the mission after, my bowman can't just use his weapon..
I post the log, the last one of 15/01/2015 at 11:13...

[spoiler]Version: 0.455.548   Date: 2015-0-15 (11 h 13 13' 208)

  0 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
  1 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
  2 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
  3 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 9; thisUnitValue = 1
  4 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 10 ), which deals 9 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is -3
  5 | running determineDamage()
  6 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Emma Strider with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 1
  7 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = -0.15
  8 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 7
  9 |   elevation bonus = 0
10 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 7
11 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 7
12 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
13 |   number before resistance modifiers: 7.
14 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 6
15 |   - final damage amount = 6
16 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
17 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
18 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
19 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
20 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 6; thisUnitValue = 0.9
21 | running detectGoodCounter() for Emma Strider; char[69].Counter = Sword
22 |    char[69].hasAttacked = 0; char[69].hasCountered = 0; char[69].counterLimit = 2
23 | char69 has a counterattack to use: Sword
24 | running addAttackTiles() in StartBattle class! mode = realAttackTilesCounter; dummyTiles.length = 0; targetingType = constrained
25 | running determineDamage()
26 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against None with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
27 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
28 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
29 |   elevation bonus = 0
30 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
31 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
32 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = flying
33 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
34 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
35 |   - final damage amount = 10
36 | running determineDamage()
37 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Bloodbeard's Bandit with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
38 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
39 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
40 |   elevation bonus = 0
41 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
42 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
43 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
44 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
45 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
46 |   - final damage amount = 10
47 | running determineDamage()
48 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
49 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
50 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
51 |   elevation bonus = 0
52 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
53 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
54 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
55 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
56 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 12
57 |   - final damage amount = 12
58 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 10 ), which deals 6 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 2.435172413793104
59 | running determineDamage()
60 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 2
61 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = -0.3
62 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 6
63 |   elevation bonus = 0
64 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 6
65 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 6
66 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
67 |   number before resistance modifiers: 6.
68 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 5
69 |   - final damage amount = 5
70 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
71 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
72 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
73 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
74 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 5; thisUnitValue = 0.95
75 | running detectGoodCounter() for Farasat Hashmal; char[72].Counter = Mind Blast
76 |    char[72].hasAttacked = 0; char[72].hasCountered = 0; char[72].counterLimit = 0
77 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 10 ), which deals 5 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 1.2
78 | running determineDamage()
79 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Emma Strider with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
80 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = 0
81 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 9
82 |   elevation bonus = 0
83 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 9
84 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 9
85 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
86 |   number before resistance modifiers: 9.
87 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 8
88 |   - final damage amount = 8
89 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
90 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
91 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
92 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
93 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 8; thisUnitValue = 0.9
94 | running detectGoodCounter() for Emma Strider; char[69].Counter = Sword
95 |    char[69].hasAttacked = 0; char[69].hasCountered = 0; char[69].counterLimit = 2
96 | char69 has a counterattack to use: Sword
97 | running addAttackTiles() in StartBattle class! mode = realAttackTilesCounter; dummyTiles.length = 0; targetingType = constrained
98 | running determineDamage()
99 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against None with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
100 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
101 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
102 |   elevation bonus = 0
103 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
104 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
105 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = flying
106 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
107 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
108 |   - final damage amount = 10
109 | running determineDamage()
110 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Bloodbeard's Bandit with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
111 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
112 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
113 |   elevation bonus = 0
114 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
115 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
116 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
117 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
118 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
119 |   - final damage amount = 10
120 | running determineDamage()
121 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
122 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
123 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
124 |   elevation bonus = 0
125 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
126 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
127 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
128 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
129 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 12
130 |   - final damage amount = 12
131 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 11 ), which deals 8 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 2.5868965517241382
132 | running determineDamage()
133 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 1
134 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = -0.15
135 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 7
136 |   elevation bonus = 0
137 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 7
138 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 7
139 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
140 |   number before resistance modifiers: 7.
141 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 6
142 |   - final damage amount = 6
143 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
144 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
145 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
146 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
147 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 6; thisUnitValue = 0.95
148 | running detectGoodCounter() for Farasat Hashmal; char[72].Counter = Mind Blast
149 |    char[72].hasAttacked = 0; char[72].hasCountered = 0; char[72].counterLimit = 0
150 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 11 ), which deals 6 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 1.25
151 | done picking space! destination = 5,5; now getting walk directions
152 | No viable move destinations; selecting alternative action?
153 | running selectAction()
154 |  - grab item sack, or else grab / capture the flag?
155 |    running checkForGrabAction()
156 |  - use items?
157 | running useInventoryChar() for char 68, Zimmer Thrawn
158 |      found no items currently worth using
159 |  - attack?
160 |  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
161 | running selectAttack()
162 | running determineDamage()
163 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Emma Strider with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
164 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = 0
165 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 9
166 |   elevation bonus = 0
167 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 9
168 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 9
169 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
170 |   number before resistance modifiers: 9.
171 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 8
172 |   - final damage amount = 8
173 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
174 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
175 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
176 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
177 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 8; thisUnitValue = 0.9
178 | running detectGoodCounter() for Emma Strider; char[69].Counter = Sword
179 |    char[69].hasAttacked = 0; char[69].hasCountered = 0; char[69].counterLimit = 2
180 | char69 has a counterattack to use: Sword
181 | running addAttackTiles() in StartBattle class! mode = realAttackTilesCounter; dummyTiles.length = 0; targetingType = constrained
182 | running determineDamage()
183 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against None with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
184 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
185 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
186 |   elevation bonus = 0
187 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
188 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
189 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = flying
190 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
191 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
192 |   - final damage amount = 10
193 | running determineDamage()
194 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Bloodbeard's Bandit with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
195 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
196 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
197 |   elevation bonus = 0
198 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
199 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
200 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
201 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
202 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 10
203 |   - final damage amount = 10
204 | running determineDamage()
205 | running calculateDamage() for Sword, from Emma Strider and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
206 |    - base amount = 10; extraDistModifier = 0
207 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 10
208 |   elevation bonus = 0
209 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 10
210 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 10
211 | running applyResistance(); element = Slash, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
212 |   number before resistance modifiers: 10.
213 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 12
214 |   - final damage amount = 12
215 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 11 ), which deals 8 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 2.5868965517241382
216 | running determineDamage()
217 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Farasat Hashmal with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 1
218 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = -0.15
219 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 7
220 |   elevation bonus = 0
221 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 7
222 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 7
223 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
224 |   number before resistance modifiers: 7.
225 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 6
226 |   - final damage amount = 6
227 | running applyResistance(); element = , causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType =
228 |   number before resistance modifiers: 0.
229 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
230 |   number before resistance modifiers: 1.
231 |    done calculating base dmg; eventualDmg = 6; thisUnitValue = 0.95
232 | running detectGoodCounter() for Farasat Hashmal; char[72].Counter = Mind Blast
233 |    char[72].hasAttacked = 0; char[72].hasCountered = 0; char[72].counterLimit = 0
234 |  -> calculated value of Bow from ( 29 , 11 ), which deals 6 damage and costs 0 out of 12, is 1.25
235 |        attack chosen: Pierce,Bow,9,0,2,4,0,0,1,0,0,1.5,1,0,0,0,None,Health,CanMove,single,Sparks,constrained,Normal,0,,,,-15,SFX[Bow Nocking:0],SFX[Bow Hit:24],VFX[Pierce:OnTargets:27],VFX[Arrow:TowardTargets:24],Piercing attack that doesn't end the turn.,0,0,equipped
236 | running removeTextOverlay(); calledBy = addTextOverlay()
237 | running determineDamage()
238 | running calculateDamage() for Bow, from Zimmer Thrawn and against Emma Strider with elevationBonus of 0% and extraDistance of 0
239 |    - base amount = 9; extraDistModifier = 0
240 |    - amount modified by dist falloff = 9
241 |   elevation bonus = 0
242 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation = 9
243 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags = 9
244 | running applyResistance(); element = Pierce, causesHeavy = false, targetMoveType = land
245 |   number before resistance modifiers: 9.
246 |    - amount modified by dist falloff, elevation, tags, and elem. resistance = 8
247 |   - final damage amount = 8
248 |  - - - - - -
249 | running prepAttack()! elevationBonus = 0
250 |      resetting endBattleDelay from 1 to 30
251 |      Bowman's Drain is 0
252 |      Bow's Cost is 0
253 |        char69 is on an attack space; char69 is the topmost char on space 29 , 13; char[69].Num = 69
254 | running checkCharAlliance(); alliancesType = Free-for-all; currChar = 68; potentialAlly = 69
255 | running readyLaunchAttack() for char 68, Zimmer the Bowman
256 | running checkForDialogTrigger(); triggerToCheckFor = OnCharAttacked, relatedData = Emma Strider,Hero,69,Zimmer Thrawn, triggeringCharNamesAndCoords =
257 |    triggererFullName = undefined
258 | running getString( CharToEscape )
259 |      varStr = Emma Strider
260 |    --- done checking currBattleDialog ---
261 |           foundDialogTrigger = false
262 |      done checking for OnCharAttacked and OnStat dialog; leftOverCharNames.length = 1; targetCharNames.length = 1
263 | running loadAttackAnims() for attack Bow
264 | running getVFXInfo() for attack Bow
265 |    checking SFX[Bow Nocking:0]; hasVFX? false
266 |    checking SFX[Bow Hit:24]; hasVFX? false
267 |    checking VFX[Pierce:OnTargets:27]; hasVFX? true
268 |    currVFX = Pierce,OnTargets,27
269 |    checking VFX[Arrow:TowardTargets:24]; hasVFX? true
270 |    currVFX = Arrow,TowardTargets,24
271 |       vfxInfo[0] = Pierce,OnTargets,27
272 |       vfxInfo[1] = Arrow,TowardTargets,24
273 | running loadVFX() for vfxToLoad = Pierce,OnTargets,27,Arrow,TowardTargets,24
274 |    vfxToLoad[0] = Pierce,OnTargets,27
275 |    vfxToLoad[1] = Arrow,TowardTargets,24
276 |       atkGraphicsToLoad = 2
277 | running newAnim( Bow ); currAnimType =
278 |    bmpDataURL = Data/Characters/Attacks/Bow/Bowman_M_Bow.png
279 | running loadSpriteSheet( Data/Characters/Attacks/Bow/Bowman_M_Bow.png )
280 | ....main loop paused while graphics load for char 68, Zimmer Thrawn the Bowman....
281 | app:/Data/Characters/Attacks/Bow/Bowman_M_Bow.png loaded within Char; maxFrames = 14; currAnimIsAttack = true; currAnimFrames = 42
282 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
283 | called graphicsLoaded(); gotCharGraphics = 2140 / 190 (app:/Data/Characters/Attacks/Bow/Bowman_M_Bow.png)
284 |      currAction = Attack; canLaunchAttack = true
285 |      1 atkGraphicsLoaded / 3 atkGraphicsToLoad
286 | called graphicsLoaded(); gotCharGraphics = 2141 / 190 (Data/Characters/Attacks/_VFX/Arrow.png)
287 |      currAction = Attack; canLaunchAttack = true
288 |      2 atkGraphicsLoaded / 3 atkGraphicsToLoad
289 | called graphicsLoaded(); gotCharGraphics = 2142 / 190 (Data/Characters/Attacks/_VFX/Pierce.png)
290 |      currAction = Attack; canLaunchAttack = true
291 |      3 atkGraphicsLoaded / 3 atkGraphicsToLoad
292 |      LOADED EVERYTHING! char[ charAttacking ].currAnimIsAttack = true
293 |       go to launch attack!
294 | running launchAttack() for char 68, Zimmer the Bowman
295 | running removeTextOverlay(); calledBy = launchAttack()
296 | running removeTextOverlay(); calledBy = addTextOverlay()
297 | running getSFXInfo() for attack Bow
298 |       sfxInfo[0] = Bow Nocking,0
299 |       sfxInfo[1] = Bow Hit,24
300 | running moveCamera(); pre-existing camQueue.length = 0; targetY = 1952 , targetX = 1019 , framesMoving = 10 , animDelay = 0 , hitFrame = 0 , concludeFrame = 0 , sfxInfo =
301 | CREATING ATTACK MOVE CAM: totalFrames = 42; impactFrame = -15; concludeFrame = 1
302 | running moveCamera(); pre-existing camQueue.length = 1; targetY = 1951 , targetX = 1095 , framesMoving = 37 , animDelay = 5 , hitFrame = -15 , concludeFrame = 42 , sfxInfo = Bow Nocking,0,Bow Hit,24
303 | running placeVFX() for Bow
304 | running getVFXInfo() for attack Bow
305 |    checking SFX[Bow Nocking:0]; hasVFX? false
306 |    checking SFX[Bow Hit:24]; hasVFX? false
307 |    checking VFX[Pierce:OnTargets:27]; hasVFX? true
308 |    currVFX = Pierce,OnTargets,27
309 |    checking VFX[Arrow:TowardTargets:24]; hasVFX? true
310 |    currVFX = Arrow,TowardTargets,24
311 |       vfxInfo[0] = Pierce,OnTargets,27
312 |       vfxInfo[1] = Arrow,TowardTargets,24
313 |    placing atkFXLoaders[0]: currFxName = Pierce, currLoader = [object SpriteSheetLoader], currLoader.currSpriteSheet = [object BitmapData]
314 |      placing Pierce VFX with spriteSheetData [object BitmapData] at 29,13
315 |        Pierce is at 1808 , 800
316 |    placing atkFXLoaders[1]: currFxName = Arrow, currLoader = [object SpriteSheetLoader], currLoader.currSpriteSheet = [object BitmapData]
317 |      placing Arrow VFX with spriteSheetData [object BitmapData] at 29,11
318 |      vfxContainer.frameHeight = 32; vfxContainer.frameWidth = 32; fxY = 1856, fxX = 720
319 |        Arrow is at 1856 , 720
320 | ---------------------------running addDelay( 114 )--------------------------
321 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
322 | char68, Zimmer the Bowman, facing Right, attacks with Bow!
323 |     The attack does 9 base damage.
324 |     The attack hits:
325 |         char69, Emma the Hero
326 |     Pre-existing damageQueue:
327 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
328 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
329 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
330 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
331 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
332 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
333 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
334 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
335 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
336 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
337 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
338 |      - done moving camera; time to splice the last camQueue entry
339 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
340 |              sfxArray[0] = Bow Nocking,0 -- PLAY!
341 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
342 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
343 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
344 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
345 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
346 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
347 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
348 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
349 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
350 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
351 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
352 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
353 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
354 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
355 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
356 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
357 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
358 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
359 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
360 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
361 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
362 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
363 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
364 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
365 |              sfxArray[1] = Bow Hit,0 -- PLAY!
366 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
367 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
368 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
369 | attack 0, launched by char 68, Zimmer the Bowman, has reached the hit frame -15 in camQueue (attack hits BEFORE end of cam movement)
370 |      char[68].Attacks[0] = Pierce,Bow,9,0,2,4,0,0,1,0,0,1.5,1,0,0,0,None,Health,CanMove,single,Sparks,constrained,Normal,0,,,,-15,SFX[Bow Nocking:0],SFX[Bow Hit:24],VFX[Pierce:OnTargets:27],VFX[Arrow:TowardTargets:24],Piercing attack that doesn't end the turn.,0,0,equipped
371 | running checkForAttackHit()
372 | element = Pierce, atkName = Bow, atkEffect = None, afterAttack = CanMove, moveType = Normal, knockback = 0
373 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - target 0: char 69, Emma the Hero - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
374 |     dieRoll = 6.281907728439324
375 |     Attacker is Blinded; modified die roll = -73.71809227156068
376 | running addFloatyDmgNumbers(); textArray = Blocked!,69,16776960
377 |     deferredDmg = false, movedTarget = false
378 | running checkEmptySpaceEffects()!
379 |       atkElement = Pierce, spaceType at 29 , 13 = Grass
380 | running dealDamage()
381 | running clearDeadChars()
382 | running packageCharNamesForDialog( 0 )    result: None,,None,18,4,Zimmer Thrawn
383 | running checkForDialogTrigger(); triggerToCheckFor = OnCharDeath, relatedData = , triggeringCharNamesAndCoords = None,,None,18,4,Zimmer Thrawn
384 |    triggererFullName = None
385 |   -------------------------------------------------
386 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Emma Strider ) against relatedData (  ) for line 0: OnCharDeath,-1,Emma Strider,Emma Strider,No!

Should have...trained harder. I'm sorry, Sabby...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Emma,Emma Strider,right,.../NewBranch/1,1,
387 |   -------------------------------------------------
388 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Emma Strider ) against relatedData (  ) for line 1: OnCharDeath,-1,Emma Strider,Emma Strider,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],KillChar/Emma Strider,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
389 |   -------------------------------------------------
390 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Sabrina Strider ) against relatedData (  ) for line 2: OnCharDeath,-1,Sabrina Strider,Sabrina Strider,Agh, no!... me, Emma...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Sabrina,Sabrina Strider,right,.../NewBranch/1,1,
391 |   -------------------------------------------------
392 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Sabrina Strider ) against relatedData (  ) for line 3: OnCharDeath,-1,Sabrina Strider,Sabrina Strider,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],KillChar/Sabrina Strider,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
393 |   -------------------------------------------------
394 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Louise Legerdemain ) against relatedData (  ) for line 4: OnCharDeath,-1,Louise Legerdemain,Louise Legerdemain,Cu...curses...

...Madeleine...what did I hire you for...?,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Louise,Louise Legerdemain,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
395 |   -------------------------------------------------
396 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Louise Legerdemain ) against relatedData (  ) for line 5: OnCharDeath,-1,Louise Legerdemain,Louise Legerdemain,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Louise Legerdemain,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Louise,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
397 |   -------------------------------------------------
398 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Madeleine Strongarm ) against relatedData (  ) for line 6: OnCharDeath,-1,Madeleine Strongarm,Madeleine Strongarm,,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Madeleine,Madeleine Strongarm,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/LouiseDead,=,1,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
399 |   -------------------------------------------------
400 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Madeleine Strongarm ) against relatedData (  ) for line 7: OnCharDeath,-1,Madeleine Strongarm,Madeleine Strongarm,Shit...

...well, we've all gotta go sometime. It's been a fun ride...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
401 |   -------------------------------------------------
402 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Madeleine Strongarm ) against relatedData (  ) for line 8: OnCharDeath,-1,Madeleine Strongarm,Madeleine Strongarm,Shit...

...well, we've all gotta go sometime. See you around, Louise; it's been fun...,,.../NewBranch/3,1,
403 |   -------------------------------------------------
404 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Madeleine Strongarm ) against relatedData (  ) for line 9: OnCharDeath,-1,Madeleine Strongarm,Louise Legerdemain,Madeleine? Madeleine?!,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Louise,Louise Legerdemain,left,Blue,.../NewBranch/4,1,
405 |   -------------------------------------------------
406 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Madeleine Strongarm ) against relatedData (  ) for line 10: OnCharDeath,-1,Madeleine Strongarm,Madeleine Strongarm,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Madeleine Strongarm,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Madeleine,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
407 |   -------------------------------------------------
408 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Farasat Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 11: OnCharDeath,-1,Farasat Hashmal,Farasat Hashmal,[Go to appropriate branch.],ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Farasat,Farasat Hashmal,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/GavrielleDead,=,1,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
409 |   -------------------------------------------------
410 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Farasat Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 12: OnCharDeath,-1,Farasat Hashmal,Farasat Hashmal,We have...failed...

I never should have taken Gavrielle with me...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
411 |   -------------------------------------------------
412 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Farasat Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 13: OnCharDeath,-1,Farasat Hashmal,Farasat Hashmal,I have failed...

But Gavrielle...yet lives...,,.../NewBranch/3,1,
413 |   -------------------------------------------------
414 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Farasat Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 14: OnCharDeath,-1,Farasat Hashmal,Gavrielle Hashmal,Brother! No!!!

Don't you dare die on me...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Gavrielle,Gavrielle Hashmal,left,Blue,.../NewBranch/4,1,
415 |   -------------------------------------------------
416 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Farasat Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 15: OnCharDeath,-1,Farasat Hashmal,Farasat Hashmal,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Farasat Hashmal,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Farasat,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
417 |   -------------------------------------------------
418 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Gavrielle Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 16: OnCharDeath,-1,Gavrielle Hashmal,Gavrielle Hashmal,[Go to appropriate branch.],ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Gavrielle,Gavrielle Hashmal,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/FarasatDead,=,1,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
419 |   -------------------------------------------------
420 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Gavrielle Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 17: OnCharDeath,-1,Gavrielle Hashmal,Gavrielle Hashmal,Oh, damn. Damn. Didn't see...that one coming...

...I'll be with you soon, brother...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
421 |   -------------------------------------------------
422 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Gavrielle Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 18: OnCharDeath,-1,Gavrielle Hashmal,Gavrielle Hashmal,Oh, damn. Damn. Didn't see...that one coming...

I tried, Farasat...,,.../NewBranch/3,1,
423 |   -------------------------------------------------
424 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Gavrielle Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 19: OnCharDeath,-1,Gavrielle Hashmal,Farasat Hashmal,Gavrielle! Sister!!!

...sweet Yawah, no...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Gavrielle,Farasat Hashmal,left,Blue,.../NewBranch/4,1,
425 |   -------------------------------------------------
426 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Gavrielle Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 20: OnCharDeath,-1,Gavrielle Hashmal,Gavrielle Hashmal,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Gavrielle Hashmal,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Gavrielle,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
427 |   -------------------------------------------------
428 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Scarlet Etoile ) against relatedData (  ) for line 21: OnCharDeath,-1,Scarlet Etoile,Scarlet Etoile,If I must meet my end, then I will meet it...with dignity...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Scarlet,Scarlet Etoile,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
429 |   -------------------------------------------------
430 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Scarlet Etoile ) against relatedData (  ) for line 22: OnCharDeath,-1,Scarlet Etoile,Scarlet Etoile,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Scarlet Etoile,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Scarlet,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
431 |   -------------------------------------------------
432 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Lakshmi Bana ) against relatedData (  ) for line 23: OnCharDeath,-1,Lakshmi Bana,Lakshmi Bana,D...damn...

I guess this all had to end sooner or later...I just wish it'd been later...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Lakshmi,Lakshmi Bana,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
433 |   -------------------------------------------------
434 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Lakshmi Bana ) against relatedData (  ) for line 24: OnCharDeath,-1,Lakshmi Bana,Lakshmi Bana,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Lakshmi Bana,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Lakshmi,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
435 |   -------------------------------------------------
436 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Zimmer Thrawn ) against relatedData (  ) for line 25: OnCharDeath,-1,Zimmer Thrawn,Zimmer Thrawn,I regret...nothing...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Zimmer,Zimmer Thrawn,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
437 |   -------------------------------------------------
438 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Zimmer Thrawn ) against relatedData (  ) for line 26: OnCharDeath,-1,Zimmer Thrawn,Zimmer Thrawn,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Zimmer Thrawn,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Zimmer,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
439 |   -------------------------------------------------
440 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Meridian ) against relatedData (  ) for line 27: OnCharDeath,-1,Meridian,Meridian,W-what a cruel world...I hope the next one's better...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Meridian,Meridian,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
441 |   -------------------------------------------------
442 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Meridian ) against relatedData (  ) for line 28: OnCharDeath,-1,Meridian,Meridian,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Meridian,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Meridian,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
443 |   -------------------------------------------------
444 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Rebecca Flare ) against relatedData (  ) for line 29: OnCharDeath,-1,Rebecca Flare,Rebecca Flare,D-defeated? Me? There must be...some mistake...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Rebecca,Rebecca Flare,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
445 |   -------------------------------------------------
446 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Rebecca Flare ) against relatedData (  ) for line 30: OnCharDeath,-1,Rebecca Flare,Rebecca Flare,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Rebecca Flare,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Rebecca,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
447 |   -------------------------------------------------
448 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Teresa Dayo ) against relatedData (  ) for line 31: OnCharDeath,-1,Teresa Dayo,Teresa Dayo,[Go to appropriate branch.],ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Teresa,Teresa Dayo,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/FarasatDead,=,1,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
449 |   -------------------------------------------------
450 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Teresa Dayo ) against relatedData (  ) for line 32: OnCharDeath,-1,Teresa Dayo,Teresa Dayo,Is this it? I still had so much left I...wanted to do...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
451 |   -------------------------------------------------
452 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Teresa Dayo ) against relatedData (  ) for line 33: OnCharDeath,-1,Teresa Dayo,Teresa Dayo,Is this it? I still had so much left I...wanted to do...

Goodbye, Phoebe...,,.../NextBranch/,1,
453 |   -------------------------------------------------
454 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Teresa Dayo ) against relatedData (  ) for line 34: OnCharDeath,-1,Teresa Dayo,Phoebe Wittler,Teresa? Teresa!,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Phoebe,Phoebe Wittler,left,Blue,.../NextBranch/,1,
455 |   -------------------------------------------------
456 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Teresa Dayo ) against relatedData (  ) for line 35: OnCharDeath,-1,Teresa Dayo,Teresa Dayo,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Teresa Dayo,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Teresa,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
457 |   -------------------------------------------------
458 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Phoebe Wittler ) against relatedData (  ) for line 36: OnCharDeath,-1,Phoebe Wittler,Phoebe Wittler,[Go to appropriate branch.],ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Phoebe,Phoebe Wittler,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/FarasatDead,=,1,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
459 |   -------------------------------------------------
460 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Phoebe Wittler ) against relatedData (  ) for line 37: OnCharDeath,-1,Phoebe Wittler,Phoebe Wittler,I've often wondered what it would feel like to die. The trickles in like water...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
461 |   -------------------------------------------------
462 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Phoebe Wittler ) against relatedData (  ) for line 38: OnCharDeath,-1,Phoebe Wittler,Phoebe Wittler,I've often wondered what it would feel like to die. The trickles in like water...,,.../NextBranch/,1,
463 |   -------------------------------------------------
464 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Phoebe Wittler ) against relatedData (  ) for line 39: OnCharDeath,-1,Phoebe Wittler,Teresa Dayo,No, no no no—Phoebe! We still have to go exploring the ruins together, remember?! Oh god, don't die...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Teresa,Teresa Dayo,left,Blue,.../NextBranch/,1,
465 |   -------------------------------------------------
466 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Phoebe Wittler ) against relatedData (  ) for line 40: OnCharDeath,-1,Phoebe Wittler,Phoebe Wittler,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Phoebe Wittler,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Phoebe,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
467 |   -------------------------------------------------
468 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 41: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,, [Pick correct variation of her death monologue.],IfStringGoTo/CurrScene,Battle with Malcolm,1,GoTo/4,.../NextBranch/,1,
469 |   -------------------------------------------------
470 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 42: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,Harriet Glaive,Malcolm, you pusillanimous fecal sac...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Harriet,Harriet Glaive,right,Blue,LightPortrait/Harriet,LavaLight,.../NextBranch/,1,
471 |   -------------------------------------------------
472 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 43: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,Harriet Glaive,Looks like you won...after all...,MovePortrait/Harriet,120,0,90,FadePortrait/Harriet,50,90,SetString/DyingChar,Harriet Glaive,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Harriet,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/KillCharacter,.../NextBranch,1,
473 |   -------------------------------------------------
474 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 44: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,Harriet Glaive,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],NextScene/,.../NextScene,1,
475 |   -------------------------------------------------
476 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 45: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,Harriet Glaive,Malcolm, you pusillanimous fecal this what you wanted?

Looks like you won...after all...,SetString/CurrScene,-SCENE-,IfStringGoTo/CurrScene,Battle with Malcolm,2,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Harriet,Harriet Glaive,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NextBranch/,1,
477 |   -------------------------------------------------
478 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harriet Glaive ) against relatedData (  ) for line 46: OnCharDeath,-1,Harriet Glaive,Harriet Glaive,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Harriet Glaive,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Harriet,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
479 |   -------------------------------------------------
480 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Tremolo Phalanges ) against relatedData (  ) for line 47: OnCharDeath,-1,Tremolo Phalanges,Tremolo Phalanges,What cruel irony...stealin' the rest of a thief's life away...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Tremolo,Tremolo Phalanges,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
481 |   -------------------------------------------------
482 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Tremolo Phalanges ) against relatedData (  ) for line 48: OnCharDeath,-1,Tremolo Phalanges,Tremolo Phalanges,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Tremolo Phalanges,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Tremolo,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
483 |   -------------------------------------------------
484 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harynx ) against relatedData (  ) for line 49: OnCharDeath,-1,Harynx,Harynx,Oh...I'm feeling so...very tired...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Harynx,Harynx,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
485 |   -------------------------------------------------
486 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Harynx ) against relatedData (  ) for line 50: OnCharDeath,-1,Harynx,Harynx,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Harynx,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Harynx,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
487 |   -------------------------------------------------
488 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Lord Dakarai ) against relatedData (  ) for line 51: OnCharDeath,-1,Lord Dakarai,Lord Dakarai,Lord...Da...kaaaa...rrrrrrrrr.,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Lord Dakarai,Lord Dakarai,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
489 |   -------------------------------------------------
490 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Lord Dakarai ) against relatedData (  ) for line 52: OnCharDeath,-1,Lord Dakarai,Lord Dakarai,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Lord Dakarai,SetString/DyingCharFirst,LordDakarai,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
491 |   -------------------------------------------------
492 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Silithis Predat ) against relatedData (  ) for line 53: OnCharDeath,-1,Silithis Predat,Silithis Predat,Si arimat sas si-dama-duurat...asit Ambuur Zaris...asit ze ka...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Silithis Predat,Silithis Predat,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
493 |   -------------------------------------------------
494 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Silithis Predat ) against relatedData (  ) for line 54: OnCharDeath,-1,Silithis Predat,Silithis Predat,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Silithis Predat,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Silithis,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
495 |   -------------------------------------------------
496 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Des Serret ) against relatedData (  ) for line 55: OnCharDeath,-1,Des Serret,Des Serret,Oso!

Si-dama-ho...azis zesit ho. Ferat duur...,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Des Serret,Des Serret,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
497 |   -------------------------------------------------
498 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Des Serret ) against relatedData (  ) for line 56: OnCharDeath,-1,Des Serret,Des Serret,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Des Serret,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Des,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
499 |   -------------------------------------------------
500 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Hee'la ) against relatedData (  ) for line 57: OnCharDeath,-1,Hee'la,Hee'la,Omisigah...

501 |   -------------------------------------------------
502 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Hee'la ) against relatedData (  ) for line 58: OnCharDeath,-1,Hee'la,Hee'la,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Hee'la,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Hee'la,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
503 |   -------------------------------------------------
504 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Naila Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 59: OnCharDeath,-1,Naila Hashmal,Naila Hashmal,REPLACE WITH ACTUAL DIALOG.,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Naila,Naila Hashmal,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
505 |   -------------------------------------------------
506 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Naila Hashmal ) against relatedData (  ) for line 60: OnCharDeath,-1,Naila Hashmal,Naila Hashmal,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Naila Hashmal,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Naila,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
507 |   -------------------------------------------------
508 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Edwin Gabbergast ) against relatedData (  ) for line 61: OnCharDeath,-1,Edwin Gabbergast,Edwin Gabbergast,[Go to appropriate branch.],ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Edwin,Edwin Gabbergast,right,Blue,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,4,IfValGoTo/ScarletDead,=,1,1,IfValGoTo/RecruitedScarlet,=,0,1,GoTo/2,.../NewBranch/1,1,
509 |   -------------------------------------------------
510 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Edwin Gabbergast ) against relatedData (  ) for line 62: OnCharDeath,-1,Edwin Gabbergast,Edwin Gabbergast,Bloody hell. I've had a bad run lately...haven't I...,,.../NewBranch/4,1,
511 |   -------------------------------------------------
512 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Edwin Gabbergast ) against relatedData (  ) for line 63: OnCharDeath,-1,Edwin Gabbergast,Edwin Gabbergast,Bloody hell. I've had a bad run lately...haven't I...,,.../NextBranch/,1,
513 |   -------------------------------------------------
514 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Edwin Gabbergast ) against relatedData (  ) for line 64: OnCharDeath,-1,Edwin Gabbergast,Scarlet Etoile,Edwin! No!!!,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Scarlet,Scarlet Etoile,left,Blue,.../NextBranch/,1,
515 |   -------------------------------------------------
516 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Edwin Gabbergast ) against relatedData (  ) for line 65: OnCharDeath,-1,Edwin Gabbergast,Edwin Gabbergast,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Edwin Gabbergast,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Edwin,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
517 |   -------------------------------------------------
518 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Oliver Spenks ) against relatedData (  ) for line 66: OnCharDeath,-1,Oliver Spenks,Oliver Spenks,REPLACE WITH ACTUAL DIALOG.,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Oliver,Oliver Spenks,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
519 |   -------------------------------------------------
520 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Oliver Spenks ) against relatedData (  ) for line 67: OnCharDeath,-1,Oliver Spenks,Oliver Spenks,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Oliver Spenks,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Oliver,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
521 |   -------------------------------------------------
522 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Sarn Kamina ) against relatedData (  ) for line 68: OnCharDeath,-1,Sarn Kamina,Sarn Kamina,REPLACE WITH ACTUAL DIALOG.,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Sarn,Sarn Kamina,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
523 |   -------------------------------------------------
524 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Sarn Kamina ) against relatedData (  ) for line 69: OnCharDeath,-1,Sarn Kamina,Sarn Kamina,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Sarn Kamina,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Sarn,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
525 |   -------------------------------------------------
526 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Siripent ) against relatedData (  ) for line 70: OnCharDeath,-1,Siripent,Siripent,REPLACE WITH ACTUAL DIALOG.,ClearPortraits/,AddPortrait/Siripent,Siripent,right,IfStringGoTo/DeathMode,Casual,1,.../NewBranch/1,1,
527 |   -------------------------------------------------
528 |   checking String(convertedParams) ( -1,Siripent ) against relatedData (  ) for line 71: OnCharDeath,-1,Siripent,Siripent,[Player should not see this; CheckForMoreDialog is in the Actions.],SetString/DyingChar,Siripent,SetString/DyingCharFirst,Siripent,SetVal/DyingY,=,-Y-,SetVal/DyingX,=,-X-,Run/ApplyDeathMode,CheckForMoreDialog/,.../EndConv,1,
529 | running getString( CharToEscape )
530 |      varStr = Emma Strider
531 |    --- done checking currBattleDialog ---
532 |           foundDialogTrigger = false
533 |      going through and auto-removing any dead characters without a dying monologue!
534 |        gainedExp = false; charAttacking = 68; chosenAttack = 0
535 | running applyExperience() for char 68
536 | running swimmingPenalties()
537 | running levelUpChars()
539 | finished running clearDeadChars(); chosenAttack = 0
540 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
541 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
542 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
543 | returning to rest pose internally, within Char!
544 | running newAnim( Rest ); currAnimType = Bow
545 |    bmpDataURL = Data/Characters/Rest/Bowman_M_Rest.png
546 | running loadSpriteSheet( Data/Characters/Rest/Bowman_M_Rest.png )
547 | ....main loop paused while graphics load for char 68, Zimmer Thrawn the Bowman....
548 | app:/Data/Characters/Rest/Bowman_M_Rest.png loaded within Char; maxFrames = 1; currAnimIsAttack = false; currAnimFrames = 42
549 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
550 | called graphicsLoaded(); gotCharGraphics = 2143 / 190 (app:/Data/Characters/Rest/Bowman_M_Rest.png)
551 |      currAction = Attack; canLaunchAttack = false
552 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
553 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
554 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
555 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
556 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
557 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
558 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
559 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
560 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
561 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
562 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
563 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
564 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 41
565 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
566 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 40
567 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
568 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 39
569 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
570 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 38
571 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
572 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 37
573 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
574 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 36
575 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
576 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 35
577 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
578 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 34
579 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
580 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 33
581 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
582 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 32
583 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
584 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 31
585 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
586 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 30
587 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
588 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 29
589 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
590 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 28
591 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
592 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 27
593 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
594 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 26
595 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
596 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 25
597 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
598 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 24
599 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
600 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 23
601 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
602 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 22
603 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
604 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 21
605 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
606 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 20
607 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
608 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 19
609 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
610 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 18
611 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
612 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 17
613 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
614 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 16
615 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
616 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 15
617 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
618 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 14
619 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
620 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 13
621 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
622 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 12
623 | running addStatusIndicators( Blinded )
624 |  . counting down attack camera; frames remaining until impact: -15; frames remaining until conclusion: 11
625 | runni