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Topics - TheBouncingBunny

Telepath Tactics Bugs / Missing save files
April 24, 2015, 12:22:06 PM
I updated to 1.02, and my saved files are all missing now....  :o
So right now to do custom art for a campaign, we'd need to have it in the root data folder, correct? This can be a bit odd if someone wants to uninstall someone's campaign, as they'd have to hunt for all the extra art. Also, if someone wants to have alternative art for something, people would have to replace their files and possibly mess up other campaigns.

Perhaps campaign folders could have their own data folder. The game could look for files in that data folder first, and then go to the default folder if the file doesn't exist. That way any art is easily uninstalled, and alternative art wouldn't have to replace all other campaigns.
Telepath Tactics Bugs / A couple minor bugs
April 23, 2015, 03:06:09 PM
The assassin's Awareness skill is needlessly set to unlimited, making it really easy to exploit for unlimited XP. I know there are other cheesy ways of exploiting XP (like non-weapon attacks vs allies + healing), but this one has no reason to not be once per turn anyway

The steamthopter doesn't disable flying when it's unequipped or traded away. You can equip it, fly, then put your regular off-hand item back on, give it to an adjacent character, and keep repeating this process. This can also be done with a couple other useful items as well (like the sprinting boots, switching back to defensive boots, passing the sprinting boots on). Maybe some sort of flag that says if you use a skill granted by an item you can't unequip that item?