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Messages - Ertxiem

Politics / Re: Socialism vs. Capitalism
February 26, 2021, 05:19:39 AM
Adding to this discussion, I would like to point out that the natural resources of each country also play a role in determining each country's "level of richness". And note that what constitutes a "good" natural resource changes over time, e. g., a couple of centuries ago, oil was not as valuable as today, or during the Roman empire salt was quite expensive so much that it was used as payment (and it's the root of the word salary).

Moreover, there are also distinct types of capitalism, with different styles of state involvement.

As in everything in life, I believe that the optimum point lies between Socialism and Capitalism.
General Discussion / Re: newbie questions
February 24, 2021, 06:35:35 AM
Welcome to the forums, Gabriel!
And in KZ's style:
Quote from: KZRead the rules, use proper grammar and punctuation, play the games, share your ideas and enjoy your stay!

Quote from: bugfartboy on February 22, 2021, 11:24:58 PM
Quote from: GabrielRaper on February 22, 2021, 08:16:09 PM
Is it some special title that you can only get under special circumstances?
With great power, comes great responsibility. The circumstances are so special that Craig (the forum owner/administrator/wonderful game designer) has only ever granted the position to two users. (At least as far as I can remember, in the couple of decades I've been here. Was there ever a mod other than KZ on the old forums? Ert wasn't promoted until the new forums, right?)

I don't remember nobody before KZ being a mod. And if I recall correctly, I was promoted after KZ told Craig that he would be unable to keep being active as before.
True Messiah / Re: End of the World sale
November 02, 2020, 06:53:32 AM
Again, you only need to believe that it is satisfying! :P
True Messiah / Re: End of the World sale
October 31, 2020, 05:06:56 AM
I agree with that line of though, and I have a strong faith that it should be enough to believe that Together in Battle is finished.  :P
Congrats on the approval of your Steam page!

On a different note, were you applying some corona-virus safety measures to the particles? :P
Quote from: CraigStern on March 12, 2020, 05:29:57 PM
-- 2D particle effects now have an optional "enforce minimum distance" attribute that prevents them from randomly spawning clustered too close together
General Discussion / Rounding numbers
February 07, 2020, 06:31:31 PM
While reading the post regarding rounding of numbers:
Quote from: CraigStern on February 07, 2020, 05:21:48 PM
-- fixed: Unity was rounding 0.5 down to 0 instead of up to 1, which is apparently because Mathf.RoundToInt() just uses C#'s default rounding, which was designed for banks and not for games.
I recalled that I learned in school the rule to round to the nearest number, with ties going to the even number. I used it in Physics, Chemistry and Statistics.

Curiosity drove me to take a look at Wikipedia. I was able to find that the reported oldest recommendation of rounding to the nearest number, with ties going to the even number was in a book from 1906. Several names are being used for this type of rounding: convergent rounding, statistician's rounding, Dutch rounding, Gaussian rounding, odd–even rounding, or bankers' rounding (this last term having a bit obscure origin, since there is no strong reference about banks using it).
General Discussion / Re: Ask the developer a question!
December 17, 2018, 05:59:04 PM
Quote from: CraigStern on December 14, 2018, 04:27:51 PM
-- new special character: -DAYOFTHEWEEK-. Returns an integer value between 0 and 6 representing whatever day of the week it currently is in-game.
I was wondering out of curiosity: how easy would it be to have custom durations for "months" and "weeks"?
For instance, would it be possible to have a month with 6 weeks with 5 days each?


General Discussion / Re: Ask the developer a question!
December 13, 2018, 05:05:43 PM
I like that idea. While I was reading it, I wondered, have you considered to have characters in love? It may not affect their stats, but it could have some consequences like the pair wishing to be together.

Regarding you being sick, I wonder where I got that idea.
General Discussion / Re: Ask the developer a question!
December 13, 2018, 08:47:14 AM
I wonder how you got the idea to add the possibility of the characters being sick. Any recent event, perhaps?  :)
Quote from: CraigStern on December 10, 2018, 05:26:19 PM
-- wrote new event: Sick (a character comes down with an illness for 1-3 weeks).

Season greetings
True Messiah / Re: SUCCESS!
April 17, 2018, 08:33:42 AM
General Discussion / Re: Ask the developer a question!
October 11, 2017, 06:26:09 AM
Just a small provocation:  :)

Regarding the new game, you worte:
Quote from: CraigStern on October 10, 2017, 04:31:22 PM
-- came up with a calendar system (the game world features a 10-month calendar, with each month 36 days in length)

So, I deduct that in the game, the full Moon will occur each 36 days, instead of the usual 29.53 days (the synodic month, currently on Earth).
Together in Battle / Re: A new engine!
March 20, 2017, 05:57:40 PM
Quote from: CraigStern on January 19, 2017, 03:23:42 PM
At the start of a player's turn, the game now finds the average of all coordinates for characters on that player's army, finds all such characters within 6 spaces of there, and then pans to the coordinates closest to the average of those characters' coordinates. (In short, it pans to a group of characters that are close to the average point of all characters in the army.) If the game can't find such a group (i.e. because the units are spread out exclusively in various far-flung corners of the map), it just picks the first character in that player's roster and pans over to him or her.

I was reading older posts here and I thought about a suggestion to an alternative way of selecting the initial point to look at.

Averages sometimes behave in unexpected ways. E.g., if you have your army split in two similar sized groups, the average position would lie in no man's land. If one of the groups is rather scattered, it may happen that the camera will focus on a lonely character.

An alternative would be to pan on the character that has the most units (allies, or allies + enemies) in a neighbourhood (say a square of a given size centred in that character).
Together in Battle / Re: What's this?
July 09, 2016, 05:36:18 PM
I agree that perspective seems nicer.
However, it seems that if you zoom out a bit in the orthographic projection you'll get almost the same thing.
Together in Battle / Re: What's this?
June 16, 2016, 06:13:43 PM
Is it allergy to...[spoiler]humans[/spoiler]?
Together in Battle / Re: What's this?
June 05, 2016, 05:57:38 PM
It seems that a new game is being woven...
It's sparkling my curiosity.