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Messages - Elvin

Telepath Tactics Bugs / Re: Adobe Air on Fresh Install
August 22, 2015, 08:37:37 AM
I'm also having problems with the latest Adobe AIR. I decided to investigate, and found a couple of possible problems. In the \Telepath Tactics\META-INF\AIR\application.xml, you reference the Adobe AIR 17 namespace, however the latest version of AIR is version 18. You also seem to have released version 1.043, but this XML references 1.042 still. I really don't want to reinstall anything more than I have to, as my internet is averaging 100 kb/s, so I'll wait on actualyl doing any problem solving steps until I hear of a solution that worked.
Sure, here's the log at a point where I can only occasionally manage to move the camera, and not by much in any one motion.
My monitor has a resolution of 25560x1440, a 16:9 ratio, and have just restarted after finding out my save that I upgraded using 1.04 is still broken and unusable. When I play the game with FullScreen and Scaling ticked, I end up with a very zoomed0in view, as seen in the first attached photo. I am also unable to see the action box, so cannot e.g. open the menu, as for some reason that isn't bound to a key. I also cannot pan the view to the left or right, despite me knowing that the map is much larger than the current segment visible.

Turning off scaling in full screen yields the second picture. I am now able to see the action menu, but I still cannot scroll the game left or right, chopping off the leftmost section of the map. So still unusable.

Turning off fullscreen altogether yields the third screenshot. It gives me what I consider a very zoomed-in view of the battlefield, meaning I have to pan around a lot to make sense of the battlefield. This is okay on the small map I'm on, but when I get to the larger ones later will be unbearable. I tried to press the Windows "fullscreen" button, but this caused more bugs in the game - panning becomes sluggish, sometmes completely unresponsive until I click around a bit. There's a large black area to the right side of the now fullscreened window. And every time I move a unit the view drags itself far off to the right of what I'd expect.

Please note that the pictures had to be downsized heavily, as even in .jpeg they were too big, even the zips went over the size limits...

I'll reiterate my request from the last time: Could we please have 1.038 back? Perhaps make use of Steam's Beta Patch feature, which lets you put up whatever you want in the form of an opt-in field in the properties of the game, and put that last stable patch up? I just want to play your game. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for investigating. The XML save could well be wrong, but is there a second error in "Attacks.xml"? When I press to start the battle, I see errors that read "Attack Spearman was not in Attacks.xml on scene start". Looking at the relevant Attacks.xml for the campaign, it looks like the game is attempting to load an attack that is named after the unit, rather than the name of the weapon, at least from my initial impression of how you've set out Attacks.xml.

I am on Steam, and have updated to 1.04. I pressed the "convert save files", and yet I am still seeing exactly the same list of problems:

  • The scaling is broken, only displaying the top half or so of the battlefield, and not allowing me to pan around
  • Most items are still this odd "placeholder" item type that is just their name, a number and if they've been equipped
  • New: I cannot exit from the Manage Inventory screen before deployment
  • I'm still seeing the failure to load messages when I start the battle

I've attached the newly created XML save file, but I haven't tested if it actually is using this one or not by e.g. randomly editing it.

So it seems there's been a path 1.039, which Steam game to me today, the 5th August, despite the developer's log saying it was released on the 16th July. Either way, I now seem to be running 1.039 and it has broken several things about the new game I started two days ago, just as I was coming back to this after hoping all the bugs that destroyed my last game were fixed.

First, the full-screen scaling was turned on by default, and despite me running in 2560x1440, i.e. 16:9 as mentioned in the Dev's Notes thread, when I loaded the battle I'm at the screen was horrifically broken, in that I could not see most of the deployment positions of my characters, and I could not pan the screen in any way. I tried pressing "done" to end deployment, but then I was unable to see the action box, so could not open the menu to quit the game (why doesn't esc open the menu anyway?). This forced a ctrl-alt-delete of the process.

Next thing I noticed, after turning off the screen scaling, was that most of my equipment was broken - specifically, everyone who had any equipped items. They appeared as blank squares, with the name of the item instead of the picture. The tooltips also read as e.g. "Iron Sword 0 equipped to weapon hand", rather than the usual strength boost, uses left ,etc. This prevented most of my characters from attacking. Attempting to unequip a sword sent the character to -100 health...

The third problem is a bunch of "load warning errors" popup, with text like "Attacking spearman not present in XML". There were about 5 such messages, which I believe corresponds to the number of enemies on the screen.

So it looks like, for me at least, the game is currently unplayable, which is sad because I really wanted to finsih it this time, and not run into the slow down and item swapping bugs. I don't suppose its in any way possible to just get back to 1.038? That seemed stable.

Telepath Tactics Bugs / Re: Equipment bug?
May 05, 2015, 12:39:15 PM
That's not quite the case though; it seems that the maces that all of the lissit should have are no longer anywhere to be seen. This includes the named mace that the high level lissit had. Are they gone forever now?
Telepath Tactics Bugs / Re: Equipment bug?
May 04, 2015, 08:05:05 AM
I'm seeing something very similar on that same level, however the problem is much worse for me. It seems that all my characters have had their equipments swapped around e.g. my Hero characters have equipped a Power Orb, the big lizard man has a full set of equipped steel armour. Several characters have weapons they normally couldn't use equipped (e.g. one of the lissit has a bow). I also notice that NONE of the lissit ( except for the one right at the north of the map)  had a mace of any description. The only one I have on me is a rusty mace I picked up in the tombs. It seems the NPC merchant character has also aquired some of my team's equipment; I doubt he was supposed to have any metal equipment, nor an equipped lance.

I have seen this happen before, where characters seemed to swap equipments on game reloads, but I can't honestly say exactly what causes it. I think I hit some form of item duplication glitch early on in the campaign (a couple of weeks ago, I think I saw it was fixed in one of the patches) which might have screwed things up.

Is there a way to restore the proper equipment of the lissit, and reset who is supposed to have what?