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Messages - Sonicjumper

An additional feature I am trying to implement in my campaign: my basic idea is that a certain character has several abilities that allow him to "transform" into another creature with certain abilities and stats(and a different sprite of course). Several different transformations exist, and he needs to be able to "save" his stats between transformations(will still have same health, energy, resistance, etc.). Since I don't have the map editor I'm missing a lot of the "Dialog" part of the campaign, but here's my attempt at a solution:

Since there is no way for an attack to directly change the class, appearance, or other attacks of a character, I found the "Dialog" section of the manual, with which I can set triggers and use them to run scripts which change my character.

One such trigger, called "OnAttackSelect" can be used to watch for a specific attack to be used(this attack is specific to the character using it), and run a script containing several actions as follows:

There is an action called "ChangeCharClass nameOfChar,nameOfClass,nameOfSprites" which can be used to change the name and appearance of the character. Another action, "TeachAttack" can teach an Attack to a character. A third action, "SetStat" can be used to modify or set the health, energy, etc. of the character in case the transformation adds some stat bonus.

Possible issues with this method seem to be that there is no way to "remove" an attack from a character, at least not with any actions I have looked over. For anyone who has some experience working with scripts/dialog actions, do you think this method will work successfully? Are there any other problems that I'm not seeing that could be an issue?
That's pretty much exactly what I was looking for, some way to "identify" the user so they heal instead of take damage. If the bug with raising above the maximum health doesn't get fixed I'll find a new method, maybe just a different action that heals separately. I've tried adding the tag to the CharClass xml and here's what I have.

<Char charname="Young/Tidus" spritetype="VillagerBoy" portrait="Villager Child_M" race="Human" sex="Male" classname="Dreamer" move="land" hurtParticle="Sparks" shadowType="Small" shadowY="32" charY="16" lighting="" ctr="Sword" onDeath="None" defaultAtkAnim="Cast" atk1="Dream" atk2="" atk3="" atk4="" atk5="" atk6="" atk7="" atk8="" hp="22" en="10" spd="4" ctrLimit="1" dodge="0" str="0" per="5" psyP="4" psyD="4" prcRes="0" slshRes="0" crshRes="0" mnRes="0" htRes="0" cdRes="0" ltRes="0" shRes="0" poiRes="0" acc="100" lvl="1" exp="0" pushable="true" tags="ModDmgForClass,*:-1:Dreamer">

And even without using the class dependency, another working solution(and probably better for what I want) is:

<Char charname="Young/Tidus" spritetype="VillagerBoy" portrait="Villager Child_M" race="Human" sex="Male" classname="Dreamer" move="land" hurtParticle="Sparks" shadowType="Small" shadowY="32" charY="16" lighting="" ctr="Sword" onDeath="None" defaultAtkAnim="Cast" atk1="Dream" atk2="" atk3="" atk4="" atk5="" atk6="" atk7="" atk8="" hp="22" en="10" spd="4" ctrLimit="1" dodge="0" str="0" per="5" psyP="4" psyD="4" prcRes="0" slshRes="0" crshRes="0" mnRes="0" htRes="0" cdRes="0" ltRes="0" shRes="0" poiRes="0" acc="100" lvl="1" exp="0" pushable="true" tags="ID[500], ModDmgForTag,*:-1:ID[500]">

Though I am not sure how to do multiple tags, since I can't find an example of it in the game's campaign. My worry about this method is that any damage inflicted on the user will actually heal, though in this instance it isn't a problem because this character doesn't ever have any other skills.

Edit: I noticed using a combination like you suggested, an ID on my character and the ModDmgForTag,*:-1:ID[500] on the skill, would cause only that skill to have the modified damage, not all damage caused by that character.

Edit of the Edit: I can't seem to add a tag like this to my attack, or is the "addsTags" just for items:

I'm creating a new attack for my campaign in the Attacks.xml file, called "dream". It's a mental attack that deals omnidirectional mental damage and heals the user, however I cannot figure out how to put both functions into the same attack. If a make an attack like "Feedback", a "Mental" element attack with the selfHealFactor variable equal to 1, the attack will heal the character, but then the attack will not do any damage unless the caster is damaged(same as Feedback). If I make the attack a "Shield" element, then the attack will heal whoever it targets, not damage them. I need some way to both deal damage and heal the caster in the same attack, with both functions independent of each other(meaning the damage isn't dependent on how much it heals, and the healing isn't dependent on how much damage is dealt).

Here is my current attack in the XML file, any pointers on what to do?
<Atk elem="Mental" name="Dream" d="0" cst="1" minRng="0" maxRng="0" shkMag="0" shkTim="0" strD="0" powD="2" defD="0" backstabFactor="1" sidestabFactor="1" selfHealFactor="0.5" selfFocusFactor="0" accMod="0" statFX="None" affects="Health" afterAtk="EndTurn" AOE="omnidirectional" particles="Sparks" targeting="constrained" moveType="Normal" knockback="0" creates="" createdOnTeam="" dependsUpon="" impactFrame="-15" soundAndFX="SFX[Charge Up:0],SFX[Mind Blast:8],VFX[MindBlast:OnSelf:12]" desc="Focus your inner strength to deal damage and heal yourself."></Atk>
1. Pre-Bug Conditions - Unsure of the map name, but it is the map with the long stone bridge and first encounter with enemy mechanics, spriggats, and mentalists(image attached). Emma Strider had been attacked by a few dark spriggats and kinetically pulled into water, so she had several "Slowed" and "Softened" statuses (maybe this is another bug on its own). The following turn I had her swim out of the water, continued the rest of my turn, and the next turn is where the bug occurred.

2. Bug Description - After playing through about 10ish turns, I hovered over Emma Strider, the info box popped up, and then the screen froze. The music continued playing in the background for a few seconds until it also froze and sounds like its gargling null errors. A log file is attached from the time of the bug, and an image shows where the screen froze.

Game Version 0.456 (last downloaded 3/4/15)