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Topics - CraigStern

True Messiah / Gearing up for Kickstarter #2!
February 12, 2018, 12:10:46 PM
Hey all! I'm giving True Messiah a second Kickstarter campaign next month.

In preparation for the Kickstarter, I've updated the True Messiah rulebook (as well as the "How to Play True Messiah" video series) to reflect the rules changes I've made over the past year and a half. :)
True Messiah / "How to Play True Messiah" videos!
October 06, 2016, 11:32:32 AM
Hey guys! In case you didn't notice (or don't follow the Sinister Design Channel on Youtube), I've begin creating a series of videos explaining how to play True Messiah.

Here's the playlist.

I'll be adding more videos as time goes on!
True Messiah / True Messiah now on Kickstarter!
September 27, 2016, 09:57:08 AM
It's finally happening--True Messiah is on Kickstarter!

Some more details on just how long this game has been in the works over here: :)

(Hint: it's way longer than you probably think!)
True Messiah / Coming to Kickstarter soon!
September 08, 2016, 09:15:35 AM
You guys! The game is ready for Kickstarter--I'm going to record the pitch video this weekend, then launch the campaign at the end of the month. More info:
Together in Battle / A new engine!
June 05, 2016, 05:39:11 PM
Hm! :)
True Messiah / March 2016 update
March 09, 2016, 12:28:29 PM
Hey guys! Here's the latest update on True Messiah: ;)
True Messiah / February 2016 Update
February 02, 2016, 09:31:53 AM
Hey folks! I've posted a detailed update on my progress with True Messiah--check it out here: :)
True Messiah / True Messiah: your questions answered!
October 13, 2015, 12:11:54 PM
The time has finally come to reveal what this is all about! This morning, I announced True Messiah, a game of cult warfare. Click that link for the basics on what the game is about, plus a bunch of really amazing surrealist art.

True Messiah will be my first commercial board game. This should give me a chance to focus on what I consider to be my core strengths (creating unique worlds with interesting gameplay mechanics) while giving me a bit of a break from the grind of having to fix endless bugs post-release. (Board games don't have to be programmed, and they don't have bugs!)

Have questions about the game? Post them here, and I'll do my best to answer them!
Telepath Tactics saved games are xml files (SavedGame0.xml, SavedGame1.xml, etc.) contained in the directory My Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > Saved Games.
True Messiah / ???
July 23, 2015, 03:57:14 PM
I spent some time yesterday scripting the skeleton of a system for recruiting generic characters that you can integrate into your own single player campaigns.

It's playable but not especially interesting as a campaign just yet, so I'm posting it here for anyone that wants to use it as the foundation for a proper single player campaign. Unzip it to C: > Documents > My Games> Telepath Tactics > User Campaigns and edit / extend it to your heart's content. :)
This is the full set of UI elements in the same style as the "Clean" conversation box background.

To use, download the attached zip and extract its contents into Telepath Tactics > Data > UI; this will overwrite the default UI elements.
Someone requested a version of the conversation box graphic without the marbling texture so as to improve text readability. I whipped that up myself in a matter of minutes, and I figured I'd post it here so you all can use it too if you want.

To use it yourself, download the attached image and put it in Telepath Tactics > Data > UI; it will overwrite the default conversation box background, and will appear in its place during the game.