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Topics - CraigStern

Telepath Tactics Campaigns / Guard Llama
March 30, 2015, 12:20:32 PM
Here is the Guard Llama comedy mini-campaign! Enjoy 5 battles and goofy dialogue that pokes fun at typical RPG tropes. :D

Steps to install:

     1. Extract zip file to its own folder. The folder should look like this when you open it:

     2. Copy Guard Llama to Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > User Campaigns.

     3. Copy Data to your Telepath Tactics install directory.
Telepath Tactics Campaigns / How to post a campaign
March 20, 2015, 07:58:20 AM
Did you follow the tutorials for creating your own campaign, and want to post it here? This is how you do it!

1. Create a zip file containing the folder for your campaign that's sitting in Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > User Campaigns.

2. If your campaign uses any custom graphical assets, place them in corresponding folders mimicking the directory structure in the Telepath Tactics install directory and copy them there. (Custom portraits, for instance, should be inside Data > Characters > _Portraits; custom sound effects in Data > Sounds; and so on.) Then stick the folders into the zip file.

Follow the folder structure shown here if you need a guide.

3. Create a new thread in this subforum with the name of your campaign as the Subject.

4. Before you post the new thread, attach your zip file by clicking Attachments and other options below your post, then clicking the "Browse" button.

5. Click "Post."
Telepath Tactics Bugs / How to report a bug
January 02, 2015, 11:09:52 AM
Thanks for playing Telepath Tactics, and for helping me to improve the game with a bug report! While you're at it, there are a few things you can do to make your bug report especially helpful to me:

   1) describe what was going on in the game immediately before the bug occurred in as much detail as possible.

   2) describe the bug itself in as much detail as possible.

   3) attach the log file and saved game file to your post. This is really important, as these let me know what was going on in the game's code at the time! (You can force the game to produce a log file by hitting the 'L' key on your keyboard.) The log file will be a .txt file in Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > Logs, with the filename showing the exact date and time when the log was generated--you want to attach the one with a time stamp from right when the bug occurred. Your saved game file will be in Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > Saved Games.

   4) provide a screenshot of the bug. This is not as important as attaching the log file, but it can still be helpful. (Most PCs should have a prt scrn button that'll copy a screenshot to your computer's clipboard; you can then use Ctrl + V to paste the screenshot into any image editing program.)

(Note: to attach files to posts, click the Attachments and other options link below the text box and click the Browse button right below Attach.)
The Telepath Tactics Kickstarter Campaign begins on March 14th. Pick your top 3 stretch goals representing stuff you want to have in Telepath Tactics!
Henceforth, this shall be the official thread in which bugs present in pre-release Telepath Tactics builds are reported.

And the people rejoiced.

EDIT: The game is released! Retiring this thread now. :)
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Developer's Log
February 11, 2013, 07:19:44 PM
So! I've been keeping a developer's log over on the TIGSource forums for quite some time now. While that's been useful to me in terms of getting the word out and getting feedback from other developers, I'd like to transition back to posting regular updates about development here on the Sinister Design forums instead.

To start with, I'll post this new video showing off the early days of character attack animations. In this video, we see the Bowman and Cryokineticist with attack animations (minus projectiles):

So! I've been working on a dialog editor within the Telepath Tactics map editor, and it's coming along really well so far.  ;)
Here's what it looks like right now:

The conversation starts empty...

...then you right-click to add your first dialog branch...

...and before you know it, you're editing a fully-fledged dialog tree! :)

TSoG Bugs / Vengeance
December 18, 2012, 08:50:49 AM
Hey guys, quick question: is anyone still having trouble learning Vengeance in the latest version of the game? I thought I fixed this back in September, but I got a report from a player that it still isn't working. I was just wondering if you guys could confirm.
Telepath Tactics (2015) / Kickstarter launching today!
November 27, 2012, 11:11:56 PM
The Kickstarter campaign has launched! Visit the Kickstarter page here to pre-order the game, get early beta access, and get other awesome goodies for helping to fund its development. (Also, please spread the word to your friends! Tie is short, and the more people that know of this campaign, the better!)

Today, Wednesday, 11/28/2012, I am launching the Telepath Tactics Kickstarter campaign. As part of this campaign, you'll be able to pre-order the game and sign up for early access.

I'll be posting something on the main page about this soon. Keep your eyes peeled!
Hey guys! It is looking increasingly likely that I will be running a Kickstarter campaign for Telepath Tactics so that it can be the most polished, full-featured game possible when I release it.

I'm currently thinking of reward tiers to entice people to give; this is what I've got so far:

  • You are guaranteed a free, complete copy of Telepath Tactics upon its release.
  • Get the game early, with full access as it's being developed!
  • Get a special thanks in the game's end credits.
  • Get an awesome high-resolution digital poster designed by Benn Marion.
  • Get early access to the game's map editor so you can get a head start making your own battles and campaigns.
  • Name a character in multiplayer! (Submit any character name of your choice, within reason, to be included within the game's random name generator.)
  • Pick any destructible object (within reason) to be included in the game.
  • Appear in the single player campaign as an NPC!
  • Get listed as a Producer in the game's credits!
  • Your NPC will have a dramatic scene! (We'll work with you to decide the circumstances: death, romance, a narrow escape, etc.)
  • You get to name one of the islands in the Dundar Archipelago. This will become part of the lore of the Telepath series, and will remain the island's name in all games going forward.
  • Appear in the single player campaign as a villain!
  • Appear in the single player campaign as a unique, recruitable character in the player's army!
  • Help design a mission in the official single player campaign! Come up with an idea, then work directly with Craig Stern to develop the location, the design and character dialog; you'll be listed as an Assistant Designer in the game's credits.
  • Help design a new multiplayer game mode! Come up with an idea, then work directly with Craig Stern to develop the mechanics, and get listed as an Assistant Designer in the game's credits.
  • Craig will personally fly you out to Chicago and take you out for an evening of food and drinks at all of his favorite spots around town!

Can you think of anything I'm missing? Anything else you would want to see as a Kickstarter backer?
Telepath Tactics (2015) / The Telepath Tactics Manual
September 18, 2012, 11:45:47 AM
By popular demand, I've uploaded a manual explaining the Telepath Tactics ruleset. This sets forth in great detail the mechanics that are new or different from previous Telepath games.

{ { {  READ THE MANUAL HERE  } } }

The manual is in progress and subject to change as development continues. Similarly, it is incomplete: expect it to grow as time goes by.
Due to popular demand, the game is now set to feature a single player campaign! :)

To that end, I've added in a dialog system to the game: characters can now talk during battle. Here's a video showing off the first battle of the campaign, complete with dialog:
Politics / PPACA is constitutional
June 28, 2012, 09:32:43 PM
Those of you with an interest in Constitutional law (and a solid chunk of time on your hands) may want to read today's Supreme Court opinion upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

The majority opinion is well-written and--in my view--surprisingly persuasive. (I say "surprisingly" because I seldom agree with Justice Roberts's opinions.) It's also a pretty good introduction to some basic principles of constitutional law. I don't agree with 100% of it, but it's a good read regardless.
TSoG / Big sale on Telepath RPG: Servants of God!
May 23, 2012, 04:29:10 PM
This is for one week only, starting tomorrow. If you've been holding off on getting the full game, now is a good time to take the plunge. More details here:
Video / New Youtube channel: Sinister Playthroughs
April 23, 2012, 11:46:20 AM
I had so much fun doing that Shining Force Let's Play that I've decided to make this a regular thing! With all the experience I gained from doing that series, I think I can do a pretty quality job on future playthroughs. (I'm using Fraps now, which gives better quality video and audio than XSplit, and I'm much better at commentating these videos than I was when I started.)

Thus, I've create a new Youtube channel called Sinister Playthroughs. There's nothing there juuuust yet, but that will change! I've already recorded the first episode of a new playthrough; this time I'm playing Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. If you're interested in following the series, just go ahead and subscribe, and Youtube should notify you when new videos are up. :)
This post is going to serve as a sort of definitive guide to the character classes in Telepath Tactics. I'll be updating this with info on the individual classes as the game progresses. Here are the classes, in all their pixelated glory:


A strong melee fighter with two counterattacks and the ability to "disarm" enemy counterattacks using Feint. She has a Double Strike attack that uses up all of her Energy in order to inflict double damage. She can use Shove to push enemies and certain destructible objects.


A strong melee fighter with one counterattack and the ability to throw his spear. He has Impale, which can hit two enemies in a row at substantial cost to his Energy. He also has the ability to adopt a Defensive Stance, which gives him a 50% chance to block non-Mental attacks for one turn. Finally, he can use Shove to push enemies and certain destructible objects.


A strong melee fighter with one counterattack, the lizardman is unarmored but has a 15% chance to dodge all non-Mental attacks. He moves quickly, covering up to 6 spaces per turn, and has a variety of special crushing attacks that can inflict status ailments like Slow and Weakness. However, as an ectotherm, he is weak against Heat and Cold attacks. He can use Shove to push enemies and certain destructible objects.


Cavalry are strong melee fighters that ride giant mantises. Though they possess no counterattack, they can move a whopping 7 spaces per turn. What's more, they can move, attack, and then continue moving afterwards.


A weak fighter, he can build bridges and barricades to open and close routes across the battlefield. He can also lay explosive charges which, when detonated, deal massive damage to anything in their explosive radius.


A fairly weak fighter, but she gets a huge backstab bonus (and smaller sidestab bonus). What's more, she can move 9 spaces per turn, Leap over obstacles, and has a 20% chance to dodge all non-Mental attacks.


A strong attacker, the Bowman has a ranged counterattack and the longest range of any unit in the game. He can shoot an arrow and continue moving afterwards. He is frail, however, and can quickly be killed if not protected.


Somewhat hardier than the Bowman, she has less range and no counterattack, but more staying power. She has a Bayonet attack for melee combat and an explosive Powder Bolt attack for detonating Charges and quickly destroying destructible objects.


A middling fighter that attacks with Mind Blast. She has Heat psy attacks and can set enemies on fire, dealing continuous Heat damage until they die or are put out.


A middling fighter that attacks with Mind Blast. He has Cold psy attacks and can freeze enemies, preventing them from moving or acting until they thaw.


A middling fighter that attacks with Mind Blast. He has Shadow psy attacks and can inflict Slow, reducing enemies' movement range.


A middling fighter that attacks with Mind Blast. He has Light psy attacks and can inflict Blind, reducing enemies' chance to hit with non-Mental attacks.

Psy Healer

She has no offensive moves; instead, she heals with a variety of shields, and can create a movable battlefield obstacle with Solid State Shield.


A middling fighter that attacks with Mind Blast. She uses telekinesis to push and pull enemies and allies at a distance, which can be absolutely lethal on maps with major environmental hazards. She can also Levitate, gaining flying for a turn. Likewise, she can use Gravity Spike to make a flying character crash into the ground, losing flying for the turn and taking damage.


Flying. She can Transfer Energy to an ally. She possesses both Soul Suck (damages enemy Health to restore her Energy) and Drain (damages enemy Energy to restore her Health). She is resistant to physical attacks but weak to Mental attacks.


Flying. He or she moves up to 7 spaces per turn and can Shadowport through walls and obstacles. Weak to piercing weapons.

Red Spriggat

Flying. He moves up to 6 spaces per turn and attack with Claw in melee. He can also use Fire Breath to damage multiple enemies in a row. He is resistant to Heat but weak to Cold and especially weak to piercing weapons.

Frost Spriggat

Flying. He moves up to 6 spaces per turn and attack with Claw in melee. He can also use Frost Breath to damage multiple enemies in a row. He is resistant to Cold but weak to Heat and especially weak to piercing weapons.

Black Spriggat

Flying. He moves up to 6 spaces per turn and attack with Claw in melee. He can also use Dark Breath to damage multiple enemies in a row. He is resistant to Shadow but weak to Light and especially weak to piercing weapons.

Gold Spriggat

Flying. He moves up to 6 spaces per turn and attack with Claw in melee. He can also use Light Breath to damage multiple enemies in a row. He is resistant to Light but weak to Shadow and especially weak to piercing weapons.

Stone Golem

An extremely powerful melee fighter. He can move only 3 spaces per turn, but he's resistant to physical attacks and deals massive crushing damage with his fists. He has a Smash attack that knocks the enemy back a space, and can use Throw to fling an object, ally or enemy up to three spaces away. He can use Shove to push enemies and certain destructible objects.

Bronze Golem

An extremely powerful melee fighter. He can move only 3 spaces per turn, but he has a lot of Health and can slice through up to three enemies in a 90-degree arc with each attack.

I've created an official page for Telepath Tactics on the main site. Behold!
Video / Let's Play Shining Force!
March 11, 2012, 01:48:54 PM
All right! I've decided to do a Let's Play of one of my favorite childhood games, Shining Force. Why? Well, I've always wanted to do a Let's Play, and now that TSoG is out and I'm waiting for my artist to give me the first round of character art for Telepath Tactics, I have a little bit of time to do it.

EDIT: I have four episodes done now; I'm adding them to this playlist as they're completed. If you want Youtube to notify you when I add new videos, go ahead and subscribe to my channel. :)