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Messages - CraigStern

Telepath Tactics Liberated (2022) / Re: Dev Log
July 23, 2024, 03:03:09 PM
- fixed: the player could get assigned the wrong roster during a randomizer playthrough, resulting in them having no characters on the battlefield during the caravan battle prelude scene and getting stuck in a "defeat" loop.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 23, 2024, 10:58:47 AM
Ran into a weird fatal error with one specific save file while testing; tried wiping the cache and reinstalling Unity entirely, but to no effect. Sent a report to Unity about it.

In the meantime:

- reduced the size of the game's cutscene backgrounds by about 4/5ths by lowering their resolution 50%.

- updated the project to a somewhat more recent version of Unity.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 22, 2024, 02:15:30 PM
Gave artist feedback on a new battle background; hired another artist to redo all general character sprites to support dynamic palette swapping of skin and hair color, now in progress!


- added team size and average level warnings to the Investigate daytime action.

- increased the witness's durability a little bit in the witness protection battle.

- added support for terrain tiles with built-in status effects.

- fixed: Burning status was not being extinguished by a character being submerged in water.

- fixed: destroying a cosmetic bridge tile embedded in land via an explosive could result in a surviving unit standing on that space being "dropped" upward into the air and remaining there.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 19, 2024, 10:01:27 AM
Reached out to an artist to redo character sprites to support dynamic palette swapping of skin color and hair color.

- cleaned up assassin walk animations a bit.

- fixed a couple of typos: one in the Festival of the Ascendant Lights narration, one in Malatose's dialogue during her first interrogation.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 18, 2024, 11:58:39 AM
- finished the next two palace intrigue cutscenes.

- fixed: a handful of random event day logs could be truncated due to a formatting mistake.

- fixed: on maps with more deployment slots than allowable deployed characters, players could bypass maximum deployment restrictions merely by deploying every one of their available characters.
Way ahead of you! Both of those things are already implemented. ;)

To see morale et al. in the reserve supplies screen, just right-click the character you want to inspect.

To manage reserve supplies during deployment before battle, click the little item sack button.
Huh! That's odd. Can you can send me that save file?
This not a bug exactly so much as a leftover behavior from Telepath Tactics! I could change it, but I feel that would reduce the number of interesting trade-offs players have to weigh when making moves. I'll give it some thought.
Hm; that's a tricky one. Melee attacks are not supposed to be targetable across an elevation difference greater than 1, so technically this is working as intended--but I do see how that produces unintended consequences with AOE skills. I'll have to meditate on what (if anything) to do about this!
Thanks for the report! If you could provide your save file, that would be very helpful. (Also, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game! :) )
Thanks for the report, but this is not a bug; save slot 99 is the intended limit.
Thanks for the report, this is now fixed for the next update!
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 16, 2024, 02:40:18 PM
- you can now hold down the alt key to see every character's health bar onscreen at once.

- when defeated in battle, a button to call up the main menu now appears in the bottom-right of the screen so you can double-check objectives, restart the entire battle, or go to the title screen.

- fixed: when using Charge against a target, ending the charge on caltrops, and killing the target, the target wouldn't get knocked back and the combat sequence wouldn't conclude, causing the game to freeze.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 15, 2024, 01:42:50 PM
- the AI now takes into account whether a target is frozen, blinded, or immobilized when deciding whether to mind control them.

- fixed: upon clicking a skill, then opening the character screen and unequipping the item which grants the use of that skill, the skill's red attack tiles would remain present and clickable on the battlefield.
Together in Battle / Re: Together in Battle Dev Log
July 12, 2024, 04:15:40 PM
- worked on a new cutscene with Dayaan.

- fixed: the description text for laboring was out of date, stating that laboring takes only 30% of a character's remaining energy rather than the 50% it now takes.