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Map requests!

Started by KZ, September 03, 2010, 05:48:56 PM

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Although back in the day I've submitted circa 200 maps made in the Map Editor, it's been a while since I've done so!
Thus, if you'd like to, why not make some "requests" for maps (say, things like "could you kindly make a map with defeat boss condition which features Spriggats and a Nymph, or is set in .... terrain" is what I have in mind). If I have the time and if I have the creativity, I might give it a shot.
What say you to this, folks?
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Sounds great!

Are there guidelines for the maps? Because I'd like to see a novelty map with a closed circle of rocks or other half-obstacles and a bunch of non-flying, very hard units, the idea being to survive a certain number of turns by transporting your team in. Is that too much, or too little freedom to work with?


No-no, that's fine :)
Let's put it this way- if you have a rough idea, go for it, but if you want everything in a specific place (ie you can practically make the map yourself), then any differences between the vision and what I produce might end up in a lot of dissatisfaction! Still, something like- four big holes on the corners of the map, with 2 units such-and-such in the middle (e.g. energy golems) is absolutely fine!

Just a quick question about your map- the non-flying units, they're outside the safety circle, right?
(I guess I'll have the freedom to pick ranged/melee - that could make for very different maps.)

Oh well, the idea is to get ideas and try to give them an original reading, or simply make it interesting. I like this idea of yours- we'll see if I have the time to do it soon ;)
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To answer your question: my original idea was that everybody starts outside the safety circle, and Arman could Leap in, Malis could fly over, and Luca could Juxtapose the rest in, if the group had the right abilities, otherwise, the circle wouldn't help them as much. But if you think that being inside the circle as a given would work better, then the level should probably be Kill All, not Survive, unless you add in ranged units like a Ravinale Sniper.


Ok, then I thought correctly about your original idea- we'll see what I can do :)
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