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Mythological Creatures

Started by Tastidian, July 18, 2011, 04:37:23 AM

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Oh what wonders do I have for what is your favorite and what creatures can you introduce to me.?

For me the Dullahan an Irish mythological creature that is headless. The creature rides a horse and usually appears before someone's death.While the dullahan rides if a unsuspecting human opens the door while it pass or try to get a peek it throws blood to temporarily blind you for it finds abhorrence to people spying on it while running errands. This creature also feast on seamen and does not just devour them like a monster they store them on its detached head. The dullahan when its head is off its body it has a meek and lustful personality otherwise stubborn and smart.

The Holy namelesskitty

The Dragoncornasussaurus (dre-gon-corn-Uh-suss-sore-us) Half dragon, half unicorn, half pagasus and half dinosaur. Yes it is 200% awesome and the ultimate mythical animal. But very few even believe in them and even fewer have seen one.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


I personally like Typhon - Feared by even Zeus.

I'd like to know the origin of the information you have on both these creatures - The first description does not match those that I have heard (At least, not closely), and the second. . .

You made it up, didn't you?


How about Typhus, feared even by those with effective sewage removal systems?

And yes, Kitty made that one up.


Brownies come from English and Scottish folklore. They are helpful household spirits, similar to Elves. They appear to be small humans, with wrinkled faces and short, curly brown hair. They are usually dressed in brown clothing including a conical hat or hood.
Most Brownies are attached to a single house or farm, where they may reside for centuries. They are very protective of their homes and become upset when humans quarrel or do not treat their animals with kindness.
Brownies are industrious but shy and so only come out at night to do their work, which can include cleaning the house or barn, grinding grain or churning butter. The householders would often leave them a bowl of fresh cream or porridge or a freshly baked loaf of bread as repayment for their helpfulness. It is important to never criticize their work as they are very easily insulted. Once a Brownie is insulted they will most likely undo everything they have done and abandon the household. Brownies also like shiny things.