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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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I bring an antimatter (is anybody else amazed that Firefox counts antimatter as a word?) gun and shoot you and your army exploding them in a tremendous amount of energy (as accordance with Super String Theory). My hill.


I use a Time Machine, and hire the Terminator to kill you. He does. Someone else's hill by default.
This is Gambit. The cards are about to explode. Goodbye!


I teleport 200 krogans (Mass Effect) to kill the terminator and take over the hill. My hill.
Yeah, I'm a snowman. Got a problem with that?


I use a time machine, and go to the time when the hill was built, and buy it. I then get back to my own time as it's rightfull owner. My lawyers get you all off the hill, and you go to a prison for unauthorized residence.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


I capture the hill with an army of metroids and samus (metroid series) and get the legal rights to the hill in the future, past, or present.
Die swiffers! You'll get it for messin with my woman!


I take you before the court for an assault towards me. You go to jale, while I get the rights for the hill back to me.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


I hire the mafia to kill you, the lawyers, the judges, the jury, and everyone involved with the court case. I then hire them to guard the hill.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


I blow it up with a mini nuke, killing all of your assassins, then I rebuild the hill using Aeonflux's grass.


I shoot you, and destroy the hill. I then make another to the other side of the universe. My hill.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


I convince the people back on earth you are a hostile alien planning on destroying earth. They launch a massive strike on the hill using previously top secret technology. The people on earth give me the hill in gratitude. I then install defenses using futuristic technology. I also hire ghost busters to take out any annoying ghosts.
...For I am his, and he is mine, bought by the precious blood of Christ.

Anyone want to find the rest of the words?


I capture the hill with the help of Vaati (zelda minish cap) and use his magic to take, and then protect, the hill. MY hill.
Die swiffers! You'll get it for messin with my woman!


I rub the genie bottle and wish for the hill. My hill.


The wish gets corrupted, and you get a normal hill with nothing to do with this thing. Also every other guys trying to take the hill are teleported there. When everyone else is gone, I go and take the hill. My hill.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


um, pardon moi, mais, what keeps you from being teleported yourself?
2nd Wish, wishes that none of his wishes can be corrupted,
3rd and final wish, wishes to have indefinite control of the hill as described by the Subject King of the hill in the forum games of the general discussion of the general topic of the sinisterdesign forums which are owned by Craig Stern the creator of the Telepath series.
Hah, try to find a loophole in that with your teams of lawyers!


Zhampir: you forget to claim it! So:
My hill.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.