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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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Steel Ersatz Man

I'll join the alliance. I'm good at finding loopholes.
We are the steel alliance. None shall take our hill!


Well, cypher will have to confirm...


Well...I have no objections, welcome the club ;D
(let's try not to expand the alliance too much, or otherwise the game will lose it's fun!)


Obviously. if there isn't anybody to fight there's no point.


While  all of you were talking, I took your hill with a gravity alteration transmutation circle drawn around the hill while you weren't looking. Everything near the hill but the hill itself and me flies into space. The circle is within its zone of power. I enlist Brig. Gen. Mustang, Cpt. Hawkeye, and Bradley (Wrath). You need to look up their  powers to deal with them. Oh, and I also have a telepath that can project illusions into your mind.

My Hill.
This is Gambit. The cards are about to explode. Goodbye!


Why would I have to look up their powers? I damn well know them! :D
You thought I didn't even know they came from 'Full Metal Alchemist'! :P

I telephone one of my contacts, and I ask him to get an item from our secret archives with the id 'ID457245'. I also make another phone call to one of my top-secret weather control centres, and request them to induce rain by means of chemicals. Steelfist gets his trusty old gun and, while the telepath is trying to make me have illusions, he is shot by Steelfist. Mustang is rendered useless by the rain. I also unveal one of the clones I made of Lust, who stabs Wrath and Hawkeye before they could do anything. By that time, my delivery item 'ID457245' arrives. I take it out of the floating box, and algebra15 is shocked to discover it's what he also knew as 'The Philosophers Stone'. I then decide to remove Brig. Gen. Mustang, Cpt. Hawkeye, and Wrath from existence. I send you to another dimension. I then get rid of the transmutation circle.

Our hill.


Yeah, once again, keep your hill, while I shoot algebra and take the Hill. I fortify it with whatever. My Hill.


In fact, what you just said is fake because when we saw you arrive previously we induced you into a coma, and gave you drugs to make you have happy dreams. Now we lock you in a cage and ship you off to china.

Still our hill. :P


My telepath made you think all that happened. It's still actually my Hill. (It's capitalized).

There's no way Lust could do something before Bradley did something about it. He has the Ultimate Eye. I also tell Greed to help, because you almost actually breached my security. That was a close one!  :o.
This is Gambit. The cards are about to explode. Goodbye!

The Holy namelesskitty

Algebra, I hate* to break it to you but you're on the wrong hill, in fact you all are, while you were fighting over that hill, I just took the real one :D

*I actually really enjoy it
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


A certain witch hacks into your account and gets you banned.  I then take the hill.
Quote from: Tastidian on July 02, 2010, 02:52:50 AM
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.

Current Elemental Master of Cryokinesis.

The Holy namelesskitty

Another witch hacks the system and unbans me, then I sneak up behind you and take the hill by forse
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Tinkerbell (not that Tinkerbell, the other Tinkerbell) summons Peter Pan who kills you and gives the hill to Ertxiem.
Quote from: Tastidian on July 02, 2010, 02:52:50 AM
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.

Current Elemental Master of Cryokinesis.


You can keep your hill, once again. My Hill.


someonewho's2smart4u stabs you and gives the Hill to Ertxiem.  Support the dead cow ppls!
Quote from: Tastidian on July 02, 2010, 02:52:50 AM
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.

Current Elemental Master of Cryokinesis.