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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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once again, I drop and A.P.T.N.( Atomic Plasma Tactical Nuke) and that wipes all of you out. Our hill.


Keep your hill. My Hill.


I don't get what your saying. ???

The Holy namelesskitty

Why are you still fighting over that hilll? ??? The real one is over here and it's mine.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Okay. I cut you to pieces and take the Hill. Both hills are now ours, okay?

The Holy namelesskitty

No, you cut algebra into pieces. About the hill, I just moved it and took it.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Fine. I cut YOU into little pieces and claim the hill.

The Holy namelesskitty

my spirit consumes your mind and drives you to suicide, now my ghost haunts the hill driving any who dare to come near to madness. :-*
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


I have a strong mind. You can't drive me to suicide. I dare madness, and claim the hill. My hill.


I come and help Steelfist fortify our hill inside a giant steel dome.

The Holy namelesskitty

I'm a spirit, I wait until you die, and then my spirit whups your spirit and rolls it down a hill in a spectral trash can. About Steelfist, he dies too, and then our spirits get into an epic battle, eventually my spirit pits his/her spirit in a choke hold and gives him twenty two ghost swirleys an then locks him in a dumpster, now neither of you dare take my physically fortified hill.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


I can't die of old age, and nobody killed me(check back through. You will see why). And this can't take place until cypher dies. Which hasn't happened yet, so we can ignore your post (tip - don't post about the future. Someone will just say that it hasn't happened yet and the hill is theirs in the present). Our hill, same defences.

The Holy namelesskitty

Fine I consume Algebra's mind and he and Duskling sneak up behind you using star trek teleportation and kill you both quickly with a shot to the head, then feed you to the dogs who tear you into pieces.

Our hill.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Shot to the head doesn't harm me (although cypher is dead. For now), again, read back to understand, but I'll put it simply. In this topic (and Hell-quest), I am made of steel. The bullet bounces off my head, killing Algebra, and I cut you to pieces with celestial steel. Again.


Dude. I claimed the "Hill" long ago. Everyone is dodging the fact that my telepath pwns.
If you guys are getting tired of being played by the telepath, I come back to life, bring BACK my holy vampire (I swear, Zain, if  you make a cheesey joke on holy/holey, I will WRING YOUR SORRY NECK), reinstate the no-zombie zone at the Hill, and pwn the hell out of y'all con mi southern accento. I get an executive order from Obama to be immortal, and the 3rd heavy ground infantry brigade guards the Hill. It's also a national park, so the Park Rangers will make sure there's hell to pay if any o' y'all'd like to lay one finger on the Hill. MY Hill. I also ban Zain and his account from the game, and it should take him a couple of  posts to come back.
This is Gambit. The cards are about to explode. Goodbye!