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King of the hill

Started by Mopman, February 04, 2010, 02:43:06 PM

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I hit Sinister Man, knocking him out cold, and destroy the hill magnet. I then eradicate the remains of the hill outside my little bottle. I then create an undestroyable, unhackable, and unstoppable laser armed satellite and program it to destroy any attempts to create a new hill. Our Hill.


Did I mention the Hill magnet is indstructible? How did you destroy the Hill?


You never mentioned that the magnet is indestructible. You can't add just after someone steals it. And I used a prototype of the laser on my satellite to destroy the hill.


Anyway, I use the inherent instability of Argon-16 in your laser of the satellite to start a nuclear reaction by approaching the Hill, and mirroring the satellite's beam to a point inside the satellite, thus exciting the argon to start a reaction. The EMP effect of the nuclear reaction renders your satellite offline for a period of 2 hours, during which time I send a spaceship up, and knock down the satellite, whereupon the contained chain reaction kills 2 llamas, 4 alpacas, and an Inca warrior on impact. Then, I rule God-modding unconstitutional, as the God in the Bible is sos very obviously male, and protrays sexist views every other Book. Finally, I create a portal to inside the bottle, reach in, and pull out the Hill remains, and form a new Hill from the remains and some topsoil I got at Home Depot.

It's guarded with 5 snarling koalas that will bite your arm off on sight.


I study the arcane arts and use them to turn myself invisible temporarily. As the koalas can't see me, they don't attack. I dispatch them with ease, and claim the Hill. I shuttle it into space, and set it in orbit around the sunI set up a M.D.Z. (Molecular Detachment Zone) around the Hill. In essence, within the zone molecules cannot hold together. I also set up a forcefield on the inside of the M.D.Z. AND, I set up Molecular clockwork engine to power the thrusters that I attach to the Hill; In case all else fails, I can use the seemingly limitless energy of the M.C. Engine, to go anywhere in the universe.

Note that the forcefield is impenetrable, unless I deactivate it from the inside. Which I won't.

The forcefield prevents teleportation, spirits, Psy or magic of any kind or strength from entering the area within it.

My Hill.


I then use my molecular computer to take control of your operating systems and make your engines bring the hill to me. I then temporarily disable the defense system, invade, and promptly boot you out of the shuttle and away from the hill. I then reactivate the defenses and set up a firewall of my own design that prevents any and all spyware/malware/hacking. I fly away to unknown galaxies and survive off the self-sustaining ecosystem that I also installed. The hill has all of the defenses previously mentioned by steelfist including the firewall just set up. My hill.


I have a molecular computer, too; it's made of MOLECULES... (spooky coincidence).

And I also have a quantum computer, too. It hacks your system. By itself. It's that good. Then, I create a Bose-Einstein Condenate-based life form, which doesn't rely upon the nuclear forces to hold it together, and only the Van der Waals attraction. It goes in, goes to Warp Factor 9, and bends the spacetime so completely that despite topology, there is a way through the forceshield.

Then, I steal the hill, and reactivate the defense, with the modification that the forceshield can block the MDZ, and I can stand [La] [G]uard[ia] at my Hill.


Ah. But you forgot my impassable firewall. In order to hack it, you'd need to be present at the operating system. Which you aren't. Still my hill.


You didn't hear me. It's a quantum computer, and arranged its atoms waveforms to describe themselves as if they were present, and thus their quantum possibilities lie at the operating system, and interact as such. It's spooky hacking at a distance.


But I'm at such a far distance that your computer can't reach me anyway. And inside the M.D.Z. Your computer's waveform breaks up. You have no control inside the forcefield. It's still my hill.


You don't have to understand it to have the Hill taken away.

My Hill. Read my posts, read about spooky action at a distance, which has no upper limit to range, and take the Hill back. I'll be waiting.


Doesnt matter. I already read them unlike you who just skims then posts. It's still me hill.


Bugfartboy, you don't seem to have got the hang of things in this topic. It doesn't matter. If you have to argue about who has the Hill it isn't worth it. Just point out the flaws in how they took the Hill, then move on, and steal it back.

I confiscate the Hill as punishment for petty arguing in a forum game. I reset my defenses, and make them COMPLETELY UNHACKABLE! the forcefield or M.D.Z. will NEVER stop working, as it has no access terminal or control functions. It can't even be de-activated from the inside.



Just for clarification, what's to be hacked? The MDZ is surrounding the forcefield, correct? But where exactly is the computer system in all this?


Nothing; that's why it's unhackable.

I honestly think that the whole 'hacking' thing is a little too god-mod. I mean, for example:

'I set up  an invincible infallible lazer defense system!'

'I hack it.'