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Together in Battle Dev Log

Started by CraigStern, February 06, 2020, 05:37:30 PM

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- reworded the blurb in the caravaneer's guild to remove any ambiguity about whether the characters you send out will have to fight.

- the cave explorer job type will no longer appear on the jobs board until the player has advanced to Monkey League.

- updated the "not enough characters" warnings for caravan guard and cave explorer jobs in the jobs board so they now show if there aren't enough characters available for the specific job type. (Previously, they only showed if no characters at all were available in the roster.)

- increased the monetary prize for winning the league qualifiers. The Monkey League Qualifier now awards 1900 aura instead of 1600; the Gharial League Qualifier now awards 2300 aura instead of 1900; the Snow Leopard League Qualifier now awards 2800 aura instead of 2250; and the Tiger League Qualifier now awards 3400 aura instead of 2600.

- doubled the number of coins held by the chest in the dissident's den battle.

- added 100 coins to one of the chests in the witness protection battle.

- doubled the number of coins held by the Silent Strangler in the summer palace escape fight.

- added extra loot to the chests in the smuggler's den battle.


- new difficulty level added: Tactics Only. A blend of Brutal and Relaxed difficulties, this cranks the difficulty of the battles up to maximum while simultaneously setting salaries and prices for food, training, and items to the same levels used in Relaxed difficulty. For experienced SRPG players who have no experience with economic management--and no interest in getting good at it.

- when a fan requests that you not use one or more skills during an arena match, the game no longer counts automatic usage of those skills via counterattacks against you.

- the OnSkillUsed trigger now has an additional, optional parameter: exclude counterattacks. If set to true, this causes the game to ignore skill usage for purposes of the trigger if the skill was not used actively by the player, but rather was used automatically as part of a counterattack.

- new loading screen tip added: "Be careful not to overspend; you'll need money saved up in case things go wrong!"

- AI fix: the game could play the "Held!" message and sound effect for a unit repeatedly during its army's turn, applying the Immobilized status effect anew each time.


- began working on an updated version of the downloadable Multiplayer campaign from Telepath Tactics Liberated (now called "PVP Arena") that supports up to 10 teams, tracks each team's wins, lets you select the music before each fight, slaps an arena background behind the battlefields, plays a crowd cheering sound when a team wins, and supports a new mode where the AI controls all teams and you can just kick back and watch them duke it out.

- designed a new multiplayer map: Arena (in both 2-player and 4-player variants).

- the game now supports custom campaigns starting out on a scene not named Introduction.

- the engine now supports custom variable values for the roster assigned to each army in a battle.

- custom integer values can now be pulled directly from custom lists in many more places in the engine.

- fixed: it was possible for dialogue boxes to pop up even after they initiated a change of scene and the screen began fading to black.

- fixed: deployment of multiple different armies on the same map was not functioning properly.


- reduced the size of the character inventory window within the Reserve Supplies screen so it no longer obscures the fourth row of reserve supplies when open, adjusted the layering and positioning of item tooltips to make things work correctly with this layout change.

- wrote a handful of lines (recognition and recognition response) that can be used for characters who knew each other from before their recruitment when they talk for the first time in camp. These types of lines are now assigned to characters when they're generated (or created in the custom character creator, if no custom dialogue of this type is entered in).

- the custom character creator now supports the writing of customized recognition and recognition response lines.

- updated PVP Arena so that the teams can all be edited in-game (rather than having to open up Setup.xml in a text editor and edit the teams there).

- fixed: the game's default nicknaming conversation had a coding error--it assigned the nickname within the wrong unit, ensuring that the character theoretically bestowing the nickname never actually used it.

- new script action: ClearRoster. Clears all characters from a single specified roster.

- new script action: CustomCharsToRoster. The game will load all of the player's custom characters and add them to the specified roster, where they can be accessed and used just as any other character might be. One parameter: roster number.


- received a lovely new animated puddle graphic, incorporated it into the game.
You cannot view this attachment.

- when in the reserve supplies screen during start-of-battle deployment, the game now marks the characters who've been chosen for deployment with a little star on their portraits.

- fixed: you could create log files simply by typing the letter 'L' into an input field during dialogue.


- updated PVP Arena with a customizable, quasi-randomized announcer intro to each fight.

- PVP Arena now systematically sets every character's morale to neutral at the start of each match.

- previously, the game's prohibitions against opening menus applied even when every single army on the field was AI-controlled, preventing the player from opening the main menu and exiting the fight, changing settings, reviewing the objectives, etc. Now, during a fight with 100% AI-controlled armies, you can now hit the Escape key to open the main menu and the game will pause while you mess around in there.

- Similarly, during a fight with 100% AI-controlled armies, you can now right-click characters to open their character screens and the game will pause while you look around.

- fixed: the game would not play turned off for AI-controlled teams during multiplayer battles.

- fixed: the game would import custom characters to PVP Arena without giving them any items or equipment.

- fixed: if the save game function was called multiple times during a cutscene, it would produce a duplicate of every character to save.

- fixed: the generate inventory parameter for the GenerateUnit and GenerateUnique script actions was not being read.


- the game now displays the name of the current team when in the battle menu during a multiplayer fight.

- fixed: level music could only be set to a custom string as part of a PlayMusic script action, not just as part of the normal level parameters.

- fixed: surrendering did not work correctly in a multiplayer context.


- Together in Battle now supports anime hair colors for custom character portraits: blue, light blue, green, purple, pink, and bright red. (To be clear, the game will never use these colors for proc gen units, but you can now select them for your OCs if you like.)

- newly recruited characters now have a chance to know one of your other characters from back before they were recruited: as an old rival, as a childhood friend, or as an old flame.

- characters now get a second recognition line for other characters they recognize and dislike.

- wrote numerous new recognition lines for characters with varying personality traits.

- added both positive and negative recognition lines and recognition response lines to the custom dialogue page of the custom character creator.

- new script action: CampActivitiesToList. Two parameters: character name and list name.


- during one-on-ones in camp, you can now order characters to undertake special camp activities tied to their distinctive talents! Hunting for food, treating the wounded, lecturing, repairing long as the character knows how to do, they can be ordered to do it (with the sole exception of group morale-boosting activities such as joking, singing, and telling stories--these are off limits for obvious balance reasons.)

- characters who have a prior relationship are now given memories of having met years before the start of the game that they can potentially reference when reminiscing.

- when characters who have a prior relationship are recruited, a tag is now added so that one will try to talk to the other when they are in camp together.

- wrote new recognition lines for characters with Cheerful and Natural Leader personalities.

- two new script actions: CapitalizeString and DecapitalizeString. These alter an existing string variable so that the first character is capitalized or so every character in the string becomes lower case, respectively.

- new optional parameter for the AddReply script action: Add at Position. This lets you pick a spot in which to insert the reply. (Without this, new replies created via AddReply always get added onto the end of the existing options.)

- if the branch parameter for AddReply is left blank and the Conv ID parameter is also blank, the game will now default to adding the reply to whatever the current branch of the current conversation is.


- the game now has a Glossary that can be accessed and browsed from the main menu at any time during non-combat scenes! The Glossary currently contains 60 hand-written entries explaining lore about the Telepath setting, 44 entries showing what every Psy Clash card is and what it does, and then a further 75 entries describing the game's variety of elements, stats, and status effects.

More to come...


- increased the number of hand-written lore-focused glossary entries to 82; every region and hometown in the game that a character can possibly originate from now has its own entry.

- the bottom of every glossary entry now contains clickable links to other, related glossary entries, making it much easier to learn about related subjects (and creating its own little TV Tropes-esque research rabbithole).

- whenever the game generates a day log following a victory or loss in the arena, it now includes a note of how much aura you received for the fight.

- fixed: if you clicked the victory box to skip the MVP award animations, the awards would not snap to their correct final locations.


- wrote glossary entries for nearly all of the named NPCs in Together in Battle, plus a bunch of new general concepts important for understanding the world. The total "lore" entries in the glossary now number 109, plus 44 about individual Psy Clash cards and 75 mechanics-focused entries for a total of 228 entries. A good stopping place, I think!

- individual glossary entries may now start off locked, and will not appear in the glossary until unlocked.

- characters who get certain variants of the Fantasize camp activity now increase the likelihood that they (or anyone else in camp with a crush) will ask another character out on a date.

- if a character with the Old Flame relationship label asks out the other character with the corresponding Old Flame label, they'll now get special dialogue acknowledging their prior romance.

- new script action: UnlockGlossaryTopic. Unlocks a previously locked glossary entry so that it will appear in the player's glossary going forward. One parameter: Topic ID.

- new script actions: IfRelationshipLabelGoTo and IfRelationshipLabelRun. These let you produce special dialogue or effects based on whether characters share a special type of relationship. The same as every other kind of If action, but the relevant parameters to check are Character 1, Character 2, and the relationship label to check for (concerning what label character 1 has for character 2, not vice versa).


- wrote glossary entries for Days of the Week, Nihal Agarwal, Raj Rakshak, and Trainer. This brings the glossary to 232 entries.

- there are now triggers throughout the game that unlock glossary entries for the maharaja, Praetor Nero, Manbir Raksha, Malatose, Prince Ajit, Dayaan, Gundeep Khulaasa, Dhatuu Dil, Nita Dil, Jigna Lal, Nihal Agarwal, Gupt Nistha, Trainer, Heemank Ambani, Sita, Dusht the Deplorable, and Raj Rakshak.

- added gamepad controls to the glossary.

- new script action: SupplementGlossaryTopic. Allows the description in a glossary topic to be dynamically supplemented with additional information mid-playthrough. Two parameters: Topic ID and Supplemental Description.

- the game now generates a new placeholder glossary for editing whenever you create a new custom campaign.


- spriggats are now more likely to be generated as Dualists.