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RTD Story

Started by Zackirus, March 22, 2010, 05:02:08 PM

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Xemadus Echina

I vote for just continuing on where we all were left off.  You can do that right zacl?  :-*
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.



You keep dodging his attacks trying to reason with him but he keeps on attacking saying that he wants to be free. He is about to unleash another Shadow Blast when he suddenly crumples to the ground and you see that Al is standing behind him with a bloody dagger in his hand. "Let's not do this again" He smiles as you walk towards the center to help John. He gets up himself and unleashes a big shield healing myself all the way. You all walk toward to center when a blue-ish light appears in front of you. It sends out a ring that encompasses You, John, Al, and the Shadow Psy Fighter. The ring suddenly retracts and pulls you into the center. The last thing you see before you enter the blue light is a wall of fire coming from the light in every direction.


You  fall onto the ground of some forest. It is around midday and surprising you feel great. All of you (including the Psy Fighter) stand up and marvel at what is in front of you. It is a giant black crater. You also see one solitary figure talking towards you.

Al Stab: 15

Blue-ish Light: 13

Solitary Figure: 4

Gold: 150

Health: 24/24

Your Turn
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada



You are walking toward one of the edges of the crater when you see a blue-light flash in the air and it drops four people onto the grass in front of you. You start walking over and you notice that they are staring at you. You don't know wether you want to talk with them or avoid them.

Four People: 19

Gold: 150

Health: 30/30

Your Turn....
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada


Can I come back in?
I wake up in a forest, aware of having been unconcious for a long period of time. I decide to head to the nearest gelf village for supplies, as well as to find out whats going on.
Die swiffers! You'll get it for messin with my woman!

Xemadus Echina

Rainen scans the four individuals to see if they are a threat.{threat} Rainen attempts to kill them from a distance.
{Friendly} Rainen introduces himself.
Afterwards Rainen looks around for valuables before meditating once more.
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.

Steel Ersatz Man

Yay, you're back!  :)

I just wait to see what happens.
We are the steel alliance. None shall take our hill!



The you feel a powerful mind scan your head very quickly. The figure then calls out, "Hello". He looks friendly but he has a lot of power flowing through him. You turn around and still notice the Shadow Psy Fighter. What do we do with him asks Al in your mind.

Power Scan: 14 + 2 (Apt Mod) = 16

Health: 24/24

Gold: 150

Your Turn
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

Steel Ersatz Man

Well, explain the situation, I guess...
We are the steel alliance. None shall take our hill!



You start from the beginning nd explin it all, from teh time travel, to death, to being captured again. The Psy fighters looks at you and simpy says "That story is so crazy I would have to be crazy to not belive it...". "You know what," he laughs, "I have nothing else to do so I'll join you and your friends. While you were talking the figure appoarches and you get a glimise at him. He appears to have normal human characteristics but he has blue hair. The only question is do you start the conversation or will he.

The Shadow Psy Fighter (Name: Jacob) has joined your team!

Psy Fighter Undertsanding:16 + 2 (Per Mod) = 18

Gold: 150

I'll let you and Rainen decide the next course of action..........

Your Turn!
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

Xemadus Echina

scan the individuals to see if they would rather fight then talk, if they want to fight, bluff and try to over power them, if they want to talk, talk and reach an understanding
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.

Steel Ersatz Man

Well, I'll take a back seat and see where it goes...
We are the steel alliance. None shall take our hill!


So, can I come back in or not?
Die swiffers! You'll get it for messin with my woman!


Yes, Mopman you can, can you tell me where you left off though

Rainen and Ersatz you guys can work out the diolauge between yourselves (I think!)
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

Xemadus Echina

well thats not really rtd... but i guess if it means keeping the story moving.

Hello.  My name is Rainen and you four are in a dangerous place.  Rainen walks up towards the four and speaks aloud "I don't remember much any more but theres this weird creature here thats taking over people's minds"

your move
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.

Steel Ersatz Man


Your turn...
We are the steel alliance. None shall take our hill!