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Train of thought

Started by Xemadus Echina, April 02, 2010, 06:41:53 PM

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Being a carnivore? Eating dog food? Shoving its nose into other dog's behinds whenever possible?

Topic: While I do it with no malicious intent, I do try do bring about controversial thinking and ideas which challenge people's standing views in new and interesting ways.

Xemadus Echina

malicious intent is based solely on perception.   Just like how I perceive you in a way where you will stop trying to make a conversation fit into this forum.

Topic: Epic win
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


I have no clue what you are referring to when you say "Epic win". Therefore I shall dance around like an idiot singing to myself.

Topic: Rainen is back! Now we just need Steelfist.


No, we don't. The forum has functioned okay for a while without him.

Who we really need is KZ or Ert.

Topic: Absent Mods.


Tragedy, we need someone to keep order around here. Hopefully Craig would pop in at least maybe three times a week, even with his projects, we have to be kept in our places.

Topic: My Diabolical Plan


Is something that I want to be a part of. What is it might I ask?

Topic: It would be nice to have Steelfist back.


While it mayhap would be for you, he never did agree with me on which country to support in World Domination.

Topic: 0 gravity.


*Duckling voice* Is something that is completely impossible due to the a variable having trouble agreeing with the burrito variable in correlation with the calimarri theorum. In other words, I have no idea what I'm talking about. *back to normal voice*

Topic: Don't take the top part of my post offensively.

Xemadus Echina

Since nothing you said applies to me, I am not offended.  Although you're dead wrong.  If you leave the galaxy and get a few hundred lightyears  away from any other galaxy (which in theory should be easy) you would be able to experience absolute 0 gravity... although your own body creates gravity so you're right.  It is impossible for a person to experience a total and complete absence of gravity.

topic: marblecakes
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


Oww. My teef. I boke my teef on dat der ake.

Topic: Cakes made of marble are a bad idea.


Indeed they are. Cakes made of live lions are an even worse idea.

Topic: CtCD

[spoiler]See here to get what that is.[/spoiler]


Courage the Cowardly Dog is a show that my parent disapprove of. Go figure.

Topic: Was I right?


Yes you were. I would give you cake were it not a lie. :-[

Topic: Superpowers


I have them. I can read and implant thoughts in your mind. I implant to get even or just when I'm bored.

Topic: Duskling is a Duskling.


Yes I' am. I thrive in the Forum Games and I breed other, smaller-scale Dusklings that could become as legendary or even more so than the very first.

Topic: TheCrazyRadish