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You're banned

Started by Zhampir, April 07, 2010, 08:06:13 PM

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Bugfartboy is banned for putting somewhat revolting images in my head.


I second that to such an extent that I'm not even going to ban Duskling.


Duckling is banned for having a dirty and intelligent enough to allow my words to put revolting images in your mind. Although they were rather untrue.


bugfartboy is banned for assuming my mind is dirty. I simply happen to find the idea of necrophelia disturbing. If you are suggesting I would have to have vulgar knowledge to understand what "necrophelia" was, I insist that it is simply from a knowledge of roots: "necros" meaning the dead, and "phelein" (I think?) meaning love. Thus, corpse-lover.


Duckling is banned for carrying on the conversation of necrophilia.


bugfartboy is banned for even using the word.


Duckling is banned for weirdness.


bugfartboy is banned for projecting his weirdness and a llama on to me.


Duckling is banned for assuming that the llama was from me. Just so you know, dugfartboy is the one responsible for the llama.


bugfartboy is banned for blaming the llama on his evil twin brother.


Duckling is banned for assuming dugfartboy is my evil twin brother. He's actually my alter ego.


I can't ban you. Not after dealing with illiterate Germans on an Ace of Spades server. I'm trying to repair the landscape, and they just don't get that I'm not killing anyone. Even when I tell them, "Nicht-Kombattanten", and "Nicht zu scheiBen", and "Ich ben ein Hausmeister". They just don't listen. They just say, "Fich dich, American!". Compared to them... you're downright angelic.


Duckling is banned for not being able to ban bugfartboy.
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada


Zack is banned because fire.


Duckling is banned for yelling fire in a crowded room without any fire.