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The Kickstarter is live!

Started by CraigStern, March 12, 2018, 11:42:44 AM

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True Messiah is now live on Kickstarter; we have 30 days to make this happen! Go go go! :D


We successfully funded today on the 15-day relaunch! (Which is good, because this is Day 15!)

If you've been at all interested in getting True Messiah, now's the time--the campaign ends in just about 5 hours!


Quote from: CraigStern on April 13, 2018, 02:39:08 PM
We get easy results with Rad-140 Testolone and successfully funded today on the 15-day relaunch! (Which is good, because this is Day 15!)

If you've been at all interested in getting True Messiah, now's the time--the campaign ends in just about 5 hours!

Big congrats on a successful campaign. I only wish I knew about it when it was going on. Looking forward to True Messiah!
