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Started by Duskling, May 15, 2010, 02:25:00 PM

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Mando'a is a language spoken by the Mandalorians, this is thread gives you the many words (not as many as human tongues) and their translations. (I haven't fully learned the languarge myself, so don't speak it on this thread for now, unless you really want to.)

[spoiler= Verbs]    a'den - to rage
   atiniir - to endure, to stick with, to tough it out
   baatir - to care, to worry about
   beten - to sigh
   brokar - to beat (heartbeat, drumbeat)
   cuyir - to be, to exist
   dinuir - to give
   duraanir - to look down upon, to hold in contempt, to despise
   duumir - to allow
   gaan - to want
   ganar - to have
   hettir - to burn
   hibirar - to learn
   hukaatir - to protect, to cover, to shield
   jehaatir - to lie
   jorhaa'ir - to speak
   jorso'ran - shall bear (archaic imperative form)
   jurir - to bear, to carry
   jurkadir - to mess with someone (lit: to brandish a saber)
   kar'taylir - to know
   k'uur - to hush, be quiet, to shut up
   liser - to be able to, can
   motir - to stand
   narir - to act (carry out), to do
   nartir - to place, to put
   nau'ur (also: sometimes seen as naur) - to light up
   nau'ur kad - to forge a saber
   nynir - to hit, to strike
   oya - Let's hunt! and let's roll (colloquial)
   parjir - to win, to be victorious
   shabiir - to screw up
   shereshoy - a lust for life, to live in the moment
   shukur - to break, to smash/tear apart, to crush
   susulur - to hear, to listen
   takisir - to insult
   trattok'o - to fall, to fail
   udesiir - to relax, to rest, to be peaceful
   usen'ye - rudest way to tell someone to go away (same root as osik)
   verborir - to buy, to hire, to contract
   vorer - to accept[/spoiler]


[spoiler= Nouns]aaray - pain
   aay'han - bittersweet moment of mourning and joy - "remembering and celebration"
   abesh - east
   abiik - air
   adade - personnel
   adate - people, persons
   a'den - wrath, rage
   adiik - child aged 3 to 13
   ad'ika - kid, lad, boy, sweetie, darling, son, daughter, child
   ad'ike - sons, daughters, children
   ade - sons (archaic)
   agol - living tissue - meat, muscle, flesh - animal or human, "flesh and blood"
   aka - mission
   akaan - war
   akaan'ade - army
   akaata - battalion
   akalenedat - hard contact
   alii'gai - flag, colors
   aliik - sigil, symbol on armor
   aliit - family, clan, tribe
   alor - leader, chief, "officer", constable, boss
   alor'ad - captain
   aloriya - capital (lit. head city)
   alor'uus - corporal
   al'verde - commander
   anade - everyone, everybody
   aran - guard
   aranar - defense
   araniik - cordon
   ara'nov - defense
   arasuum - stagnation
   arpat - seed
   aru'e - enemy
   aruetii - (ah-roo-AY-tee) traitor, outsider, comparable to "them"
   aruetiise - Aruetii, plural
   ash'ad - someone else
   baar - body
   baar'pir - sweat
   baar'ur - medic
   ba'buir - grandfather/grandmother
   ba'jur - education, training
   balac - opportunity
   bas neral - coarse grain used for animal fodder and brewing; thought unfit to eat
   ba'vodu - uncle
   ba'vodu (pl. bavodu'e) - aunt/uncle
   behot - a citrus-flavored herb, antiseptic, and mild stimulant
   beroya (bair-OY-ah) bounty hunter
   bes'bavar - cavalry
   besbe - kit (slang)
   besbe'trayce - weapons
   bes'bev - Mandalorian wind instrument also used in combat
   be'senaar - missile
   bes'kad - slightly curved saber of Mandalorian iron
   beskar - Mandalorian iron
   beskar'ad - droid (literally "child of iron")
   beskar'gam - armor (literally "iron skin")
   bes'laar - music
   be'sol - priority
   besom - unhygienic person, someone with no manners
   Bes'uliik - Basilisk (literally "iron beast")
   beten - sigh
   bev - needle, spike
   beviin - lance
   bevik - stick
   bic - it
   bines - stack
   birgaan - backpack
   birikad - baby carrying harness
   bora - job
   buir - father/mother
   burc'ya - friend
   buy'ce (pl. buy'cese) - helmet; colloquial: pint, bucket
   ca - night
   chakaar - thief, petty criminal, scumbag, bitch, bastard, bugger, (lit: "grave robber")
   Coruscanta - Coruscant
   Cuy'val Dar - those who no longer exist
   cyar'ika- darling, beloved, sweetheart
   cyar'tomade - fans, a group of people with affection for something
   darasuum - eternity
   dar'buir - no longer a father/mother (very shameful)
   dar'jetii - no longer a Jedi (Sith, Dark Jedi)
   dar'manda - a state of being "not Mandalorian"; not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and soul
   dar'yaim - a hell, a place you want to forget
   dha - dark
   di'kut - a foolish, idiotic, useless individual (severe); context-dependent:can mean jerk, moron, idiot, etc. (sometimes vulgar)
   droten - people, public.
   entye - debt
   gal - ale
   gayi'kaab - radio
   gayiyli - resurrector
   gett - nut
   ge'verd - almost a warrior
   gihaal - fish-meal
   gra'tua (gra-TOO-ah) - revenge, vengeance
   hut'uun (hoo-TOON) - coward
   ib'tuur - today (lit: "this day")
   jai'galaar - shriek-hawk
   jatne'buir- best father/mother
   Jetii (Jeh-tee) - (the) Jedi
   Jetii'kad (jeh-TEE-kahd) - Lightsaber
   Jetiise - (the) Republic, plural "Jedi"
   kad - saber
   kal - knife
   kama - backside, back, belt-spat
   Kaminiise - Kaminoans
   kando (KAHN-do) - importance, weight
   ka'ra - stars
   ka'rta - heart
   ke'gyce - command, order
   kom'rk - gauntlet
   kot - strength
   kote - glory, might
   kyr'am - death
   Kyr'tsad - Death Watch (lit. Death Society) - breakaway Mandalorian sect
   Mand'alor - Mandalore, leader
   Manda'yaim - Mandalore
   Mando'ad - Mandalorian (lit: Son/Daughter/Child of Mandalore)
   Mar'eyce - discovery
   mirsh - brain cell
   mirshe - brain, brains
   ne'tra gal - black ale
   Niktose - nikto
   norac - back
   orar - thunder
   or'dinii - complete lunatic
   ori'ramikade - Supercommandos (lit: Super-raiders with sabers)
   ori'vod - big brother/sister, special friend
   osik - crap, poodoo (sometimes vulgar)
   parjai - victory
   prudii - shadow
   rang - ash
   runi - soul(poetic only)
   shabuir - extreme insult - "jerk", but much stronger
   shebs (shebs, s.); shebse (SHEB-say, pl.) - backside, rear, butt (sometimes vulgar)
   shig (SHEEG) - any kind of hot drink, an infusion
   Shuk'orok - Crushgaunt
   Siit - Sith
   tal - blood
   tar - starfield, space, star, sky
   tat - brother (Concord Dawn dialect for vod)
   Taungsarang - the ash of the Taung
   tihaar - an alcoholic drink; a strong, clear spirit made from fruit
   tor - justice
   tracinya - flame
   tracyn - fire
   troan - face
   tsad - alliance, group, organization
   tuur - day
   uj'alayi - a very dense, very sweet cake made from crushed nuts, dried fruit and spices, and then soaked in a sticky scented syrup called uj'jayl. Colloquially known as an Uj cake.
   uj'Jayl - a sticky scented syrup
   vecuyan - aid, assistance, help
   ven - future
   verd - warrior
   vhett - farmer
   vod (VOHD) - brother, sister, comrade
   vode (VOH-day) - brothers, sisters, comrades
   vod'ika - little brother, little sister
   Vongese - Yuuzhan Vong or just Vong
   vul - (VUHL) - remorse
   Werda - shadows (archaic)[/spoiler]


[spoiler= Phrases]Aliit ori'shya tal'din - "Family is more than bloodline." Mandalorian Proverb.
   Ba'slan shev'la. - Strategic disappearance. Mandalorian Phrase.
   Cin vhetin - the concept that once a person takes up the armor their past does not matter anymore. (Lit: White Snow) Mandalorian Concept
   Copaani gaan? - Need a hand?
   Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod? - Are you looking for a smack in the face, mate?
   Cuy'val Dar - "Those who no longer exist"
   Gar serim - "Yes, you're right." or "That's it."
   Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la. - "Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be." (Lit: Bloodline is not important, but you as a father are the most valuable thing.) Mando saying emphasising the importance of a father's role, and that a man is judged more by that than his lineage.
   Gedet'ye - please
   Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it - Truth, Honor, Vision—said when sealing a pact
   Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc - "Better one big enemy that you can see than many small ones you can't."
   Haili cetare (HI-lee ket-AH-ray) - Eat up (lit: "Fill your boots")
   Haryc b'aalyc - "tired and emotional" - i.e. drunk
   Hukaat'kama (hu-KAHT-ka-MAH) - Watch my back, watch my six
   Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur. - "Today is a good day for someone else to die." (lit: "This day (is) the best (for) another person to die.")
   Jodo! - an insult directed at one who steals a popular public persona to achieve fame and fortune
   Kandosii! - "Awesome!"
   K'atini - Suck it up!
   Kaysh guur' skraan - "He loves his food." (Said of someone who has a healthy appetite, using the verb for affection rather than enjoyment.)
   Kaysh mirsh solus - "His brain cell's lonely." (Intended as an insult to one who is very unintelligent)
   Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya. - "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger." Mandalorian saying.
   Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't mess with Mandos, mate!" (lit: "Don't wave your saber at Mandalorians, mate!" )
   Ke nu jurkad ti Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't cross swords with Mandos, mate!"
   Ke'pare - "Stand by"
   Ke'sush (Keh-SOOSH) - "Atten-shun!"
   Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. - They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic (A line from a Mandalorian war song, adapted for the Republic Commandos).
   Kov'nyn-a head-butt; a Keldabe kiss
   K'oyacyi! - "Cheers!" Can also mean "Hang in there" or "Come back safely." Literally, a command; "Stay alive!"
   K'uur - Hush, Be quiet
   Mando'ad draar digu - A Mandalorian never forgets
   Mandokarla - You've got the right stuff.
   Mar'e (MAH-ray) - expression of relief colloquial: "At last!"
   Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde - We are one whether we are together or apart, we will share everything and we will raise our children as warriors. A Mandalorian marriage contract.
   Mir'osik - something undesirable where your brains ought to be, i.e. "Dung for brains"
   Mirsh'kyramud (MEERSH-keer'AH-mood) - boring person (lit: "brain killer")
   Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore. - Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay. Mandalorian Proverb.
   Munit tome'tayl, skotah iisa - Long memory, short fuse
   Nar dralshy'a - Try harder
   Ne shab'rud'ni... - "Don't mess with me..." (extremely strong warning - much stronger than jurkadir - and likely to be followed by violence)
   Ner vod (nair vohd) - "my brother/sister" colloquial: "(my) buddy/pal/lad/chap"
   Ni dinu ner gaan naakyc, jorcu ni nu copaani kyr'amur ner vod - Honor my offer of truce, for I would not willingly shed my brother's blood.[4]
   Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad - Mandalorian adoption vow (lit: "I know (your) name as (my) son/daughter")
   Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom) - colloquial: "I love you." (lit: "I know you forever.")
   Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum - Daily remembrance of those passed on (lit: "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal") followed by the names of those remembered - Mandalorian tradition
   Nu jurkad Mando'ade, burc'ya! - a reassurance, comparable to "Steady, mate"
   Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - "Not gone, merely marching far away" (Mandalorian phrase for the departed)
   Ori'buyce, kih'kovid. - "All helmet, no head." (Mandalorian insult for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority.)
   Ori'haat - "It's the truth, I swear - no bull."
   Ori'jate - "Very good"
   Resol'nare - Six Actions
   Ret'lini - Just in case
   Re'turcye mhi! - goodbye
   Su cuy'gar! - a friendly greeting (lit: "still live," i.e. "so you're still alive.")
   Su'cuy! - So you're still alive (greeting)
   Tion'ad hukaat'kama? (Tee-ON-ahd HOO-kaht-KA-ma) - "Who's watching your back?"
   Tsad droten - Republic, democracy, even government; context-dependent (lit: "people's organization")
   Udesii - "calm down", "take it easy"
   Usenye (oo-SEN-yay) - "Go away!" (obscene)
   Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than (his) armor" (Mandalorian proverb)
   Vor entye - thank you (lit: "I accept a debt")
   Vor'e (VOHR-ay.) - thanks, short form of vor entye
   Yai'yai - "richly nourishing" - peculiarly Mandalorian description of dense, high-calorie food, of great importance to people dependent on highly portable field rations[/spoiler]


[spoiler= Other words]a (ah) - but
   an (ahn) - all
   ashi - other
   ast - itself
   bah - to
   bal (bahl) - and
   be - of
   cuun (koon) - our
   elek (EL-eck) - yes (colloquial: lek, comparable to "yeah")
   gar - you, your
   haar - emphatic definite article (rare)
   ibic - this
   juaan - beside
   kaysh (kaysh) - him, his, he (masculin third person referral)
   ke - imperative prefix
   ke nu - "don't" prefix
   lo (loh) - into
   meg (mayg) - which, that, that, who
   meh (mey) - if
   mhi (mee) - we
   nayc (NAYSH) - no (colloquial: shh, comparable to "nah")
   ner (nair) - my
   ni - I
   par - for
   ra - or
   ru - added in front of a noun to make it past tense
   sa - as, like
   sha or shal - at (when used in front of a consonant)
   te - the
   teh - from
   ti - with
   tion - interrogative prefix
   tion'ad - who, interrogative
   vaii - where
   val - they, their, theirs
   ven - future prefix[/spoiler]


[spoiler= Numbers]solus (SOH-loos) - one
   t'ad (tahd) - two
   ehn (enn) - three
   cuir (KOO-eer) - four
   rayshe'a (ray-SHEE-ah) - five
   resol (reh-SOL) - six
   e'tad (EH-tad) - seven
   sh'ehn (shayn) - eight
   she'cu (SHAY-koo) - nine
   ta'raysh (ta-RAYSH) - ten
   olan (o-LAN) - hundred
   ta'raysholan (TAH-raysh-oh-lahn) - thousand[/spoiler]
I'm not sure why it doesn't go over 999,999, maybe you have to say something like: "A thousand thousands," or something.


[spoiler= Adjectives and adverbs]adenn (pl. adennate) - merciless
   ala - clever
   ani'latoon - ultimate
   aruetycate - traitorous
   atin - stubborn
   briikase - happy
   dar - no longer
   darasuum - eternal/eternally, forever
   di'kutla - foolish, idiotic (severe)
   drali - bright
   dralshy'a - stronger, more powerful
   droun'yn - never
   ge'tal - red
   hettyc - burning
   hut'uunla - cowardly
   iviin'yc - fast, quickly
   jate - good
   jatne - best
   je'karta - vengeful
   kandosii - indomitable, noble, ruthless
   lev'i - retarded
   mesh'la - beautiful
   nau - before
   ne'tra - black
   ori - big, extreme, very
   racin - pale
   shabla - screwed up (offensive)
   shukla - crushed
   solus - one, alone, each, individual, vulnerable
   sol'yc - first
   talyc - bloody (can be used to describe meat as "rare")
   teroch - pitiless
   tome - together
   tracyn'la - grilled, chargrilled, scorched
   troch - certainly
   ures - without[/spoiler]


You really are into star wars, huh.


Yes, very, thanks for asking. :)


Good news, in case you want to write Mando'a on paper, here's the alphabet.


Yes...Good news...


Did you not happen to catch the words, "In case you want to?" If you don't want to learn this language but you keep posting relatively unneeded comments, I'm locking this thread.