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Thoughts on current administration (of the country(s))

Started by The Holy namelesskitty, June 25, 2010, 06:46:06 AM

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The Holy namelesskitty

Hi everyone. This forum is for people to post the whatever they think about the current leaders of whatever country that they choose.
Please be informed on what you are posting prior to posting it, and please keep arguments civil. Thanks. :)
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Well, I can't really slander the Tory government yet, although they may be planning a massive tax hike.

Hmm... I'll get back to you, probably after the tax hike comes into effect and nobody can afford food any more. Maybe sooner.


1. I think the EU has the right idea when it comes to cutting spending and reducing their deficit.  Obama is digging the US in a deeper hole with his increase in taxes and his ridiculous increase in spending.

2. Iraq needs to get in shape.  It has been 5 months since thier election, yet they still don't have a PM.

3. Israel needs to stop building settlements in the future Palestinian state.

4. Iran needs to stop trying to make nukes.

5. Russia and China needs to stop hapering the West from stopping Iran from getting nukes.

6. China needs to blaim North Korea for sinking a South Korean ship that killed 46 people.

7. Venezuela's Hugo Chávez needs to shut up, because he is not nearly as important as he thinks he is.

The Holy namelesskitty

I disagree with one four and five, I think that Obama is doing the best that he can given the state of things. If you have a better I dea I'd like to hear it, that was an honest request, not a sassback.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Quote from: im2smart4u on July 20, 2010, 08:47:09 PM
I think the EU has the right idea when it comes to cutting spending and reducing their deficit.  Obama is digging the US in a deeper hole with his increase in taxes and his ridiculous increase in spending.
Quote from: namelesskitty on July 21, 2010, 12:42:29 PM
I agree with one four and five, I think that Obama is doing the best that he can given the state of things. If you have a better I dea I'd like to hear it, that was an honest request, not a sassback.
The better idea was to do what the EU was doing.  Obama was the only one at the G8 who wants to increase government spending.

Businesses are unwilling to invest money until they feel they have a safe enviroment to do business in.  Obama wants to increases taxes of corporations, overly increase regulations, require businesses to pay for health care for every employee, have a cap and gains tax, stop off shore drilling, and est.  Businesses are holding back 1.6trillion dollars, because they are unsure what the next anti-business law he will try to pass.  To save the economy Obama has to do something that he is unwilling and unable to do.  Move towards the middle.  I honestly don't think the economy will recover untill a Ronald Reagan type character becomes president and inspires businesses to invest in the economy.


Quote from: im2smart4u on July 20, 2010, 08:47:09 PM
1. I think the EU has the right idea when it comes to cutting spending and reducing their deficit.  Obama is digging the US in a deeper hole with his increase in taxes and his ridiculous increase in spending.

4. Iran needs to stop trying to make nukes.

5. Russia and China needs to stop hapering the West from stopping Iran from getting nukes.
Quote from: namelesskitty on July 21, 2010, 12:42:29 PM
I disagree with one, four, and five
You mentioned the three you disagree with, but you didn't mention which ones you do agree with.
Why do you want Iran to have nuclear weapons?  Do you wish harm towards Israel and America?


Quote from: im2smart4u on July 22, 2010, 04:27:44 PM
Do you wish harm towards Israel and America?
Bah, you know, that's one sensitive question to ask, im2msart4u, 'cause many people around the globe would say "yes" to both or one of them, and in some cases, quite vehemently.

I think it's pretty clear, by impication, that namelesskitty agrees with the rest of the points, namely 2, 3, 6 and 7, if he singled out 1,4 and 5 to specifically disagree with.

Personally, I agree with statements 1-6 in general (though only to the first part of statement 1, as I don't follow too closely what Obama's been up to), honestly don't care about 7, but would like to add a point 8 and 9 in the same spirit:

8. USA should try distance itself from China ASAP, and try to get financially indpendent of the said country, lest no one remains at all to keep China in check for the future.

9. EU should try and diversify its oil and gas sources, lest they continue to be too energetically dependent on Russia.
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Quote from: KZ on July 24, 2010, 10:04:34 AM
Quote from: im2smart4u on July 22, 2010, 04:27:44 PM
Do you wish harm towards Israel and America?
Bah, you know, that's one sensitive question to ask, im2smart4u, 'cause many people around the globe would say "yes" to both or one of them, and in some cases, quite vehemently.
Many people around the globe don't like America, but few would wish for them to have a nuclear weapon used on them(during 9/11 some cheered, but most of the world was on the US side).  To allow Iran to build a nuke is to say "Fuck you, we don't care about your safety". Because nations like China and Russia are unwilling to have sanctions against Iran's energy sector, state-sponsored terrorist will have access to nuclear materials.  As soon as Iran gets a nuclear weapon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will want one too.  It will be like the cold war again, but this time it will be with religious fanatics.

Quote from: KZ on July 24, 2010, 10:04:34 AMI think it's pretty clear, by impication, that namelesskitty agrees with the rest of the points, namely 2, 3, 6 and 7, if he singled out 1,4 and 5 to specifically disagree with.
I can't tell if he has no opinion on the matter or if he agrees.

Quote from: KZ on July 24, 2010, 10:04:34 AMhonestly don't care about 7,
Exactly, he isn't nearly as important as he thinks he is.

Quote from: KZ on July 24, 2010, 10:04:34 AM8. USA should try distance itself from China ASAP, and try to get financially indpendent of the said country, lest no one remains at all to keep China in check for the future.
The USA hates China like heroin addicts hate heroin.  We want to stop, but we can't.  Overpoplulation is both China's strength and weakness.  China needs the status quo, because if they don't have jobs, then millions of people go hungry which may cause a revolution. 


Mmm, I am more concerned with N. Korea- at least the Iranian leaders seem to be sane, and seem to be following a logical path- ie they're prdictable, which isn't something I can say of N. Korea's leaders or their policies- and that is quite dangerous, especially to the neighbouring countries like Japan and S. Korea.

For point 8, unfortunately it is true, and I am rather worried by the amount of power China yields these days- there has to be a counterbalance, otherwise we'll have the "one-bully-in-the-playgorund" policy all over again, and that's even worse than having at least 2 bullies around. Methinks the best situation is to have  a strong EU, which shares some of its policies with USA, a moderately strong Russia, having a local, but not much of a global influence, a subdued China locked horns with a coming-up India, and a healthy Brazil somewhere out there. Throw in an internally bothered Iran, and we're set on course for a slightly brighter future.
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The Holy namelesskitty

THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :

The Holy namelesskitty

What I mean is that the bullys, if you wll want all of the power for themselves if we could put a teacher on the playground, so to continue that metaphor, my choice is that the UN could police anything major and international while petty things can be left up to the countries to sort out.

This would involve giving the UN real power , but I think that the benifits outweigh the risks.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


I know my opinion probably insn't wanted here but I agree with im2smart4u on everyone of his points. And the US just needs to shut up and pull back all it's troops and just keep to itself until we get back on our feet. Taxes are wrong. Poiticians are more or less pomous idiots with nothing in mind but their own agenda and I wil continue this list later.

I'm okay with helping poverty ridden countries, but we need to help the starving in America too

The Holy namelesskitty

but we do want to hear you comments, in fact I'd love to hear why you think that.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Ehh. Just because someone wants to know why I think what I do, doesn't mean I'm going to.
[spoiler]I have my reasons. Don't ask. You really don't want to know.[/spoiler]


Quote from: bugfartboy on July 29, 2010, 05:56:41 PM
I know my opinion probably insn't wanted here but I agree with im2smart4u on everyone of his points.
Your opinion probably isn't wanted, because you agree with me.  On this forum, people rarely do that.

Quote from: bugfartboy on July 29, 2010, 05:56:41 PM
Taxes are wrong.
That statement is extreme.  I think it is wrong to raise taxes so the government can control things that they shouldn't be controling like health care, car companies, retirement savings, student loans, and est.  Taxes should only be spent on stuff like regulation, defence, security, and infrastructure.

Quote from: bugfartboy on July 29, 2010, 05:56:41 PM
I'm okay with helping poverty ridden countries, but we need to help the starving in America too
It is wierd that there are people who go hungry when the government pays farmers to not grow food.