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What would you do?

Started by Duskling, June 29, 2010, 04:47:33 PM

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Answer the door.

What would you do if I was merely a figment of your imagination?


Wonder if I was, too.

What would you do if your doctor had bad news and worse news?


Get both of them, find out that I have emotional problems, scream "I DON'T HAVE EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS!!!!", run out of the room, grab someone and take them to the top of the empire state building after wiring it to explode at the touch of a button, then push the button.

What would you do if I was emotionally distressed?


Run and hide.

What would you do if there was a spoilermaze?


Ignore it in a fit of maniacal laughter.

What would you do if I was wearing a black cape, had wings, pale skin, a fear of sunlight, fangs, and started laughing evilly? [spoiler] MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! BY CLICKING TH SPOILER, YOU ARE NOW MY SLAVE!!!! [/spoiler]


Assume you had been hit on the head, and hit you again to return you to factory settings.

What would you do if I forgot to post?


Tazer the homework!!!!

What would you do if I was a pencil?


Use you to write, plain and simple.

What would you do if you were a bug's fart?


Feel sorry for the bug. It's hard for a bug to fart a bugfartboy you know.

What would you do if you had explosive diarrhea?


Wait 4 seconds, chuck it at somone I didn't like, and take cover.

What would you do if I said I wasn't the Demon Prince of Math?


Not believe you.

What would you do if I was living in your house/apartment?


Ask for rent.

What would you do if you found a Nazi on The Moon?

Link: Rocket Ship Gallileo


Smile, wave, and press the self destruct of course Algebra17!

What would you do if I was hacking your computer right now?


Tell you that I'm a more l33t haxxor than you.

What would you do if I went to sleep?


Stay in my nice cozy corner until you are asleep. Then do what farting bugboys do best. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

What would you do if I farted on you?