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Nameless One And Hero

Started by Nameless, July 17, 2010, 01:10:05 PM

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Do you think Nameless One is The Hero?

Unconvinced on Either
Never Thought About it


I understand that there are posts about each of these character's genders and identities, but there isn't specifically an area to compare them without going in between posts. So may I be the one to bring Both together. Also in this one instead of arguing different points just yet I'd like to know some of the facts that relate to each of them. Such as Hair color and Outfit. So first post evidence of your hypothesis on this subject then compare the two. Perhaps we may be able to figure out this riddle... or at least have fun trying.


I always thought of the Nameless One was Piter ( but that is just me!
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- Lord Canada


I did have a little something I posted on TRPG2 forums i'll move over here to this one...

Well after playing the game and TPRPG Servants of God, I could conclude that the charecter is a Male because If you notice the similarities of Nameless one and the Hero in #2, you may become suspicious of his Identity. And with the explanation of the game on the game "The third Chapter in the Telepath RPG series seems Irrelevant to the others in the series... or does It!" I came to the assumption it may be possible for the character Nameless One to be the Same as the Hero Character in Telepath RPG 2, also considering some of the little background knowledge that Nameless One gives us about his past. Please do tell me if I may be onto Anything.
                               - Nameless


You may also like to take a look at The Nameless One thread and take a look at the discussion in the old forums about The "Nameless One"!.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Indeed, thanks for bringing those threads up, Ertxiem!
I'd go with im2msart4u on how I feel on who the Namless One is. Though I do have an issue with the gender- the Main is not gender specific, whilst TSoG inidcates that the Nameless One is an old human male (old coger is not how one refers to women).
My take is that it is David.
What we do know is that we already met this person before in TRPG2 (Craig told us that).
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Quote from: KZ on July 22, 2010, 08:29:03 AM
Main is not gender specific, whilst TSoG inidcates that the Nameless One is an old human male (old coger is not how one refers to women).
What is a coger?


He meant to spell codger
Currently tied with Zack for the title of Master of Light!


Or Cogger

Cog"ger\ (k[o^]g"g[~e]r), n. [From Cog to wheedle.] A flatterer or deceiver; a sharper.


MikeW781 is right- it's supposed to read codger (an eccentric/strange man, usually an old man).

For the general NO's identity arguments I'd point out his ability to run obfuscation and generally be knowledgeable about scans and such- David was certainly well known for his exceptional skills.
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My money is on David as well. He's already shown to be very powerful in both TRPG 1 and TRPG 2 (Being the only one in the group to sense the shadowlings before he was captured and his ending in chapter 2: "...became a black cape at the head of his class in record time. He is currently recognized as having the most advanced Scanning abilities of any Psy alive.")


But it said he was a veteran David never fought in the war. Did he?


Well it depends on where you think the war began and your take on fighting. David was captured by the shadowlings to scan for the spriggats (dissidents), meaning he was scouting for the shadowlings, albeit unwillingly.


It does boil down to definitions, but David certainly participated during the Shadow Wars, as he was, effectively, used to break through the Spriggat obfuscation (at least, that is the implication), and he was quite alive and well during the last couple of years of the war, staying at the Psy Academy. Methinks he qualifies (especially as one of the definitions of a veteran is: "a person who has served in the armed forces ", which David certainly did, though, as noted above, not on his own accord).
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It can't really be the Main, as his/her gender is purposefully undetermined, and the Nameless One is male. I must say, David seems the most likely. And  you don't know what he did while you were serving Tastidian, so he may well have fought the shadowlings.