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Started by Zhampir, February 10, 2010, 05:22:47 PM

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I haven't heard much about "Shadowling Assassin" can somebody fill me in?


I think it's like Arman quick and deals good back stab, but doesn't have great health and instead of jump you have shadowport.


Nope, it follows the path of a young Shadowling who would like to joing the Assassin's Cult and tries to prove himself worthy. It's a platformer and you can already use the Shadowport ability (which would make it interesting and a bit of a challenge to design good levels on it).
The old forums have a section on this game, if you want to see what the original posts were about, and you can try an early build of the engine as well.
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So its a separate game I thought he meant the class. Is it still in the making or is it been abandoned?


From what CraigStern told us some time ago, it might be one of the projects to experiment with after TSoG is completed.
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Cool, so it seems like he'll always be busy.


yeah which is why I wish my dad hadn't "lost" his flash programming thing... then I could learn to program flash and ask the Creator for a chance to be a part of his team...


This a link to
The game engine is just some basic physics and animations, along with the ability to shadowport around.


yeah I got flash cs4 installed now I just gotta practice and stuff


wow... that's... interesting... lmao
well I can think of a few neat ideas.
Areas that you can't teleport to would definatilly be good...
probably also want a limit on the amount of teleportations...
something like (pseudo code)
Private Function Mouse.Click(blah blah blabitty blah)
   If pointer.location(x,y) <> (menu position) and pointer.location <> (ptcbxenemey(intEnemyNumber).location.x, ptcbxenemy(intEnemyNumber).location.y) and CanTeleport = True THEN
  intTeleport += -1      'decreses amount of teleports availible
   IF intTeleport <= 0 Then
      CanTeleport = False
   End If
     If pointer.location = btnInventory.location then   'put in for each button that opens a menu button
     END IF
End Function


Okay so I have to practice a lot where did you learn it?


Junior Year Vbasic.


So what Computer language did you learn.


Just Quick Basic and Visual Basic and a little C+
but a lot of languages are basically the same with different names...
that and I learn quickly.^^


CS4 and AS2 are pretty easy to learn.

You know what's nice about Adobe Flash? Buttons. There's a couple of very useful event handlers that trigger stuff happening, including the [objectname].onRelease event handler, and that means you don't even have to deal with a bunch of stuff about IF [cursor_location] = [menu_button_location]. Just menuButton.onRelease = function(){
whatever you wnat to do
This is Gambit. The cards are about to explode. Goodbye!