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Where did you always want to go?

Started by Cypher, August 10, 2010, 09:38:00 AM

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Aye, like Ertxiem, I'd like to take a global trip, to have a look around, see how folks live. If it becomes a possibility, with a neat and comfortable space travel, I wouldn't mind visiting Titan.
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Titan would be interesting to visit too (although it would require better heating than Europa inside our space suit).
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


That's true- but think about it, visiting a world that has a semi-frozen ocean on it- how sweet is that. I remember back 10 years ago folks were talking about sending a probe in 2007 to check for any life-signs on Titan. Not quite sure what came of that.
In any case, methinks that if we manage to get to Titan, by that time they would've developed appropriate technology so that we don't get frozen out there!
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