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Corrupt a Wish Foundation

Started by KZ, February 03, 2010, 10:55:15 AM

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Granted. You only have the minimum numer of days required to have anday in plural form. Enjoy you four days (two days and two days) of vacation, and the many mosquito bites.

I wish for a better story.


Granted. Little Red Riding Hood.

I wish for less perfunctoriness.


Granted. Your life is full of perfectly pungent plights.

I wish for greatness.


Granted. Your woe is great.

I wish for fuzziness.


Granted. Your vision is fuzzy for as long as you have vision.

I wish for turkey on rye.


Granted. However, it's faux turkey, because some vegan joker thought that killing animals for food was barbaric.

I wish for pulchritude.


Granted. The genie doesn't know what it means so he just gives you a dead duck.

I wish genie was written with capital letters from now on.
If you seek it, you can find it. Freedom can be attained.


Wish granted, the Genie and all other forum text is now written using the "Pure-Capital" font. However, you are unable to install it on your computer, no matter how hard you try.

I wish to ear a cinnamon cookie right now!
(I wanted to write eat, but a typo came in and put things more interesting!)
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. It ears you back, and the two of you rejoice in mutual earing.

I wish I knew what earing was -- though, I know what earrings are.


Wish granted. The Genie explains you that earing used to mean ploughing. However, you still don't know what it means today.

I wish I could address myself in a more humble way. :P
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. Instead you address yourself in a manner most foul, and get removed from the forums.

I wish for pyrotechnic abilities.


D-dooh zhadoo, bah-bahhh! It's bugfartboy!
Wish granted.
D-dooh zhadoo, bah-bahhh bang boom ssssssssh BANG! It was bugfartboy! (And we never seen him again.)

I wish to really understand why people tend to disappear when they explode, but the explanation written in the true "Pure-Capital" font, instead of what it appears to be the "Georgia" font.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Your wish would be granted, but I was never seen from again, amd thus cannot answer your question.

I wish for better corruptions.


Granted. The corruptions get better, and thus, worse. You've managed to make everyone miserable whilst not even existing. Congrats, Buggy.

I wish I hadn't almost forgotten to make a wish.


Granted. Instead of almost forgetting, you did forget! But because I don't really exist neither does your wish, as I couldn't corrupt it.

I wish misery upon all existance.