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Corrupt a Wish Foundation

Started by KZ, February 03, 2010, 10:55:15 AM

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You and your body are now rich in poison, you die.

I wish that today was Tuesday.
Quote from: Tastidian on July 02, 2010, 02:52:50 AM
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.

Current Elemental Master of Cryokinesis.


Granted: You now rule Canada

I wish that my favourite T.V. show would have its second season already
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada


Granted, it did, but no-one cares for second seasons anymore (just look as Lost).

I wish for a cliffhanger.


Wish Granted. You are dangling off of Mt. Everest

I wished that people did care about second seasons
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Granted, but since people don't care about the first season anymore, you've never heard of it.

I wish for  :-* to mean shadowling not kiss
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Wish granted. It means snog.

I wish for a spacecraft.


Wish Granted. You get a cheap 1 dollar spaceship

I wish this forum game never extisted
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

granted, wait is that a paradox?

I wish I knew if that was a paradox
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Wish Granted. Your Head Explodes form it

I wish I had a tail
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Granted, you are a mouse, I eat you, Yes I do that.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Wish Granted. Nothing Happens

I wish that i was a human but I just had a tail
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Granted I try to eat you but your head just gets stuck in my mouth.

I wish for nothing bad to happen
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Wish Granted. Nothing Good happens either

I wish I was in my favourite anime
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Granted, due to a bad translation, you say something really akward.

I wish for a stingray that doesn't sting me
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


granted, sir kittyman. however that wouldn't be a STINGray, now, would it?

i wish for a bucketload of cheese
pruneman is awesome!!!!!!!!!