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Corrupt a Wish Foundation

Started by KZ, February 03, 2010, 10:55:15 AM

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I wish for a more accurate corruption.


Wish granted. The corruption hits on the bull's eye. However, the bull got mad and runs after you.

I wish that the next poster grants my previous wish.

Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Wish granted. You are dissolved in Holy Acid. That has to hurt undead organic matter.

I wish for Thief 4 to be more like Thief 2 than Thief 3.


Granted. It is now Thief < 2.5.

I wish for cats. Made of zinc.


Wish granted. your cats all have zinc poisoning.

i wish i could sleep more.

(off topic how come this died?)

Hunger is the best spice.


Wish granted. You're bitten by the Tsetse fly that carried the African trypanosomiasis protozoa.

I wish this topic was alive in the last 6 months.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. However, the Ghost of the Past Perfect [or, Ghost of Perfect Past, if you want to be Dickensian about it] haunts you for it for six months. (ooooooooo...! Wooooo....! had beeeeeennn alive.....)

I wish for the Ghostbusters to come along and get rid of the ghost for you.


Wish granted. The Ghostbusters get rid of the ghost for me but not for you, so whenever I make a grammar or spelling error, the ghost will haunt you!

I wish my Inklish Grammer was better.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. You can now gram the people of Inkland more effectively. Enjoy!

I wish that the sock monster didn't eat my socks.


Granted. The monster eats the rest of your clothes instead.

I wish there was a program that generated sprites.
_   _   _   ___     ___     _   _    ___   |  |
\ \/  \/ / '| _  \  / / \ \  |  \| |  / /  _  |_|
\_/\_ /   |_|\'\  \ \ / /  |_\_ |  \ \_./   O


Wish granted. However, they're the sprites generated are only sets of randomly coloured pixels.

I wish my socks didn't smell so bed!

Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. Your socks smell pillow, rather than simply bed.

I wish for an ATP pill.


Granted. However, it's not the ATP you wanted -- it's ammonium triphosphate.

I wish for some good cheese.


Wish granted, it's under your shoe, you just stepped over it.

I wish to say goodbye.
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


Granted. However, you failed to take the opportunity when it arose, and now you are living in regret of this moment for the rest of your days.

I wish for a fox.