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The Two Academies

Started by Zackirus, October 15, 2010, 09:48:32 PM

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You don't have to say HL Dimension. We can tell by the color.

The Holy namelesskitty

Cassiopia sat in her room pondering over a book of history, it told the account of the human/shadowling war. She notedthat it was a human who caused the outcome, how refreshing from their normal society, where crime was so rampart. It was nice to see a human being loyal and doing the right thing, in her society there was barely a criminal justice system simply because of the acute lack or criminals. She nearly smiled, then she went back to the cool and calculating entity that was herself. She heard a knock on her door, and in a flat tone allowed the knocker in.

A rather diminuitive figure stood in the doorway. He tossed her a letter along with a parcel, "don't ask me what it is I'm just the messenger." he said.

She unfolded the letter, it read; "Due to your exceptional preformance in classes you have been formally elevated to the rank of black cape. However due to current issues you are needed to preform duties outside urgently and will be unable to attend a formal ceremony. You are needed to investigate a disturbance in nearby lake alto, we have sensed some tremors coming from that area."

She was nearly giddy with joy, however she fixed her jaw and reminded herself; the truly strong do not let their emotions compromise their mission. She opened the parcel and, not surprisingly, there was her cape.

She set out to the lake fully ready for what ever there could be, silent and unbending as a rock
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Zack waited around the corner of West Gate. He had a small blue book in his hand's and he noticed that three guys had gathered around west gate. However, he had heard talk of 4 members and their were only three. He put his book up and again and contacted Zaron. Zaron, I might be leaving the Academy for a awhile so, you might lose contact with your nymph.. Just don't kill my Nymph, and I'll let it go with you Zaron Responded. Zack continued to wait as a green girl passed by him and casually walked out of west gate. Zack screamed on the inside at the colour of her skin and continued to read, pretending like he never saw anything.

If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Cssiopia had recovered from the initial shock of her violent rage she felt the need to vent her anger against all humans and shadowlings. She strut out of her room, her mind clouded by rage, and approached a boy standing idly outside of the west gate.

Cassiopia struck the boy across the face sharply and screamed "stupid filthy humans, you deserve yourselves!". Her rage appeased, she attempted to slink away from the stunned boy but was caught by another human.

"what was that about?" the boy demanded.

"tch" Cassiopia winced at her pointed words "humans! A human betrayed his race in the war, and you're all the same person. You'll sell your mother's soul for a few small coins!" Cassiopia's words tasted acrid in her mouth and they burned coming out, but the words had a mind of their own and refused to be suppressed.

"We aren't all like that." the boy replied as if deeply wounded.

"I, I know." Cassiopia awkwardly stammered afraid that the words were still in her mouth. She shielded her eyes as she turned her head away ashamedly. Suddenly she bolted inside almost weeping. Although much escaped her vision she did notice another boy apart from the two she had spoken with and a fourth standing detached and separate from the group she had met.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Eh, I think you're in the wrong dimension, kitty.
_   _   _   ___     ___     _   _    ___   |  |
\ \/  \/ / '| _  \  / / \ \  |  \| |  / /  _  |_|
\_/\_ /   |_|\'\  \ \ / /  |_\_ |  \ \_./   O

The Holy namelesskitty

THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Mike and his buddies are waiting for John in the SL dimension (in red). Mike is about to do a mission with a shadowling and John is planning how to assassinate the dean in the HL (in blue)
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada

The Holy namelesskitty

Oh, my mistake. Just asume that they're random other people then.
THE CAT IS BACK!!!!!!1!!!

my telepath LP :


Okay then everyone back to the story!
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada


Zaron watched Zack as he waited. Then he felt it. A strong presence. Almost like a spirit were right next to him. Crossing his eyes awkwardly he looked to his right into the spirit plane to see a Greater Ghost floating next to him, curious and calm. "Yes?" he asked, not really expecting a reply. "You're an odd one", stated the ghost. From what Zaron could detect, the spirit was obviously a normally peaceful being with a very clear knowledge of who it once was. "You're no cookie-cutter mold yourself." he replied. "And what would the cause of your current situation be, young student?" Zaron shuddered inside, trying to force himself to call up the memory to share with the friendly seeming spirit.

Yup. This was a goodish RP. So I'm attempting to revive it.

Xemadus Echina

i don't suppose it would be to late for a last minute entry?
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


Sure why not. Although, Rainen does not have access to both dimensions, even if he is a... whatever he is. Also don't make him to powerful (Red, Blue, or Black Cape, not White Cape level)
If The World Was A Bit More Like Canada, Then We Would Have A Great World, And Hockey 24/7

- Lord Canada


Hey guys, on the same accord as rainen I'd like to get in. There are a few clarifications I need, though, so I don't make a character that's disallowed:
1. Must he/she be humanoid?
2. Must he/she NOT be a Shadowling?
3. Must he/she be the exact same character in both dimensions? I know that the characters are different based on their experiences in each dimension, but I mean must they each be the same person pre killing of the queen/the dean?
4. Must he/she be an applicant or student at the academy as opposed to fulfilling another role there (such as that of a Shadowling in the HL?)

I read the entire story, so I'm up to date. Please respond soon.
You're banned. Wait, I'm not a mod...
But if I was you'd be banned!


Quote from: Shadoroq on April 22, 2011, 12:00:51 AM
Hey guys, on the same accord as rainen I'd like to get in. There are a few clarifications I need, though, so I don't make a character that's disallowed:
1. Must he/she be humanoid?
2. Must he/she NOT be a Shadowling?
3. Must he/she be the exact same character in both dimensions? I know that the characters are different based on their experiences in each dimension, but I mean must they each be the same person pre killing of the queen/the dean?
4. Must he/she be an applicant or student at the academy as opposed to fulfilling another role there (such as that of a Shadowling in the HL?)

I read the entire story, so I'm up to date. Please respond soon.
1. Not really, just don't overpower (OP) him/her.
2. No, he/she can be anyone in the Telepath universe, this is an RP, after all.
3. Probably, same person, probably a different experience.
4. Methinks not, as that is a bit too restrictive.


I thank you profusely. Now, I know OP means overpowered, but this term needs a bit of explaining. I'm not trying to create a dud!...

I swear!
You're banned. Wait, I'm not a mod...
But if I was you'd be banned!