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Fading Purple

Started by bugfartboy, March 29, 2011, 07:36:43 AM

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We all know what happens when someone dies in battle in the Telepath World. They fade to purple and then fade out. But what causes this odd phenomenon? Put your ideas and theories here!

My personal thought on in is that at the time of death, the mind is struggling to support itself. In this struggle, the mind consumes it's body and it's supply of oxygen, causing the body to turn blue-violet. However, as this is not enough, the mind eventually consumes itself. Thus, fading to purple. What do you think?


That's no fun, Cair.

I think it's because before their time of death, Telepath Universians transform into rather large blueberries. It's an inescapable part of their life cycle, ingrained in their heritage since the beginning of their evolutionary history.

There was never any downside to the process, and bird thrive off of deaths, and vultures have to eat things that are still alive; otherwise, it turns into a blueberry.

Shadowling berries probably have a rather smoky flavor...


Nah. Not blueberries. Psy's would turn into stapleberries. Why? Because their minds are so sharp! *dah duh dun* :)  Maybe the ground in the Telepath world is actually alive and eats people after releasing a violet light around them.

And on a side note, wouldn't it be Cairy? Everyone has a nickname ending in a "y" around here! Sterny!! Buggy!! Ducky!! Duskie!! Zacky!! Kitty!! Erty!! KZ-ee-y(?)!! :-[ :P

Idozen Cair

This is supposed to be fun? Oh well....

According to my theory, there are some race of purple creatures that dwell underground and they gobble up dead bodies in a flash of fading purple. That's how you get fading purple and no bodies.
I doesn't care, do I?

Idozen Cair

I am certainly happy with 'Cairy'. To avoid clashing ideas, I just want to say that when I clicked 'post', you did too, Buggy, therefore your idea appeared before mine, althougn we're the same.
I doesn't care, do I?


It's supposed to be a fun serious Cairy! It's not a game. But neither is it a political discussion! Loosen up bud! :) ;)

And by the way, can you fix your double post?


I was really editing mine. So it really was there first.


Bug, I must disagree with you on terms of the names.

Mopman: Mopster
Bugfartboy: Buggy
Duskling: Duskie
Zackirus: Zack
Duckling: Duck, Ducky
KZ: If you're too lazy to say KZ, you don't belong here....
Ertxiem: Ert
Frosty: Frosty
TheWanderingShadow: TWS
The Holy Namelesskitty: THN, Kitty
Steelfist: Steelie-p... I mean Steelfist. His username isn't really subject to abbreviation.
HeadShot: HS
Cerzakfan86: czk
Idozen Cair: Cair, Dozer, Idozen?[/spoiler]

About the purple creatures... sounds like [spoiler=obnoxiously loud]SIDE-QUEST MATERIAL!!![/spoiler]


If he doesn't want to do it, I will!!

Idozen Cair

I'm willing to. But in the meanwhile, why not we let the theories continue?
I doesn't care, do I?

Xemadus Echina

Here's my thoughts [spoiler](of course since my name was omitted from the nick-names lists i HAVE to post something as a subliminal message)[/spoiler]
When a person dies a spirit uses shadowport-other and teleports the dead body into a stasis pod in the ethereal realm so mediums like Luca can revive them
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.


Following off that theory, I would say that actually it is their body going through a 'permanent shadowport', not to anywhere but simply into the non-existence that briefly happens to a shadowling shadowporting.

On a side note, Rainen, I shall, from this point onward, call you Rainy.


Sorry Rainy! That sounds just a little farfetched.


Actually, I think that rainen's theory its the more consistent of all that appeared here up to now.

[spoiler=Nicknames]Steelfist could be Stee, to follow the "y" sound of the ending of most nicknames.[/spoiler]
Ert, the Dead Cow.
With 2 small Mandelbrot sets as the spots.


In my somewhat joking defense, so the mind wouldn't be attempting to support itself?

Xemadus Echina

I definitely stand by my opinion that when a person "dies" they go into another realm.  And remember how It is said the body is needed for Luca to revive a person?  That proves that the body doesn't "fade away" into nothingness.
im writing a book!;topicseen
heres a free verse poem I wrote for school
You never know
Just what you will find after you
Lost your favorite thing. But
The important thing is that the
Game you play will help you to get by.