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Started by Deagonx, April 07, 2011, 06:41:40 PM

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I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


I don't! Using complete sentences helps to convey meaning with greater effectiveness, not to mention the fact that it's the only grammatically correct manner in which to answer a question. Then, when the test is done, if you have use Complete Answer Format as well as complete sentences, you can study for a retest if you've failed! (Like... on a grammar test?)


Today I found out my girlfriend cheated on me with two different people.

Please excuse me if I have other things on my mind.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


My preceding post was not, in fact, meant to be degrading, derogatory, unkind, or hurtful. In fact, it was for the sole purpose of merriment and general clarification.

Unfortunately, I think it came across as a bit biting right in that bit at the end, but in truth, I was only trying to convey the irony of the situation. I know you both are capable of being eloquent and well-spoken and well-written when you choose to be, and so suggesting otherwise was not means to be an actual, literal, real, material suggestion that you, in fact, were not capable of passing a grammar test -- who can't with their eyes shut? Don't answer that, por favor! -- but rather a simple and friendly, if not perfectly clear, way of expressing my sheer merriment in regards to the fact that I remain alive!

You see, my forum friends, I recently wrote a letter. It was not any old letter, but rather one that contained details on what my loved ones were to do according to certain requests after the event of my death. In writing this, I was released of a great deal of worldly grief and woe, and am now in as high spirits as ever I have been for a duration as extended as this, and no drugs but those bought over the counter for decongestion and antihisteminical purports were involved in the procedings! One of the jolly effects of this is that my writing is now more inspired and lengthy, along with greater eloquence of manner in writing, and overall, I believe that writing such a dismal letter as that has an incredible cathartic nature!

Thou hadst a lady companion most disloyal?
Oh, the great woes thou weepest!
but come now, for couldst thou not forsake thy treacherous wench?
Perhaps the time has come to move on,
To not forgive, but to forget, or to live anew as thine own self!

Excuse my importunity, but I find myself most unable to contain mine outbursts most green, most sharp, and most new.


You know what would make me happy?

I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


Death on whose part, may I ask?
Not thy part, sir, for no man may be happy while he lies dead,
Not mine part, sir, for thou knowest not me, nor mine self, nor what I have to offer the world,
and thou canst not be the judge of whether a man is to lie dead if thou knowest him not, and
Not Bug's part, sir, for he remains a true and hearty companion of the mind,
as Both you make merry in biting others with the tongue (that meaneth sarcasm, not anything offensive);
Not thy disloyal wench's part, sir, for though she, if as thou sayest, is most untrue,
she does not belong to you for to remove her head.

So, sir, who shall it be, sir, not you, not I, not Bug, not Her, so whose death shall it be?


Aww. PM me DeagonX, when you're online.


Tis myself, who I wish for an ending of life. Where, should it not be suicide I may go to heaven, and rid myself of the disgusting human race, and leave all the pain around me behind.

No man may be happy while he lies dead, yet no man may be sad.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


"Tis myself for whom..", but I shall not call thee out on the rest in thy state of misery.

But why wert thou so attached to this fickle fiend?
If she truly is as such, then 'tis no loss at all. 'Tis a blessing to be rid of such soulish drubbage.



Tis not that she betrayed my trust, only those that she betrayed it with. I feel as if I am less than them, and I have always had problems with self esteem.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


Hmm... Sure you don't want to talk? I find that talking with someone I don't really know helps.


I am certain, talking about it just makes me feel worse. I am not ignoring it.

Im sending her facebook messages about it.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?


Okay. What my last PM stated is still true.


I agree, but honestly I should not involve you too much in my personal life.

I could tell you all about me, but it seems to me people exploit stupid shit like that to try to disprove my credibility. And I like debating.
I believe in evolution. How else would Charmander become Charizard?