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A concern about pace

Started by RaustBD, February 12, 2013, 06:34:01 AM

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Hey, I tried the demo, and I just wanted to voice a few concerns I've had about how the new system (compared to the telepath rpg and psy arena series) might have some problems that I feel need to be addressed.

First and foremost, the higher number of units and the larger map size have me concerned that navigating the battlefield will be tedious rather than streamlined, especially since you seem to have shifted to a final fantasy tactics style control scheme for moving units around. One of the biggest dangers that a tactical rpg has to avoid is having to manually move several units across a map when no enemies are in range. This was never a problem in the previous games, because the map was so small that there was pretty much constantly a battle going on. But the second level of the demo starts off with a huge number of units far away from any enemies.

Just adding some enemies on the other side would help, but it wouldn't address the larger problem. I feel there should be a streamlined method of moving large numbers of units automatically towards a certain location. A sort of "march" command, if you will, that lets you select any number of units, then select a destination, and possibly a general route you want them to follow.

Alternatively, you could make it so that all units have double the number of movement points per turn when no enemies are nearby, though I suspect that would be more problematic.

Just my humble suggestion, but I really really feel it's important that this issue is addressed soon, as it could be a huge problem in enjoying this game later.


Hey Raust: try right-clicking a space and selecting "Rally". ;)


Quote from: CraigStern on February 12, 2013, 10:47:48 AM
Hey Raust: try right-clicking a space and selecting "Rally". ;)

Lol in one line/sentence you answer his query: Brilliant!   

Oh and have you looked into another group actions, other than move (Rally)?  Or were they just not ... all that pertain?

Is there a way of selecting a group of units (for example: 3 units) and telling them to move/Rally to a point?


I think a question just like that was answered recently, and that the answer was along the lines of "not at the moment, no". I could be remembering incorrectly.

[also, now is a great time to keep my sig in mind. I hope no one misinterprets my shortness of phrase as snippiness.]