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Started by CraigStern, February 11, 2013, 07:19:44 PM

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--in multiplayer rulesets, all CharClasses.xml classes that players can select from when building their armies must now be tagged Selectable (no parameters). This gives you more flexibility to add character types that would be unbalanced if selectable in the army-building screen, but which would nonetheless be cool to have in multiplayer maps in one capacity or another. ;)


--fixed a bug that was preventing the ForgetAttacks script action from working

--changed the formatting on the army composition screen in multiplayer so it accommodates longer class names without extending past the bottom of the window


--finished part 13 of the tutorial for making a Telepath Tactics campaign.


--fixed a bug in which he game would sometimes get stuck in an infinite loop and freeze without creating a log if you left characters two spaces offshore over water near an enemy with Charge.

--fixed a bug in which the game would sometimes drop item sacks on the wrong space if the character dropping the sack was on a bridge.


--finished part 14 of the tutorial for making a Telepath Tactics campaign! :3

--added documentation of the Selectable character tag to the manual.


--changed the delimiter for first and last name when changing the Name stat with SetStat to a colon from a forward slash.

--added Y Coord and X Coord to the manual as documented stats useable with SetStat and IfStatGoTo / IfStatRun.

--finished part 15 of the tutorial for making a Telepath Tactics campaign.



--so, I understand that inventory bugs remain in Telepath Tactics, but I'm at a total loss as to what could still be causing them. There's a kind of a hacky fix I added in to prevent the game from trying to equip items that no longer exist; this causes characters' items to sometimes come unequipped, but it beats making the entire game unplayable. I just now added a second hacky fix where, if the game detects itself trying to equip an item that no longer exists, it'll try to equip the item in the slot below it instead. (In every instance I've seen of this happening, it's trying to equip an item from one slot above the last slot in the character's inventory.) Hopefully this will make the unequipping phenomenon less frequent / annoying while I work to track down the source of the bug.


--fixed a bug in which characters who reach or exceed 100 experience points would not level up after attack- or death-triggered dialogue.

--fixed a bug in which the game would sometimes check for the team number of a character that had already been destroyed, causing the game to freeze.

--fixed a particularly gruesome bug which would cause the game forget what items characters had equipped after they grabbed an item sack off the battlefield. (This one took me hours to track down.)

--replaced the gray background of the reserve item screen with a black one; it looks decidedly classier.

--repositioned the dialogue box during a few early scenes to keep talking characters from being covered over.


--fixed a bug in which saved games that were saved at times in the single digits would not precede the minute number with a 0 (for e.g., showing (9:5 instead of 9:05).

--fixed a bug in the game's AI that was preventing the CPU from using Charge even when it determined Charge to be the optimal attack to use.

--fixed a bug in which the game could glitch out of a character attempted to push or throw an enemy off the edge of the battlefield.

--fixed multiple bugs that occurred with the game specifically when compiled in newer versions of AIR.

--created a final release trailer!

--created a Windows build of the game that does not require the player to separately install AIR first.


--created a Mac build of the game that does not require the player to separately install AIR first.


--I've been stuck in a quagmire of trying to make the game play nice with Steam. After days of frustration, however, I think I'm finally close to having it!

--fixed a couple of typos that were causing scripting errors in the Coria Tavern cut scene.

--changed Throw Axe from range 1-2 to range 2. (It's really only ever used at range anyway, and this takes out the damage fall-off factor.)

--put in a new item I wanted to add: Javelins! 6 uses, gives spearmen range +2 on the Spear attack. :)


--recreated all of the installers with the new changes, uploaded them all to the proper Sinister Design and GOG FTP servers.

--completed and published the Steam page for Telepath Tactics (where you can follow the game and review it once it's released!)

--added a EULA to the Steam release of the game.


--ended up having to rebuild the installers for Steam yet again, but this time they work! Currently losing sleep for the third night in a row while the Mac installer transfers via FTP (Mac OS won't let me just put the thing on a USB stick) so that I can then download it and upload it to Steam. (I really hope Steam sales are good, because supporting it has been a truly titanic pain in the butt so far.)

--updated the manual with a summary of the game's setting.


--sigh. The Mac build on Steam still doesn't work. Mac OSX now thinks that the game is built for PowerPC (which it totally isn't) after a Steam install. I'm going to call uncle temporarily and make the Steam release Windows-only for now.

--the game's release trailer is up! I'll be spamming the internet with it when the game releases in about 2 hours. :)