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Started by CraigStern, February 11, 2013, 07:19:44 PM

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--you can now right-click character portraits during deployment and on the common inventory screen to bring up character details! This was a surprisingly difficult thing to code, since the game usually pulls all of this info out of characters only after they've spawned on the battlefield, but enough of you asked for it that i decided to spend my Saturday programming it in. :)


--fixed a bug in which the actions window would sometimes spawn offscreen if you started a battle while in windowed mode.

--fixed a bug in which the Map to the Mines remained in Emma's inventory even after it should have been gone.


--changed the contents of the treasure chests in the Defending the Camp battle to things that are more useful and interesting. (Bandages and focus pills? For both of them? What was I thinking?)


I started playing around with scripting the foundation for a campaign structured around recruiting generic characters. I had to make a few changes to make things work, however! To wit:

--fixed a bug where the SpawnChar script action would not correctly assign a sex to a character with sex "Either" that had been spawned by class name rather than by character name.

--fixed a bug where the SpawnChar script action would not correctly assign a name to a character with name "random" that had been spawned by class name rather than by character name.

--new script action: SetStringByStat. This sets a string equal to a character's string stat. Three parameters: string name, character name, and string stat name.

--added Name, FirstName and LastName to the list of useable IfStatGoTo string stat name parameters; can be used in combination with the ID tag and SetStringByStat to return a character's full name (using spaces), first name, or last name, respectively.

--you can now use ID tags with the RecruitChar and DismissChar actions--this makes it so you don't have to know the assigned name for a "random" character in advance prior to recruiting them.

I'll be posting the scene I scripted for recruiting characters once the next update goes out. :)


--fixed a bug in which Harriet Glaive would give a death monologue and permanently die if killed in casual mode


--fixed the bugs preventing characters from promoting upon reaching level 20 as they were supposed to; they involved the game not treating IfTagGoTo as an "else if" action when followed by GoTo, and the game not cycling characters out of an array tracking who was leveling up as it was supposed to.

--reduced the levels of the two crossbowmen who pursue Annel Stormhunter to level 3, making them a bit weaker and easier to respond to when they appear.

--fixed a bug in which the game would freeze when the drawbridge lowered in the second battle escaping the bandit fortress.


Version 1.026 pushed! Going forward:

--fixed: game didn't save the assigned sex of recruited "Either" characters. Now it does.
--fixed: level up data was not transferring over to new scenes with generic, randomly named characters. Now it does.


Made some headway on the inventory-swapping bug. I finally managed to reproduce it; on first glance, it seems to happen if you swap out characters in a way that the characters on the battlefield represent a gap in your roster. I'm going to investigate this further and see if I can nail down the cause in the code...


Loads of stories/reviews/interviews of Telepath Tactics unexpectedly dropped all at once today from, Rock Paper Shotgun, Polygon, and Indie Haven, so today ended up being a marketing-heavy day (sharing the stories on social media stuff, updating links and press clippings, etc). Work on fixing the inventory swapping resumes tomorrow!


--fixed bug in which characters would get to keep acting after leveling up from what should have been a turn-ending attack.
--recoded the game's handling of animated character health and experience bars; it's now cleaner and more optimized. (I doubt that that was the cause of the slowdown, but hey--every little bit helps!)


--split off the intro dialogue to the Meridian rescue battle into its own scene so you don't have to go through it every time you lose the battle.
--fixed a bug that was causing the game to screw up when using the RecruitChar script action during a static cut scene (as in the cut scene right after picking apples).


--fixed a bug in which Shadow Blast's range somehow became set to 2 instead of 2-3.
--bumped up the money Gonif Bastid gives you after the caravan battle from 350 to 480, to make things easier for players who've taken losses (or who haven't yet figured out how to conserve supplies).

I also spent an inordinate amount of time today--literally hours on end--trying to reproduce the inventory swapping bug again so I could determine its mechanism, but for some reason I could not get it to happen again. Very frustrating.


--fixed a typo that was causing the game to freeze during the drawbridge battle if the player had built bridge tiles where the drawbridge was to appear, when the drawbridge appeared.

--I think I mayyyyyyyyy (fingers crossed really hard) have fixed the inventory swapping bug! We will see shortly.

Uploaded version 1.028! (Note: GOG users will have to wait for GOG staff to manually update the file, probably on Monday.)


--annoyed by the reuse of images for the iron and steel versions of most melee weapons, I've pixeled new sword, lance, spear, and axe variants to be used for the steel versions of these weapons.


--the game now allows you to right-click character portraits for detailed info when managing reserve supplies in merchant scenes or during battle (not just during character deployment).