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Developer's Log

Started by CraigStern, February 11, 2013, 07:19:44 PM

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- the game will now successfully load saved game files from slots which you haven't yet created a game in. (If, for example, you download someone else's saved game.)


- fixed a typo where the game treated the Flail item as increasing a character's health by 250 points (and decreasing it a corresponding amount upon unequipping).


- fixed a bug in which the game would sometimes throw a null reference error if the first turn of a battle ended without any particles being rendered



- fixed a bug in which the game's shadowling bosses would not spawn with flying.


- fixed a typo where the game treated the Steam Crossbow item as increasing a character's health by 320 points (and decreasing it a corresponding amount upon unequipping).

- increased the strength of the Steam Crossbow from 12 to 14.


- fixed scripting error in final battle which caused enemy reinforcements to cut off after turn 7


- reorganized particle rendering code to avoid remaining situations where particles would stick around the battlefield.

- moved one of the spike traps in the final battle to keep newly spawned units from flying into it each time.



- added in extra dialogue in the fight outside the bandit fortress giving the player additional prior warning before the enemy lowers the drawbridge.

- added a chance of both Stunned and Burning status to the "Explode" attack from the destruction of Teresa's charges.


- fixed a bug in which the game would freeze upon starting a new game if the game did not detect an already-existing Documents > My Games > Telepath Tactics > Saved Games directory.



- attempted to remedy the Linux-specific issue with certain folders being incorrectly capitalized upon installation by removing and then manually re-adding the folders to the list of directories to be included in the installer. Rebuilt and reuploaded version 1.051 for Linux with this change.