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The early access bug reporting thread

Started by CraigStern, February 18, 2013, 10:39:47 PM

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Downloaded fixed alpha build.

Going to "Campaign" > "Load Campaign" gets me locked on a blank black screen with no way back (but music does not discontinue).


I downloaded the alpha tonight, and when I got to the battle with "The Impaler" I got inside the castle. I hit the top right barrel and then tried to destroy it with my bowman. As soon as he "destroyed" it, the barrel exploded and all graphics within 4 squares of it got glitchy and then the game hung. It looked like a dirt explosion where the barrel had been, and there was clipping behind it. I had to force close the game.


I just ran into the same problem the previous poster mentioned. I downloaded the Alpha tonight, installed and ran it. In the battle at Dawbry, my bowman destroyed a barrel, which proceeded to explode. A lot. Many many times. I couldn't do anything else, and the game got slower and slower, and eventually seemed to hang entirely. I've attached a screenshot.


Quote from: bugfartboy on April 30, 2013, 10:54:36 PMAt one point, the game skipped my turn twice in a row

What preceded this?


I had eliminated both of the stone golem's companions, and had both of my units near lava. Other than that, I wouldn't say I'd done anything strange. I'll try to replicate it, and catch it on video.

Quote from: Ankios on May 01, 2013, 12:07:47 AM
I downloaded the alpha tonight, and when I got to the battle with "The Impaler" I got inside the castle. I hit the top right barrel and then tried to destroy it with my bowman. As soon as he "destroyed" it, the barrel exploded and all graphics within 4 squares of it got glitchy and then the game hung. It looked like a dirt explosion where the barrel had been, and there was clipping behind it. I had to force close the game.

I just ran into a similar situation with wooden bridges. My red spriggat had just back-stabbed the enemy's general on the Hotfoot Cavern map, only to have the wooden bridges explode. This slowed down my game to an unplayable level, at which point I was forced to close it.


i have had the exploding barrels a couple times, i have not successfully destoryed any barrel with making the game hang, this was on the dawby map and the impaler map


Hm, okay--I'll figure out the problem. Thanks for the bug reports!


The game also slows down for me when destroying barrels in the impaler mission, also a graphic bug occurs.


Bugs, bugs, and more bugs! (Refer to attached images where applicable)

Negative Health
     I believe I've reported this before. I don't know if you've been too busy to look at it, but here's another couple instances.

     In NegativeHealth3.PNG the two swordsmen to the North and West of the indicated Psy Healer had attacked said Healer.The next turn the Healer walked away and brought it's health back up to above 0.
     In negativehealth4.PNG (Gosh there are getting to be a lot of instances of this bug) the indicated Photokineticist had been attacked from the West and backstabbed from the East. (I have the Eastern Swordsman circled for some important reason, but I've already forgotten what it was.) When my turn rolled around, I attacked the same Photokinecist and had no real effect, but to lower it's health even more.

     Conditions for this battle (With comments to the side):
          FFA/Teams: 2-versus-2 (Nice having the devil on your side sometimes.)
          Game Type: Capture the Flag (AI does a terrible job of protecting it's flag or it's generals by the way. Please fix at some point)
          Army Constraints: Random+Identical
          Ally Pass-Through: On
          Fog of War: Off (For obvious reasons.)
          Turn Time Limit: 5 Minutes
          Respawn Rate: 2 Turns (Still trying to figure out if this actually works the way I think.)

     I personally think that the Respawn Rate may have some hand in this bug.

     While I find it interesting that this is becoming so frequent, I find it irritating that my enemies get immortal units. I also find it irritating that the Computer's AI will have units use Adrenaline Pills, just to have sit there and not move. It's just bad sport.

Vanishing Attack

And now a very strange bug indeed. I'm calling it the "Vanishing Attack":

     In VanishingAttack.PNG, a Swordsman had attacked the Healer to the North of my crudely drawn in circle. I believe the attack landed, as the appropriate damage counter popped up. At one point in this process, the Swordsman simply vanished completely, never to reappear. I blame aliens for this, although I'm not too concerned: It wasn't my swordsman. XD

     Conditions for this battle:
          Refer to previous bug

     First and only time I've seen this. It did give me a few ideas for a custom unit, but that's another topic.

Object Abductions

     As if stealing swordsmen wasn't enough, the aliens have started targeting objects on the battlefield. As you coded them, I think it goes without saying that the AI didn't have units attack a boulder or bridge across to an item sack.

     In DisappearingUnits.PNG, an Item Sack on an untouched island vanished after the Swordsman (Crudely circled red) attacked the Photokineticist (Crudely circled blue) to it's West. When the Photokineticist's turn rolled around, the Boulder that should have been to it's South vanished.

     Conditions for this battle:
          Same as previous bugs

     This is potentially problematic, as it seems your game engine is stealing things that don't belong to it. Should it go on that television show, Hoarders?

The River Styx

     I think the River Styx is flowing backwards in the Dundar Archipelago. I don't have any screenshots to prove it, but here it goes:

     When killed by drowning or burning through lava, Units aren't removed from the board. Their sprites vanish, and their directional arrows move as though they had clambered out of the water or lava. Their class changes to "null", and all of their Health, PsP, and Counter Attacks change to 0/0 and their resistances change to 0%. While a player can remain relatively unaffected when it happens to their units, this bug locks up the AI. The game selects the ownerless arrow, and stops everything but particle effects.

     Conditions for this battle:
          Unspecific. I've seen it every gamemode, and the campaign as well.

     Not much to say about this one. I'm not at my wit's end for the day, but my wit has reached an end.

Hope I helped to some degree,

(Sorry about the lack of attachments. My browser doesn't want to upload them, although I'm inside the size limit for attachments. Working on that now.)

Screenshots here!
I'll probably leave them there for about a week.


I've fixed another bug in the Telepath Tactics alpha! Destroyed objects no longer glitch out the game. Download and Replace as needed. :)


I downloaded the version around 11:30 EST on May 1.

Two bugs I noticed:
1. On the Archipedigo stage, an enemy crossbowman destroyed a wooden barricade I made.  I could then control their units instead of mine.  After moving one of their units, the game glitched so I could control nothing.  The music kept playing, but I couldn't control any units.  I Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out.

2. On the Donut Tower, I killed the last unit by drowning (shoved them into the hole in the middle.)  It then went to my turn, but did not declare me the winner.  When I end turn, it goes to the enemy turn, and one enemy cursor shows up (facing north).  After a few seconds, it goes back to my turn like the enemy ended turn.  I eventually Surrendered to end the match.

Sorry for no screenshots.  I had pushed the unit into the rightmost part of the hole.  The cursor showed up one more space to the right (on the normal ground tile I pushed it off of.)


Game stopping bug. Breaking barrels in fortress for supplies causing weird graphic glitch and game to lag/stutter and eventually become unresponsive.

This is happening to me on the first mission with the general. I believe it's battle #3, My first time with an engineer to cross the river and enter the fort and the dialogue mentions breaking barrels for supplies to use. I can break the barricades just fine, but when breaking barrels it becomes unresponsive. I've duplicated the bug. First time my engineer broke the barrel second time a swordsman broke the barrel. Both time multiple characters had damaged the barrel.


Thanks for the reports, guys! I'll look into this stuff ASAP.

Blueflame, try updating your install: I just fixed a bug with destructible objects last night, so I think that might have been addressed?

Oh, also: I just fixed the bug that was causing the game to default to 3-second turn timers in local multiplayer matches. Download, run and replace as needed. :)


Quote from: JeenLeen on May 01, 2013, 11:15:54 PM
2. On the Donut Tower, I killed the last unit by drowning (shoved them into the hole in the middle.)  It then went to my turn, but did not declare me the winner.  When I end turn, it goes to the enemy turn, and one enemy cursor shows up (facing north).  After a few seconds, it goes back to my turn like the enemy ended turn.  I eventually Surrendered to end the match.

I had a similar incident to the above one happen later on last night, but with lava instead of water.  In the really small lava room (it gave me an army of 3 soldiers--sorry; away from game so not having the name), the enemy turn started with them having 1 guy in the lava and a 2nd out of it.  (The third had been killed.)  When the turn started, I think I saw it start to move the guy out of the lava as he died (i.e., the death/smoke animation happened in the lava, but he started moving to a ground tile before vanishing.)  The directional cursors on the enemy units remained, but I couldn't do anything and had to Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out.

Also, sometimes when the enemy army acts, it seems like more than one unit acts at once.  One starts, but as they end their turn (are attacking/are being counter-attacked by who they attacked), another enemy unit starts to move.  This isn't necessarily problematic, but the game slows down a tad when that happens.  If the last enemy unit attacks someone who can counter, sometimes the next player's turn starts before the counter-attack damage is dealt.  (I believe I saw this in the downloadable trial version from Kickstarter as well, but I was using a version about a month old.)


I wasn't able to see what exactly preceded the event, but I just had the AI lock up on the Impaler mission.  The only option I had was to right-click and end-game.  If not for that, I would have assumed the whole game had frozen.  Latest build that I just downloaded.  Should we be completely uninstalling the old alphas before reinstalling?  I just replaced the install using the new download.

Also, just a heads up.  When I look under Program in the Control Panel (to uninstall the game), it lists the Publisher as unknown.

*EDIT 2*
I removed the game and did a clean install.  Was unable to replicate the bug.