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Telepath Tactics stretch goals: come vote!

Started by CraigStern, February 27, 2013, 01:57:52 PM

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What stretch goals should Telepath Tactics have in the upcoming Kickstarter campaign?

mobile ports (iOS / Android)
18 (30%)
a desert tileset
5 (8.3%)
a shadowling city tileset
8 (13.3%)
a dungeon tileset with traps, openable doors, scripted levers and buttons
28 (46.7%)
randomized battlefield generation
25 (41.7%)
extra NPCs with animated sprites
13 (21.7%)
extra character classes with animated sprites
36 (60%)
voice acting for the main campaign
4 (6.7%)
an extra branch in the main campaign
21 (35%)
professional, original sound effects
8 (13.3%)
other (list below)
7 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 60

Voting closed: March 18, 2013, 02:51:39 PM


I think the extra resources including extra sprites and tiles will be of help to the original developer as much as the modders.  Extra tiles will ensure more vairation in the Campaign and Multiplayer maps, while more sprite animations will ensure more unique characters and better storytelling.


my votes:

-a dungeon tileset with traps, openable doors, scripted levers and buttons
-*Different difficulty levels (maybe 3??)
-Extra resources to create character classes and sprites (specifically in the *execution style of Telepath Tactics, not to be confused with copying other artists work)

little fond of the last one


Quote from: the_question on March 13, 2013, 10:23:49 AM
-Extra resources to create character classes and sprites (specifically in the style of Telepath Tactics)

Interesting. So, templates and such? Or were you thinking an actual program?


Thanks for staying sharp and continuing to check this Craig!

Quote from: borsook on March 03, 2013, 03:50:55 AM
I have a feeling too many of the goals are stuff that's appealing to modders, but not necessarily to people who just want to play the game...

That is because Telepath Tactics is unlike any other tactics game, it has the ability to be customize in a way that fans from other series could only dream of.  Just take a look at this site:
They have been practically in love with a game for like a decade; however, the work around is really not meant for "non-modders" simply due to the difficulty required in the learning curve.  Especially the lack of resources made, given that Square Enix does not want them modding. 

So as a player I think you would be happy to have a modding community that would invite you to be a playtester or have added content that "keeps on rolling out". 

Quote from: CraigStern on March 13, 2013, 11:01:15 AM
Quote from: the_question on March 13, 2013, 10:23:49 AM
-Extra resources to create character classes and sprites (specifically in the style of Telepath Tactics)

Interesting. So, templates and such? Or were you thinking an actual program?

I was thinking of maybe a tutorial that shows us how you edited the coded or got a character class to function the way it is in your game.  I know this goes hand in hand with the sprite animations/sprites, so a explanation of this would be really helpful as to how you put it all together. 

As far as program goes idk, most sprite editing can be done in any paint program.  So maybe an explanation of simply how you take .gif (animations) and plug them into your program...   Oh and idk if it really matters if the sprite style clashes given that you artist probably want to take credit for their work.   So maybe emphasizing to probably credit other people would be gr8! 

Does that help?

*edited vote choices above*


Oh, yeah, of course! I'm actually including a reference for modders in the game manual--it's still in progress, but you can see portions of it already in the current draft:

Once the game's features are more settled, I'll probably produce a series of videos like this and this going step by step through how to mod in content. ;)


This game would be perfect on a tablet so a mobile port is a must!

I strongly recommend you aim for Android first because the submission process is a LOT easier and you can update the game anytime you want.



I would tend to agree that the game would be successful on tablets. But I think the priority should be getting as much gameplay related stuff and content out.

Voted for extra branch of campaign, character classes and dungeon tileset. After that I would go for the other 2 tilesets, sound effects and NPC's.

Out of curiosity, will this game have optional sidequests like in Fire Emblem? On one hand their being optional always seemed to be mostly pointless because of course I was going to accept them! But on the other hand, I feel they did add something to the story with the extra bit of character development/background information they offered and the feeling that I COULD choose to refuse them.

Was just thinking that the extra branch of the campaign could be added in this way, additional missions along the way, optional but with their own story.


[I hope it's okay for me to respond a little bit here, even though this isn't really a discussion thread]

The issue of optional sidequests' optionality being mostly pointless is interesting -- I would think the crux of the issue is that in most games, there's zero opportunity cost for taking on a sidequest. If there is, it's because it's one of the central, well-thought-out elements of a game. But even a little opportunity cost, like time lost, or losing the chance to recruit a character, or angering one group because you were seen assisting another, would be nice in games that have those optional sidequests, so it's actually a practical choice rather than a decision between experiencing more content or missing out on it.

[Note: I'm not here to demand that you do this, Craig. By the very fact that this thread is about stretch goals, I can tell you're, well, stretched. Although, should you happen to choose to have sidequests, I feel that a legitimate opportunity cost to undertaking them would be yet another interesting element in this already unconventionally awesome game.]


Well its somewhat relevant to stretch goals, maybe.

With the sidequests being optional, I was only thinking of Fire Emblem at the time where I literally could see no point to not taking the sidequest. Unless someone wanted to get the game over and done with? But then I'd say the TBT genre while not exactly niche, is a genre where it's very easy to know if you enjoy games in it or if you don't. So the number of people who would skip sidequests that have no opportunity cost would be very small.

So yes you're right, implementing opportunity cost in the way you've suggested is something that sounds enjoyable. Choice in video games, almost always a plus, also creates a reason to replay the game.

But I was talking specifically about the extra branch in the campaign. If its something heavy with story content than it maybe isn't something you'd want to have a large opportunity cost. But having a series of optional missions along the way telling this additional story in pieces is maybe one way to do this extra campaign branch. It would create the opportunity to extend the campaign and possibly be more interesting to write/read because more details about the world and characters could be revealed. As opposed to just having a fork in the road, having the choice of following one characters trek through haunted forest or another's charge through enemy territory for example.


Hello. I voted for tilesets and NPCs, because I'm most interested in the modding aspects of the game.


Thanks for the feedback, guys. ;)

I know of exactly one Fire Emblem game that had a branch like that, Recknar; Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. The campaign forked about 1/3 of the way through, then came back together something like 2/3 of the way through. It was a little weird, because it actually served double duty as a sort of difficulty selection. (You were told up-front which way would be harder.)


Mobile (android) would be great.  Even better would be if the game would sync status between PC and android ;)

Tactics games like this would be perfect for the mobile "pick up and play a little bit whenever you can" that seems to limit my gaming these days.


My first choice is more classes. I would also argue AGAINST voice acting as good voice acting is very expensive and alot of work, while bad voice acting can really ruin an experience.

Also these forums are a lot of work. I have to answer 3 non bot questions every time I post??


Quote from: Lukez on March 15, 2013, 11:24:19 AM
I would also argue AGAINST voice acting as good voice acting is very expensive and alot of work, while bad voice acting can really ruin an experience.

I second this. I think voice acting will cause too many headaches for you Craig. Once its recorded you can't change your mind on what's going on in that part of the campaign unless you cut the voice work or repay to get it recorded. Also if you do port it to mobile it could make the download a lot bigger.